what would a lawyer contact a non-costodian parent about

by Suzanne Schmitt 3 min read

The noncustodial parent pays child support and also has visitation rights. But sometimes the noncustodial parent may totally disregard the terms of custody and visitation arrangement. Get in touch with a trusted lawyer to discuss a non custodial parent that won’t return child.

Full Answer

What does it mean to be a non custodial parent?

Jan 03, 2021 · January 3, 2021; Child Custody; No doubt about it, divorce and child custody matters are emotional.The emotional and mental toll a divorce takes on the adults and children involved is palpable. At Price Family Law, we understand how to navigate the process, allowing you to focus on healing, whether you are the custodial or the non-custodial parent.

What are the rights of a noncustodial parent?

Aug 30, 2021 · Non-custodial parents who share legal custody have the right to equally participate in making important long-term decisions for children. If you are a non-custodial parent, you also have the right to view your child’s medical and education records. Ideally, the custodial spouse will share this with you regularly. However, if this is not the case, you can …

Who is the primary custodial parent in a custody case?

But sometimes the noncustodial parent may totally disregard the terms of custody and visitation arrangement. Get in touch with a trusted lawyer to discuss a non custodial parent that won’t return child. In a number of cases, it is the child who refuses to return to the custodial parent. Custodial Parents’ Main Concerns Non Custodial Kidnapping

Can a custodial parent order a noncustodial to pay medical support?

Jun 03, 2021 · The Decision-Making Process Non-custodial parents have input into decisions like the child’s physician, school, and so on. The problem is that these matters often end in a 1-1 tie, and someone must be a tie breaker. Therefore, to protect the interests of both parents, many attorneys include specific language in divorce decrees.

At what age can a child decide which parent to live with in California 2020?

14In California, the law allows children age 14 and up to express their parental preference to aid in determining custody. However, no matter the child's age, a judge will consider their preference in evaluating the overall suitability of the custody arrangement.Dec 30, 2021

What age can a child decide not to see a parent in California?

14(Cal. Fam. Code § 3042 (a).) If a child is at least 14, the law allows the child to state a custodial preference, unless the judge believes doing so would be detrimental.

How can a narcissist win custody?

The process of securing child custody against a narcissist is essentially the same as with anybody else. Both parents must either agree on a custody plan during mediation and take it to court to be approved, or they must fight over the specifics of their arrangement during litigation.

Does Facetime count as visitation?

Applications like Facetime, Skype, etc., can add additional visitation time between a parent and their child. Other forms of virtual communication might include email, private chat rooms, instant messaging, or even playing video games together and talking with headphones.

What happens if the custodial parent refuses visitation in California?

The court will order the noncomplying parent to follow the court orders or face civil or criminal penalties, which in the most severe cases can even include jail time.

Can a child refuse contact with parent?

Can I refuse contact? Contact should only be refused where there is very good reason for doing so, for instance if there is an issue of safety or violence, when contact could be refused. Refusal to allow a parent to have contact is likely to result in an application being made to court.Apr 30, 2020

How do you expose a narcissist in custody?

Getting a narcissist to reveal themselves in court may be as easy as allowing them to talk about what a great parent they are to their children. Let them talk about how they spend time with the children doing homework, taking them to practice, and riding bicycles.Apr 20, 2021

How do you prove a narcissist in court?

Key Takeaway About Beating a Narcissist in Family CourtDocument everything with facts, dates, and copies of any communications.If other people witnessed your spouse's behavior, tell your lawyer immediately.Remain calm during each court appearance or meeting involving your spouse.More items...•Mar 16, 2021

What kind of questions do you ask a narcissist in child custody?

Examples of Questions an Attorney Might Ask a Narcissist During a Custody ProceedingHow many children do you have with (former spouse or partner's name)?Do you want to be in your children's lives?Since you want shared custody, what will that mean to everyone involved?Sep 26, 2019

How often should a father check on his child?

While there's no one-size-fits-all routine, a typical visitation schedule may include: Overnights every other weekend. One weeknight visit or overnight per week. An extended visit during the summer, such as two to six weeks.Jan 13, 2022

How often should a father call his child?

Unless there is a specific need, parents should not initiate a call or text to their children more than one time a day while they are in the other parent's custody. It is understandable to miss the child, but co-parenting requires respect for the child's time with the other parent.Jan 20, 2015

Can my ex keep me from talking to my child?

You Have Legal Rights! If you can prove that he or she is intentionally withholding the children from you, the court will take action to enforce the court orders. If the problem persists, it can result in contempt of court or the judge may even consider awarding you custody.Jul 6, 2020

Physical Custody Divisions

Until recently, most non-custodial parents had physical custody every other weekend and on every other holiday. This model still works very well in many cases. However, it usually results in about a 70-30 time division. Furthermore, the schedule has many moving parts.

The Decision-Making Process

Non-custodial parents have input into decisions like the child’s physician, school, and so on. The problem is that these matters often end in a 1-1 tie, and someone must be a tie breaker.


Non-custodial parents are still crucial figures in their child’s life and are designated specific periods of parenting time. When joint legal custody is in place, they have a right to help make important decisions at all times.

How to establish paternity?

2. Unmarried couples can establish paternity by sign- ing a legal document called an Acknowledgment of Paternity (AOP) or by petitioning the court. A father’s name on the child’s birth certificate does notestab- lish a legal relationship. 3. Understand the consequences of signing a legal document before you sign.

What happens if you don't go to court in Texas?

In Texas, if you don’t go to court after being served for a hearing, the court can make decisions about paternity and child support without you. If you cannot appear in court at the designated time, contact the court or child support office handling your case and ask how to file a response with the court.

What is the purpose of the OAG?

The purpose of this handbook is to inform noncustodial parents about paternity establishment and child support services. The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) believes that children do better when they have the love and support of both parents. This guide is designed with that in mind. The OAG does not represent the parents or ...

Where to send child support check in Texas?

To pay by check or money order, send support payments to the State Disbursement Unit (along with your case number). State Disburs ement Unit (SDU) PO Box 659791 San Antonio, TX 78265-9761 For online payment options, visit the child support section of www.texasattorneygeneral.gov and click [Make a child support payment].

What is possessory conservator?

A possessory conservator, or noncustodial parent, has the legal right to spend time with the child and know the whereabouts of the child. These rights are commonly called “access and visita- tion” or “possession.”. Many people think only fathers can be noncustodial par- ents, but that is not the case.

Does the OAG enforce visitation rights?

Federal law does not allow the OAG to enforce a parent's visitation rights. However, there are resources that the OAG provides to help parents who have trouble seeing their children. For help with custody or visitation issues, call the Access and Visitation Hotline at (866)292-4636. The Hotline is answered in English and Spanish, Monday -

What does paternity mean in Texas?

Paternity means legal fatherhood. It creates ties between the child and the father, both emotionally and legally. In Texas, an unmarried father is not automatically recog- nized as the legal father. Parents who are not married when a baby is born must establish paternity for their child to have a legal father.

What is an example of a non-custodial parent in a court case?

An example of a non-custodial parent in a court case can be found in a case where the non-custodial parent was ordered to pay what can only be described as outrageous amounts in child support. Here, Carolyn and Bryan Baraby got married in 1978, and had two children together. Carolyn filed for divorce in February of 1995.

Why do non-custodial parents give up custody?

Rather, a non-custodial parent may give up custody because he or she believes it will be in the best interests of the child. It may be easier on the child to not have to travel between both parents’ homes. Therefore, it may be in the best interests of the child to have the child live with one parent, rather than to disrupt ...

What are the best interests of a child?

Generally speaking, there are five factors the courts consider when determining the best interests of the child. These factors include: 1 The ability to effectively parent – This includes providing for such physical and emotional needs as food, shelter, clothing, healthcare, education, parental guidance, and loving support. Also considered by the courts are the parents’ physical and mental health. 2 The ability to maintain consistency in the child’s routine – This includes living arrangements, access to members of the child’s extended family, and school or daycare routines. 3 The child’s age – Younger children tend to need more attention and care than older children. Some courts will hear from the child on what the child wants, depending on his age. 4 The child’s safety – Of course, if the courts believe one home to be safer than the other for the child, then the child will be placed with the safer of the two. 5 The effect of changing an existing routine – Judges try to keep any changes that would have a negative effect on a child’s routine to a minimum.

What is sole legal custody?

Sole legal custody, on the other hand, means that only one parent has the right and responsibility to make decisions that have an effect on the child’s health, education, and welfare. In these situations, the non-custodial parent is granted visitation, but does not live with the child, and cannot make such decisions as which school ...

What is physical custody?

The term “physical custody” refers to the parent with whom the child physically lives. When parents share joint physical custody, this means that each parent spends regular time with the child in his or her own home. When parents share physical custody, the courts will usually require parents to design a parenting plan to make sure that there is consistency in the child’s life, and that the plan is in the best interests of the child. The plan may also provide for which parent’s house will be considered the child’s official residence for the purpose of school and medical records.

What does it mean when one parent has sole custody?

When one parent has sole physical custody, this means that the child is to live with that parent, and be under that parent’s supervision in the eyes of the law. The non-custodial parent then visits with the child in accordance with the terms of a previously established visitation agreement.

What is child support?

Child Support. The amount of child support a non-custodial parent is directed to pay toward a child’s education and lifestyle is typically determined at the state level. However, there are more general guidelines that can be applied across the board.