what do you call a republican lawyer

by Sherman Pagac 4 min read

What do you call someone who is not a Republican or Democrat?

Nov 02, 2020 · The jig is up. At least according to Ben Ginsberg, the single most prominent Republican election lawyer in the country, who, in a scathing piece published Sunday by The Washington Post, called out ...

Who are the Real Republicans?

Sep 17, 2020 · Kevin Kiley, a 35-year-old Republican, left his budding law career to take on a career in the Democrat-dominant California state Legislature. He has since made his mark by becoming a fierce ...

What is an example of a republican form of government?

Joke has 76.32 % from 546 votes. More jokes about: driving, food, gay, sex. George W. Bush and Bill Clinton both decided to have biographies written about them. George called him "The Three Most Powerful Men - Bush, Dick, and Colon". Bill called his "Sex Between the Bushes".

What does it mean to be a Republican in the UK?

e. Republicanism in the United Kingdom is the political movement that seeks to replace the United Kingdom 's monarchy with a republic. Supporters of the movement, called republicans, support alternative forms of governance to a monarchy, such as an elected head of state, or no head of state at all. Monarchy has been the form of government used ...


What is the RNLA?

The RNLA is comprised of lawyers and law students who advance the professionalism of lawyers generally. It gathers Republican lawyers for legal education related to law in political, government, legislative and private firm settings.

What do you call a US lawyer?

In the United States, the terms lawyer and attorney are often used interchangeably. For this reason, people in and out of the legal field often ask, “is an attorney and a lawyer the same thing?”. In colloquial speech, the specific requirements necessary to be considered a lawyer vs attorney aren't always considered.

What is another term for lawyer?

Synonyms of lawyeradvocate,attorney,attorney-at-law,counsel,counselor.(or counsellor),counselor-at-law,legal eagle.

What are female lawyers called?

On several occasions, female lawyers and judges are made to affix their status to their names such as “Miss”, “Mrs.” and “Ms.” during introductions in court or in legal documents, while the male lawyers and judges are not required to do so or can use general terms like “Mr.”.

What was the Russian Revolution?

In the wake of the First World War, the Russian monarchy fell during the Russian Revolution. The Russian Provisional Government was established in its place on the lines of a liberal republic, but this was overthrown by the Bolsheviks who went on to establish the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. This was the first republic established under Marxist-Leninist ideology. Communism was wholly opposed to monarchy, and became an important element of many republican movements during the 20th century. The Russian Revolution spread into Mongolia, and overthrew its theocratic monarchy in 1924. In the aftermath of the Second World War the communists gradually gained control of Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Hungary and Albania, ensuring that the states were reestablished as socialist republics rather than monarchies.

What are modern republics?

The modern type of "republic" itself is different from any type of state found in the classical world. Nevertheless, there are a number of states of the classical era that are today still called republics. This includes ancient Athens and the Roman Republic. While the structure and governance of these states was different from that of any modern republic, there is debate about the extent to which classical, medieval, and modern republics form a historical continuum. J. G. A. Pocock has argued that a distinct republican tradition stretches from the classical world to the present. Other scholars disagree. Paul Rahe, for instance, argues that the classical republics had a form of government with few links to those in any modern country.

What is the difference between a monarchy and a republic?

The distinction between a republic and a monarchy is not always clear. The constitutional monarchies of the former British Empire and Western Europe today have almost all real political power vested in the elected representatives, with the monarchs only holding either theoretical powers, no powers or rarely used reserve powers. Real legitimacy for political decisions comes from the elected representatives and is derived from the will of the people. While hereditary monarchies remain in place, political power is derived from the people as in a republic. These states are thus sometimes referred to as crowned republics.

What is the painting of Neptune?

Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, Neptune offers the wealth of the sea to Venice, 1748–1750. This painting is an allegory of the power of the Republic of Venice. In Europe new republics appeared in the late Middle Ages when a number of small states embraced republican systems of government.

How many states use the word "republic"?

As of 2017. [update] , 159 of the world's 206 sovereign states use the word "republic" as part of their official names. Not all of these are republics in the sense of having elected governments, nor is the word "republic" used in the names of all states with elected governments. The word republic comes from the Latin term res publica, ...

How are presidents elected?

In liberal democracies, presidents are elected, either directly by the people or indirectly by a parliament or council. Typically in presidential and semi-presidential systems the president is directly elected by the people, or is indirectly elected as done in the United States.

What was the name of the Turkish empire that was centered on Ankara?

Following the collapse of the Seljuk Sultanate of Rum and establishment of the Turkish Anatolian Beyliks, the Ahiler merchant fraternities established a state centered on Ankara that is sometimes compared to the Italian mercantile republics.

What is the political movement that seeks to replace the United Kingdom's monarchy with a republic?

Republicanism in the United Kingdom is the political movement that seeks to replace the United Kingdom 's monarchy with a republic. Supporters of the movement, called republicans, support alternative forms of governance to a monarchy, such as an elected head of state, or no head of state at all.

What flag was used in the Spa Fields riots?

During the 1816 Spa Fields riots, a green, white and red horizontal flag appeared for the first time, soon followed by a red, white and green horizontal version allegedly in use during the 1817 Pentrich rising and the 1819 Peterloo Massacre.

What is the SNP's policy?

The SNP's official policy is that the British monarch would remain head of state of an independent Scotland, unless the people of Scotland decided otherwise. Plaid Cymru have a similar view for Wales, although its youth wing, Plaid Ifanc, has an official policy advocating a Welsh republic.

Why did the French go to Ireland?

The First French Republic would indeed stage an Expedition to Ireland in December 1796 to help the Society of United Irishmen set up an Irish republic in order to destabilise the United Kingdom, but this ended in a failure. The subsequent Irish Rebellion of 1798 was utterly crushed by the British Army.

What is the meaning of republican in Northern Ireland?

In Northern Ireland, the term "republica n" is usually used in the sense of Irish republicanism. While also against the monarchy, Irish republicans are ...

Which media have voted for the abolition of the monarchy?

Media. The Guardian, Observer and Independent newspapers have all advocated the abolition of the monarchy. In the wake of the 2009 MPs' expenses scandal, a poll of readers of the Guardian and Observer newspapers placed support for abolition of the monarchy at 54%, although only 3% saw it as a top priority.

When did Napoleon abandon republicanism?

Napoleon also planned an invasion of Britain since 1798 and more seriously since 1803, but in 1804 he relinquished republicanism by crowning himself Emperor of the French and converting all Sister Republics into client kingdoms of the French Empire, before calling off the invasion of Britain altogether in 1805.

Can you name the movie from its popular song?

Name the films associated with these popular songs from the past six decades.

Who said these famous quotes in history?

Pick the notable humans in history that originally said these memorable quotes in this multiple-choice challenge.

Can you pass the amazing animals test?

Test your knowledge about creatures on the planet Earth with this multiple-choice challenge.

Can you pass this basic astronomy test?

How much do you know about planets, stars, galaxies and celestial masses in the universe?

Can you pass a pandemics, plagues and infectious diseases test?

Learn about such killers as tuberculosis, SARS and the Black Death in this multiple-choice challenge.

Can you name a lead singer's rock band?

Take the ultimate multiple-choice challenge to find out who fronted such legendary rock bands as Aerosmith, Queen and the Clash.

Name the famous inventors of these revolutionary products

Remember the men and women responsible for the invention or discovery of such items as the machine gun, corn flakes and potato chips in this multiple-choice challenge.

What is the president's full name?

The Presidents’ full name is Barack Hussein Obama and he was born in the United States of America. 4 . Hate is not a Christian virtue. 5 . Jesus was a liberal. 6 . Tea parties are for little girls. 7 . The Constitution is the law, NOT the Bible.

Is waterboarding a torture?

Waterboarding IS torture. 14 . Separation of church and state is in the Constitution, it’s called the First Amendment. 15 . Muslims are protected by the Constitution, just as much as Christians. 16 . Barack Obama is the first African-American President, get over it. 17 . The Oval Office is NOT a “whites only” office.

What do you call yourself if you don't want to associate with a party?

If you don’t want to associate with a party, you call yourself and Independent. You wouldn’t be able to vote in a primary, of course. If you want to vote, but not in the two main parties, there are other parties and/or candidates on the ballot—only nobody knows anything about them.

What is it called when you don't vote?

If you are not in any of the 12 you might be called an independent. If you don’t vote, you might be called an abstainer or indifferent.

Is the Green Party an independent party?

Generally it is referred to as being an independent. Sometimes specified to something like ‘Green Party.’. But overall, what the Founders viewed to be political factions (I think they correctly viewed the majority of us to be interested in the same outcomes), really shouldn't exist.

Is independent a political party?

There are many political parties with members, whereas “Independent” generally refers to not being a part of a political party. DSA, Libertarians, Green party, Constitution party, Communist party, you could be them.

Can you be a Democrat besides a Republican?

First, there are many things you can be besides a Democrat or a Republican. These include but aren’t limited to a member of the Green Party, a member of La Raza Unida. a Socialist, a Democratic Socialist, or a Libertarian. In some states, you can simply vote as an Independent.

Is Vermin Supreme a Libertarian?

Vermin Supreme created the Free Pony Party in 2012, but he gave up and became a Libertarian in 2016. On and on. It is easily possible to join and become a member of these parties. In general, though, persons not Republican or Democrats are referred to as Independents or Indies.

What is the difference between a Republican and a Democrat?

. A Republican sees a man drowning 50 feet from the pier. He throws the man a 25 foot rope, and expects him to swim half way. A Democrat sees a man drowning 50 feet from the pier. He throws him a 100 foot rope.

What did the genie say to the Republican?

A Republican and a Democrat found a magic lamp. The genie said "I will grant one wish per person". The Republican immediately jumped forward and said "I wish all Republicans and conservatives had their own planet, separate from all these libs.". The genie nodded and the Republican vanished.




While the philosophical terminology developed in classical Greece and Rome, as already noted by Aristotle there was already a long history of city states with a wide variety of constitutions, not only in Greece but also in the Middle East. After the classical period, during the Middle Ages, many free cities developed again, such as Venice.


The term originates from the Latin translation of Greek word politeia. Cicero, among other Latin writers, translated politeia as res publica and it was in turn translated by Renaissance scholars as "republic" (or similar terms in various western European languages).
The term politeia can be translated as form of government, polity, or regime and is therefore not always a word for a specific type of regime as the modern word republic is. One of Plato's major …

Head of state

With no monarch, most modern republics use the title president for the head of state. Originally used to refer to the presiding officer of a committee or governing body in Great Britain the usage was also applied to political leaders, including the leaders of some of the Thirteen Colonies(originally Virginia in 1608); in full, the "President of the Council". The first republic to adopt the title …

Other meanings

Before the 17th Century, the term 'republic' could be used to refer to states of any form of government as long as it was not a tyrannical regime. French philosopher Jean Bodin's definition of the republic was “the rightly ordered government of a number of families, and of those things which are their common concern, by a sovereign power.” Oligarchies and monarchies could also be included as they were also organised toward 'public' shared interests. In medieval texts, 'repu…

See also

• Commonwealth
• Democracy
• Democratic republic
• Free state
• List of republics

Further reading

• Martin van Gelderen & Quentin Skinner, eds., Republicanism: A Shared European Heritage, v. 1, Republicanism and Constitutionalism in Early Modern Europe, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press., 2002
• Martin van Gelderen & Quentin Skinner, eds., Republicanism: A Shared European Heritage, v. 2, The Values of Republicanism in Early Modern Europe, Cambridge: Cambridge U.P., 2002

External links

• William R. Everdell, "From State to Freestate: The Meaning of the Word Republic from Jean Bodin to John Adams" Archived 2019-03-24 at the Wayback Machine (7th ISECS, Budapest, 7/31/87) in Valley Forge Journal, June, 1991
• Media related to Republic at Wikimedia Commons
• Media related to Republics at Wikimedia Commons