poorly explain what you do for a living lawyer

by Dr. Turner Huels II 4 min read

What makes a good lawyer?

A good lawyer will always do their best for their client, and always listen to that client as well. After all, the Supreme Court building bears the inscription "Equal Justice Under Law," and we take that seriously.

Do lawyers work for the money or the client?

But although some of us work for the money, it doesn't mean we don't care deeply about our professional ethics, clients, and that everyone gets the treatment in court they deserve. A good lawyer will always do their best for their client, and always listen to that client as well.

What is the most boring part of being a lawyer?

Most of our job is reading, writing, and paperwork. Seriously. There is a reason most trials are boring, and it’s because all lawyers are taught to do in law school is read and then write about the things we read.

How many Billable Hours does a lawyer work?

Just because of how the world works, an eight hour work day might only result in five billable hours. Many lawyers are subject to requirements from the firm for minimum billing, which can mean 60 hour weeks to get to 30 billed hours. And even then, big law firms can find ways to screw us over.


What is the job of a lawyer?

A lawyer's job is about argument. Very specific arguments. You see, America, like all English colonies, is a common law count. What that means is that courts, not legislators, get to interpret exactly what a specific law means. Judges write out what they think laws mean or how a law applies to a certain situation.

Why are trials so boring?

Seriously. There is a reason most trials are boring, and it’s because all lawyers are taught to do in law school is read and then write about the things we read. A huge hunk of a lawyer’s day — when we aren’t arguing cases or talking clients out of doing really dumb things (“No, you can’t fire that person cause they’re old;” “Yes, they will catch you if you ‘sort of’ break your probation terms"; or being told amazing, ridiculous stories) is taken up with writing pleadings, memos, and letters about what the law means and how it applies. You may think that the law is just what's in the statute books, but you’d be very very wrong.

What does it mean when the media gets things wrong?

When the media gets things wrong, it means that the general public has an inaccurate idea about what lawyers do, which makes our jobs harder, because clients have unrealistic expectations. So here I am to explain to you some of the realities of lawyering — or at least lawyering as I experience it.

Why is trial by surprise not allowed in federal court?

Once). In federal court especially, the rule precludes "trial by surprise" because parties have to provide exhibit and witness lists to each other weeks in advance. Furthermore, there are extremely stringent rules about how a lawyer can ask questions and about what.

Do we consider ourselves crusaders for justice?

Not all of us consider ourselves crusaders for justice. Yes, many bright-eyed, bushy-tailed young people embark on law school with a dream of making the world a better place, but often, after law school, comes the crushing reality of rent and those extra crushing student loan payments.
