how a lawyer collects unpaid rent

by Seamus Hoeger 5 min read

Are there any legal options for collecting unpaid rent?

When it comes to collecting unpaid back or delinquent rent, though the process may be frustrating, several legal options are available to you. Keep in mind that many state laws are designed to protect consumers, even the bad ones, during rent collection.

Should you hire a collection agency to collect unpaid rent?

However, before employing a collection agency to help you collect unpaid rent, make sure that you inquire about their collection practices through third parties. Some states have deceptive trade claims or causes of action based on creditors knowingly forwarding rental debts to an agency they know uses abusive collection practices.

How do I sue a tenant for unpaid rent?

You can start by using the tenant's security deposit (if any) to cover the unpaid rent. If the deposit doesn't cover the two month's rent, you can sue your former tenant in small claims court (or a similar civil court) for the back rent. If you want the tenants to pay you the money owed, then you would sue the tenants in "assumpsit."

Can a tenant collect rent if a suit is filed?

Make sure that you request the costs of filing the suit as part of your damages, because you cannot collect them if you don’t ask for them back. After your suit if filed, you will have to make sure that the tenant receives notice of the suit to collect rent.


How do you get unpaid rent after tenant move out in Ontario?

If the tenant does not pay or move out, you can apply to the LTB for an order to evict the tenant and to collect the rent that the tenant owes; or. You can apply to the LTB for an order to collect the rent that the tenant owes, without asking the LTB to make an order to evict the tenant.

How do you get unpaid rent after tenant moves out in California?

Answer: You can start by using the tenant's security deposit (if any) to cover the unpaid rent. If the deposit doesn't cover the two month's rent, you can sue your former tenant in small claims court (or a similar civil court) for the back rent.

What can landlords do about unpaid rent during Covid 19?

Consider all your options. Money from federal rental assistance could cover up to 18 months of rent – including unpaid rent incurred during the COVID-19 pandemic and future rent in certain cases – when the money is available. Evicting tenants can be time-consuming and expensive.

How long does a landlord have to collect unpaid rent California?

Answer: California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1161(2) limits the amount of past-due rent that can be collected with to a three-day notice to rent that was unpaid no more than one year before the notice.

1. Try to Collect the Rent

While this option may seem a bit too obvious, it’s a worthwhile place to start. One of the best ways to ensure on-time rent payments is to establish both a rent collection policy and a pattern of clear communication with your tenant from the onset.

2. Take the Rent Out of Your Security Deposit

In some cases, you may be able to use your tenant’s security deposit to cover the costs of unpaid rent.

3. Small Claims Court

If you are unable to recover unpaid rent through your security deposit, your next stop may be small claims court. This usually happens when a tenant breaks a lease by leaving abruptly or leaves a casual rental agreement without giving proper notice.

4. Collections Services

In some cases, a landlord may find the process of filing in small claims court is not worth their time or effort. Or, they may find it difficult to locate the new address of a previous tenant.

5. Debt Reporting

Another option is to report your former tenant’s rent debt to a credit bureau. While this option will not directly help you uncover rent immediately, it can motivate them to re-pay the rent in the long run.

The Bottom Line: Collecting Unpaid Rent

The collection of unpaid rent is not a situation that any good landlord wants to find themselves in, but it’s an unfortunate fact of life.

How to Collect Unpaid Rent After Eviction

It is one thing to let a tenant in, and another get him to pay money owed on a rental property. It is within our nature to trust as humans, and so, we take a loan for someone, say, family, and we hope the person makes good on his promise to pay back money owed. All the proof of transactions made is the words of his mouth.

How To Collect Delinquent Rent from Tenants

These are so-called because they are remedies a landlord can use to collect his unpaid rent without going to court. This includes notices of eviction, lockout, and landlord lien on the property ( this is a right to take possession of a debtor’s property as security until debt or duty has been discharged).

How Do I Collect Rent From a Former Tenant?

Once an eviction is underway, recovering your rent would be the least of your problems as you would be assailed with other expenses such as compensation for damages to your property, late fees, returned check fees, and attorney’s fees.


When we talk about landlords collecting what is due them, we must bear in mind that most of the laws as far as property acquisition and rent collection are concerned are structured to favor and protect the consumers, even recalcitrant ones.

What should a real estate lawyer draw out?

Every real estate lawyer should draw out the terms that will guide both the landlord and the tenants, state clearly what is expected from each party so that when one defaults, the case becomes easy to handle. The terms must be by the laws of the state where the property is located.

What happens to a security deposit when a renter moves out?

Security deposit is a one-time, refundable amount of money that a landlord collects from a tenant when collecting the tenant’s first month’s rent. The state you are in may limit ...

What is the right of a credit bureau?

The credit bureau operating under the Privacy Act has the right to collect, hold, use, and disclose personal, bank account details, and credit-related information about a debtor. Once a person is proved as a debtor by the credit bureau, the collections agencies can come in.

How do creditors work with creditors?

They will work with creditors to obtain all the necessary information before seeking out the debtor. The creditors have access to a database that is being made available by credit bureaus. With the information on the database, the debtor can be located even if they have moved out of their former location to another.

Why add legal fees to lease agreement?

That is why it is advisable in the United States to add the legal fees in the lease agreement because for a lawyer to get involved, his legal fees must be paid. If the lease fee did not make provision for attorney fees, then get a lawyer referral service as this will equally help out.

Can a landlord sue a tenant in Ontario?

A landlord can sue the tenant in Ontario small claims court. The court will invite both landlord and his ex-tenant for a court hearing before a decision will be reached.

Can a landlord give a tenant contact information?

Whichever option the landlord chooses, he must be able to provide the tenant’s contact information and rental agreement. Then the court will invite both for a hearing before you can obtain a judgment that requires the former tenant to pay the rent.

Why do landlords want a judgment?

Most landlords want the judgment simply for the purpose of affecting the tenant’s credit, and if this is the case there is a better and cheaper way of achieving the same result.

How long to give notice to evict someone?

It’s time to issue a 3 day notice to pay or quit and be prepared to evict. Making your rent payment a priority will be the only way to avoid getting story after story of how they can’t pay but will make payments to catch up. This very rarely happens and you’re only delaying the inevitable.

Can a tenant get out of paying a judgment?

The only possible way that the tenant could get out of paying is if he can convince the court that the state where he used to live was not the proper jurisdiction. This is very unlikely to happen, however, and you should have no problems collecting the money owed to you.

Can you freeze a judgment in New York?

Executing a judgment can be next to impossible, especially with state restrictions on this. In New York, for example, you cannot freeze an account unless it has at least $2500 in it. Which if they had this kind of money in the account, they most likely wouldn’t have defaulted on their rent in the first place.

Can you pay rent a few days late?

Much like parenting, if you allow it once, you’ll be doomed to revisit the problem in short time. People pay their bills in priority and if they know they can pay the rent a few days late without penalty but can’t get the same terms from their car loan, then they’ll surely pay the car loan before the rent every time.

Does no blank space pay off?

This is when your no-blank-spaces policy will really pay off, because the more information the agency has, the better. In addition to the original rental application and lease agreement, an itemized list of all of the charges will help the agency validate the debt in the event the tenant disputes the claim.

Can you collect rent without a judgment?

Without the judgment, you have very little leverage to collect rent from a former tenant who has been hard to track down for unpaid rent. If your former tenant tries to get a loan for a car or home they could be denied and that’s why people want the judgment off of their record.
