how a lawyer deals with a divorced from a cult

by Ansel Rohan 4 min read

Are cults legal?

Many might assume that cults are legal simply because of the First Amendment right to free exercise of religion. But, in fact, some cults actually are illegal. Others are protected by the First Amendment, but their activities may not be.

How can I help someone who has been involved in a cult?

If you have concerns that someone you know is involved with a cult, you have several options. There are a number of groups that are dedicated to helping families and friends find loved ones who have been indoctrinated into a cult and helping them leave the group.

Can you disagree with the leadership of a cult?

To disagree with leadership is the same as disagreeing with God. The cult leaders will claim to have direct authority from God to control almost all aspects of your life. If the cult is not a religious group then questioning the leaders or program will still be seen as a sign of rebellion and stupidity.

Why do cults send family members to tell you it's a cult?

This is a preemptive strike against the warnings from friends and family members which they know will come. In fact some cults go as far to tell you that Satan will try and dissuade you by sending family members and friends to tell you it is a cult.


How does abuse affect divorce?

Effects of Abuse on Divorce. In many cases, one spouse’s emotional abuse may worsen once the victim leaves or files for divorce. It’s a way for the abuser to try to regain some control and keep you in the marriage. You should carefully document every instance of abuse during your marriage and your divorce.

What factors are considered in custody cases?

Some of the factors a judge may consider in a custody case, include: each parent’s mental and physical health. each parent’s ability to meet the child’s needs. the child’s medical, educational, and emotional needs. the child’s relationship with each parent.

What are the factors that determine custody?

Some of the factors a judge may consider in a custody case, include: 1 each parent’s mental and physical health 2 each parent’s ability to meet the child’s needs 3 the child’s medical, educational, and emotional needs 4 the child’s relationship with each parent 5 each parent’s stability 6 each parent’s employment demands 7 the child’s ties to extended family and/or siblings 8 either parent’s history of domestic violence, and 9 any other factor the court deems necessary.

Can an abusive spouse get custody?

A judge will try to come up with a parenting plan that serves a child’s best interests when evaluating custody. One parent’s abuse, even if it’s only against the other parent, can doom the abusive parent’s chances at obtaining custody.

Can a victim use the same phone as the abuser?

Some victims, for instance, might use the same computer or device as the abuser or might have a phone plan that allows the abuser to see the calls they make and receive. Other kinds of technology, like home security cameras and GPS in phones and cars, can also allow for monitoring by the abuser.

Does emotional abuse worsen after divorce?

In many cases, one spouse’s emotional abuse may worsen once the victim leaves or files for divorce.

Why are cults illegal?

This is due to the legal protections provided by the First Amendment freedom of religious exercise protection contained in the Constitution.

What is a cult?

Generally, a “cult” is considered to be a group of individuals with some common religious or metaphysical-philosophical ideology. Generally, this belief system is considered to be outside of the mainstream religions, or in some way radicalized.

Why do people oppose cults?

Many oppose cults because of activities that appear quite questionable. Examples may include brainwashing, strong-arming members into dedicating their belongings to the cult, undergoing unusual medical procedures, or a wide array of other conduct. However, just because one does not approve of the conduct does not make it illegal.

How are cults driven?

Unfortunately, most cults are driven by a leader or small group of leaders. These leaders can often change the tenets of the religion on a whim, making it difficult to impossible for law makers to get ahead of potentially dangerous groups or to identify standards by which a cult becomes illegal.

What are the common mistakes narcissists make during divorce?

Narcissists, by definition, are inherently unreasonable and manipulative. They also think they’re above the law, which leads them to take risks that can backfire. Here’s a list of common mistakes narcissists make during divorce. Hiding assets. Narcissists don’t care what’s fair.

How to counter unreasonable behavior?

Instead, counter their unreasonable behavior with your own steady, measured behavior. Don’t return hostility with hostility. Focus on communicating facts. Don’t accuse him or her of having a personality disorder; instead document actions that will provide evidence of your spouse’s unreasonable and unethical behavior.

How do narcissists intimidate you?

Narcissists are bullies. They try to intimidate you by threatening to take you to court, get full child custody, or bleed you dry. They’re fond of terrorizing you via email and text because these methods give them 24/7 access to your frazzled nervous system. Make sure to save their threatening emails for evidence.

What makes a narcissist intimidating?

But here’s something you need to know: the qualities that make narcissists so intimidating – grandiosity, rule-breaking, bullying – are often the same traits that are the source of the narcissist’s undoing in divorce. Narcissists are prone to making mistakes through their high conflict ways, and you can use these mistakes to your advantage Here’s ...

What does it mean to refuse to negotiate?

Refusal to negotiate. In order to negotiate, you need to be flexible in your thinking, capable of reciprocity, and able to manage emotions. None of these is the narcissist’s strong suit! Their inability to compromise can make mediation and out-of-court settlement impossible.

Do narcissists care about money?

Narcissists don’t care what’s fair . They go to great pains to hide marital assets, sometimes setting up secret accounts, “lending” money to friends, or stashing cash in safe-deposit boxes. Because they’re so grandiose, they don’t believe they’ll ever get caught. Playing games with child support.

What is the best way to get divorced?

Mediation involves a neutral attorney who helps couples reach an agreement in a divorce. The mediator doesn’t represent either spouse and can’t give legal advice. Instead, mediators help couples identify the issues that need to be resolved and create an agreement that comports with the law.

What to do if you can't agree on custody of your child?

If you have children and you can't agree on a custody arrangement with your spouse, you should hire an attorney to help you sort this out. There are many factors that go into a custody decision. An attorney who understands the law can help you be successful in the custody process.

Can a couple have one attorney for divorce?

Under limited circumstances, a couple can use one attorney to resolve their divorce. Specifically, couples who’ve already resolved their asset, debt division, and custody issues may want to hire one attorney to draft up a divorce agreement. But, the spouse who hires or “retains” the lawyer is the lawyer’s client.

Can a divorce lawyer represent you?

But, the spouse who hires or “retains” the lawyer is the lawyer’s client. If you are the unrepresented spouse, be aware that the lawyer preparing the divorce agreement doesn’t represent you and cannot give you legal advice. One attorney may be enough for couples with simple divorces, but make sure you understand your legal rights if you’re ...

Can I share my divorce attorney with my spouse?

Can I Share a Divorce Attorney With My Spouse? Divorce attorneys can’t represent both spouses in a divorce. If your spouse asks you to split the legal bill, don’t do it. An attorney hired by your spouse can’t serve your interests too.

Can you argue divorce in court?

Mediation is confidential and even if you and your spouse don’t reach an agreement, you can still argue your divorce in court. The major drawback of mediation is that a mediator can’t advise you if you’re making a good decision – only your own attorney can.

How to win a narcissist court case?

Winning in court or in mediation requires backing up your statements with evidence. Your opinions are hearsay, but documented facts are proof. When you’re in front of a judge or mediator, pretend you’re a reporter. Lay out the evidence that provides a narrative of your ex’s character and behavior. Remember: don’t get emotional! The more you stay calm and reasonable, the more your narcissist spouse will be frustrated that they can’t get you to look bad. Your demeanor, and exposing the inconsistency between their words and their actions, will make your spouse reveal their true personality.

Do initial impressions count as a family law judge?

First, you must remember that your family law professionals will be meeting you and your spouse for the first time, so initial impressions count. Don’t expect your judge or mediator to be the omniscient parent who will automatically see through your spouse and give you what you want – especially if your narcissist spouse is charismatic ...

What makes a cult a cult?

Their belief system could be standard Christianity, Hinduism, Islam or any other of the world religions, or they may have invented their own belief system. What makes them a cult is the fact that they use mind control, not what they believe.

What is a cult?

Cults are just a bunch of religious nut cases. This is a common mistake people make thinking that cults are purely religious groups. The modern definition of a mind control cult refers to all groups that use mind control and the devious recruiting techniques that this article exposes.

How do cults work?

How Cults Work. Cults, wonderful on the outside, but are on the inside very manipulating. Cult leaders are desperate to trick you into joining. They are after your obedience, your time and your money.Cults use sophisticated mind control and recruitment techniques that have been refined over time. Beware of thinking that you are immune ...

What is mind control cult?

The modern definition of a mind control cult is any group which employs mind control and deceptive recruiting techniques. In other words cults trick people into joining and coerce them into staying. This is the definition that most people would agree with. Except the cults themselves of course!

Why do cults cut you off?

Cults also try to cut you off from your friends and family because they hate others being able to influence you. A mind control cult will seek to manoeuvre your life so as to maximize your contact with cult members and minimize your contact with people outside the group, especially those who oppose your involvement.

Why is time control important in cults?

And time control helps keep cult members away from friends and family.

Why do cults hate the net?

Many of the larger cults hate the net since it allows their members access to information they deem subversive or evil.

What happens to the narc after divorce?

Parenting after divorce becomes a popularity contest for the Narc. They have to ‘win’ the children at all costs.  Their ego is vulnerable and causes them to lash out at the person who has rejected their idealistic view of themselves. If you have asked for the divorce you can bet their wrath will be focused on you.

What happens if a narcissist's son chooses a certain academic program in college

Narcissistic Disapproval: If the son of a narcissist chooses a certain academic program in college and the Narc views their choice as substandard i.e. not medicine, pre-law, science or architecture, they will make their disapproval known to all. They may even go so far as to pretend the son isn’t attending college.

How to deal with a narc parent?

Tips for For Adult Children of Narcissistic Fathers: 1 Anticipate when there will be conflict and practice remaining calm and keeping explanations simple. 2 Learn about the personality type of the Narc parent and understand it is not YOUR problem. 3 Keep your expectations of the parent low. 4 If you need to negotiate something with your narc parent always begin with how it will benefit them. 5 Set and maintain boundaries to lessen emotional and bullying interference. 6 It’s okay to say ‘no’ to your father. 7 Know when it’s time to walk away to live healthy. 8 Maintaining distance allows you to have a limited but better relationship with the Narc parent. 9 Understand that an apology from the Narc is often insincere and abusive patterns will likely repeat. 10 Narcissists often express love with money.

What happens if a child is not available to serve Narc?

If the child (now a young adult) is not available to serve the Narc parent immediately upon request, they are subject to abuse. This abuse can be verbal, emotional, mental and sometimes even physical.    The repercussions to the child can be seen as: low self-esteem, stress, self-doubt and, lack of confidence.

Is divorce difficult on children?

The fact is either way my children loose, but at least now they have a safe heaven until they are old enough. Divorce is difficult on children no matter what, but it is beyond understanding for anyone when it involves a narcissistic Father.

Does Narc talk to himself?

It is common to hear the Narc speak of himself as the victim. They will even enlist other people or sources of supply to ‘talk sense’ into the child.   This creates a whole extended source of stress for the child as he is questioned by friends and family who believe the Narc’s stories.
