who would you rather have as your lawyer, me or this monkey

by Mrs. Beverly Langosh V 5 min read

What did the prosecutor say when he took his seat?

Would you rather questions. Your classic "Would you rather?" questions are on rrrather. Play below by clicking on your choice, or use this list as a conversation starter. Compare your answer to the votes of others. ... Lawyer or Doctor. 46% or 54% . Would you rather. Have a rewind button in your life or Have a pause button in your life. 66% or ...

What did Jesus say in the court with my lawyer?

Jul 21, 2008 · Latest disabled-rights lawsuit alleging exclusion of an emotional comfort/ psychiatric service animal: Debby Rose of Springfield, Mo. is suing Wal-Mart, Cox Health and the county health department over their refusals to let Richard, her macaque monkey, into various food and health settings. Richard assists Ms. Rose with her agoraphobia (fear of ...

What is “would you rather”?

Subject: To My Narcissist Father-In-Law's Flying Monkey. From: Your "Controlling", "Crazy" Daughter-In-Law. Date: 13 Feb 2017. (Date Omitted) Dear Step-Mother-In-Law, Since neither you or your husband "have the balls" (your words to MY husband) to contact me, I have decided to reach out to you about your history of disrespect and trespasses.

When it was his turn my lawyer first asked the judge?

Feb 05, 2015 · 0 found this helpful | 1 lawyer agrees. Posted on Feb 5, 2015. Posted on Feb 5, 2015. Can you sue? Yes. Pretty much anyone can sue for pretty much any thing. Does that mean you will "win" your case? And/or get any money or an apology? Well, that really is the issue, isn't it.


Christian K. Lassen II

Probably not. Although calling someone a monkey is very rude, it is probably not actionable.

Donna Maria Riley

Can you sue? Yes. Pretty much anyone can sue for pretty much any thing. Does that mean you will "win" your case? And/or get any money or an apology? Well, that really is the issue, isn't it. Lawsuits cost money. Potentially a lot of money. I am going to guess this coffee shop is not some local mom and pop, but rather a franchise.

Jill K. Whitbeck

What is your injury? What are your damages? "Can I sue" is one of the most asked questions on Avvo. I recently wrote an article on the subject. I have included a link. I hope you find it helpful. http://personalinjuryhotline.com/can-sue-always-wrong-question-ask-lawyer/

Why did Timmy go to Fairy Court?

In "Timmy's Secret Wish", Timmy is brought to Fairy Court on charges of being the worst godkid ever and Foop is the prosecutor. Foop explains that he became a lawyer to be evil enough to defeat Poof. Timmy originally outsmarts Norm The Genie by realizing he needs "someone as dishonest and devious" as him.

Why does the Devil order a cease and desist on Heaven?

A commercial for Halo Top ice cream has the Devil try to order a cease and desist on Heaven because ice cream is Hell's intellectual property. He summons three lawyers eating Halo Top ice cream and remarks that he has tons more lawyers down in Hell.

What does Snoopy dream about in Peanuts?

In Peanuts, Snoopy often fantasizes about being an attorney, and he tends to get these a lot, mostly from Lucy. It's lampshaded once, after he appears to have lost a case (where he represented Peter Rabbit who was suing Mr. McGregor) and he gets upset at Woodstock. ("No, I do NOT want to hear a funny attorney joke!".

What is the shark joke in The Sandman?

In The Sandman, one minor character makes the "not enough catshit" joke. In Top 10, the lawyer Larry "Frenzy" Fischmann is an anthropomorphic shark. One character insults him, saying that his people haven't evolved in millions of years. Frenzy takes offense, saying that's a common misconception about sharks.

When a felon needs a friend, Brasses and Quilp?

In a British musical version of Charles Dickens ' The Old Curiosity Shop aka Mr. Quilp, in the number "When a felon needs a friend", Brasses and Quilp praise the profession of a lawyer and its advantages before Richard Swiveller. ...For he'll rob the rich and poor with equal grace. And while lying in his tooth.

Funny Would You Rather? Questions

Would you rather make funny sounds all of the time or would you rather have a tree growing out of your head?

Food Would You Rather? Questions

Would you rather eat pizza or ice cream as your own meal for the rest of your life?

Out of this World Would You Rather? Questions

Would you rather be able to speak every language on earth or communicate with aliens?

Where is Matt Cosby now?

Act 4, Scene 2. Cite This Page. About the Translator: Matt Cosby. Matt Cosby graduated from Amherst College in 2011, and currently works as a writer and editor for LitCharts. He is from Florida but now lives in Portland, Oregon, where he also makes art, plays the piano, and goes to dog parks.

Did Troilus die for love?

No, you won't really die as yourself, but only by proxy. This poor world is almost six thousand years old, and in all this time there hasn't been even a single man who died only from love. Troilus wanted to die for love, but he actually died because a Greek with a club beat his brains out.
