who the lawyer who said he been standing up to bullies his life

by Jordy Witting 4 min read

What does the Bible say about bullying?

Bullying has been around for a long time. In fact, several well-known figures in the Bible were bullied. When you feel bullied, know that you are not alone and that God is with you, just as He was with Daniel, Esther, and Jesus. These stories are great stories to share with your child if they are dealing with bullying at school.

What was est Esther’s uncle being bullied by?

Esther’s uncle, Mordecai, was being bullying by another leader named Haman. Haman hated Mordecai because of his truthfulness and because Mordecai would not bow down to him. Remember, bullies love power.

Why do bullies pick on others?

Many times, bullies will pick on others because of how good that other person is. Bullies don’t want others pointing out their flaws or brokenness. Bullies are focused on their own power.


Why did the bully complain about breaking the law?

When he did something wonderful and miraculous like healing someone, they would complain that he broke the law because it was on the Sabbath day. In their eyes, he could do nothing right. Arguing with a bully rarely works.

Who was Hamman the bully?

Hamman, the Bully, was so angry that he was determined to kill Mordecai. And not just Mordecai. Hamman wanted to kill everyone else who was Jewish, like Mordecai, which Haman didn’t realize included Queen Esther. Bullies are often so focused on exerting their power that they last out at a wide range of people.

Why did Jesus attract the attention of bullies?

Jesus was kind, compassionate, and holy. He truly loved and served others. Because of his character, he attracted the attention of bullies. These bullies would follow him around and look for him to say something wrong. They would interrupt his teaching and ask questions designed to try and trip him up.

Why do bullies pick on others?

The other people are him could not stand him because of this. Many times, bullies will pick on others because of how good that other person is. Bullies don’t want others pointing out their flaws or brokenness. Bullies are focused on their own power.

What to do when you feel bullied in the Bible?

When you feel bullied, know that you are not alone and that God is with you, just as He was with Daniel, Esther, and Jesus. These stories are great stories to share with your child if they are dealing with bullying at school. There are great lessons to be learned from each of these experiences of bullying in the Bible.

What do we do when we see others being bullied?

When we see others being bullied, we need to stand up for them and get them help. When we are being bullied, we have a responsibility to serve others by standing up to the bully too . We stand up to bullying not only for our own sake but for others who are also being bullied.

What can we learn from the Bible about bullying?

From all of them, we learn that God sees, knows, and will provide justice! #1 – Daniel’s Story of Bullying in the Bible. Daniel was born into a family of privilege. He was smart and good-looking.
