who is the lawyer in luke 10:25

by Cristobal D'Amore 9 min read

What is a lawyer called in the Bible?

This question of the lawyer was probably asked on the occasion of this visit, and the little episode connected with the Bethany family of Lazarus took place at the same period. The "lawyer" is sometimes termed "scribe." There is little difference between these appellations.

What is the first question the lawyer asked Jesus in Luke?

Luke 10:25- Luke 10:37. The lawyer’s first question was intended to ‘tempt’ Jesus, which here seems to mean, rather, ‘to test’; that is, to ascertain His orthodoxy or His ability. Christ walks calmly through the snare, as if not seeing it.

What can we learn from Luke 10/25-37?

This morning we are going to examine Luke 10:25-37 and the story that promoted the development of the idiom. However, as we shall see as we study this passage, there is a more important lesson than just being compassionate to people in distress. Please follow along as I read through this passage, then we will go back and examine it in detail.

What did Luke talk to Jesus about in Luke 10?

Luke 10:26; Luke 10:26. He came to catechize Christ, and to know him; but Christ will catechize him, and make him know himself. He talks to him as a lawyer, as one conversant in the law: the studies of his profession would inform him; let him practise according to his knowledge, and he should not come short of eternal life.


Who was the lawyer in the Bible?

Saul, a Jew, later called Paul, was born in the predominately Greek city of Tarsus located in Asia Minor.

What was the first question from the lawyer to Jesus in Luke 10 25?

The first one is a sure bet, a good lawyer's ploy: “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” No surprises there. The lawyer already knew the answer; in fact, everybody listening knew the answer.

What is the meaning of the Good Samaritan Luke 10 25 37?

The parable of the Good Samaritan can be found in Luke 10:25-37. In Luke, Jesus presents this parable after a lawyer tries to test Jesus in the beginning of verse 25 by asking him how he can inherit eternal life. The lawyer knows that to inherit eternal life the law states, amongst other things, to love your neighbor.

Who wrote Luke 10?

This Gospel's author, who also wrote the Acts of the Apostles, is not named but is uniformly identified by early Christian tradition as Luke the Evangelist. The Latin text of Luke 10:41-11:5 in Codex Claromontanus V, from 4th or 5th century.

What was the work of a lawyer in the parable of the Good Samaritan?

You have to remember that the lawyer's motive for asking the question was to test Jesus. In other words, he wanted to know what Jesus had to say, or even have a debate.

What is the answer to the lawyer's question Who is my neighbor?

When Jesus asks which of these three – the priest, the Levite, or the Samaritan – acted as a neighbor to the robbed man, the lawyer answers “The one who showed him mercy.” As Jesus often does, he turns the question of “who is my neighbor?” on its head and instead answers “who might be a neighbor to me?”

Why did the priest and Levite not help the man?

Priests and Levites Priests were particularly enjoined to avoid uncleanness. The priest and Levite may therefore have assumed that the fallen traveler was dead and avoided him to keep themselves ritually clean.

What is a Levite in Luke 10?

In Jesus' story, the first person to see the victim is a priest, but rather than get involved, he passes by on the other side of the road. He is followed by a Levite, a temple-worker. The Levite does the same—he passes by. Then along comes a Samaritan.

What do the characters in the Good Samaritan represent?

The thieves who attack the man represent hostile forces in the world. The priest who passes by the man in need represents the Law, while the Levite represents the prophets; but the Samaritan represents Christ.

Who is the Mary in Luke 10?

In another sermon, Gregory specifically identified Mary Magdalene as the sister of Martha mentioned in Luke 10.

What does the Levite represent in the Good Samaritan?

The Levite was seen as representing the Old Testament prophets, whose words the Lord came to fulfill (see Matthew 5:17; 3 Nephi 15:2–5). A lesser class of priests, the Levites did chores in the temple. At least this Levite came close to helping; he “came” and saw.

Who is the Lord of the harvest in Luke 10?

Jesus refers to God as “the Lord of the harvest” (Matthew 9:38).

What does Luke 10:25-37 mean?

Commentary on Luke 10:25-37. The lawyer asks good questions and gives good answers. There is no need to assign the lawyer an adversarial role. In fact, the text suggests otherwise. He calls Jesus “teacher,” respectfully. And Jesus engages him as an equal, responding to the lawyer’s first question with a question. Jesus agrees with the answer.

What is the difference between Matthew's version and Luke's version?

Matthew’s version is brief, including only a lawyer’s question and Jesus’ answer. Luke’s version does not seek to order Torah commandments but rather inquires about the fundamental principal of all the commandments. Jesus responds to the lawyer’s question with two questions.

What does Jesus say about neighbor?

Jesus agrees with the lawyer, saying, “ Do this and you will live.” (Italics are mine.) The lawyer follows up with a second question, also a very good one. If doing this, i.e., loving God and loving neighbor as oneself, is a matter of eternal life, then defining “neighbor” is important in this context.

Which commandment does the questioner ask?

According to the synoptic parallels, the questioner asks which is the greatest commandment (Matthew 22:34-40) or which is the first (Mark 12:28-34). In Mark’s version, a scribe inquires, approves Jesus’ answer, and Jesus observes the scribe’s wisdom.

Does Jesus take the lawyer's test?

It does not seem that Jesus takes the lawyer’s “test” as that of an antagonist. The observation is important, because most interpretations read this well-known episode, recorded only in Luke, presuming a contentious relationship between Jesus and the lawyer.

What is the incident in Mark 12:28-34?

The incident that Mark recorded in Mark 12:28-34 is quite similar to this one, but the differences in the accounts point to two separate situations. In view of the question at stake it is easy to see how people might have asked it of Jesus many different times. Furthermore this particular question was of great concern to the scribes, who studied the law professionally. The fact that the Holy Spirit recorded the same lesson twice in Scripture is a testimony to His greatness as a teacher since great teachers deliberately repeat themselves.

What does the present section of the Bible remind us of?

The present section also reminds the reader of Jesus’ allegiance to the Old Testament Scriptures, which He viewed as authoritative. Thus it balances Jesus’ former words about Him revealing the Father ( Luke 10:22) with the importance of Scripture in that process. Copyright Statement. These files are public domain.

What did Jesus' teacher test him with?

A Jewish teacher of the law came to Jesus to test him with a question about eternal life. His question showed that he thought of eternal life as something to be obtained by some special act. Jesus’ reply showed that obtaining eternal life is inseparably linked with the way people live their daily lives.

What did Jesus do to the questioner?

Jesus then forced the questioner to answer his own question . The example that he had to follow was not that of the religious purists, but that of the despised foreigner. If a person loves his neighbour as himself, he will act kindly towards anyone that he happens to meet, even enemies ( Luke 10:36-37 ).

What did Jesus tell the disciples about the traveller?

In reply Jesus told a story in which a traveller was beaten, robbed, and left to die. Two Jews, one a priest and the other a Levite, deliberately passed him by, but a Samaritan stopped and helped him ( Luke 10:30-35 ). Jesus then forced the questioner to answer his own question.

What does Jesus ask the lawyer about?

Jesus asks the lawyer about what he knows best: the law. He knows that keeping the law is the appropriate answer. He brings the issue out into the open. This is probably best since the Jewish leadership were probably concerned about Jesus’ teachings on the Law. 27.

What did Jesus say about love?

Jesus replied and said, “A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho; and he fell among robbers, and they stripped him and beat him, and went off leaving him half dead. Jesus expounds on the law of love. True love is put into action. It is not merely at concept or a feeling.

What does the Samaritan say about the wounded man?

When it is time for him to leave, if he cannot pay the debt he can be arrested, Matthew 18:23-35. The Samaritan knows this and volunteers money (two denarii is two days wages) and whatever else is needed to see to the needs of this unidentified man.

What does Matthew and Luke say about the lawyer?

Matthew and Luke say that the lawyer was testing Jesus, while Mark does not. Mark has Jesus commending the lawyer, saying, “You are not far from the kingdom of God” (Mark 12:34). Only Luke uses the story of the lawyer to introduce the parable of the Good Samaritan, which is found only in Luke.

What does the Samaritan do in Luke 10:36-37?

The Samaritan’s actions reverse those of the robbers. They robbed the man, left him to die, and abandoned him. The Samaritan pays for the man, leaves him in good hands, and promises to return (Bailey, Through Peasant Eyes, 53). LUKE 10:36-37.

What does Jesus say about the neighbor?

Jesus could answer, “Everyone is your neighbor.” Instead he tells a story that encourages us to shift our focus from the fence to the neighbor on the other side. When our eyes are focused on the fence, we cannot see our neighbor clearly. However, when we look at the neighbor, we hardly see the fence.

What does Bock say about prayer?

Bock takes that one step further by linking Jesus’ teaching about prayer (11:1-13) with these stories. It is only through a deep relationship with God, fostered by prayer, that we can love God and neighbor (Bock, 195). LUKE 10:25-26.

What is the question that rabbis debate endlessly?

It is the kind of question that rabbis debate endlessly. Such debate sometimes represents true devotion to the law, but easily deteriorates into academic exercise. By continually debating the law, one can delay compliance with the law. On the surface, the lawyer is asking who he must love.

What did Peter say at Pentecost?

At Pentecost, Peter answered, “Repent, and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins.

What is the meaning of Luke 9:51?

In verse 9:51, Jesus began his journey to Jerusalem and the cross, a journey on which he will continue until his Triumphal Entry in chapter 19. Thus, while traveling to Jerusalem, he tells a story about people traveling from Jerusalem (Van Harn, 368). In a recent prayer, Jesus characterized his ...
