when will it be more beneficial to use a collision lawyer

by Dr. Diamond Swaniawski DVM 4 min read

Full Answer

What percentage do most injury lawyers take?

33-55%Unlike many other lawsuits, attorneys in personal injury cases are most often paid through a contingency fee agreement. If you're asking what percentage do lawyers take for personal injury services, the answer is they usually receive 33-55% of the award as payment fees.

What is the best protection in an accident?

Airbags. Airbags, which inflate when an electronic sensor signals that there has been a collision, can cushion the impact and prevent serious injury, even stopping the driver or passenger from making contact with the windshield or steering wheel.

Is it better to brace for impact or relax?

Should you brace for impact, tensing all of your muscles, or should you try to be as relaxed as possible? Research shows that people who are aware of an impending collision and have time to brace for impact have better long-term outcomes and less injury. So you should always brace for impact.

What is the safest seat in a car accident?

middle seatThe middle seat turns out to be the safest because the outer seats are closest to the likely point of impact in a side impact crash. So, the person crammed in to the middle of the back seat sits further from the “crumple zone” of an accident. NHTSA actually recommends all children under 13 ride in the back seat.

Why Do You Need To Hire A Collision Lawyer Now?

Hiring a collision lawyer should be the first thing you’ll need to do after a serious collision. The aftermath can be costly, especially when you are paying medical and auto repair expenses. If there is a wrongful death, you may go through the unfortunate task of having to pay for funeral expenses for a family member that may have been killed.

What Damages Can You Collect?

In order to collect damages, there needs to be the burden of proof. Your collision attorney must prove that the negligent driver was responsible for the crash. Once there is proof, you can collect damages including lost wages, pain and suffering, medical expenses, mental anguish, disability, and dismemberment among others.

Find A Collision Lawyer Now

There are several causes of how a collision occurs. And a negligent driver’s actions may cause serious injury or even death to themselves and their passengers. If you’ve been involved in a collision that resulted in serious injury or death, now is the time to find a collision lawyer that will work for you.

Professional Help When You Need It Most

It’s nothing like a good car crash, tornado or hurricane to really put things into perspective in regards to the customer and the insurance company that most people have been paying all their lives. It takes that devastating moment for us to look at who we really have been paying all those years: a business.

Collision Attorneys Help Defend the Truth

Think of it like this. We live in an age where people can’t tell the truth to save their life and that's over the simplest of things.

Get the Justice You Deserve with a Collision Attorney

Maybe it’s not about money. Let's say it’s an elderly lady who just sent you flying across the street.

The Cost of Traffic Accidents

Or maybe your particular car collision or auto accident is different. In most cases, people still can’t pay for a

1. Serious injury

If you have been seriously injured, are not able to work, and/or need extensive rehabilitation, then you should seek assistance from a personal injury lawyer. In many such scenarios, the insurer will minimize your injuries and offer you the lowest compensation possible.

2. Vehicle defect

Some auto collisions may be caused by an inherent defect in the vehicle. For example, recalls for cars are not uncommon for defective parts. Recently, there have been recalls for airbags that have released shrapnel during inflation and caused injury to the driver and/or passengers.

3. Insurer rebuffs claims

The insurer may discount your injuries or claims. It is not uncommon for insurers to discount or reject your claim, minimize the seriousness of your injuries, or even blame you for the accident. The last thing insurers want to do is pay out money, so they will do everything in their power to play games or delay the payout process.

4. Liability is not clear

In some cases with motor vehicle collisions, the liability may not be obvious. In such circumstances, the insurer may even fault you, even though you may not have been fully at fault. In cases where liability is not clear, the insurer may also minimize your compensation.

5. Driving under the influence or distracted driver

If you have been involved in an auto collision caused by a drunk or a distracted driver and have been seriously injured, the best recommendation is to speak to auto collision lawyers. DUI and distracted driving are known to be associated with serious accidents and are illegal in every state.
