why you should get a lawyer after car accident

by Miss Dasia Braun II 3 min read

The benefits of hiring a lawyer after getting into a car accident are:

  • You will have someone on your side who is experienced in dealing with insurance companies.
  • Your lawyer will be able to negotiate a settlement on your behalf.
  • You will have peace of mind knowing that you have an advocate fighting for your rights.

With the right attorney, you can recover financial compensation for the following damages after a car accident: Current medical bills (including ambulance and emergency room fees) Future medical bills. Property damage and loss.

Full Answer

When do you need to hire a car accident lawyer?

When to Hire a Car Accident Lawyer

  • FLORIDA. Retaining a competent and experienced auto accident attorney as soon as possible is vital if you are injured in a wreck.
  • ALABAMA. When do you need to hire an auto accident lawyer? ...
  • ARIZONA. ...
  • GEORGIA. ...
  • ILLINOIS. ...
  • INDIANA. ...
  • LOUISIANA. ...

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When to get an attorney for a car accident?

The following are only some ways an attorney can assist you:

  • Communicating with the insurance companies of the liable parties
  • Obtaining evidence of liability and damages
  • Negotiating for the settlement you need and deserve
  • Negotiating with lien holders
  • Determining when it’s time to file a personal injury lawsuit
  • Handling the litigation process to reach a settlement agreement

What is the best car accident lawyer?

  • The negligent driver’s employer
  • Municipalities if the road is in bad condition or street lights aren’t functional
  • Other drivers on the road
  • Auto manufacturers if a faulty part caused an accident
  • Your own insurance company (if you have uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage)

How to find the right car accident attorney for You?

Tips on Working with Your Lawyer

  1. First, the lawyer should have a great reputation. Research reviews of lawyers by other clients to see how many other people have had success with him or her.
  2. If you are the one filing the lawsuit, find a lawyer with the experience and knowledge to handle your case. ...
  3. Ask the lawyer for a summary of his or her practice in these types of cases. ...

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How to contact a lawyer about a car accident?

Contact an Car accident lawyer at 1-888-534-4850 or submit a short form describing what happened to you. An attorney will get back to you quickly. Slater & Zurz also has a 24/7/365 online “chat” service available.

What do attorneys do after collecting evidence?

They include hiring medical experts to validate the seriousness of injuries and having accident reconstruction specialists to recreate the accident scene.

What is a Slater and Zurz accident lawyer?

A Slater & Zurz accident lawyer acts for your benefit throughout the entire process. He will make sure your side of the story is heard. He will ensure you comply with all procedural requirements related to your case. He is your advocate.

Why is it important to collect evidence about what happened in an accident?

Collecting evidence about what happened in an accident is crucial to determining if a driver may have been negligent and who is therefore liable for the crash. Evidence such as the “black box” recorder that can tell how fast a car was going when the accident occurred and whether the driver was wearing a seatbelt can often only be obtained by court order.

What does an insurance adjuster do?

Insurance adjusters negotiate insurance settlements on a full-time basis. They fight for the best interests of the insurance company. Your Slater & Zurz attorney has considerable experience as a negotiator so you can obtain the compensation you deserve.

Can a client be compensated for a car accident?

There are cases where accident attorneys discover in the course of their investigation that their client contributed to the cause of the crash. The client can still be compensated even if he was partially at fault, or in legal terms “ contributorily negligent.”

Do law firms make money from cases?

The law firm will not make any money from your case unless you do. They get paid when you get paid. Of course, if the case is not won, and this doesn’t happen often, no one is paid but you do not have to “front” the cost of suing someone for their negligent actions.

Why do people seek legal representation for car accidents?

Some victims of car accidents choose to seek legal counsel and representation so that they can focus on their health and recovery while also pursuing legal action. You have the right to hire legal representation at any time throughout the process of making an insurance claim or pursuing a personal injury lawsuit.

How to seek compensation for a car accident?

Filing an Insurance Claim. When you experience a motor vehicle accident, the first step in seeking compensation is to file a claim with either your own insurance provider or the other driver’s insurance company. In some states, comparative negligence laws apply, ...

How long does it take for whiplash to show up after an accident?

Keep in mind that some car accident injuries may only display symptoms days or even weeks after an accident. For example, whiplash may take several days to manifest, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS).

What happens if you are distracted while answering a phone?

If the driver engaged in distracted driving while answering a phone or navigating on a GPS, this breach in their duty of care they owed you while on the road may have contributed to the accident. A lawyer can help investigate the cause of the accident and use evidence to demonstrate the fault of the other driver.

Can a lawyer help you in a car accident?

While obtaining a lawyer does not guarantee you a specific outcome for your case, they can help investigate the crash, gather evidence to demonstrate the other driver’s negligence, and take care of negotiations with insurers on your behalf.

Can you seek insurance for a car accident if you are uninsured?

If the other driver’s policy cannot cover the costs of your losses, you may be able to seek them through your own policy if you carry uninsured motorist coverage. You can hire an attorney immediately after a car accident to help you assess your losses and explore the options available to you through your own insurance policy.

How is personal injury different from a lawsuit?

A claim is simply the process you go through with your insurance company or with the other party’s insurance company, while a lawsuit is the process of taking an insurance company (or another entity) to court where a judge will decide the outcome.

Do You Need to Talk to a Lawyer After a Car Accident?

If you or someone you care about has been injured in a car accident, we can help. Give us a call at 818-230-8380 as soon as you’re able. We’ll be happy to give you the legal advice you need.

What happens if you are at fault for an accident?

If you are at fault for an accident and the other driver decides to sue you, you will need a lawyer to defend you. In this case, it is likely that your auto insurance company will provide a car accident attorney for you, but keep in mind that an insurance company’s lawyer works first in the best interest of the insurer and in your interests secondarily. Even if your insurance company provides a lawyer, you may want to hire your own attorney if you can afford it.

What are the rules for insurance?

If the following is true of an accident, it is unlikely that the insurance company will lowball you: 1 There was only property damage, and nobody was hurt or killed. 2 You suffered minor or no physical injuries. 3 The settlement you deserve is relatively small.

What to do if there are multiple drivers at fault?

If there are multiple drivers who are at fault for the accident, or if the fault isn’t apparent, you will need a lawyer to help determine who is responsible for the accident.

How many people are injured in car accidents each year?

Every year, over 3 million people are injured in car accidents each year. These injuries can create significant medical expenses, lost wages due to missed work, and even permanent disability.

What happens if you miss a lot of work?

If you miss a great deal of work due to injuries sustained in the accident, you may lose out on wages or even lose your job. A personal injury lawsuit will ensure that you are compensated for any missed work or missed future work if your injuries will keep you from working.

Can you change your mind after an accident?

Insurance companies are looking out for their bottom line. They want to settle your case as quickly as possible for the least amount of money possible. Insurance companies will typically offer you a low settlement shortly after the accident, hoping that you accept. Once you accept a settlement offer, you can’t change your mind.

Do You Need a Car Accident Lawyer?

If you find yourself suffering from car accident injuries, don’t delay in hiring a car accident lawyer. Make sure you get what you are entitled to and will compensate you for all that is lost as a result of the accident.

When To Call A Lawyer After A Car Accident

If you are involved in an insignificant car accident, odds are you will not need a lawyer. An example of a car accident that is insignificant is when two vehicles back into one another at low speeds in a parking lot. In such cases, the damage is minimal and nobody is injured.

Other Times When Lawyers Should Be Considered

You may also seek the advice of a lawyer if you are not sure if the insurer is acting in good faith, stuck in the negotiations, confused about the policies, not sure of the rights, and there is a problem with the accident’s fault.

How Soon Should You Be In Touch With A Lawyer?

It is recommended to call a lawyer as soon as possible after a car accident. The reason behind it is that the at-fault party will notify their insurance company immediately, and will get in touch with you to discuss everything that happened. You must not give a statement to the insurance company without calling a lawyer first.


Being involved in a car accident can be a traumatic experience. Injuries may quickly derail your whole life and can result in lifelong and permanent disabilities. If you have been injured in a car accident, you need an experienced and reputable lawyer on your side from the very beginning.
