when is the retainer for a lawyer due

by Lucinda Abbott 7 min read

A retainer is good for lawyers and does not expire until the case is not closed. A retainer is beneficial and good for a lawyer because it ensures the lawyer’s payment of his services. The working fee is an agreement between a lawyer and the client to solve the case.

The amount serves as a guarantee by the client to pay the attorney upon completion of the agreed work. The attorney cannot claim the retainer fee until he has completed the work and invoiced the client. Any remaining retainer fee after paying the hourly attorney fees should be returned to the client.

Full Answer

What does it mean when a lawyer has a retainer?

In the legal context, a retainer agreement is an agreement between a lawyer and client in which the lawyer agrees to represent the client and provide legal services as needed. The retainer is, essentially, payment for those services. The amount of the retainer can vary depending on the circumstances.

What happens when a client signs a retainer fee agreement?

Often, when a client signs a retainer fee agreement, he is signing a one-sided document that contains many terms that are in there to protect the attorney and his law firm. As such, you need to read the retainer fee agreement before signing it. We will now go through some of the things to look out for in a retainer fee agreement.

Are attorney retainer fees refundable?

Retainer fees are usually nonrefundable. To find out whether the retainer fee you paid to an attorney is refundable, you should consult your retainer fee agreement. Most contracts set out the terms as to whether the retainer fee is refundable.

What happens when an attorney is retained and paid?

Once an attorney is retained and a retainer fee is paid, the attorney is on standby to assist you with the legal issues for which you’ve retained the attorney. A retainer fee is kept in a separate trust account and can be withdrawn by the attorney only when he incurs legal costs or performs the work contracted by the client.


How does a retainer payment work?

A retainer fee is an advance payment that's made by a client to a professional, and it is considered a down payment on the future services rendered by that professional. Regardless of occupation, the retainer fee funds the initial expenses of the working relationship.

How long is a retainer contract?

Experience shows that retainers work best when they last over a longer period, such as 12 months and more. This gives you the chance to determine what's valued most by the client, align expectations, and define what true success means for everyone.

Is it smart to keep a lawyer on retainer?

Perhaps the most apparent benefit of establishing a retainer agreement with an attorney is having the comfort of immediate legal advice at your fingertips. If you deal with legal issues frequently, a retainer agreement keeps a close line between you and your attorney if questions arise that require immediate attention.

Are monthly retainers paid in advance?

A monthly retainer fee is paid in advance by your clients to ensure that your services will be available to them for the period covered. Clients on a monthly retainer usually pay a recurring fee, and they usually work on long-term projects with different agencies, who are available at their beck and call.

How long is a lawyer retainer good for?

A lawyer cannot claim the retainer fee until they have completed work and provided an invoice to the client. The retainer is still the possession of the client until used for legitimate expenses as detailed in the retainer agreement. The amount in the trust account will not expire.

How much is a retainer fee for a lawyer?

Overview. A retainer fee can be any denomination that the attorney requests. It may be as low as $500 or as high as $5,000 or more. Some attorneys base retainer fees on their hourly rate multiplied by the number of hours that they anticipate your case will take.

Is a retainer fee refundable?

Most frequently, the client agrees to a security or an advanced payment retainer where payment for services is drawn from the monies held in trust. Here's the kicker—only the true retainer is non-refundable. Unearned funds from either a security or advanced payment retainer must be refunded at the end of the work.

Why do lawyers want a retainer?

Retainers are most useful for businesses that need constant or semi-recurring legal work but do not have enough money to hire a lawyer full-time. This could include services like ensuring regulatory compliance, document review, or representing the business in employment or contract disputes.

Is a retainer the same as a deposit?

In a definitive sense, a retainer is a fee that is paid in advance in order to hold services (ie. a wedding or event date). While a deposit may also reserve a date, it is returned when the services have been completed. A retainer is by default non-refundable and is not returned.

How much should a retainer be?

Attorneys typically charge an average of $100 to $300 an hour, while a consultant may charge $50 to $150. No matter your profession, though, it's good to find a reasonable rate that works with your experience level and your success rate in the industry.

How do you negotiate a retainer?

Here are a few tips for winning a retainer contract and ensuring it works for both you and your client.Target your Most Important Clients. ... Position Yourself as Invaluable. ... Consider Dropping your Rate. ... Don't Skip the Proposal Part. ... Shoot for a Retainer that's Time-Bound. ... Be Clear About the Work you Do Under the Retainer.More items...•

How do you account for retainer fees?

How should the legal retainer be booked in your accounting system?Book the Retainer in Prepaid Expenses.As future invoices come in, there are two options: Debit against the Retainer. ... TIP: Get solid invoices from your Law Firm, including hours, work completed.

How often should an attorney keep a retainer?

All amounts for time and charges are taken from the retainer, and the attorney should give you an accounting of activities each month, including the amount left on the retainer.

Why do you pay an attorney on retainer?

For example, you may want an employment attorney on retainer to help you deal with issues that come up with employees. A retaining fee is a deposit or lump-sum you pay in advance.

How does a retainer trust work?

Attorneys are legally and ethically obligated to deposit your retainer fee in special trust accounts, not in their business accounts. An attorney will then transfer funds from that account into her business account periodically as the case progresses—usually on a monthly basis.

How do attorneys set their fees?

Attorneys set their fees based on a number of factors, including the amount of work the attorney will need to do for your case and the complexity of the case. Some factors that determine the amount of the fees are: 1 The billing rates for each level of professional working for your business, based on each person's experience, specialty area, and their level (partner, associate, paralegal, for example) 2 Novelty and complexity of the issues 3 The difficulty of problems encountered 4 The extent of the responsibility involved 5 The result achieved, and 6 The efficiency of the work, and customary fees for similar legal services. 1 

What is retainer in legal?

A retainer is paid in advance, for legal services that will be rendered. When you talk to an attorney about a retainer you may discuss one of three different types: General retainers are fees for a specific period of time, not a specific project.

Why is retainer arrangement important?

The retainer arrangement is also beneficial for the client because it provides an estimated budget for legal fees.

What is retaining fee?

A retaining fee is a deposit or lump-sum you pay in advance. The attorney must (by law) deposit that money in a trust account to draw from as work is done. If there is money left in the trust account at the end of the project, you get that back.

How Should Long Be a Lawyer Container?

Mostly, a retainer agreement is effective if it’s signed for a long period. If you sign it for a shorter time, it may not be effective for both parties.

Advantages of Retainer Agreement

As mentioned above, due to its sustainability, a retainer agreement is getting popular in the legal field. It helps to make a trusted relationship with anyone who is going to move on with you. In the legal field, these entities are clients and attorneys. There are many benefits of the retainer agreement for both parties.

Frequently Asked Questions

No, any attorney can’t claim more fees from his client before he has finished the assigned task. However, the client will have to pay the fee every month until the case is finalized.


To learn all about how long a lawyer retainer is good for, you should have basic knowledge about the retainer agreement, its basic procedure, and all its types. Without proper knowledge about all these facts, you can’t learn all about the sustainability of the retainer agreement.

What Is a Retainer Agreement With A Lawyer?

The word “retainer” can have different meanings depending on the setting. A physician may use the term to describe an agreement with an HMO whereby he agrees to provide care at no charge until annual benefits are exhausted; after that, the HMO will be responsible for reimbursing the physician at a pre-negotiated rate.

What to Consider Before Hiring an Attorney on Retainer?

If you are interested in hiring an attorney on retainer, stop thinking about your legal situation.

How does the Retainer Agreement Work?

Though there is no single framework, “how does the retainer agreement work?” It typically goes on like a party or a contract that pays some dollars every month. In exchange for locking those hours, the client will pay advance dollars so that the retained attorney may start the legal services with full interest.

Benefits of Retainer Agreements

From the contractor’s view, a retained agreement is a guaranteed income. Many lawyers and freelancers work at retaining agreements, which means a lot of retained and guaranteed income based on your working hours.

Types of Professional Services Retainer Agreements

A retainer agreement may be of two kinds according to its usage and procedure:

What is a Retainer Fee?

Retainer fees are done according to attorneys’ services for the clients. Does it depend on how much time a retainer is spending for the client? It may be as low as $500 or as high as $5000 or more.

How to Negotiate a Retainer Agreement?

Negotiating a retainer for an agreement is a tough and time-consuming task as both sides should implement rules. Committing to what has been negotiated at the beginning of the agreement is another issue. Let’s deal with value; how can we understand this:

How long is a lawyer retainer good for? How does the fee work?

The retainer is a security fee deposited into the lawyer’s particular account. The client pays it and takes services from the legal adviser. A retainer is good for lawyers and does not expire until the case is not closed. A retainer is beneficial and good for a lawyer because it ensures the lawyer’s payment of his services.

How long is a retainer good for a lawyer?

A retainer is good for the lawyer. Some people think there is any date of expiry of this agreement, it is wrong. A retainer maintains the excellent relationships between client and lawyer. Some reasons are that are very good for a lawyer about a retainer.

How does the retainer fee work?

The working of the retainer fee is very different and unique. Mostly the advocate takes wages from the customers based on hourly work. It is beneficial for both client and lawyer. According to the working hour, the client has only to pay cash to the lawyer.

What are the terms of a retainer agreement?

Other terms of a retainer agreement may include: 1 Means for fee arbitration, in case of a dispute 2 Expectations for client cooperation and communication 3 Right for the attorney to withdraw 4 Right for the client to terminate 5 Whether any associates, paralegals or contract lawyers will be needed and their expenses 6 No guarantee of the result 7 Privacy policy of the lawyer and law firm, including action over property and files of the client after the case 8 Conflict checks

What is retainer fee?

The retainer fee is the amount charged to the client. The agreement must show the basis of the fee in detail. When appropriate, specific examples can be written down. For example, this includes flat fees for certain cases or projects.

How are retainers established?

Retainers are established by entering into a retainer agreement — a formal document that details the obligations, terms and expectations of the attorney-client relationship, and may specify retainer fees, contact rules or methods, or basic expectations. Retainer agreements often vary in length and content depending on the terms of the retainer. However, there are essential parts of a retainer agreement which you can typically expect, regardless of jurisdiction or type of case.

What is a general retainer?

A general retainer contracts the attorney for a specific period instead of a specific project. During this time, the client can expect the lawyer to be available for discussion or questions about legal matters, or sometimes to guarantee priority attention. A retaining fee is a single deposit or lump sum fee the client pays in advance ...

What does it mean to have an attorney on retainer?

Having an attorney on retainer means that you’re paying an attorney a specific advanced legal fee in order to retain (obtain) attorneys legal help in the event of legal troubles. Once an attorney is retained and a retainer fee is paid, the attorney is on standby to assist you with the legal issues for which you’ve retained the attorney.

When do you withdraw your retainer fee?

Attorneys typically withdraw the funds from the trust account at the end of the month.

What is the clause in a retainer fee agreement?

Many retainer fee agreements contain a clause that asks the client to give up his right to a jury trial and to settle any claims between an attorney and a client by an arbitrator.

What is retainer fee?

A retainer fee is one of the most common attorney fee schedules. A retainer is an amount of money that’s paid to a lawyer in advance to retain (hire) him/her to represent you in a legal matter. When setting a retainer fee, an attorney anticipates the amount of legal work that must be done and asks the client to either pay it in full ...

What happens if you exceed your retainer fee?

If the attorney incurs costs that exceed the retainer fee, he will charge you an overage to cover what wasn’t covered by the retainer fee. To know what’s covered by your retainer fee agreement, you should go over the contract itself as it will set out the terms. Asking a general question, such as what does my retainer fee agreement cover is not ...

What is attorney-client relationship?

Also, as soon as a retainer agreement is executed, an attorney-client relationship is usually formed, allowing the client to leverage the attorney’s name or the name of his law firm as the name of the entity representing him in the legal matter. Having the name of a well-known attorney gives the client leverage when negotiating, for example, ...

What happens if a client does not pay the attorney?

If the client does not pay promptly, the attorney or law firm representing the client can place a lien on any recovery, property, or documents that are within the attorney’s possession, allowing him to retain the property until the client pays the overdue balance.

What does it mean when an attorney is not available within 72 hours?

Truth: If you are unable to obtain an initial appointment with an attorney within 72-hours, it probably means that the attorney is already overloaded with work. Unfortunately, it is the business model for many attorneys to render mediocre legal services for many clients, rather than to provide first rate legal services for a few clients.

What does it mean when an attorney has passed the bar exam?

Myth: The fact that an attorney has passed the state bar examination means that he is qualified to practice law. Truth: An attorney only becomes competent in a particular area as a result of years of practice and experience.

What is the myth about an attorney?

Myth: An attorney who has an impressive office address and a well-decorated office must be successful and competent. Truth: An attorney with a large monthly overhead may have a dysfunctional incentive to take on more cases than he or she can prudently manage and/or charge excessive hourly rates.

Why is most of the work at large law firms not performed by the named partners?

The result is that most of the work at large law firms is not performed by the named partners, because their primary responsibilities are meeting with prospective clients and mentoring junior attorneys. Myth: An attorney who has an impressive office address and a well-decorated office must be successful and competent.

How to determine an attorney's competency?

Truth: You can determine an attorney’s competency in a particular field by asking for references and verifying that the attorney has successfully handled similar legal matters. Myth: An optimal outcome can be achieved by retaining a contentious attorney.

Do attorneys charge by the hour?

Truth: Attorneys who are charging by the hour will earn more by prolonging a dispute. A client may be able to obtain a better net result by entering into a favorable settlement early in the case rather than spending a small fortune on attorney’s fees.

Do attorneys charge contingency fees?

Myth: All attorneys charge a one-third contingency fee in personal injury cases. Truth: The contingency fee charged by an attorney in a personal injury case is negotiable. For example, an attorney should voluntarily reduce his contingency fee when representing 2 or more clients that were injured in the same accident.

Frank Wei-Hong Chen

Reasonably, it might take an attorney or law firm 30 to 45 days to prepare a final invoice and refund any balance left. However, you seem to indicate that the attorney did not do anything, and moreover, that you already requested an invoice several months ago. Therefore, I think you...

Pamela Koslyn

Before you complain against the lawyer either to the State Bar or in a malpractice suit, are you sure your emails and messages have been received? Have you sent anything in writing to this lawyer unequivocally firing them, demanding an itemized invoice and immediate transmittal of the contents of your file (State Rules of Professsional Conduct prohibit them from withholding your file, even if hyou owe....


How Should Long Be A Lawyer container?

  • Mostly, a retainer agreement is effective if it’s signed for a long period. If you sign it for a shorter time, it may not be effective for both parties. Usually, a lawyer retainer is good for [I]at least 12 months. Such a long period helps the attorneys to learn all about the client. Also, this period is effective for an attorney to show their capa...
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Advantages of Retainer Agreement

  • As mentioned above, due to its sustainability, a retainer agreement is getting popular in the legal field. It helps to make a trusted relationship with anyone who is going to move on with you. In the legal field, these entities are clients and attorneys. There are many benefits of the retainer agreement for both parties. Some of these advantages are discussed here.
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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does a retainer fee expire?
    No, any attorney can’t claim more fees from his client before he has finished the assigned task. However, the client will have to pay the fee every month until the case is finalized.
  • Is it a good idea to keep a lawyer on retainer?
    Yes, having a lawyer on retainer is a good idea. Those who need permanent legal proceedings need a special attorney who can represent them in the court permanently. Also, those who have some prolonged cases but can’t pay the fee may consider this type of retainer agreement.
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  • To learn all about how long a lawyer retainer is good for, you should have basic knowledge about the retainer agreement, its basic procedure, and all its types. Without proper knowledge about all these facts, you can’t learn all about the sustainability of the retainer agreement. After thorough research, we’ve proposed a precise guide to explain all the essential concepts associated with a …
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