what to you do when you get a letter from a lawyer on a credit card debt

by Ladarius Kuhn 10 min read

The original creditor can retain an attorney, or the debt buyer can do so if it has purchased the debt. Often, though, a lawyer isn’t retained until the debt is very overdue. If you get a letter from a lawyer, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re being sued.

Full Answer

Do I need a lawyer to settle a credit card debt?

Dec 10, 2021 · A lawyer might get involved at any time in the collections process. The original creditor can retain an attorney, or the debt buyer can do so if it has purchased the debt. Often, though, a lawyer isn’t retained until the debt is very overdue. If you get a letter from a lawyer, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re being sued.

What to do if a credit card company files a lawsuit?

Nov 09, 2021 · If the debt does belong to you, write a drop dead letter telling them to cease and desist all communication. That should give you some breathing room to come up with a debt elimination strategy. Respond to Any Lawsuit If good-faith efforts don’t work, you might be looking at a lawsuit, often the last resort after a series of collection attempts.

How can an attorney help me get out of a debt?

Apr 26, 2018 · Step 1: How to answer a civil summons for credit card debt by settling it. How to Create a Budget and Stick to it. Read More. First, you should try to contact the creditor listed on the summons and reach a settlement without having to go to court. Before you call, look through your finances and create a budget.

What should I do if I get served with credit card debt?

You'll need to demand proof from the debt collector that you're the person who owes the debt. An attorney can help you make the debt collector produce the original documents so that you can show that your signature, Social Security number, and other personal information doesn't match that of the actual debtor. The party suing you can't prove it owns the debt.


How do you respond to a credit card lawsuit?

You should respond in one of three ways:Admit. Admit the paragraph if you agree with everything in the paragraph.Deny. Deny the paragraph if you want to make the debt collector prove that it is true.Defendant denies the allegation for lack of knowledge sufficient to know the truth or falsity thereof.Feb 28, 2022

How do I respond to a credit card summons?

Deny, deny, deny To answer each allegation, you can use one of the three following responses: Admit: This is like saying the allegation is true. Deny: This is like saying prove it. Deny due to lack of knowledge: This is like saying I don't know.Mar 5, 2022

How can I settle a credit card debt when a lawsuit has been filed?

A debt collection lawsuit can potentially be resolved with debt settlement. You can do this on your own or hire a debt settlement attorney to help. You can make a payment plan with the creditor to pay off the sum of the debt or partially pay the sum in a lump-sum settlement.Nov 29, 2021

Can you go to jail for credit card debt?

Can You Go To Jail For Not Paying Debt? (including student loans & credit card debt) The short answer is no – you will not go to jail for failing to pay back your debts.

How do you beat a debt collector in court?

How to Beat a Debt Collector in CourtRespond promptly to the lawsuit. ... Challenge the debt collector's right to sue. ... Bring up the burden of proof. ... Review the statute of limitations. ... File a countersuit. ... Decide if it's time to file bankruptcy. ... What is SoloSuit? ... How to answer a summons for debt collection in your state.More items...•Sep 29, 2021

What percentage should I offer to settle debt?

Offer a specific dollar amount that is roughly 30% of your outstanding account balance. The lender will probably counter with a higher percentage or dollar amount. If anything above 50% is suggested, consider trying to settle with a different creditor or simply put the money in savings to help pay future monthly bills.

What percentage will credit card companies settle for?

Typically, a creditor will agree to accept 40% to 50% of the debt you owe, although it could be as much as 80%, depending on whether you're dealing with a debt collector or the original creditor. In either case, your first lump-sum offer should be well below the 40% to 50% range to provide some room for negotiation.Jun 11, 2021

Can you get a settlement figure on a credit card?

You can negotiate a settlement for credit card debt, but doing so could negatively impact your credit for 7 years. If your credit card debt has become unmanageable, you are wise to seek help and explore your options, such as requesting a lower interest rate.Sep 6, 2018

What to do if a credit card company sues you?

There’s a sports adage that the best defense is a good offense. If a credit card company sues you, one strategy is to challenge its right to do so. It’s the plaintiffs’ responsibility to prove that you owe them money. Make them do it. Debt often gets sold, so ask for documentation of a credit agreement that you signed and proof that the paperwork is accurate and came from the original creditor. This can be done without a lawyer.

What happens if you don't show up for a credit card lawsuit?

If you don’t show up for the court proceeding, the judge automatically rules against you and will order you to pay the full amount. Credit cards are unsecured debt — meaning there’s no collateral at stake, such as a home or car — so the lender has limited options for collection.

What is Incharge debt management?

InCharge has credit counselors who can help reduce your monthly payments and get you out of debt even faster. With a debt management program, counselors can work with the credit card company to reduce the interest rate on your debt to 8% (sometimes better) and arrange a payment schedule that is affordable.

What is the top debt collection problem?

In 2019, the top debt collection problem was being pursued for a debt an individual didn’t owe. People frequently learn of collection efforts only after they are denied a loan or don’t get a job because of an outstanding debt on their credit report. A couple facts are interesting to note.

How many calls can you get from a debt collector?

If you have five debts, that does mean you could get 35 calls – but you’d only have to have five conversations. The second part of the rule says that debt collectors are required to provide consumers a validation notice either immediately or within five days of contacting the person they believe owes the debt.

How much credit card debt will be in 2021?

According to the Federal Reserve, U.S. credit card debt stood at $770 billion in early 2021. Understand, too, that credit card companies don’t sue capriciously. But if you fail to make the minimum monthly payment and carry a high balance, you’re going to get the dreaded phone call or court summons.

How long does it take to recover from bankruptcy?

Understand: Bankruptcy has a considerable impact that can take years to recover from, but it can be a first step toward getting out from under overwhelming debt and move you toward rebuilding your credit. Talk to a lawyer immediately about whether filing for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy is right for you.

What to do when you get summoned for credit card debt?

When you’ve been served with a lawsuit for your debt, there are three things you can do: Ignore it. Try to settle the debt.

What happens if you settle a credit card debt out of court?

If you settle the debt out of court, the creditors and their lawyers can withdraw the case. You can avoid the hassle of filing an answer formally with the court. Step 2: How to answer a civil summons for credit card debt by filing an answer with the court.

What happens when you get summoned for a debt?

The debt is basically considered a loss by the original lender or creditor. When you are served summons for a debt, someone will usually come to your house or work, ask you for your name, and present you with a civil summons. At this point it is best to not freak out and understand that it’s time to face your debt.

Can you sue someone for collecting a debt?

States have certain rules on how long collectors can try and collect on a debt; this is known as the statute of limitations. Once a debt is past the statute of limitations, collects cannot sue you to collect a debt.

Is Debt.com a substitute for legal advice?

Please be aware that articles on Debt.com are only intended to provide basic information and should not be used as a substitute for qualified legal advice. Debt.com recommends that you should always consult a licensed attorney if you have legal questions or face legal action.

Can you settle a civil summons?

So, you can either settle or go through the court system. Ideally, you should try to settle first and go through the court only if that fails. However, you have a limited amount of time to answer a civil summons. So, look on the summons to see when you need to file a response.

What to say to a creditor about a debt?

If you're unsure of what to say to a creditor or debt collector, you could inadvertently hurt your situation. For example, if the statute of limitations has passed, you could restart it by saying or signing something acknowledging that the debt is valid, or agreeing that you owe the money. You could also revive the statute of limitations if you make a payment on the old debt.

What to do if you don't have a defense to a lawsuit?

Even if you think you don't have a defense to the lawsuit, you might want to consult with an attorney to help you understand what you're facing and explain what could happen if you lose the suit.

What happens if you don't respond to a lawsuit?

If you don't respond to the suit, the court will most likely enter a judgment against you for the amount the creditor claims you owe. Courts routinely order debtors to pay accrued interest plus court fees, which can exceed the original amount owed. Other harmful consequences can include garnishment of wages, directing your bank to turn over funds from your account, and the seizure of personal property. An attorney can explain the specifics about what might happen in your situation.

How long can a debt collector sue you for unpaid debt?

This deadline is called the statute of limitations. The time limit varies from state to state, but it's generally from three to six years.

What happens if a lawsuit isn't filed?

If the party that files the lawsuit isn't the original creditor, it must prove it owns the debt. So, the lawsuit paperwork must include appropriate documentation showing that the plaintiff bought your debt from the original creditor or another entity that previously purchased the debt.

What can an attorney do for you?

An attorney can advise you about what you should and should not say (or do) in regards to an old debt. And, if you decide to hire the attorney to represent you in the matter, the lawyer can deal with all communication to and from the creditor or debt collector.

Can you assert lack of standing in court?

Otherwise, you might be able to assert lack of standing —meaning, the party suing you doesn't have the right to collect the debt—as a defense. An attorney can help you figure out if this defense is available in your situation. An attorney can also point out, and raise in court, defenses that you haven't considered.

Why Might a Credit Card Company Decide to Sue?

When you don’t keep up with your credit card payments as promised, there are several ways your credit card company can try to compel you to pay. Your card issuer may call you, write you or bring a third party debt collector into the picture.

How Does a Debt Collection Lawsuit Work?

Debt collection lawsuits can vary depending on your state of residence. But, in general, you’ll receive a summons after the attorney files a complaint in state civil court to initiate the process of suing you.

Find Out If You Qualify For Debt Relief

It’s normal to feel stressed out if someone sues you for unpaid credit card debt. And while it is important to take prompt action, you also want to try to remain calm and keep your situation in perspective.

Kevin Samuel Sullivan

I agree with both counsel. Getting verification, unless you disagree with amount owed or don't understand what is your charges and what is late fees and penalties is pretty much a stalling tactic in the collection process and some agencies won't talk to you after you request it unless and until they have responded to your request in writing.

Kathryn Ursula Tokarska

If this is a lawyer in California, there is a good chance that the debt collection law firm will sue you on this debt within then next few months. If you wish to review all of your options, please see the first video on my web site and related articles.

Robert Harlan Stempler

Requesting validation is a good idea as it can help you see where the amount they are asking for came from. Some of it may be collection fees, some of it may be (is) interest, etc. That can help you in trying to negotiate if you want to try and negotiate to settle the debt...

What to do after filing a default judgment?

After filing your Answer, ask the courthouse clerk what the next steps will be. You will typically be given a date to appear in court. If you are asked to appear in court, do not absent yourself to avoid a default judgment. There may also be instances where a mediation or settlement could take place. This means you and the creditor will try to settle or agree out of court to avoid a trial.

What happens if you don't pay your credit card?

For example, if you have not paid your credit card and you’re behind by at least 180 days on payment, the credit card company will file a “Complaint”, which is basically the lawsuit, against you. The creditor is called the “plaintiff” in the legal documents. The complaint will contain all the allegations against you.

What happens if a plaintiff wins a lawsuit?

If the plaintiff wins the lawsuit, that means you need to pay the amount determined by the judge. You can try to settle the debt with the creditor once again or as a last option, file for bankruptcy.

Why is it important to state or select all the defenses that you think could apply to your case?

At this point, it’s important to state or select all the defenses that you think could apply to your case because these could be the key on how to beat a debt collector in court. Even if you admit to the allegations, you can use these defenses to still win the case. Some example of defenses are the following:

What does it mean when a creditor is trying to settle a case?

This means you and the creditor will try to settle or agree out of court to avoid a trial. During the hearings, this is the time when you can argue your case and ask for evidence about the allegations. This is also the time when you can present the documents and proof that you have to dispute the allegations.

What happens when you respond to a complaint?

When the plaintiff is informed that you responded to the Complaint, they will know that they cannot proceed with a default judgment request. If you send the Answer by mail, don’t forget to keep the receipt that you indeed mailed the document.

How long do you have to respond to a summons?

This is important so that you can plan your steps accordingly. Most states allow for 20 days but depending on the state, this can range from 14 to 40 days.

What happens if a credit card company gets a judgment?

If the credit card company gets a judgment, it can use all sorts of collection methods against you to get paid. A credit card company can get a judgment against you in several ways after it has filed a lawsuit. Read on to learn how a credit card company can get a judgment, and what types of collection actions it can take once it gets ...

What happens if a creditor files a lawsuit against you?

If the creditor files a lawsuit against you, the case may eventually proceed to trial. At trial, the burden is on the credit card company to prove that you owe money. If it has provided enough evidence to show this (typically in the form of a signed credit agreement and accounting or billing statements), the court will issue a judgment in its favor, unless you have proven to the court that you don't owe the money. There are many steps in a lawsuit between the complaint and the trial—to learn more, see Creditor Lawsuits: What to Expect When the Case Is in Court.

What does it mean when a creditor negotiates a judgment?

This means that you agree that a judgment will be entered against you for the settled amount.

What happens if you don't file a complaint?

If you do not file an answer to the complaint within the response period, you lose the right to challenge the creditor's lawsuit. If the creditor presents enough evidence to the court showing that you owe the debt, the court will grant a default judgment.

Can you get a judgment as part of a settlement?

Getting a Judgment as Part of a Settlement. At any time before the court issues a judgment, you may enter into a settlement agreement with the creditor. In a settlement agreement, you and the creditor agree to certain terms.

Can a credit card company collect on a judgment?

Once a credit card company has a judgment against you, there are several methods by which it can attempt to collect on the judgment. These methods are not available to the credit card company without a judgment. In accordance with state law, the creditor may attempt to collect by the following methods:

How long does it take to dispute a debt?

Within the first 30 days of being contacted by a debt collector, you can dispute the validity of the debt and request the collector send you proof that the debt is actually yours.

Why do you need a written dispute letter?

But, a written billing error dispute letter is necessary if you want the card issuer to abide by the Fair Credit Billing Act.

What is a pay for delete letter?

A "pay for delete" letter is an offer to a creditor or debt collector to remove a negative credit report entry in exchange for payment. You can make an offer over the phone, but a signed letter from the creditor or collector is solid proof that an agreement was made. 5.

What is a cease and desist letter?

The cease and desist letter only applies to a specific debt collector, so you will have to send another one if a new collector takes over that debt or you have debts with multiple debt collectors. You can also use a cease and desist letter to stop wrong number collection calls.

How long does it take for a credit report to be accurate?

The credit bureau generally has to investigate within 30 to 45 days. 2

How long does a creditor have to investigate a dispute?

The law requires creditors to investigate your dispute as long as your letter is sent within a specific timeframe. It also allows you to withhold payment for the disputed amount while the investigation is underway. 1 .

Does the statute of limitations stop collectors from trying to get you to pay?

The statute of limitations doesn't relieve your obligation to pay a debt, and it doesn't stop collectors from trying to get you to pay. (It instead limits the time that debt is legally enforceable.) 6

How to get a letter of credit for a small business?

In order to get a letter of credit, the first place you will go is your business’s bank.

What happens if you don't get a standby letter of credit?

However, with a standby letter of credit, the buyer is still expected to make the payment—if they don’t, then the bank will step in and make good on the payment. Other types of credit letters include revolving, traveler’s, and confirmed, all of which have their own specific uses. However, for the purpose of small business operations, ...

What is an applicant in a credit transaction?

The applicant is the buyer in a deal that involves a letter of credit. Since the buyer is applying to a bank for the credit and approval that makes the transaction go through, they’re referred to as an applicant. They have to prove, by way of their application, that they’re a trustworthy partner.

What is the advantage of a letter of credit?

Another advantage of a letter of credit is the role of a negotiating bank. Negotiating banks work with you domestically to handle portions of the transaction with the issuing bank, which handles all of the buyer-side logistics involved in moving money from the buyer to the seller.

Why do businesses need a letter of credit?

As a business owner, you may request a letter of credit from a customer to guarantee payment for products or services you’re providing. In this instance, a letter of credit is the way for an impartial third party—in this case, the bank—to guarantee that your customer can (and will) pay you for the goods or services provided.

What is a negotiating bank?

The negotiating bank handles the ins and outs of actually getting the seller paid and works on the beneficiary’s side of the transaction. The beneficiary provides documents and information to the negotiating bank, which will then act as a go-between with the issuing bank (as well as the confirming and advising bank, if they are different from the negotiating bank itself).

How to get paid by a business?

When you’re a small business owner, there are a variety of ways to get paid by your customers and vendors. Some are simple, like cash, checks, or wire transfers. Others are a little more tricky, depending on the situation. If you have a more complicated transaction—say with an international party—you may need a surefire way to make sure you get the money you’re due. One of the best and most common methods, in this case, is a letter of credit. A letter of credit serves as a way to help ensure your vendor will remain true to their word to pay you, all without having to rely on a personal guarantee or verbal agreement.
