what to do if you are assaulted by a lawyer

by Tatyana Rohan 9 min read

What to do if you’re a victim of an assault at work?

If you have been threatened with physical harm, hit, or otherwise touched when you didn't want to be, a civil assault and battery lawyer can help. A civil assault and battery lawyer helps victims sue for money damages from the assailant. Use FindLaw to hire a local civil assault and battery lawyer to get compensation for medical expenses, emotional ...

Should I hire a lawyer for an assault charge?

Oct 05, 2021 · Report the assault to your employer. Report the assault to the police. Get the names and numbers of any coworkers, vendors, or customers who witnessed the assault. Take photos of your injury and the conditions at work if possible. Get medical care.

What should I do if I press charges for assault?

The best thing you can do for yourself is to hire an assault lawyer. Submit all evidence to them and they'll be able to take care of the rest. They'll be your voice in court. If You're Assaulted at Work, Take Prompt Action

What does a civil assault and battery lawyer do?

If you have been assaulted or abused, you should first escape from the offender and seek medical attention. You should then call the police and explain what happened. In most cases the police will arrest the accused and lay charges. You should also record the names and badge numbers of the officers who assisted you.


What is Considered Assault? (And What to Do if You’re Charged)

Getting into an altercation with someone is not always a planned affair. However, it is important to know what is considered assault so that you ca...

What Is Considered Assault?

An assault is an illegal threat or an attempt to cause harm to another person. It is an intentional attempt to use force or violence to injure some...


An act of violence is an assault when done intentionally. This means if the shoving is accidental then it will not be an assault. Otherwise, if the...


Fighting whether in public or private can lead to several charges. You can first be charged with disturbing the peace, which is mostly a misdemeano...


The simple answer to this is yes. If there is proof of intent, you can still face assault charges even if the other party threw the first punch. Ho...


When facing assault charges, the case is normally assigned to a judge. It ultimately goes to trial if the charges are not dropped or the perpetrato...


The first thing you should do when charged with an assault is to get yourself a good criminal defense attorney. This is because lawyers know and un...

What is a simple attack?

This is a threat or attack without a weapon. A simple attack can result in no injury or minor injuries like a black eye, scratches, swelling, or cuts and bruises.

What do police do?

The police, in as much as they are there to protect and establish peace, are also trained to get information to build a case. This can include evidence against you. For example, they can call you aside, offer an icepack, and at that point ask you what happened.

Can I sue my employer for being assaulted at work?

Usually you cannot sue your employer directly, you can only make a workers compensation claim. This can cover some of your medical issues and lost wages.

Can an employer fire you for defending yourself?

In general courts in other parts of the country have ruled that employers who terminate employees for defending themselves may be guilty of wrongful termination, but this issue has not yet come up in New Jersey. New Jersey is an at-will employment state. It also may depend on what your company policy has to say about self-defense at work.

Does mental damage count as damage covered by workers compensation?

Yes. It is recognized that threats or threatening behavior can cause actual mental harm. While a workers compensation case based on mental health may be a little harder to win than one based on physical injury it is still possible to file a workers compensation claim.

Get Help Today

If you’ve been injured on the job don’t wait for your employer to do the right thing. Your employer will do whatever it takes to protect their own interests.

What is the purpose of a civil assault lawsuit?

The purpose of a civil lawsuit is to provide compensation to the victim, to be paid by the perpetrator.

What is the difference between assault and wrongful act?

A wrongful act (intentional or otherwise) usually requires " damages " (injury or harm of some kind) in order to be actionable, and assault cases are no different. In an assault case, damages can include physical injuries and the cost to treat those injuries, lost income, and other more subjective harm. Here's a breakdown of the different kinds of damages that may result from an assault.

What are the elements of assault?

If you are going to file an assault lawsuit, there are a few main elements you must be able to prove: an intentional action on the part of the defendant. the defendant's intention to cause apprehension of harm, and. your resulting reasonable apprehension of immediate harm.

What is punitive damages?

Punitive damages for assault are designed solely to punish the assailant, and are only available in certain jurisdictions and under certain circumstances. As a general rule, an assault must be particularly outrageous or egregious to trigger the possibility of punitive damages.

What is economic damages?

Economic damages are designed to reimburse you for any costs and expenses associated with the assault. Common components of economic damages include medical bills (including cost of future care) and lost income.

Is assault a crime?

Most people likely think of "assault" as a crime, but it's also the kind of wrongful act that can form the basis of a personal injury lawsuit. Here's what you need to know.

Does liability insurance cover assault?

That's because no liability insurance policy will cover an intentional act like assault, so only the defendant will be on the financial hook. If you sue a defendant who has little in the way of assets, you'll soon find out that winning money in court isn't the same as collecting it.

Should I call the police after an assault?

Ideally, you should call the police right after the assault happens. The longer you wait, the more unclear your memories will get, plus you risk going outside the statute of limitations in some cases.

Can you file a claim for assault on yourself?

It's possible to file claims for compensation on your own, but it can be quite difficult. This is especially true if you have no legal experience, plus you're suffering from both physical and emotional damage as a result of the assault.

What to do if you are assaulted by police?

Having the police lay a charge. If you have been assaulted or abused, you should first escape from the offender and seek medical attention. You should then call the police and explain what happened. In most cases the police will arrest the accused and lay charges.

How to erase criminal record in Canada?

To erase your criminal record, call toll-free 1-888-808-3628or learn more at Pardon Partners. It’s easier than you think.

What is the phone number to call if you believe you may be the victim of an assault?

Click here to schedule a FREE CASE EVALUATION or call us at 843-248-2405.

How long is assault and battery in South Carolina?

Convictions for assault and battery in South Carolina range from the misdemeanor charge of third degree assault and battery (simple assault) which is punishable by a fine and/or up to 30 days imprisonment up to the most serious felony charge of assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature which is punishable by up to 20 years imprisonment.

What is a civil lawsuit?

A civil lawsuit provides victims of certain actions, such as assault and battery, the ability to hold the perpetrator financially liable for the damage they have caused. Unlike a criminal trial, which holds the defendant accountable to the State for violating the laws of the State, a civil trial seeks to hold the defendant accountable to you, the victim. A civil lawsuit can recover both economic damages (such as medical treatments and financial consequences like lost wages) and non-economic damages (such as mental and emotional distress) which were caused by the actions of the perpetrator. Additionally, civil lawsuits have the benefits of a lower burden of proof and giving the victim more control over the case.


What Is Assault?

Elements of Assault

  • If you are going to file an assault lawsuit, there are a few main elements you must be able to prove: 1. an intentional action on the part of the defendant 2. the defendant's intention to cause apprehension of harm, and 3. your resulting reasonable apprehension of immediate harm. Take the following example: You are waiting at a bus stop after a bas...
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Injuries and Damages in Assault Lawsuits

  • A wrongful act (intentional or otherwise) usually requires "damages" (injury or harm of some kind) in order to be actionable, and assault cases are no different. In an assault case, damages can include physical injuries and the cost to treat those injuries, lost income, and other more subjective harm. Here's a breakdown of the different kinds of damages that may result from an …
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Should You Sue?

  • Even if you've got an excellent case—witnesses who will testify to the assault, a conviction from the related criminal case, etc. —you'll need to consider the financial side of filing an assault lawsuit. The purpose of a civil lawsuitis to provide compensation to the victim, to be paid by the perpetrator. If the person who assaulted you doesn't have significant assets, there may not be m…
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