what should you ask the lawyer

by Prof. Perry Schoen V 4 min read

Here are some questions to ask at the consultation:

  • What would the lawyer like to see in order to evaluate your situation?
  • What problems does the lawyer foresee with your case?
  • How would the lawyer go about handling your situation? ...
  • How long will it take to bring the matter to a conclusion?
  • How would the lawyer charge for his or her services?

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Questions to Ask Your Lawyer During a Consultation
  • 1) What kind of experience do you have with similar cases?
  • 2) What would be your strategy for my case?
  • 3) Are there any alternatives to going to court?
  • 4) What are my possible outcomes?
  • 5) Who will actually handle my case?
  • 6) What is my role in my case?
Jan 29, 2017

Full Answer

What are good questions to ask an attorney?

Ask the lawyer A number of questions arise: Can you show the tenant’s demand ... Do you know the expression “no good deed goes unpunished”? Bottom line: Consultation with counsel here also is advisable. Is the tenant’s conduct a breach of the ...

How do I Ask an attorney a question?

For the rest of you, here are my thoughts on this subject:

  1. Real mentors see themselves as teachers whose job is to teach their associates how to practice law properly.
  2. Those ‘mentors’ who loudly proclaim that they believe in the ‘sink or swim’ method and are vehemently opposed to ‘holding the hand’ of their juniors are full of crap. ...
  3. People do not learn to practice law in law school. ...

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What would you ask an attorney?

Remember, costs, like copies, telephone calls, court reporter fees, postage, etc. will likely be separate from the attorney fees, so be sure to ask about that, too. How will the attorney respond to your requests? One of the biggest sources of complaints against attorneys has to do with them being unresponsive.

What kind of lawyer do you really want to be?

What Kind of Lawyer Do You Want to Be? “Informed consent.” “Do no harm.”. These ethical concepts are integral to contemporary legal ethics and practice. But how easy are they to attain? Here in the United States, there seem to be, generally speaking, two types of attorneys, at least when it comes to trial work and divorce.


What are 3 questions you should ask a lawyer before hiring?

6 Questions To Ask Before You Hire A LawyerWhat's Your Experience? ... What Percentage Of Your Practice Is Dedicated To This Area Of Law? ... What Will This Cost? ... Can You Charge Me A Flat-Rate Fee? ... Where's My Contract? ... Can I Avoid Going To Court?

What is the hardest question to ask a lawyer?

12 Tough Questions to Ask a LawyerWhat's your opinion of the probate process?Under what conditions do you recommend a Living Trust?How do I protect my children from abusive relatives if something happens to me?Can I keep my kids from controlling their entire inheritance at 18?More items...•

What should I say to my lawyer?

Tips for Talking to an AttorneyAlways be as honest and candid as possible about the facts of your case. ... Ask questions if you don't understand something that your attorney mentions or explains to you.Approach an attorney about your case as soon as you think you may need one.More items...•

How do you prepare to talk to a lawyer?

How to Prepare for a Lawyer ConsultationFinding the Right Attorney. Before you can have an attorney consultation, you need to find a lawyer who might be a good fit. ... Background Knowledge. ... The Legal Plan. ... Working with Your Attorney. ... Money Matters.

What questions should I ask my lawyer mentor?

Questions to Ask Your Mentor How is what I am learning in school different from what it will be like practicing? How did you become a [insert practice area] attorney? What is a typical work day like for you? What types of cases/projects are you currently working on?

What is a good question to ask a judge?

Good questions to ask the judge include the following: “How do you like being a judge?” “How did you decide to become a judge?” “What was the most important thing that helped you become a judge?”

How do you know a bad lawyer?

Signs of a Bad LawyerBad Communicators. Communication is normal to have questions about your case. ... Not Upfront and Honest About Billing. Your attorney needs to make money, and billing for their services is how they earn a living. ... Not Confident. ... Unprofessional. ... Not Empathetic or Compassionate to Your Needs. ... Disrespectful.

What do you say when you first call a lawyer?

0:041:20What To Say When You Call An Attorney - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipKnow kind of ballpark.MoreKnow kind of ballpark.

Why do lawyers ignore you?

If your attorney is not experienced or efficient, they may have missed a deadline or made another mistake and aren't willing to confess their error. There could also be some bad news that is entirely outside of the attorney's control.

How do I prepare for my first meeting with a lawyer?

Tips For Meeting With Your Lawyer For the First TimeDress To Impress. ... Be Ready To Give Your Attorney Important Information About Yourself. ... Gather Your Evidence And Have It Ready For Your First Meeting. ... Get Your Facts Straight. ... Plan Something You Can Look Forward To For After Your Meeting.

How should I dress to meet a lawyer?

The standard attire for meeting with you lawyer should be business casual. Wear dress pants, a nice shirt or top. Women should wear a conservative dress or skirt. Nothing too revealing.

How do you ask a lawyer about advice?

How to Ask Another Attorney for HelpStep 1: Know What You Need To Ask. It is best to determine how much help you need before picking up the phone. ... Step 2: Be Respectful of Their Time and Schedule.Step 3: Respect Their Advice.

1. How long have you practiced law?

At a minimum, you'll want to know about the lawyer's expertise and whether the lawyer is a veteran or beginner attorney, for instance. Your legal issue may very well be handled by someone who is fresh out of law school, (or not). It all depends.

2. What type of cases do you generally handle? What percentage of your practice is devoted to (the practice area in question)?

You'll also want to know about a lawyer's expertise and how much of the attorney's practice is devoted to topic area your legal issue falls within. For example, if you need help with an adoption case, you may wish to seek a family law lawyer who has worked on, well, adoption cases. Click here for a full list of practice area definitions.

3. Who is your typical client?

This is an important, but often-overlooked question. For example, if you are an individual with a particular legal problem, but the attorney your meeting with represents only corporations, this may not be the best lawyer for you. Likewise, you may wish to know the financial background of some of the lawyer's clients.

4. How many cases have you represented that were similar to mine?

Now is not the time to act shy. Feel free to ask about the attorney's track record, such as the number of cases won or settled, for example.

5. Other than a law degree, what kind of special training or knowledge do you have that might apply in my situation?

Some cases, like DUI and patent cases, require specialized training and knowledge for effective representation. Be sure to inquire whether your case fits into that category.

6. What are your attorney fees and costs, and how are they billed? Will a portion or all of my case be handled by paralegals or legal assistants? If so, ask about reduced costs

This step is obviously an important one. You'll want to know whether you can afford the lawyer's services and how you will be required to pay. This is also the time to ask about payment options and how often, and under what circumstances, you will be billed.

7. What is your approach or philosophy to winning or representing a case?

This can be important in two ways. First, if you are seeking an amicable divorce, for example, but the attorney is known to "go for the kill" in divorce cases, the attorney may not be the right one for you.

Education and Experience

It is important to hire an attorney who has experience handling cases similar to your own. So, be sure to ask the attorney whether he or she has relevant (and recent) practice experience in the area of law at issue. Also, you may want to ask about the attorney’s legal education.

Professional History

Questions about the lawyer’s professional history are also important. You should ask the lawyer if he or she has ever been involved in a fee dispute. Another important question to ask is if the lawyer has ever been sued for malpractice, and how the lawsuit was resolved.

Contact Information

Clients often complain that their attorney doesn’t answer phone calls. However, your attorney might have a heavy workload and might not be able to stop what he or she is doing and take your call. This is why you should ask when the best time to contact him or her is and by what means (i.e. telephone, email, or in person).

How does LegalMatch work?

We've helped more than 5 million clients find the right lawyer – for free. Present your case online in minutes. LegalMatch matches you to pre-screened lawyers in your city or county based on the specifics of your case. Within 24 hours experienced local lawyers review it and evaluate if you have a solid case.

1. What experience does the lawyer have with this type of case if it goes to trial?

Many lawyers are great at “working up” the case, but try to avoid going to trial even when the other side is offering an unreasonable settlement offer. Most lawyers who try a lot of cases handle the case from the beginning as if it will proceed to trial. If the case settles, fine. If not, they are prepared to try the case.

2. Will I have control of the decision to settle the case or proceed to trial?

Some lawyers seek little or no input from the client when the decision to settle or try the case is at hand. Make sure that the lawyer you choose allows such input and cannot settle your case without your express direction to do so.

3. What costs will be involved in handling my case?

Costs are a necessary part of any case. Almost all lawyers take a fee on the total amount recovered, while the costs come out of the client’s portion. If those costs are high, the client’s recovery can be substantially reduced. Make sure your lawyer will provide a detailed accounting of the costs as the case progresses so there are no surprises.

4. How is the value of my case determined?

It is important to understand how a lawyer evaluates cases. Most lawyers use a combination of experience and a review of past cases in considering the potential value of the case. The chance of proving liability and the fault of the client or other parties is also a consideration in the evaluation.

5. What are my chances for success in this case?

It is also important to understand the realistic chances of success in your case. The attorney should explain the challenges in the case to avoid any misunderstandings later.

What to ask a lawyer about his or her career?

It's also a good idea to ask the lawyer about his or her legal career. It's good to know how many years the attorney has practiced law, and what type of cases the attorney generally handles. It would also be helpful to know who the lawyer's typical client is. For example, if a lawyer usually works with businesses and you're an individual, ...

Why is it important to interview a lawyer?

Interviewing a Lawyer. It's important to interview the lawyer you want to hire to help you with your legal matter.

Why is it important to know what you will be billed for and what payment options the lawyer provides?

This is an important question because it will allow you to determine if you can afford the lawyer' s services. It's also a good idea to ask the lawyer about his or her legal career. It's good to know how many years the attorney has practiced law, ...

What are the requirements to become a lawyer?

The first two steps to becoming a lawyer are earning a bachelor's degree (or its equivalent) and taking the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). Then, the person must attend and graduate from law school. There are some states that have legal ...

What is the purpose of the law test?

The test involves multiple choice questions and essays on various areas of law meant to test a person's understanding of the law and capacity for logical thought. In addition to the requirements mentioned above, a person must also pass a moral character and fitness test.

In Order to Move Forward With Any Lawyer, First Ask These Ten Questions

Think of the consultation as an interview. You’re hiring the lawyer. Put the attorney to the test, starting with this question….

Finding the Right Lawyer Is The First Step in Winning Your Case

You are, after all, as good as your representation. Your lawyer speaks for you. Therefore make sure you speak with that lawyer first to ensure he/she is the right one for the job. Find the best lawyer for you today.
