what is it like being a corporate lawyer: what do corporate lawyers do

by Theo Murazik 8 min read

The role of a corporate lawyer is to advise clients of their rights, responsibilities, and duties under the law. When a corporate lawyer is hired by a corporation, the lawyer represents the corporate entity, not its shareholders or employees.

Corporate lawyers structure transactions, draft documents, negotiate deals, attend meetings and make calls toward those ends. A corporate lawyer works to ensure that the provisions of an agreement are clear, unambiguous and won't cause problems for their client in the future.Oct 10, 2016

Full Answer

What are the Good Things of being a corporate lawyer?

  • Restructuring companies by selling shares and assets
  • Listing companies on the stock exchange
  • Merging a company with another business (mergers and acquisitions)

What should I major in to be a corporate lawyer?

  • Accounting
  • Business law
  • Economics
  • Business management
  • Finance
  • Ethics in business

What does a corporate lawyer actually do?

Corporate attorneys, also known as transactional lawyers, additionally structure and negotiate business transactions, perform due diligence, prepare and submit materials to governmental bodies, and supervise closings. Corporate lawyers tend to work on “deals” rather than “cases,” and they advocate in boardrooms more than courtrooms.

What traits should a corporate lawyer have?

Personality Traits Every Lawyer Should Have

  • Communicative Skills. ...
  • Enjoy Discussions with Good Arguments. ...
  • Negotiation is One of Your Favorite Activities. ...
  • Persuasion is A Skill that Never Fails. ...
  • Create a Good Emotional Armor. ...
  • Being able to lead an Excellent Organization. ...
  • Persistence is another of the Great Virtues. ...
  • Success will also depend on Patience. ...
  • Responsibility. ...

More items...


What does a corporate lawyer do day-to-day?

A typical day involves being on the phone or in meetings with clients or colleagues working through deal-specific or governance-related issues, negotiating transaction documents with opposing counsel, or working on regulatory filings in connection with a transaction.

Whats it like being a corporate attorney?

Hours vary, but corporate attorneys can be expected to spend a fair chunk of their days and nights in the office. Much of the traditional workday is taken up by phone calls with clients, leaving the drafting and fine-tuning for post-business hours.

What are the perks of being a corporate lawyer?

Benefits for LawyersMedical and dental plans.Short- and long-term disability plans.Health care reimbursement account through pre-tax deductions.401(k) retirement savings plan.Domestic partner benefits.Life insurance.Firm-paid business travel accident insurance.Firm-paid accidental death and dismemberment insurance.More items...

Are corporate lawyers rich?

Salary of Corporate Lawyers in India In India, the range of salary that the law firms offers ranges all the way from Rs 25-30 lakh per annum to Rs 150-200 lakh. Even for lawyers who have just graduated from college, there is a wide potential range from between Rs 5-10 lakh per year to Rs 18-20 lakh per year.

Is becoming a corporate lawyer worth it?

Working as a corporate lawyer can be a very rewarding and lucrative career path. You have to study for many years, so be prepared for hard work and sacrifice. You will need to get qualified, gain experience, and then continue your professional development and study for your specialism in corporate law.

Is corporate law easy?

The point is, that corporate lawyers' work is not easy, be it in-house or law firm. The initial years at the law firm were gruelling as it should be. You learn the most in the initial years after all. But the lack of a systematic guidance mechanism is what makes the process gruesome.

Is corporate law interesting?

As a whole, corporate law is the new flavor of the legal service industry. It has great potential and the future looks bright for corporate lawyers. To work as a corporate lawyer is enriching, unique and exciting knowing the dynamic environment it provides.

Do corporate lawyers argue in court?

Corporate Lawyers fights for any interest in the company in the court or outside the court.

Why do I need a corporate lawyer?

Because a corporate lawyer can help you structure and plan your business for success, even if you end up going with a business structure other than a corporation. It's always a good idea to have a lawyer on board to craft your business' managing documents, review contracts, and help you make other strategy decisions.

What does a corporate lawyer represent?

When a corporate lawyer is hired by a corporation, the lawyer represents the corporate entity, not its shareholders or employees. This may be a confusing concept to grasp until you learn that a corporation is actually treated a lot like a person under the law. A corporation is a legal entity that is created under state law, ...

Is a corporation a person?

A corporation is treated as a unique entity or "person" under the law, separate from its owners or shareholders. Corporate law includes all of the legal issues that surround a corporation, which are many because corporations are subject to complex state and federal regulations.

What is corporate lawyer?

1. Reviewing or preparing documentation: Corporate lawyers are required for preparing or reviewing important legal documentation of their client. Right from incorporation to hiring employees, every action needs a legal document. Lawyers are routinely involved in drafting or reviewing contracts, agreements, deeds, etc.

Is there a law in corporate law?

In fact, there is relatively little law in being a corporate lawyer. What it mostly involves is highly complex document management. You spend hours and hours each day combing through very long and detailed documents and refining them. Possibly the only. Continue Reading.

Do corporate lawyers get edgy?

Generally, a corporate lawyer meets a good bunch of top level officials. People want you to like them ~ Clients want to be on your good side, most of the times. Yes, there are those clients who get edgy if you don’t reply to their emails within the hours. But mostly, they want to please you.

What do corporate lawyers need to do?

To structure a business transaction legally, a corporate lawyer may need to research aspects of contract law, tax law, accounting, securities law, bankruptcy, intellectual property rights, licensing, zoning laws, and other regulations relating to a specific area of business. The lawyer must ensure that a transaction does not conflict with local, ...

Why did one corporate lawyer like this side of the law?

One corporate lawyer remarked that she liked this side of the law precisely because the transactions take place among peers: There is no wronged party, no underdog, and usually no inequity in the financial means of the participants.

How does a new associate work?

New associates spend their days reviewing documents and doing legal research. They gather information on statutes that affect their clients’ transaction to insure that it can be done legally and keep track of the paperwork needed for the closing. The work is hard. Expect to put in long hours and work weekends.

What is the most important trait a lawyer can have?

As one person observed, “The most important trait a lawyer can have is a leather-ass. You’ve got to be able to put your butt in a chair and do the work.”. The upside to this profession is the compensation is good and you usually work with smart people.

How competitive is law school?

Law school admission is extremely competitive-the top twenty-five schools have an admission rate of about 10%. You can get tracked early: The kind of school you attend affects what kind of summer job opportunities you may have, which in turn affects the kind of permanent job you secure.

Is corporate law cushy?

The practice of corporate law is less cushy now; the days of the endless expense account are gone. The state of the economy always shapes the nature of corporate law; changes in the interest rates, the tax code, and other regulations affect the kind of transactions being done and how they are structured.

Who was the first lawyer to become a professor?

Thomas Jefferson introduced the first academic law program to the United States when he created a professorship in law at William and Mary in 1779. George Wythe , a Virginia judge at the time and, later, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, was the first to fill the post.

Why is it important to have a corporate law attorney?

Across the legal profession, advanced technical skills are needed. Data privacy and data security are top concerns for corporate legal departments. This is because most businesses rely heavily on technology not only for everyday operations but also to build their brands, interact with customers, innovate and more. It is therefore essential for corporate law attorneys to understand the many ways technology supports the business, and the potential risks that devices, systems, applications and new ways of working, such as cloud computing, may pose.

Why do lawyers choose corporate law?

Some legal professionals choose the corporate law path specifically because they want to improve their work-life balance, which can be hard to do in a traditional law firm environment.

Why are corporate legal departments growing?

Many corporate legal departments are growing their teams because they need to watch the bottom line in a post-recession environment where businesses remain highly cost-conscious.

Is a corporate lawyer a 9 to 5 job?

So, although a corporate law career may provide more flexibility to manage both business and personal obligations compared to a law firm position, it is unlikely to be a 9-to-5 job.

Why are lawyers so good at their jobs?

Lawyers are in the unusual position of actually being better at their jobs if they have a pessimistic mindset rather than a rosy outlook, according to the ABA. A lawyer’s ability to see everything that could possibly go wrong comes in handy when they’re building an airtight case against the opposition.

How many years of school do I need to become a lawyer?

1. The challenging years of law school. The process of becoming a lawyer isn’t for the faint of heart. The BLS reports that it typically takes seven years of full-time postsecondary education to become a lawyer. This breaks down to four years for a Bachelor’s degree, followed by three years of law school.

How many law school graduates were full time in 2015?

Just 59.2 percent of 2015 law school grads held full-time, long-term jobs as lawyers 10 months after graduation, according to data from the American Bar Association (ABA). This can create a very difficult situation for those who take on substantial student loan debt to pursue their law career.

Is being a lawyer worth it?

Is being a lawyer worth it? That’s something only you can decide. Becoming a lawyer definitely isn’t for everyone. If you decide that the risks don’t outweigh the rewards, you don’t necessarily have to give up your dream of working in the legal field. There are plenty of other career options that may better suit your skills and interests.

What does a lawyer do?

Lawyers use their knowledge of the law and fair legal practices to provide quality legal advice to their clients. They advise them on the best course of action in both civil and criminal cases. Lawyers also interpret the law and various regulations for individuals and businesses.

Why do lawyers help people?

While this profession allows you to seek justice for these parties, it also provides you with emotional rewards. Depending on your perspective, this can be more beneficial than the money you earn in this profession.

Why do lawyers have a decorating budget?

For example, some lawyers can also enjoy a decorating budget to help make their work environment more conducive to their productivity. Other work perks they may be able to take advantage of include plush accommodations, gym memberships and support staff to help minimize their workload.

How many hours do lawyers work?

This is mostly the case for new lawyers barely starting their careers. While a normal workweek consists of 40 hours, some lawyers put in 60 to 90 hours each week depending on the needs of the case they're working on.

How much do lawyers make?

Lawyers have the ability to earn a generous income. They make a national average salary of $50,979 per year. Though you may not earn this income as a new lawyer, you can work your way toward this salary with enough hard work and experience. However, finding satisfaction in your specific field may be worth more than your annual salary.

What do lawyers do when they have a case?

When they have a case, they prepare the necessary documents, gather evidence, analyze probable outcomes and often appear in court to represent their clients. While in court, they present their case to the judge and the jury using logical reasoning and a combination of their persuasiveness and analytical abilities.

Why is it important to keep up with the law?

This means you need to put in a heavy amount of research on each case to ensure you're following current legal practices and regulations. While it may not always be the case, staying up-to-date on these changes can feel overwhelming and result in long days at the office.

What does a corporate lawyer feel?

Corporate lawyers can feel a great sense of accomplishment in resolving these points for their clients and getting the deal done. For corporate attorneys with high-profile clients, they also enjoy being part of transactions that others read about in the news.

What do lawyers dislike most about M&A?

Almost universally, the long and unpredictable hours are what attorneys dislike most about the practice . Practically every corporate M&A lawyer will have an anecdote about breaking plans with family or friends due to work. At certain stages of a deal, like the period right before a closing, the hours can be unforgiving as attorneys concentrate on ...

Can an attorney work part time?

Other attorneys may choose to work part-time or move into other non-partner-track positions, such as career associates or practice attorneys, which typically come with shorter work hours and lower compensation.
