what happens if my social security lawyer doesn't show up for the hearing?

by Cara Johnston 6 min read

If they do fail to show up, you are within your rights to proceed without counsel but I would not recommend it. If this is a local attorney perhaps you can go to their office and confirm with the staff that it is on the schedule. If not, a postponement and a new lawyer are called for.

Full Answer

What happens at a social security hearing?

Jan 21, 2018 · If your application is still denied, then the only way to appeal that decision is to file a civil lawsuit in federal court against the SSA. However, if you don’t show up to your Social Security disability hearing, you won’t even have the option to …

Can I bring a lawyer to a social security hearing?

The judge will be in his/her house and your lawyer will appear from his home as well. The judge’s hearing assistant will call (or set up a video call) so you no longer have to travel to a hearing office. Telephone or video hearings have the advantage of …

Can I refuse to appear at a Social Security disability hearing?

Jul 09, 2014 · If the attorney does not show for the hearing, I would ask the ALJ for a postponement, but also submit a written statement to the ALJ and the Attorney indicating that you are terminating representation, you no longer agree with the fee agreement since your attorney failed to communicate with you or attend the scheduled hearing, and asking that the …

What happens if my Attorney doesn't show up for court hearing?

Another way that Social Security hearings are different from Courtroom TV or other types of legal cases is that a decision is not made on the day of the hearing. You can reasonably expect to receive a decision in your case somewhere between two and four months after the hearing.


How can I tell if my SSDI hearing went well?

When you do finally receive your Notice of Decision from the ALJ, read it closely. It will say whether you have been approved for benefits or denied, along with the rationale for how that determination was made. If you are successful, you'll either receive a fully favorable or a partially favorable decision.Nov 26, 2019

How long does it take for the SSA to make a decision after a hearing?

Generally, it takes about 3 to 5 months to get a decision. However, the exact time depends on how long it takes to get your medical records and any other evidence needed to make a decision. * How does Social Security make the decision?

Why does it take so long to get a decision from disability hearing?

Why does it take so long to get the decision after the hearing? One reason is that hearing offices have backlogs. Another reason, though, is that most administrative law judges do not write their own disability decisions.

What does it mean when the judge says unfavorable for Social Security?

What does Notice of Decision - Unfavorable mean? This decision finds that you are not disabled and never were disabled according to Social Security laws, regulations, and rules.Apr 4, 2020

How far back does Social Security back pay?

Fifteen months elapsed from the time you became disabled — what the SSA calls your “onset date” — to when your claim was finally approved. By law SSDI benefits have a five-month waiting period — they start the sixth full month after the onset date — so you're entitled to 10 months of past-due benefits.

How long after I receive my award letter will I get my money?

You can usually expect your back pay and first monthly check to start 30-90 days after the award letter.Feb 1, 2022

Is disability back pay paid in a lump sum?

Back pay is received as a lump sum, while future benefits are paid monthly. Since 2011, the SSA has required that all disability recipients have a bank account to receive payments via direct deposit. When you are approved for benefits, you'll receive an award letter that lists: The amount of your monthly deposit.

How long does it take to get an ALJ decision?

two to three monthsGenerally, within two to three months after your hearing, the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) will make a decision on your claim. If you are approved, you should expect another two to three months for the decision to be processed before you start receiving your checks.

What does a fully favorable decision from Social Security mean?

Fully favorable--means that SSA has found that you are disabled as of the date you allege your disability began.Jan 22, 2008

What disqualifies Social Security?

Some government and railroad employees are not eligible for Social Security. American expatriates retiring in certain countries—and some retired immigrants to the U.S.—can't collect Social Security benefits. Divorced spouses married for fewer than 10 years cannot claim benefits based on the earnings of their ex-spouse.

Can an ALJ decision be overturned?

ALJ decisions are not binding legal precedent. Courts or federal agencies can overturn their decisions under certain circumstances such as where those decisions are unsupported by substantial evidence in the record.Nov 5, 2020

Why is ALJ decision taking so long?

If the ALJ fails to properly meet their burden of explaining how they arrived at their determination then their decision is vulnerable to review by the Appeals Council. This decision writing process can delay the decision for multiple months.Jul 8, 2016

How soon can you submit additional evidence to the Administrative Law Judge?

If you do not have it when you request a hearing, send it to the Administrative Law Judge as soon as you can, but no later than five business days before the hearing date. At the hearing:

How long do you have to appeal an ALJ decision?

Generally, you have 60 days after you receive the notice of our decision to ask for any type of appeal. In counting the 60 days, we presume that you receive the notice five days after we mail it unless you can show that you received it later. If you do not file an appeal timely, the ALJ may dismiss your appeal.

How long before hearing to submit medical evidence?

Make sure that any new or updated medical evidence you want considered has been submitted at least 5 business days before the date of the hearing by either you or your representative (the earlier the better). It may result in an early favorable decision for you, eliminating the need for a hearing.

What is the next step in the appeals process?

The next step in the appeals process is a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). You or your representative may request a hearing by an Administrative Law Judge.

How far away from home can you have a video hearing?

The Administrative Law Judge usually holds the hearing within 75 miles of your home.

What happens after a hearing in the US Supreme Court?

After the hearing: The Administrative Law Judge issues a written decision after studying all the evidence. The Administrative Law Judge sends you and your representative a copy of the decision or dismissal order .

Can I travel to a hearing if I can't travel?

If you want to appear at a hearing but are unable to travel due to your health, submit a doctor's report with your request for hearing, explaining why you cannot travel. You and your representative, if you have one, may look at the evidence in your case file and submit new evidence.

The Importance of the Social Security Disability Hearing

Showing up for your scheduled Social Security disability hearing is extremely important. For most claimants, the process of trying to secure Social Security disability benefits will end here. If rejected again, then you must request an Appeal Council Review. This requires legal representation.

Missing Your Social Security Disability Hearing

If the SSA dismisses you because you missed your hearing, you must start the process over. However, if you can establish “good cause” for having missed the hearing, they may keep your case.

More about SSDA USA

For more information about Social Security disability hearings or about the Social Security disability insurance application process in general, be sure to contact us at any time by calling 602-952-3200 or by using our LiveChat feature.

Lloyd A. Pont

It would be very unusual for an attorney to fail to show up for a scheduled hearing. If they do fail to show up, you are within your rights to proceed without counsel but I would not recommend it. If this is a local attorney perhaps you can go to their office and confirm with the staff that it is on the schedule.

Daniel S. Jaffe

The ALJ will probably postpone the hearing if your attorney doesn't show. If that happens, you may want to consider getting a new attorney.

Steven L Butler

This is really a concern that your husband needs to express directly with the attorney. He has enough to worry about in testifying at the hearing, to be concerned that the attorney will not be there.

What is grid in SSA?

The grid is a system developed by the SSA to decide if a person is able to work based on the highest exertion level of the job he or she can perform (sedentary work, light work, or medium work), along with the applicant's age and education level.

How to prove you are not capable of sedentary work?

To prove you are not capable of sedentary work, your attorney will use the documented symptoms of your illness, the opinions of your treating doctors, your testimony, and any other objective medical evidence in your file to show why you can't do various sit-down jobs.

What can an attorney do to prove a disability?

There are three main possible "theories" an attorney can use to do this. Your lawyer can: prove that your condition meets a disability "listing". prove that you "grid" out of all work (including not being able to do your past work) prove that your non-exertional limitations prevent you from working, or.

What is an initial interview with an attorney?

When you first contact an attorney or law firm for representation, either the attorney or a firm staff member will conduct an initial interview with you to gather the basic facts of the case. These facts are used to help determine if the firm will take your case. The interviews are usually done by phone; however, ...

Can a disability attorney meet with you?

Most disability attorneys speak with their clients by phone, but you can ask your attorney to meet you in person if you wish. Before your pre-hearing meeting or phone conference, your attorney will have reviewed your file and determined what issues still need to be addressed.

Can you testify about your disability?

The SSA allows you to bring a witness to testify about your disability , but because witnesses can be harmful or helpful, your attorney will decide if witness testimony is necessary to win your case. Your lawyer may be interested in asking your caregivers or former employers to write letters in support of your disability.

Can an attorney represent you?

You must answer all of your attorney's questions as honestly as you can—even if the questions are embarrassing or you feel ashamed of the answers. Otherwise, your attorney cannot represent you effectively. Remember that your attorney is not there to judge you, but to help you win your claim.

What does it mean when an ALJ dismisses a disability claim?

Notice of Dismissal: This decision means that the ALJ dismissed your request for a hearing without deciding whether you are disabled or not.

What is a closed period of disability?

In other words, the ALJ found that you became disabled as of your alleged onset date (or at a point later in time) but also found that your condition later improved to the point that you became able to work.

What does "fully favorable" mean in a disability case?

You won! A “fully favorable” decision means that the ALJ found that you became disabled as of your alleged onset date and continue to be disabled. An ALJ also issues a favorable decision when the claimant agrees at the hearing to change his or her alleged onset date or to accept a closed period of disability.

What is a partial favorable decision?

In short, a partially favorable decision is one in which the judge found that you are (or were) disabled for some of the time since your alleged onset date, but not for all of that time.

How long does it take to get a Social Security disability hearing?

Most claimants have to wait between thirty and ninety days to receive the ALJ’s decision in the mail. (Sometimes it can take even longer if the judge needs to get additional ...

Can a judge amend your onset date?

The judge amended your onset date. In other words, the judge found that you are presently disabled, but he or she found that your disability was not severe enough to meet Social Security’s requirements until a date later than your alleged onset date.
