what a social security disability lawyer should know

by Juana Muller 7 min read

To begin, the lawyer will need to know the status of the individual’s claim. If they have been denied Social Security disability, it is necessary to know when a claim was denied in order to file a timely appeal. In most cases, an individual must appeal a disability or SSI

Social Security Administration

The United States Social Security Administration is an independent agency of the U.S. federal government that administers Social Security, a social insurance program consisting of retirement, disability, and survivors' benefits. To qualify for most of these benefits, most workers pay Social …

denial within a certain period of time.

Social Security Disability attorneys understand the application process. They know how to present your case in a way that makes your disability obvious and not a matter of conjecture, and can assist you in obtaining the necessary medical documentation from your doctor and the hospitals where you received treatment.

Full Answer

What is the most a disability lawyer can charge?

$6,000First, the basics: Federal law generally limits the fees charged by Social Security disability attorneys to 25% of your backpay, or $6,000, whichever is lower. Back payments are benefits that accrued while you were waiting for Social Security to approve your case.

What questions does Social Security disability ask?

Knowing the answers to these questions will help you understand the process.* What can I expect during the appointment?* What can I do to speed up the process?* How does Social Security decide if I am disabled?* My doctor says I am disabled. ... disability benefits?More items...

What should you not say in a disability interview?

The following five statements should never be announced at your disability hearing.“I can't work because no one will hire me.” ... “I don't know why I'm here. ... “I don't do chores because my significant other, friend or family member does them.” ... “I have never used drugs or alcohol in my life.”More items...•Oct 17, 2014

What are the chances of getting approved for disability?

On average, 35% of claimants get approved on the first application, 10% get approved if they appeal a denial of their application which is called a reconsideration, and approximately 50% get approved during an Administrative Law Judge hearing.

What should you not say when applying for Social Security disability?

Do not say things like, “I want to work” or “If I could work, I would.” By saying such statements, a judge may get the picture that you could possibly work. The point is that there are some people with extreme disabilities who do work but this is not the point that you should be making at your hearing.

How do I pass a continuing disability review?

If you want to keep yours, here are some tips on how to pass a continuing disability review:Follow Your Treatment Protocol. ... Learn More About Your Condition. ... Answer the Short Form Honestly. ... Keep Copies of Your Medical Records. ... Inform the SSA of Any Change in Address.Apr 22, 2020

How would you describe pain to a disability judge?

Pain is often hard to describe, but you should do your best to relate your pain as specifically as possible to the judge. This would include telling the judge what type of pain you experience (burning, stabbing, etc.), how often you experience it, and how you would quantify it (for example, on a scale of 1 to 10).

What does a disabled person do all day?

ADLs are important for many different impairments, and are especially important with mental disorders. ADLs include things like shopping, cooking, getting around (either by public transportation or by driving yourself), cooking, paying bills, being able to take care of your personal hygiene, and so on.

What states are hardest to get disability?

Oklahoma is the hardest state to get for Social Security disability. This state has an SSDI approval rate of only 33.4% in 2020 and also had the worst approval rate in 2019 with 34.6% of SSDI applications approved. Alaska had the second-worst approval rate, with 35.3% of applications approved in 2020 and 36.2% in 2019.

What is the most approved disability?

Arthritis and other musculoskeletal disabilities are the most commonly approved conditions for disability benefits. If you are unable to walk due to arthritis, or unable to perform dexterous movements like typing or writing, you will qualify.Dec 16, 2021

How can I survive waiting on disability?

How can I stay afloat while waiting for Social Security benefits?Tip #1: Work While Waiting For Social Security Approval.Tip #2: Apply for Other Types of Support While Waiting For Disability.Tip #3: Find Other Sources of Support or Financial Assistance.BEWARE:More items...•Mar 2, 2021

Do most disability claims get denied the first time?

Home » Frequently Asked Questions » Does Social Security Disability Deny Everyone the First Time They Apply? No, the Social Security Administration (SSA) does not deny everyone the first time they apply.

When Should I Hire an SSDI Lawyer

Whether you are beginning to consider filing a claim, or you have already filed one and are unsure of the next steps, it is never too early to consult a qualified SSDI Lawyer. Professional representation can make every step of the process easier.

What Information Will My SSDI Lawyer Need?

To get started, your lawyer will need to show that you have an injury or condition that will last for a minimum of one year. Meeting the criteria for one or more of the conditions on The SSA Listing of Impairments is one way to ensure automatic eligibility, but its best to go over your medical history with your attorney.

Should My SSDI Lawyer Work With My Doctors?

Your doctor can play an important role in the SSDI claim process, so you should look for an attorney who can work side-by-side with you and your medical providers to obtain the right information.

Will an SSDI Lawyer Work With Me if My SSDI Claim Was Denied?

The SSDI claim process typically involves at least two stages. Since the SSA denies as much as 70 percent of all initial SSDI claims, a considerable number of claims move on to the appeal stage.

What is Social Security Disability?

Social Security Disability is a program of the federal government designed to provide monthly payments to disabled individuals. The program is designed to help you, but some people experience difficulty getting connected to the payments they need. If you are under age 65 and unable to work because of an illness or injury, ...

What is the FICA tax for Social Security?

There are two programs that you may qualify under: Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) also called Disability Insurance benefits or Title II, is funded by the FICA tax, which is the payroll tax paid by employees and employers. Applicants who have worked have paid into the Social Security system over the years.

Can you get disability if you are 55?

If you are 55 years of age or older, you are unable to do more than light work, you have no transferable skills, you may be found disabled and qualify for benefits. As a person ages, the rules shift again and it becomes easier to prove a person’s disability.


The claimant should establish that their talents are no longer being productively utilized or they are no longer gainfully employed.


If the claimant has an ailment that results in impediments and limitations, they can then establish a severe hindrance. For instance, if they have had a medical procedure that has restricted their capacity to lift over ten pounds, they can then move forward and legally establish their disability.


The Social Security Administration has a handbook called the “Blue Book of Disabilities,” which records and anticipates every single perceived incapacity.


On the off chance that the disabled individual does not meet or rise to the requirements, the claimant can be rendered incapacitated and dependent on professional components found at Step 4 and Step 5.


SSA will decide if there is other work the claimants are fit for performing after reviewing their limitations and Impairments. SSA will consider the claimant’s agony, economic distress, and mental issues from which they may consequently suffer.
