should you get a lawyer to represtny you when you file a harassment injunction

by Prof. Tanya Prosacco III 8 min read

You have the right to cross-examine testify and witnesses at a restraining order listening and to present testify and witnesses in your own defense. You besides have the right to have an lawyer represent you at a listen, but you are not entitled to have an lawyer appointed for you without commit.

Full Answer

What happens if the defendant disagrees with the injunction against harassment?

Mar 03, 2022 · You have the right to cross-examine testify and witnesses at a restraining order listening and to present testify and witnesses in your own defense. You besides have the right to have an lawyer represent you at a listen, but you are not entitled to have an lawyer appointed for you without commit.

What happens if you violate an injunction or restraining order?

Jan 23, 2019 · The injunction process begins when your attorney prepares and files a petition for an injunction. A judge reviews the petition and can grant a temporary injunction. This means that the neighbor cannot have any contact with you until a hearing has been held. If the injunction is violated, the neighbor can be arrested.

Do I need a lawyer for a restraining order?

Jun 27, 2019 · Answer: While it is not a legal requirement that you hire a lawyer to represent you when filing a restraining order, it is in your best interest to do so. A restraining order attorney will review all of the necessary restraining order requirements, ensure they are met, guide you on what evidence to collect and present, and ensure that you file for the right type of injunction.

How much does it cost to file an injunction against harassment?

Nov 16, 2017 · An injunction (also known as a “restraining order”) for victims of dating, domestic, repeat and sexual violence is a court order that prevents the respondent from having any direct contact with the petitioner, and potentially their children under Florida law. Injunctions whether they stem from a petition for injunction against domestic violence, petition for injunction …

How to get an injunction against a neighbor?

Obtaining an Injunction. When a neighbor engages in a course of conduct directed at you with the goal of causing emotional distress for no legitimate purpose, contact a criminal defense attorney to assist you in obtaining an injunction.

How does an injunction work?

The injunction process begins when your attorney prepares and files a petition for an injunction. A judge reviews the petition and can grant a temporary injunction. This means that the neighbor cannot have any contact with you until a hearing has been held. If the injunction is violated, the neighbor can be arrested.

What happens if a neighbor stalks you in Florida?

Stalking. In the state of Florida, if a neighbor or anyone is stalking you, you have a cause of action to file an injunction against them. With regard to a neighbor, stalking behaviors often include: • Yelling or screaming. • Calling the police and lying about the other neighbor. • Cyberstalking.

What happens when you move into a neighborhood?

When you move into a neighborhood, condominium or other community, you have an expectation and right to live there peaceably. Neighbors may disagree on occasion but if a person’s behavior is repeatedly outrageous and directed at you for no valid reason, you can and should obtain an injunction to stop these actions.

What does a restraining order attorney do?

A restraining order attorney will review all of the necessary restraining order requirements, ensure they are met, guide you on what evidence to collect and present, and ensure that you file for the right type of injunction. Additionally, your lawyer will represent you in court.

What happens after a restraining order is filed?

Answer: After filing a restraining order, you will likely feel relieved, yet still want to know what the courts are doing to protect you. A Sheriff’s Officer will inform the opposing party that there is an injunction in place against them and inform them of the stipulations and rules the judge has set forth. If the person violates any of these rules, you may contact the authorities to have that person arrested.

What are the types of injunctions in Florida?

In the state of Florida, there are five types of orders of injunctions for protection against violence. These include: 1 Injunction for protection against domestic violence 2 Injunction for protection against repeat violence 3 Injunction for protection against dating violence 4 Injunction for protection against sexual violence 5 Injunction for protection against stalking

How long does it take to get a restraining order?

Answer: It does not take long to get a restraining order. Once you file your petition with the court, and the judge reviews the restraining order requirements to ensure they are met, you may receive a temporary injunction as soon as the next day. That injunction typically lasts for two weeks until the courts can set up an official hearing.

Can you file a restraining order against a child?

Answer: As an adult, you may file a restraining order against any person who has caused you physical harm, has threatened to cause you physical harm, or you may file a restraining order for harassment/stalking/cyberstalking. Additionally, if you are the legal guardian of a child or an adult with disabilities you may file a restraining order in ...

How long can you go to jail for violating a restraining order in Florida?

In the state of Florida, violating a restraining order is a first-degree misdemeanor. You can face up to one year in jail as well as $1,000 in fines.

Is there a fee for Matt Shafran?

Answer: If you are seeking to hire the services of an experienced and qualified attorney, like Matt Shafran, there is a fee to represent you. This is specific to each circumstance based on what you are seeking, the stage in the process you are at the time of the consultation, and how complex the issues may be. As always, consult with Mr. Shafran to determine what options he has for you.

What is an injunction in Florida?

An injunction (also known as a “restraining order”) for victims of dating, domestic, repeat and sexual violence is a court order that prevents the respondent from having any direct contact with the petitioner, and potentially their children under Florida law.

What are civil injunctions?

Civil injunctions are public record too which may have direct consequences on your reputation and employment, so you will want to take immediate action to thwart off potential defamation and slander.

What is the purpose of a hearing in a civil case?

The purpose of the hearing is to allow the judge to hear both sides of the allegations raised in the petition, question you, the Petitioner and any witnesses. The judge will also consider all evidence you bring to support your position that the injunction should not be entered.

What is an injunction against harassment?

Injunctions Against Harassment. A civil order that does not depend upon relationships, and is available if the conduct of any person is "harassment" as defined by law. It is intended to prevent a person (defendant) from contacting you and/or any other protected persons included in a judge's order. A judge can also order ...

Is the Law Library Resource Center copyrighted?

The files included within the Law Library Resource Center's website are copyright ed. Users have permission to use the files, forms, and information for any lawful purpose. The files and forms are not intended to be used to engage in the unauthorized practice of law.

Can an injunction be modified?

A plaintiff may request that an Injunction Against Harassment be modified at any time during the term of the Injunction. Only a judge can modify an Injunction. To modify an Injunction, you must go to one of the Protective Order Centers to complete the appropriate paperwork.

Can you be arrested for violating a protective order?

Even if you initiate contact, the Defendant could be arrested for violating this protective order. If the Defendant does not want you to contact him/her, the Defendant has the right to request a protective order against you .

What are the types of injunctions in Florida?

Under certain circumstances, such as aggravated stalking, you can possibly be charged with a felony and face higher maximum punishments. There are five types of injunctions in Florida: 1 Stalking 2 Repeat Violence 3 Dating Violence 4 Sexual Violence 5 Domestic Violence

What happens after a court hearing?

After the hearing, the judge may deny the injunction, issue a temporary injunction, or issue a permanent injunction.

What happens if you violate a temporary restraining order?

If you violate a temporary restraining order, the petitioner can bring that up in the hearing or even file a motion alleging a violation of the order, making it even harder for you to defend against the request for a permanent order. If you and the petitioner have children together, the temporary restraining order may tell you not ...

What are the rights of a person who is subject to a restraining order?

If a person (known in the case as "the petitioner") asks a court to issue a restraining order against you because of alleged domestic violence or other domestic conflict, you are entitled to be notified of the request, to have a court hearing, and to defend yourself. (Temporary orders are an exception; see the explanation below.) You also have the right to be represented by an attorney, although in restraining order proceedings, you are not entitled to free counsel or a court-appointed attorney.

What is a temporary restraining order?

A temporary restraining order in a domestic violence situation can restrict contact with the petitioner, as well as child visitation. A hearing for a permanent order usually follows soon. It's essential to obey the temporary order and obtain legal counsel

What is a restraining order?

Courts have the authority to issue restraining orders (also referred to as orders of protection) that require a person to stop certain behavior, such as contacting or abusing the person who requests the order. Most restraining orders are issued in connection with domestic violence or conflict in intimate or family relationships, ...

Can a court issue a restraining order?

Courts also can issue restraining orders in civil matters—for instance, prohibiting a person from contacting a non-family member or intimate partner or from going to a certain business or professional office. This article addresses restraining orders and orders of protection in domestic relationships, and focuses on the nature ...

Is a restraining order a serious matter?

Restraining Orders are Serious Matters. If you are the subject of a restraining order, understand that it is a very serious matter that deserves your prompt attention. You do, however, have important rights. If a person (known in the case as "the petitioner") asks a court to issue a restraining order against you because ...

Is the internet secure?

The lawyer or law firm you are contacting is not required to, and may choose not to, accept you as a client. The Internet is not necessarily secure and emails sent through this site could be intercepted or read by third parties. Courts have the authority to issue restraining orders (also referred to as orders of protection) ...

What happens if you violate an injunction?

What Happens if the Injunction is Violated? A violation of the injunction would turn this into a criminal process. There are several consequences for violating an injunction for protection against domestic violence. Doing so is a first-degree misdemeanor punishable by up to $1,000 in fines and up to a year in jail.

What is an injunction for a police officer?

The injunction also forces the respondent to take abuse-intervention courses and to surrender any firearms or weapons they have to the police. If you’re in a scary situation and are not sure what to do, it’s important to find an experienced injunction lawyer to help guide you through this process and ensure your rights and safety are protected.

What is the law in Florida?

In Florida, the law is clear on what’s needed to secure an injunction to prohibit someone from being in contact with you. The law is also clear on the issue of what happens if the respondent violates that injunction, so it’s important to understand how the law works in trying to protect victims. If you’re afraid for your safety ...

What to do if you are afraid of someone?

If you’re afraid for your safety and believe someone else is endangering you, it’s important to take the necessary steps to protect yourself by reaching out to an experienced injunction attorney who can review your case and help you determine what you need to do to stay safe.

What is domestic violence in Florida?

In Florida, the law defines domestic violence in different ways, including: Assault. Aggravated assault. Battery. Sexual assault and sexual battery. Stalking. Aggravated stalking. And false imprisonment. If an injunction is signed by a judge, a hearing must be scheduled and the violator would be served with: