labor lawyer what do they cover

by Dr. Adrien Boyer I 8 min read

Some of the issues that labor law attorneys handle include: Organizing union campaigns; Representing labor unions in their negotiations with employers;

What Does Labor and Employment Law Cover?
  • Wrongful Termination.
  • Discrimination (e.g., sex, race, color, harassment, national origin, religion, age, and disability)
  • Harassment (e.g., Sexual Harassment, Hostile Work Environment)
  • Unfair Labor Practices (e.g., denial of wages, overtime, tip pooling, and equal pay)

Full Answer

What does a labor law lawyer do?

May 11, 2021 · The main goal of these laws is to protect the rights of employees. Common labor law disputes include: Worker’s compensation. The term labor law can be almost interchangeable with the term employment law. These two areas cover the same topics and concerns. A labor lawyer can also be referred to as an employment lawyer.

What do employment laws cover?

Litigation. Employment lawyers also assist in employment-related lawsuits. They represent employees who are filing a lawsuit against their employer due to discrimination, wrongful termination, denied benefits and wage and hour claims. They also defend employers against such actions. Employers sometimes file lawsuits against employees, such as ...

Do I need a lawyer for unions and labor law?

What Does Labor and Employment Law Cover? Our practice represents individuals who have been the victim of: Wrongful Termination Discrimination (e.g., sex, race, color, harassment, national origin, religion, age, and disability) Harassment (e.g., …

What is an employment lawyer?

Jul 29, 2021 · In representing unions and their members, labor law attorneys appear in state and federal courts, administrative agencies, the NLRB, and commissions. Some of the issues that labor law attorneys handle include: Organizing union campaigns; Representing labor unions in their negotiations with employers;


What can an employment lawyer do?

An employment lawyer can help an employee file the complaint with the appropriate agency and explain the time limit in which the claim must be filed and other factors related to the claim.

What is a worker's compensation lawyer?

Workers’ compensation claims arise when an employee is injured or becomes ill due to work. An employment lawyer may assist an employee in filing a claim or an appeal. He or she may also represent the employer’s interests and help substantiate a denial.

What is wage and hour claim?

Wage and hour claims arise when an employee does not receive the compensation to which he or she is entitled. An employer may be asking the employee to work off the clock, or the employee may not be receiving overtime pay. These types of claims can also arise when employees are misclassified in order to avoid paying overtime rates to employees.

Can employees join in a class action?

When many employees are similarly affected by adverse action by an employer, such as discrimination or a wage and hour claim , the employees may join together in a class action against the employer. This arrangement involves multiple plaintiffs. The advantage for the employees is that they can split the cost of litigating between the party members.

Can an employer ask an employee to work off the clock?

An employer may be asking the employee to work off the clock, or the employee may not be receiving overtime pay. These types of claims can also arise when employees are misclassified in order to avoid paying overtime rates to employees.

What are the forms of unfair labor practices?

Unfair and discriminatory labor practices against employees can take many forms, including wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment, refusal to give a reasonable accommodation, denial of leave, employer retaliation, and wage and hour violations.

Is it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant?

It is illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or employee on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or age. However, some employers do just that, leading to a hostile and inequitable workplace where some workers are treated more favorably than others.

What is FMLA in healthcare?

Under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), employers must offer unpaid leave time to employees with a qualifying family or individual medical situation, such as leave for the birth or adoption of a baby or leave to care for a spouse, child, or parent with a serious health condition.

What is workplace harassment?

When workers are subjected to slurs, assaults, threats, ridicule, offensive jokes, unwelcome sexual advances, or verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, it can be considered workplace harassment. Similar to workplace discrimination, workplace harassment creates a hostile and abusive work environment.

What are the duties of a lawyer?

A lawyer has several duties which go beyond the basic court trial. Researching information, drafting documents, mediating disputes and providing counsel to clients about their legal rights are just some responsibilities involved depending on the area of law.

What does an animal lawyer do?

An animal lawyer will advise clients, research cases, review and prepare legal documents, conduct depositions, create pet trusts, argue cases in court, file class action lawsuits and a variety of other duties. They may also publish case studies in journals dedicated to the study of animal law.

Where did the word "lawyer" come from?

Attorney, counsel, barrister or solicitor are all various names given to lawyers. The origin of the profession dates back to ancient Greece, when orators spoke on behalf of friends or citizens at their request.

Can a family lawyer handle divorce?

It is interesting to note that a family lawyer can handle a divorce, but a divorce lawyer usually does not have the expertise to represent clients in other family law matters. Immigration Lawyer.

What is the scope of a criminal lawyer?

The scope of practice for a criminal lawyer includes trials, bail bond hearings, post-conviction remedies, plea bargains, and revocation hearings (parole or probation). After investigating a case, a criminal lawyer will interview all witnesses involved, research the statutes, case law, and crime codes, and then build a defence as well as develop ...

What is the role of a criminal lawyer after investigating a case?

After investigating a case, a criminal lawyer will interview all witnesses involved, research the statutes, case law, and crime codes, and then build a defence as well as develop a case strategy. Negotiation with the prosecution is typically involved in order to plea bargain to lesser charges.

What does a criminal lawyer do during trial?

During trial, the criminal lawyer will advocate for the defendant and argue motions (motions to dismiss or motions to suppress), and also argue appeals - all motions and appeals need to be drafted and filed by the lawyer in advance. Accident and Personal Injury Lawyer.

When do unions seek out labor lawyers?

Unions also typically seek out union labor law attorneys when facing employer downsizing, employer relocations or closings, and bankruptcies. Find the Right Labor Lawyer. Hire the right lawyer near your location. Find My Lawyer Now!

What is the protection of labor unions?

Protections against unfair discipline or termination. Labor unions are protected by law, more specifically the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), which was enacted by Congress in 1935.

Why do people join a labor union?

A labor union is an association of workers in a specific trade or company, organized to protect and further the rights and interests of the employees. These employees have similar ideas as to how their workplace conditions should improve, and they unite as a union because they believe these needs will be better met if the employer is approached as ...

What are the conditions for a job?

Some of these conditions include: A clean and safe work environment; Decent wages; Health and medical benefits such as insurance; Fair and equal procedures for promotions and firings; or. Protections against unfair discipline or termination.

What is the law that protects unions?

Protections against unfair discipline or termination. Labor unions are protected by law, more specifically the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), which was enacted by Congress in 1935.

What is the NLRB?

The NLRA established the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), an administrative agency that hears disputes between employers and unions. The NLRB also determines which union should represent a group of employees; they have created regulations and procedures for the formation of unions.

What is collective bargaining?

Collective bargaining is defined as the negotiations between employers and unions to determine the conditions of employment. When the employer and union finish negotiations, a “collective bargaining agreement” results, binding the employer to certain conditions for the employment arrangement. In order to conduct collective bargaining in “good ...

What is labor lawyer?

Rather, labor lawyers are those who specialize in mediating the relationship between unionized employees, their unions and their employers. Comparatively, employment lawyers serve in a much broader context to help maintain legal guidelines for matters within the general workplace environment.

Why do lawyers work for employers?

Employment lawyers may help employees draft workplace policies and procedures that comply with federal, state and local employment regulations in order to mitigate future discrepancy. This type of preventative work can help minimize workplace conflict and protect employees from experiencing legal issues.

What are the skills required to become an employment lawyer?

To succeed in their field, employment lawyers need to possess a variety of specific skills and a hearty base of knowledge in their field. Here are a few examples of the skills that you may focus on developing in your journey to becoming an employment lawyer: 1 Communication skills 2 Analytical skills 3 Research skills 4 Creativity 5 Judgment 6 Persistence 7 Flexibility 8 Personal responsibility 9 Time management 10 Business skills

What is an employment lawyer?

An employment lawyer is a legal professional who specializes in counseling clients through labor-related issues. Employment lawyers represent employers and employees alike to assure just treatment of all in the workplace, though they may focus their work on representing one party over another.

How long does it take to get an employment lawyer license?

Pass the bar exam. As stated above, passing the bar exam is a vital step to becoming an employment lawyer. The two to three-day exam will test your qualifications for practicing law in your state, regardless of your specialty.

What do lawyers do?

Lawyers typically do the following: Advise and represent clients in courts, before government agencies, and in private legal matters. Communicate with their clients, colleagues, judges, and others involved in the case. Conduct research and analysis of legal problems. Interpret laws, rulings, and regulations for individuals and businesses.

What is the role of a lawyer?

Lawyers advise and represent individuals, businesses, and government agencies on legal issues and disputes. Lawyers, also called attorneys, act as both advocates and advisors. As advocates, they represent one of the parties in a criminal or civil trial by presenting evidence and arguing in support of their client.

How many hours do lawyers work?

Some work for federal, local, and state governments. Most work full time and many work more than 40 hours a week.

What does an advocate do?

As advocates, they represent one of the parties in a criminal or civil trial by presenting evidence and arguing in support of their client. As advisors, lawyers counsel their clients about their legal rights and obligations and suggest courses of action in business and personal matters.

What is a lawyer called?

In law firms, lawyers, sometimes called associates, perform legal work for individuals or businesses. Those who represent and defend the accused may be called criminal law attorneys or defense attorneys. Attorneys also work for federal, state, and local governments.

What is a corporate counsel?

They argue civil and criminal cases on behalf of the government. Corporate counsels, also called in-house counsels, are lawyers who work for corporations.

How long does it take to become a lawyer?

Becoming a lawyer usually takes 7 years of full-time study after high school—4 years of undergraduate study, followed by 3 years of law school. Most states and jurisdictions require lawyers to complete a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from a law school accredited by the American Bar Association (ABA).

What is employment law?

Employment law is a highly specialized and an ever-changing area of the law with significant gray areas. Retain someone who has represented individual employees, not employers. For more information on potential sources for employment lawyers, see the Workplace Fairness employment attorney directory.

Why do I need an attorney?

Why might I need a lawyer to handle a employment-related problem? To fully enforce state and federal laws protecting employees against illegal actions by their employers, you will need an attorney in many situations where you have a serious problem with your employer and need to take legal action.

Can an employer file a lawsuit without a lawyer?

Most employers have much more experience and resources than you to evaluate and handle claims. An employee who has not consulted an attorney can be at a real disadvantage. Succeeding in an employment lawsuit without a lawyer (called filing "pro se") is virtually impossible.

What is labor law coverage?

Labor Law Coverage falls under a contractor’s General Liability Coverage. This coverage helps protect and defend employers if an accident occurs. Lower risk industries will usually have labor law coverage included in its general liability policy but higher risk industries like roofers, will not. Exclusions can be built in causing ...

Is labor law covered by general liability?

Both Liability and Worker’s Compensation coverage. Labor Law Coverage falls under a contractor’s General Liability Coverage. This coverage helps protect and defend employers if an accident occurs. Lower risk industries will usually have labor law coverage included in its general liability policy but higher risk industries like roofers, will not.

Why was the labor law enacted?

The Labor Law was originally enacted to compensate employees from gravity-related injuries but the fact that employee negligence does negative the law causes a lot of frustration and increased expense. Until New York State recognizes employee error or negligence within the scope of an injury claim, construction costs will continue to rise. ...

Is New York a labor law state?

If you are a business owner, especially a contractor, in the state of New York you most likely have heard of the term Labor Law Coverage or Scaffolding law. It is no secret construction is one of the most dangerous fields to work in which is why New York still operates as a Labor Law State.

What are covered employers required to display in the workplace?

Covered employers are required to display a poster in the workplace, outlining workers’ rights to request an OSHA inspection, how to receive training on hazardous work environments, and how to report issues. The United States has hundreds of federal employment and labor laws that affect employers and employees.

What is the Fair Labor Standards Act?

The Fair Labor Standards Act determines the federal minimum wage and overtime pay of one-and-one-half-times the regular rate of pay. It also regulates child labor, limiting the number of hours that minors can work. Some U.S. states have a higher minimum wage and different overtime and child labor legislation.

Which law prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex?

Civil Rights Acts. There are several laws on the books that prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Equal Pay Act of 1963, and the Civil Rights Act of 1991.

What is the cobra act?

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act. COBRA gives workers the right to continue their health insurance coverage after separating from their job. Compensatory Time: These are laws regulating paid time off in lieu of overtime pay for extra hours worked.

What are the laws that regulate workplace safety?

Check with your state department of labor for availability in your location. Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA): These laws regulate workplace safety.

What is the INA law?

Immigration and Nationality Act (INA): INA legislation specifies rules about work permits and wages for foreign nationals who want to work in the United States. Breaks from Work Laws: These laws regulate meal and rest breaks. Employee Privacy Law: Learn how to protect your privacy on the job and during a job search.

What are the laws that regulate working hours for minors?

Child Labor Laws: These legal protections restrict and regulate working hours for minors, as well as the types of employment children in which may work. Youth Labor Laws: The laws regulate the working hours and conditions of workers under the age of 18.
