what happens when you get a lawyer for a ticket

by Ezekiel Bahringer PhD 10 min read

A lawyer can contest the fine or get the ticket dismissed altogether. You may need evidence for court that you don’t have access to. If you’re accused of running a red light or ignoring a stop sign and you’re adamant that you never did, a recording from a traffic camera could clear you.

Once you hire a lawyer, they will let the prosecutor know they are handling your case and they will negotiate on your behalf. Normally, you will not have to go to court. After the lawyer negotiates an amendment to your ticket, they will let you know the outcome and what fines you owe the court.Mar 29, 2021

Full Answer

When should you hire a lawyer for a traffic ticket?

The officer who issued the speeding ticket does not show up at the court as a witness Your lawyer agrees to a plea deal where you will accept a nonmoving violation You pay for the fine, or maybe just part of it, in exchange for an unsupervised probationary period Why You Might Want a Lawyer for a Speeding Ticket

Can a lawyer get a traffic ticket dismissed?

You should also contact a CDL traffic ticket lawyer as soon as possible, and before you pay any fines. A CDL traffic ticket lawyer can help you protect your license and your future by fighting for your driving record and making sure you don’t pay any unnecessary fines or have additional points added to your record. Many times, an experienced CDL traffic ticket lawyer can help you get a …

What happens after you get a traffic ticket?

A traffic ticket attorney can also help protect your rights if the traffic ticket is due to a criminal violation such as driving with a suspended license. Can I go to traffic school? You can attend traffic school if this is your first traffic ticket.

Can you fight a traffic ticket in court?

7031 Koll Center Pkwy, Pleasanton, CA 94566. master:2022-04-13_09-33-18. In most states, you don't have the right to a jury trial for minor traffic offenses like speeding, running a red light, and distracted driving. So, if you want to fight a traffic ticket, your guilt will likely be decided by a single judge rather than a jury.


What happens if a traffic ticket isn't valid?

Every traffic violation has specific criteria that must be met. If something is missing, the ticket isn’t valid, and it gets dismissed. If the ticket was issued correctly, there’s a chance that a skilled lawyer can get the fine reduced or avoid points issued to the client’s driver’s license by plea bargaining.

Why is it important to go to traffic court?

This is the main reason why it’s always a good idea to go to traffic court. If you have multiple offenses, some traffic tickets can cost a lot of money and really hurt your bank account. A lawyer can contest the fine or get the ticket dismissed altogether. You may need evidence for court that you don’t have access to.

What can a traffic lawyer do?

A traffic lawyer can negotiate a different punishment. If the court is unwilling to lower your fine or dismiss your ticket, a lawyer can often negotiate something for you to get you a better deal. One common trade-off is agreeing to go to traffic court for a lesser fine.

What happens if you sign a ticket?

Signing and paying the ticket is an admission of guilt and counts against your record. This can have some long term consequences. Your car insurance rates can skyrocket, and you may even face the loss of your driver’s license if you have other violations on your driving record.

Why do people use cameras at traffic lights?

Some even use cameras at traffic lights to automatically catch people running red lights and to send them a ticket. As a result, more and more tickets are being given out every year. It’s an easy way for small governments to generate revenue.

Do traffic accident lawyers work?

While some may also work as a traffic accident lawyer, most lawyers who deal in traffic tickets devo te all of their time to them . Because the cases are not as involved as criminal law, they move through their caseload quickly. Sometimes, they literally see hundreds of cases every day.

Can you fight a traffic ticket in court?

Surprisingly, the answer is yes. You can fight traffic tickets in court. If you want the best chance at being successful, it’s a good idea to find a traffic ticket lawyer that can help. Because they know the law inside and out, you’re more likely to get a lesser fine or even have the ticket dismissed altogether.

What happens if you have multiple speeding tickets?

If you have multiple speeding tickets on your record, the penalties for speeding violations can become more severe, with higher fines under PA 75 § 3362, points on your record under PA 75 § 1535, and possibly the loss of your driver’s license. You may want to get a lawyer for a speeding ticket as they have an in-depth understanding ...

What does it mean when you get a speeding ticket?

A ticket can mean points added to your license, which can mean an increase in your insurance rates that could last for years after you receive the speeding ticket, especially if you are a young driver.

What does a lawyer do when a case goes to trial?

If a case does go to trial, a lawyer has the confidence to question the officer who issued the citation and knows the questions to ask.

What happens if your license is suspended?

If your license becomes suspended, you could be facing the high cost and inconvenience of finding alternative means of transportation. The loss of your job over a ticket may even be a possibility, as your contract may state that you cannot be found guilty of a moving violation.

Can a speeding ticket be reduced?

Depending on your record, such as whether you have received multiple recent speeding tickets, the prosecutor may be more willing to agree to reduced charges in order to avoid the time and expense of going to trial. A lawyer may be able to help you avoid a suspended license or expensive fines if you agree to a lesser charge like a nonmoving violation or if you agree to attend a traffic school.

Who is the attorney for speeding ticket in Pennsylvania?

If you are considering getting a lawyer for a speeding ticket in Pennsylvania, contact McKenzie Law Firm, P.C. at (610) 991-7219. Attorney David McKenzie is a former prosecutor who will fight to help you keep your license and reduce the impact a speeding ticket will have on your future.

Can a lawyer help you avoid a suspended license?

A lawyer may be able to help you avoid a suspended license or expensive fines if you agree to a lesser charge like a nonmoving violation or if you agree to attend a traffic school. All of these alternatives are usually better than the consequences of the speeding ticket. A ticket can mean points added to your license, ...

What is a trucker law firm?

A legal firm who specializes in trucker law can help you fight a case or have fines and points reduced so you maintain a good record. Laws and penalties for commercial drivers vary from state to state, but there are some general rules regarding traffic violations and tickets.

What is CSA score?

All commercial drivers have a CSA (Compliance, Safety and Accountability) score on record with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, which is based on their individual roadside inspection and crash data.

Why is it important to keep your driving record clean?

As a commercial driver, keeping your driving record clean is the most important factor in determining your job possibilities and the future of your career. Commercial drivers are held to stricter standards than drivers of passenger vehicles – in part because there is more potential for greater damage caused by accidents involving commercial ...

What are the major violations?

In all states, the violations that are considered major include: following too closely. driving in excess of 15 mph over the speed limit. improper lane changes. causing a fatal accident by violating a major traffic control law. reckless driving.

How long does a license suspension last?

However, if you commit another offense within three years, it may be suspended for up to 60 days and up to 120 days for a third offense.

How long does it take to report a minor ticket?

One important thing to note is that you are required to report any tickets you receive to your employer within 30 days.

Do employers check CSA scores?

Potential employers will check your CSA score and your MVR before hiring you to make sure you are a good candidate for their company, so it’s important to make sure your records are accurate and to take immediate action if you are ticketed or involved in an accident.

What to do if you dispute a traffic ticket?

If you plan to dispute your ticket or would like certain arrangements, such as avoiding traffic school, it’s usually best to hire a local traffic ticket attorney. A traffic ticket attorney can also help protect your rights if the traffic ticket is due to a criminal violation such as driving with a suspended license.

What does it mean to pay a ticket and go to traffic school?

For most people, it simply means paying the ticket and going to traffic school to remove any points on your driving record. It’s expensive, but a fairly simple situation to take care of. The way people sometimes run into more serious legal problems is when they don’t pay the citation or contact the court to dispute the ticket.

What happens if you fail to do either?

If you fail to do either, a warrant for your arrest may be issued by the court in the jurisdiction where the ticket was issued. For example, if you received a traffic ticket while visiting Los Angeles, but live in Florida, the traffic court judge in Los Angeles can issue a bench warrant for your arrest. This will also lead to additional bench ...

What happens if you don't pay your traffic ticket?

If you do not pay your traffic ticket, one or more the following actions can be taken by the traffic court: • The court can request that the department of vehicles suspend your driver’s license. • Traffic school attendance may be denied. • A warrant for your arrest may be issued. • Additional fines may be imposed.

How often do you have to go to traffic school?

Some states such as California will allow you to attend traffic school once every 18 months. Other states such as Texas, allows eligible drivers to attend traffic school every 12 months.

Do you have to appear for a speeding ticket?

You may also need to appear if you received a speeding ticket for going over 30 miles of the posted speed limit, reckless driving and if your ticket involves a traffic accident where there’s an allegation of serious bodily injury or a fatality has occurred.

Can a police officer give you a ticket for speeding?

A law enforcement officer can give you a traffic ticket for violating traffic laws such as speeding, running a red light or a stop sign, changing lanes without your indicators on or driving with an expired registration.

What happens when a police officer is finished?

When the officer is finished, the driver or driver's attorney has an opportunity to cross-examine the officer and ask questions of their own. Despite the informalities of traffic court, the rules of evidence still apply.

What is evidence in a traffic case?

In most traffic cases, the government's evidence consists of only the testimony of the officer who gave the ticket. In some states, prosecuting attorneys represent the state in traffic court trials. But in many states, there aren't prosecutors in traffic court. So, depending on whether there is a prosecutor, the officer will either answer questions posed by the prosecutor or just tell the story and answer any questions the judge might have. When the officer is finished, the driver or driver's attorney has an opportunity to cross-examine the officer and ask questions of their own.

What happens if the driver is present but the officer isn't?

If the driver is present but the officer isn't, the driver essentially wins the trial and the judge dismisses the ticket. But if both parties are there, the trial will begin. In most trials, the attorneys make opening statements in which they explain to the jury what they think the evidence will show. But the evidence that's presented ...

What happens when the government presents evidence?

Once the government has presented all of its evidence, the driver has a chance to present evidence. The driver might want to testify or present physical evidence like photos and the like.

What is the driver's chance to present evidence?

The Driver's Chance to Present Evidence. Once the government has presented all of its evidence, the driver has a chance to present evidence. The driver might want to testify or present physical evidence like photos and the like. For example, for a stop sign ticket, a driver might want to present a photo to the court showing ...

What is the worst thing that can happen in traffic court?

Also, the stakes in traffic court are lower than they are in criminal court—typically, the worst thing that can happen in traffic court is the driver is found guilty and must pay a fine . These—and perhaps other—factors contribute to a less intimidating and less rigid atmosphere than what you mind find in other types of courtrooms.

How does traffic court work?

Typically, how it works is the clerk calls each case, and the driver and officer who issued the ticket come up to the front. If the driver is present but the officer isn't, the driver essentially wins the trial and the judge dismisses the ticket.

How much does a 40 year old driver pay for a speeding ticket?

On average, a 40-year-old driver with good credit and minimum coverage will pay $148 more per year with one speeding ticket on their record. If you do end up accepting the speeding ticket, it’s crucial to compare car insurance ...

What to do if you fight a speeding ticket?

If you plan to fight the ticket, you’ll have to go to court, where a prosecutor will have to prove you were speeding. Even if you think the ticket is unjustified, speeding violations are hard to beat. If the officer doesn’t show up at the hearing, you could be off the hook, but don’t rely on that. If you ask for a hearing, plan to make your case ...

How much does a traffic lawyer cost?

A traffic lawyer costs between $250 and $350 on average nationally, according to Thumbtack, an online marketplace for service professionals. A speeding ticket costs anywhere from $50 up to $2,500 in some states in the severest cases.

What is mitigation in court?

“Mitigation” is making a deal with the prosecutor and court; it saves the jurisdiction money by avoiding a hearing while lowering your penalty for the ticket. You may be able to request a negotiation before or at your hearing, but it’s the court’s decision, so check on the court’s website or call to be sure. In some areas, you must request mitigation in writing.

What to do if a police officer doesn't show up?

If the officer doesn’t show up at the hearing, you could be off the hook, but don’t rely on that. If you ask for a hearing, plan to make your case and be questioned before a judge. Check the ticket to find out whether a state, county or local officer issued it and search online for traffic procedures in that jurisdiction.

What to do if police officer can't remember you?

Be polite, don’t argue, and try to be unremarkable. If the officer can’t remember you, he or she might fail to recall details in front of a judge.

Can you get a speeding ticket if you are convicted?

Nobody wants to get a speeding ticket, and for good reason. If you’re convicted, a violation will: Affect your driving record, possibly resulting in suspension of your license. Cost money upfront: You’ll pay the speeding ticket and any court fees.

What you can do to fight it

Michael Evans has written about insurance for over two decades. His work has been featured in Bankrate, Fox Business, International Living, and Yahoo! Finance, among others. In addition to finance writing, Michael is the author of "Escape to Colombia" and is an accomplished professional photographer.

How Speeding Tickets Affect Your Insurance

Insurance companies consider drivers higher risk when they get speeding tickets because they consider them more likely to have a traffic accident. To mitigate the risk, insurers often increase your car insurance premium when they discover speeding infractions. The more speeding tickets you get, the more likely your rate will increase. 1

How Much Will Your Rate Increase?

The amount your auto insurance might increase after getting a speeding ticket can depend on your insurer and where you live. For example, according to Progressive, its policyholders incur an average six-month premium increase of 15% if they receive one speeding ticket during a three-year period. 3 However, increases vary by carrier.

How to Get Out of a Speeding Ticket

When you get a traffic ticket, you can respond in numerous ways, each of which has advantages and disadvantages.

How To Reduce Your Premium After a Speeding Ticket

You don’t have to settle for an insurance-rate hike following a speeding ticket. Check with your insurance company to find out if you qualify for discounts you’re not receiving. If you insure your car and home with the same provider, you may earn savings by bundling policies.

How To Avoid Speeding Tickets

The best way to avoid getting speeding tickets is to slow down. Always remain aware of speed limits and how fast you’re driving.
