i'm a liberal feminist lawyer. heres why democrats politico

by Chelsea Denesik 9 min read

Who is the former Obama Solicitor General?

NEAL KATYAL, Former Obama Administration Solicitor General: “I think it’s very hard for anyone who’s worked with [Judge Kavanaugh], appeared before him, to frankly say a bad word about him. I mean this is a [n] incredibly brilliant, careful person … [H]e’s legendary for his preparation … Judge Kavanaugh reads every one of those [Supreme Court] opinions, sits down with his clerks on Fridays and goes through them. Each one. Every single opinion.” (“Scholars & Scribes Review the Rulings: The Supreme Court's 2017-2018 Term,” The Heritage Foundation, 7/10/2018)

Who is the head of the Supreme Court?

LISA BLATT, head of Supreme Court practice for Arnold & Porter: “Sometimes a superstar is just a superstar. That is the case with Judge Brett Kavanaugh, who had long been considered the most qualified nominee for the Supreme Court if Republicans secured the White House. The Senate should confirm him.” (“I’m a Liberal Feminist Lawyer. Here’s Why Democrats Should Support Judge Kavanaugh.,” Politico Magazine, 8/02/2018)