what kind of lawyer prepares a promisorry note

by Deon Cronin 4 min read

A promissory note crafted by an experienced promissory note lawyer has full legal authority. Moreover, it is both legally binding and enforceable. Uncomplicated routine agreements that do not require expert guidance or complicated contracts may benefit from a simple promissory note.

Full Answer

Do I need a lawyer to draft a promissory note?

Feb 06, 2016 · I would start by contacting a lawyer who handles probate and estates in the locale where the estate is being handled. Please be aware that many things in the legal system have time limits and there is likely a time limit for filing claims against the estate or whatever other steps you need to take to collect on your promissory note. So I would contact an attorney …

How to choose the right type of promissory note?

You should consult with a local mortgage lawyer if you need any assistance involving a real estate promissory note. As state laws vary in terms of what conditions allow for a promissory note instead of a contract, an experienced and local real estate attorney would be best suited to understanding your state’s laws and how they may affect your specific circumstances.

Are promissory notes legally binding in the US?

Uses of a promissory note. A promissory note lawyer may craft a promissory note to address any type of loan as long as it meets the legal precedents of a contract. As long as it meets those precedents, a promissory note is a legitimate, legally binding contract. A promissory note can be a simple agreement regarding the terms of the loan from one person to another.

Can a promissory note be written on a napkin?

However, it is still smart to contact a lawyer to help you prepare a personal promissory note, even if you already used an online template. A lawyer can prepare and/or review the note to ensure that all state law requirements are included. This will help …


Who prepares a promissory note?

The Maker or Drawer. The Maker or Drawer – the person who prepares the note and promises to pay the amount mentioned therein.

What is required for a valid promissory note?

In order for a promissory note to be valid and legally binding, it needs to include specific information. "A promissory note should include details including the amount loaned, the repayment schedule and whether it is secured or unsecured," says Wheeler.Apr 17, 2019

How do you get a promissory note?

To collect on a demand promissory note, you will need to send a demand for payment letter to the lender. This lets the lender know that you want the loan paid back now and that the repayment period is ending. This demand letter should include the following: The date of the letter.

Is a promissory note a legal document?

Promissory Notes Are Legal Contracts A promissory note or promissory letter is a legal instrument similar in nature to any common law contract. In order for a contract to be enforceable, it must contain certain legal conditions such as an offer and an acceptance of that offer.

Will a promissory note hold up in court?

Although some may not use any documentation when lending money to those they trust, a promissory note can ensure that both the borrower and the lender are on the same page about the terms of the loan. Promissory notes are generally legally binding and can thus be enforced in court, in a case of default or disagreement.Jul 20, 2020

Do promissory notes need to be notarized?

Generally, promissory notes do not need to be notarized. Typically, legally enforceable promissory notes must be signed by individuals and contain unconditional promises to pay specific amounts of money.

How long does it take to get a promissory note?

After we have received all your documents we typically take about 24 hours to verify them. Once we have verified all the information, we send you a promissory note to sign. Once this is signed we initiate the transfer the same day.Jan 20, 2022

What makes a promissory note invalid?

Even if you have the original note, it may be void if it was not written correctly. If the person you're trying to collect from didn't sign it – and yes, this happens – the note is void. It may also become void if it failed some other law, for example, if it was charging an illegally high rate of interest.

What is the statute of limitations on a promissory note?

While the statute of limitations on an action in an obligation, liability, or contract is four years, Commercial Code Section 3118(a) gives a statute of limitations of six years for an action to be enforced on the party to pay their promissory note. This time period starts from the due date that's listed on the note.

What happens after signing promissory note?

The lender holds the promissory note while the loan is being repaid. Then the note is marked as paid. It's returned to the borrower when the loan is satisfied.

Is Witness required for promissory note?

It is a promissory note. As per law, no attesting witness is necessary for a promissory note.Mar 14, 2012

How can I get out of paying a promissory note?

Circumstances for Release of a Promissory Note The debt owed on a promissory note either can be paid off, or the noteholder can forgive the debt even if it has not been fully paid. In either case, a release of promissory note needs to be signed by the noteholder.

What is promissory note?

A promissory note is a legally binding document, recording a promise in which one party is to repay a specific amount of money to another party in a given time frame. The party making the promise to repay is referred to as the debtor, or, the maker of the note. The party loaning the money is referred to as the creditor, or, the holder of the note.

Why are promissory notes used?

Because contracts can take a while to develop, and may be revised during negotiations, the overall transaction or loan arrangement may be delayed.

Why are contracts necessary?

Contracts may also be necessary in situations involving a high risk of fraud, or a high risk of default on the payments. To put it simply, promissory notes are most commonly used in minimal risk circumstances, whereas contracts are generally used for higher risk dealings.

What is a lien on a home?

A lien is placed on the home or other real property ; the information becomes public record, and can affect the borrower’s credit or purchasing abilities in the future; and. Investments Promissory Notes: In a business setting, promissory notes may be exchanged in order to raise capital for the business.

What happens if a borrower defaults on a promissory note?

When a borrower defaults on a promissory note that includes an acceleration clause, the entire amount of the loan will be due no matter the initial terms of repayment. When the promissory note is not paid, the holder of the promissory note may give notice of the default to the borrower. And, if the past due payment is not paid, ...

What is acceleration clause?

An acceleration clause is a contract term, requiring the borrower to pay off the entire remainder of the loan amount should they default on one or some of the payments. The contract performance is “accelerated;” what this means is that the entire amount becomes due when the agreed upon circumstances are triggered.

Is a promissory note a legal document?

In legal terms, negotiable simply means that the document may be altered by a later agreement; generally, changes must be enforced by further monetary consideration.

What is promissory note?

A promissory note is similar to any common legal contract. This is in the sense that it lays out certain expectations and terms for an agreement between two parties. To be legally enforceable, a promissory note must meet multiple legal conditions. Moreover, it must contain both an offer of agreement and an acceptance of agreement.

Why are promissory notes important?

Promissory notes are extremely useful if you need to legally bind another person to the terms of a transaction involving goods or borrowed money. A promissory note crafted by an experienced promissory note lawyer has full legal authority. Moreover, it is both legally binding and enforceable.

How to enforce a judgment?

A judgment is only a piece of paper until you take action to enforce it. We have extensive experience in enforcing judgments. Common enforcement tools we use include: 1 Information subpoena. A creditor may request an information subpoena, which provides a set of written questions that can help you obtain information about the debtor’s assets and income. 2 Wage execution or garnishment. A wage execution is an order directing the debtor’s employer to deduct a set amount from the debtor’s paycheck until you receive payment in full. 3 Bank levy. A bank levy allows a creditor to freeze the funds in a debtor’s bank account to pay the judgment amount. 4 Seizure of assets. We can apply to the court for an order to allow the sheriff to enter the debtor’s property, seize specific assets and sell them at a public sale to satisfy your judgment. 5 Judgment liens against real estate. A lien against the judgment-debtor’s real estate is created by docketing, and it is enforced by levy and execution.

What happens if you default on a promissory note?

If you lend money to someone who defaults on a promissory note and does not repay, you can legally possess any property that individual promised as collateral. If the loan is not secured, the lender may seek legal restitution in court. They may obtain a judgment against the borrower in default. The lender may pursue judgment through collections activity. The major disadvantage of an unsecured promissory note is that creditors with secured interests receive payment first if the borrower files bankruptcy. If you have lent money to someone without collateral, it is possible that you will not receive repayment at all if they file bankruptcy. A promissory note lawyer may be able to provide guidance when it comes to collecting debt through unsecured and secured loans.

Is a promissory note the same as a loan agreement?

A promissory note is not the same as a loan agreement. The loan agreement is a legally distinct document more comprehensive than the promissory note. The loan agreement contains all of the terms and conditions of the loan contract.

What happens if you don't respond to a collection request?

If no response to the demand is received, a collections lawyer can subsequently file a complaint with the court. Depending on the amount owed, a lawsuit may be filed in the Special Civil Part or Law Division. The civil action is handled in court until a settlement or judgment is awarded.

What is bank levy?

Bank levy. A bank levy allows a creditor to freeze the funds in a debtor’s bank account to pay the judgment amount. Seizure of assets. We can apply to the court for an order to allow the sheriff to enter the debtor’s property, seize specific assets and sell them at a public sale to satisfy your judgment.

Why is it important to have a promissory note?

While promissory notes generally come into play during a business transaction, like the purchase of real estate, it is also important to protect yourself when a loan is made to a family or friend. The promissory note will serve as evidence that someone promised to pay you money back at a future date. You should include the terms of the loan in the ...

What happens if you don't pay interest on a loan?

If there is no interest on the loan, then it still may be put onto it for tax purposes. This means you will have to report the projected interest as income, even though it was not charged or collected. However, most of the time you can bypass this by reporting it as a gift, which would be considered tax-free.

What is promissory note?

A promissory note is a financial instrument that contains a written promise by one party to pay another party on a future date or on demand. This instrument allows people and companies to obtain loans from other parties outside of a traditional bank.

What is a commercial promissory note?

Commercial Promissory Note: A commercial promissory note is the type of instrument used when the lender is a bank or other commercial entity like a loan agency. The terms of a commercial promissory note are often more stringent than other types of notes, with the option to call in the full loan, plus interest, if payments are not made on time. ...

Do promissory notes need to be specific?

There does not need to be a specific purpose for a simple promissory note. Student Loan Promissory Note: A student loan promissory note is a financial instrument that binds a borrower to a loan that must be used specifically for educational purposes.

Is a promissory note enforceable?

When crafted by an attorney, a promissory note is a legally binding contract like any other and therefore enforceable under the law.

What are the requirements for a promissory note?

As such, a promissory note must contain the usual standard requirements for a contract, including consideration, meeting of the minds and capacity. The same defenses can apply, such as fraud or misrepresentation, in the event the validity of the note is contested. The amount borrowed. The amount to be repaid.

What is promissory note?

A promissory note is a legal contract that sets the terms of a loan and enforces the promise for a borrower to pay back money to a lender within a time period5 min read. 1.

Why are promissory notes informal?

Because promissory notes can be informal, there is a risk of not taking proper care when creating one. Mistakes can lead to costly litigation or additional debt expenses. Here are some of the common mistakes: Not including all necessary terms in the agreement.

What happens if you don't pay promissory notes?

If you don’t pay the promissory note, the lender could buy your assets in bankruptcy for the amount of outstanding debt.

What is convertible promissory note?

A convertible promissory note backs the loan with equity in the company. The most common options include: Automatic conversion, where the lender receives equity if repayment isn't made by a certain date. Lender option to take equity instead of cash repayment. Borrower option to give equity instead of cash repayment.

What is a promissory note?

A promissory note establish es a clear record of a loan, either between individuals or between entities. By placing all relevant details in writing, a promissory note ensures clarity on due dates for payments and the amount of payments.

What happens if a promissory note is not paid?

This type of promissory note does not allow the party lending the money to secure an asset for the loan. If the borrower does not make the payment, the lender must instead file in small claims court or go through other legal processes to enforce the note.

How long does it take to get your money back?

A written reminder might be all you need to do to get your money paid back. Past due notices are commonly sent at 30, 60, and 90 days after the stated due date. If the borrower still does not pay you back, you might consider asking your borrower to make a partial payment.

Who is David Charlip?

David H. Charlip, the principal of Charlip Law Group, LC , is one of only 101 Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyers in Miami-Dade, with over 38 years of litigation experience. Mr. Charlip is also one of only 136 Florida Civil Law Notaries. He has managed and litigated cases across the country. Mr. Charlip has advised businesses, drafted business formation and purchase and sale documents and litigated business disputes for over 30 years and is very familiar with all aspects of contractual relations.

What happens if you don't pay back your mortgage?

If the borrower does not pay back the loan amount within the agreed-upon time frame, the lender has the right to seize property of the borrower. For example, when you buy a house, the house is collateral on your mortgage. Your bank can seize your home if you do not make stipulated payments.

How does a debt collector work?

A debt collector works with you to collect the note, generally taking a percentage of the payment. Alternately, you can sell the note to a debt collector. Selling a note to a debt collector gives the debt collector ownership of the loan and the ability to collect the full amount.

Who is Melissa Taylor?

Melissa Taylor, the President and founding partner of Maurer Taylor Law, specializes in business contract review and drafting and is a second-generation attorney with private firm, in-house counsel, governmental, entrepreneurial, and solo practitioner experience. Melissa has a strong legal background, a dedication to customer service, is friendly, warm and communicative, and is particularly skilled at explaining complex legal matters in a way that's easy to understand. Melissa personally handles all client matters from start to finish to ensure client satisfaction.

What is a promissory note?

A promissory note is a document used to create a legally-binding agreement that a borrower will repay a lender a determined sum of money and interest. The frequency, amount, and payment schedule depend on the type of promissory note used, and the agreed-upon repayment option.

Why is it important to select the right type of promissory note?

If you’re borrowing or lending money, it’s important to select the right type of promissory note to reflect the terms of the agreement. Your note should detail the reason for the loan (personal, business, real estate, etc.) as well as the terms of the repayment schedule.

What is a student loan promissory note?

A student loan promissory note, referred to as a master promissory note by the government, is an agreement that a borrower will repay their loans used for education purposes — including the interest charged.

What happens if a borrower defaults on a promissory note?

If a borrower defaults on it, the lender can place a lien on the property. If this occurs, the information can become public record and affect the borrower’s credit.

Do you have to pay back a loan on a specific date?

For smaller loan amounts, borrowers and lenders can agree to a specific payback date. Lenders will know exactly when they’ll be paid back, and borrowers will not have to worry about monthly payments. Instead, the borrower repays the entire amount of the loan — the principal plus any interest — on a specific date.

What is a promissory note?

A secured Promissory Note gives the borrower the ability to obtain security interest, also known as collateral, secured assets, or secured property that seeks to guarantee payment. In this instance, if they can’t make the repayments the lender is able to repossess the assets included in the Promissory Note.

Why is a promissory note considered a risky note?

An unsecured Promissory Note can often be riskier for a lender to adopt because the lender has no collateral to recover should the borrower default or go bankrupt. Although the lender is entering into a more risky environment, it is often considered a favorable situation as they can set higher interest rates due to the associated risks.

How to sell a note?

To sell the note, contact various buyers and try to find the best deal. You can always negotiate on price, just like any other sale of a product or service. However, be careful! Ensure you are selling the note to an established company that has the knowledge and capability to handle the sale of your note.

What happens if you don't repay your loan?

This may have a negative impact on their credit ratings and in turn affect their chances of loaning money in the future.

Can a lender recover costs?

As a lender (creditor), you may be entitled to recovering some of the costs associated with filing the lawsuit. Decided by the courts, these may be included in ‘damages’ repaid including interest, attorney fees, and court costs. Additionally, if you are thinking about representing yourself in court read this article to ensure you’re well prepared to achieve the best possible result.

What is breach of contract in California?

In California for example, a breach of contract requires the following factual elements to be presented to recover damages from the borrower: That both parties have entered into a contract. That the lender did everything that was required by the contract.

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The Legal Templates team is a dedicated group of legal counsel, product specialists, and staff writers, who tirelessly work together to provide users the information they need about commonly used...
