how will a lawyer use math in his day to day life

by Marcelo Gutmann 3 min read

  • Percentages. One of the most common ways that lawyers use math are percentages. ...
  • Geometric Proofs. Geometric proofs are also a common math skill used by lawyers. ...
  • Mathmatical Formulas. Lawyers who work in more complicated fields--such as tax fraud, or even copyright law for new inventions and discoveries--often use complex math in their jobs.

One of the most common ways that lawyers use math are percentages. For example, they many need to calculate what the odds are they'll win a trial. Divorce lawyers especially use percentages when it comes to deciding what assets go to which spouse.Dec 30, 2018

Why is math important for lawyers?

Having a certain level of math competence with numbers can help attorneys in their own practice, but it can also help them relate to clients who may have businesses that are heavily saturated with math, say, a financial firm. Let’s explore some of the types of math that are used day in and day out by those who practice, study and defend law.

What is an average day in the life of a lawyer?

An average day in the life of a lawyer can depend on the type of law they practice, where they work and what their experience level is. For established professionals, days can require long hours with lots of careful research and client meetings.

What types of math are used in law?

Let’s explore some of the types of math that are used day in and day out by those who practice, study and defend law. Formulas, proofs and numbers are all general things practiced in math, but, rather than just being a part of just the discipline of math, they are all things that also train us to be logical, good critical thinkers.

Do law schools teach math in class?

Despite that law schools don’t teach math, per say, as part of their curriculum and the LSTAT ( the test that must be passed to legally practice law) doesn’t include a math section math competence is very useful for practicing law.


How is math used in being a lawyer?

Private practice lawyers must understand math well enough to run a business. They also need to be able to track and account for funds deposited into their clients' trust fund accounts. Lawyers should be able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide to calculate damages, prejudgment interest, and the time value of money.

Why does a lawyer need math?

Analytical Skills Mathematics requires an understanding of numbers, formulas and proofs that can train the mind to think logically. This can be particularly important for attorneys who are dealing with emotionally charged cases, as well as in the courtroom or during intense negotiations.

Does being a lawyer include math?

Lawyers often have to analyze large amounts of complex numerical data, such as statistics and financial records. Therefore, mathematics is an important aspect of the job, as the skills you acquire when learning how to solve math problems are usually transferrable to several aspects of the law.

What kind of math is used in law school?

The pre-calculus mathematics recommended by the ABA and anecdotal suggestions by math majors who became lawyers, imply that future lawyers should at a minimum take undergraduate courses in college algebra, trigonometry, geometry, logic and statistics.

Is math important for law students?

You don't need mathematics to study law. But your language must be at a high level, however. There's just practically nothing in law that requires mathematics. Some law programmes have Accounting modules.

Is there any math in law school?

Mathematics is required for entry into most law schools. Math and the law have something in common: laws. In both mathematics and the legal arena, there are laws that are unbendable and ones that are.

Will I be rich if I become a lawyer?

Lawyers and attorneys often earn substantially over the average salary in the country they practice and while for many this will simply lead to a very comfortable upper-middle life, for some who make it to the elite sphere of law, it can lead to vast wealth.

Do lawyers lie?

In California, the Rules of Professional Conduct govern a lawyer's ethical duties. The law prohibits lawyers from engaging in dishonesty.