how to organize legal documents information like a lawyer

by Dr. Trenton Abernathy 8 min read

Depending on what makes the most sense for your firm, you can arrange files by client name, case or matter number, the date the file was opened, the name of the lawyer, or a numeric indexing system. Willie Peacock suggests that something as simple as “date, keyword description of the file, and initials of the responsible party” works well.

6 Steps to Better Document Management for Small Law Firms
  1. Identify Your Firm's Key Documents. ...
  2. Create Digital Templates For Your Key Documents. ...
  3. Allow Clients To Provide Digital Signatures. ...
  4. Establish Centralized Digital Records For Each Client. ...
  5. Organize Everything With Software.

Full Answer

How should you organize your legal files?

By using one of these platforms to organize your legal files, you would create a set of top-level folders to use across your firm. Then, a new folder for each client or matter. All of your documents would be stored in their respective folders and accessed via a web browser or app.

How do you organize legal documents in chronological order?

Chronological Order. When it comes to a legal file, the magic words are “chronological order.” Within each folder, the most recent documents should be on top, the oldest on the bottom. Remember to label each folder so you don’t have to look inside each to figure out what’s in there.

How do I get organized as a lawyer?

So, to get organized, you’ll need to use calendars, checklists, and notebooks to keep track of tasks, case progress, deadlines, and miscellaneous thoughts. You can, of course, opt to use a legal pad or paper planner and calendar. However, I recommend leveraging tech alternatives that do a lot of the heavy lifting for you.

How can I digitize my law firm’s files and documents?

If you want to digitize your law firm’s files and documents, hardware like a scanner is a must. A user-friendly scanner like the Fujitsu ScanSnap (which integrates with Clio for added efficiency) uses features like one-button scanning, shortcut buttons, easy profile selection, and document organization to make digitizing a simple, quick process.


What is the best way to organize legal documents?

Use Alphabetical or Chronological Order After you've separated your documents by category, go a step further to sort each document in alphabetical or chronological order. You can alphabetize files by client name or using major categories, such as client documents or deposition transcripts.

How do I organize my legal discovery?

Here are five simple tips to keep your discovery organized and moving.Create a Realistic Schedule and Stick to It. First, you must create a realistic timeline for discovery. ... Start Discovery as Soon As Possible. ... Date, Source, and Stamp Each Delivery of Documents. ... Prepare Privilege Log. ... Understand the New Federal Rules.

How do you organize all your documents?

Let's explore each of these steps in more detail so you can apply this simple organization system in your own workplace.Separate documents by type. ... Use chronological and alphabetical order. ... Organize your filing space. ... Color-code your filing system. ... Label your filing system. ... Dispose of unnecessary documents. ... Digitize files.

What are the 5 basic filing systems?

There are 5 methods of filing:Filing by Subject/Category.Filing in Alphabetical order.Filing by Numbers/Numerical order.Filing by Places/Geographical order.Filing by Dates/Chronological order.

How do you list exhibits in a document?

Generally, exhibits are labeled in sequential alphabetical or numerical order. For example, Exhibit A is followed by Exhibit B, etc. This gives the reader clear guideposts to follow throughout the document.

How do you organize a court binder?

Assembling Your Legal Binders Strong, clearly-written tabs for each divider can help in quickly locating information. For even better visual organization, consider colored index tabs. Dividers with pockets could provide both additional storage and a place for quickly storing new paperwork before filing it.

How do you organize important papers and bills?

How To Organize Important Papers And BillsStep 1: Categorize All Your Papers And Incoming Mail. ... Step 2: Make A Plan. ... Step 3: Sort Paper Per Topic. ... Step 4: Archiving Magazines And Newspapers. ... Step 5: Organizing Newly Arrived Mail. ... Step 6: Schedule And Plan.

How do you categorize personal documents?

10 Handy Ways to Organize Your Personal PapersPersonalized Mail Organizer. ... Receipts Organizer. ... Tabbed Files Organization. ... School Papers Storage System. ... Cabinet Door Bill and Receipt Pocket Organizers. ... Old Book Mail Organizers. ... Grab and Go Binder. ... Color Coded Files.More items...

How do you organize a filing system?

How to Organize a Filing CabinetCreate a filing system. ... Make a list of files. ... Create clear and concise file names. ... Purchase or gather filing cabinet components. ... Prepare file folders and hanging files. ... Prepare your filing cabinet. ... Place papers into file folders. ... Set up a system for filing success.

What are the 3 types of filing methods?

Filing and classification systems fall into three main types: alphabetical, numeric and alphanumeric. Each of these types of filing systems has advantages and disadvantages, depending on the information being filed and classified. In addition, you can separate each type of filing system into subgroups.

What are the 6 features of a good filing system?

Essential qualities of good filing system can be described as follows:Simplicity. Simplicity is the first quality of a proper filing system. ... Economy. A good filing system should be economical. ... Compactness. A good filing system should be compact. ... Flexibility. ... Safety. ... Accessibility. ... Cross reference. ... Classification and indexing.

Which are the best classification and arrangement of filing?

Chronological Classification It is a useful method for filing invoices and other vouchers associated with accounts. This system may be useful if used along with some other system. The records may be arranged alphabetically first and then can be arranged date-wise within each folder.

When you send a complaint to the court, do you put a copy of the complaint?

When you send pleadings -- complaints, motions and other requests -- to the court for filing, place a copy in the pleadings file. Then, when the document comes back from the court stamped as received, toss the first copy and replace it with the official new one.

What are the three categories of lawsuits?

Most lawsuit documents fall into one of three categories: correspondence, court pleadings and discovery. You can use three file folders, one for each, but the devil is in the details. It might be helpful to break up your paperwork into even more subcategories. For example, with your discovery paperwork, you might want a separate file folder ...

What is chronological order?

Chronological Order. When it comes to a legal file, the magic words are “ chronological order.”. Within each folder, the most recent documents should be on top, the oldest on the bottom. Remember to label each folder so you don’t have to look inside each to figure out what’s in there.

How to organize a lawyer?

This means memory is categorically unreliable. You can’t get organized based on memory any more than you can build a case upon it. So, to get organized, you’ll need to use calendars, checklists, and notebooks to keep track of tasks, case progress, deadlines, and miscellaneous thoughts. You can, of course, opt to use a legal pad or paper planner and calendar. However, I recommend leveraging tech alternatives that do a lot of the heavy lifting for you.

Who wrote the book The Organized Lawyer?

We also recommend picking up a copy of The Organized Lawyer by Kelly Lynn Anders. In her book, Anders invites readers to identify their organizational styles, as Dan Lukasik notes in Lawyers With Depression:

What is Marie Kondo's method of organizing?

If organization for lawyers is new to you, and you’re not sure where or how to get started, consider the KonMari Method™. Marie Kondo is the tidying expert. Her method “encourages tidying by category–not by location–beginning with clothes, then moving on to books, papers, komono (miscellaneous items), and, finally, sentimental items.” When determining what to keep and what to discard—by recycling or donating where possible—ask yourself Marie Kondo’s famous question, “Does it spark joy?”

What is client centered law?

As Jack Newton writes in his book, The Client-Centered Law Firm, “Clear and open communication is absolutely critical to the success of any client-centered law firm. In fact, if you’re not communicating effectively, you’re taking a big risk. At the time of writing, communication errors made up more than 40% of LAWPRO claims for most practice areas.” Even if ineffective communication doesn’t rise to the level of malpractice, it can result in the loss of existing clients and potential referrals, negatively impacting your practice and mental health.

How to limit distractions?

Another method to limit distractions is to use your calendar as a time blocking tool. According to Todoist, “Time blocking is a time management method that asks you to divide your day into blocks of time. Each block is dedicated to accomplishing a specific task, or group of tasks, and only those specific tasks.” Time blocking requires that you plan and prepare your workweek in advance, including when to address notifications. This can be a useful time-tracking aid and billing reference for lawyers.

How to get organized based on memory?

So, to get organized, you’ll need to use calendars, checklists, and notebooks to keep track of tasks, case progress, deadlines, and miscellaneous thoughts. You can, of course, opt to use a legal pad or paper planner and calendar.

What do stackers like to organize?

Stackers love organizing by topics in stacks. As visual and tactile people, they like to see order.

Start by Evaluating Your Current Organization System

If you already have a legal document paper organization system, take a close look at it. How have you been organizing your case files? Does the system follow a specific logic?

Declutter Your Working Space

This is arguably the most difficult step for many law practitioners, especially those who believe in an organized mess. The fact is, if you’re going to have a neat office, you must rid your office of all that clutter.

Create a Keep or Throw-Away Box

Sure, you’ve decluttered your office, but that doesn’t mean that you won’t be dealing with tons of paperwork going forward. As an attorney, you need to keep a lot of paperwork in each case you work. But some of this paperwork won’t stay relevant from the beginning to the end of the case.

Separate Legal Documents by Type

After decluttering your office, it’s time to organize the remaining legal documents. Start by sorting all your paper into categories, such as client documents, correspondence, client medical records, deposition transcripts, and so on.

Use Alphabetical or Chronological Order

After you’ve separated your documents by category, go a step further to sort each document in alphabetical or chronological order.

Organize the Filing Space

When it comes to legal document storage, most law firms use filing cabinets and drawers for physical documents. You can still continue using the alphabetical or chronological approach when placing your file folders into your drawers and cabinets.

Label Your Files

Labeling your filing system makes it easy for you to trace documents when you need them. Most folders come with a designated space for you to make your own label. You can choose to handwrite the label or print it out.

What is the most important feature of a legal document management system?

One of the most primary features a legal document management system should have is the ability to index your documents. Most legal firms have hundreds, thousands, or more, so they must have an efficient way to keep track of them easily.

Why is a legal filing system important?

It is important to mitigate the technological gap and help legal firms reach an optimum business.

What is the biggest problem with managing documents?

The biggest problem with managing documents is knowing what version is the latest. A system that has version control features helps avoid this problem. You can enforce this by implementing a check-in/check-out feature, where a document is essentially locked against changes until returned by the user.

What is document system?

Documentation and filing systems are the backbone of your business and organizational plan. In order to operate efficiently, you must organize your paper files as well as computer files. Develop a system that applies to all files to ensure continuity throughout the firm. This helps everyone know where to look for a specific document within a file.

Do law firms need to keep files?

Not all files in a law firm need to be kept until the end of the time. One of the main issues that often prevent law offices from remaining organized with their files is that they fail to dispose of the unnecessary ones. It takes up valuable storage space. By disposing of the unnecessary files, your firm can free up space to organize.

Do you need to scan documents for record keeping?

You would not need to scan documents for record-keeping if you use a retainer with an electronic signature. You can automatically send copies to all parties involved once they're signed.

Why do attorneys suffer from disorganized case files?

Likely because there was no "how to stay organized during the day-to-day grind" class in law school , many attorneys suffer from disorganized case files.

Does chronology have a place in legal files?

Obviously, chronology has its place in legal case files. But I’m always surprised how many attorneys organize all case documents by chronology and only chronology (usually breaking out correspondence and pleadings). When they need a particular document, finding it requires remembering the date it was received – and that’s just inefficient.

How to arrange a lawyer's file?

Depending on what makes the most sense for your firm, you can arrange files by client name, case or matter number, the date the file was opened, the name of the lawyer, or a numeric indexing system. Willie Peacock suggests that something as simple as “date, keyword description of the file, and initials of the responsible party” works well.

How to develop a legal filing system?

Figure out what you have. If your existing legal file system is not organized, do a rough inventory and sort through all your files. This makes it easier to develop your legal filing system. You can do this by categorizing them according to correspondence, motions, pleadings, or even client names.

What is a Clio document management system?

Cloud-based document management software. A cloud-based document management system like Clio Manage and its Legal Document Management Software stores your files, helps you organize them, and then lets you access them securely, from anywhere. With unlimited document storage (with automatic file backup) and easy search functionality (you can find the file you need in seconds via keyword search), using the cloud for your legal filing system levels up your firm’s productivity and efficiency.

Why is it important to have a good legal filing system?

When you have a good legal filing system, you can find and access legal files easily. This makes you more productive, efficient, and effective as a lawyer.

What is cloud filing?

A cloud-based law office filing system moves your document management online in the cloud. This dramatically reduces the need to manually manage paper systems. With the time saved, you can dedicate more of your valuable hours to billable work and your clients.

How does a good legal filing system help a law firm?

A good legal filing system may not seem glamorous, but it can make a huge impact on your law firm’s productivity, efficiency, and success. Taking the time to get organized by creating a filing system will undoubtedly help improve your law firm’s filing system.

Why is it important to switch to a more effective filing system?

If your law firm’s filing system lacks structure or you’re still dealing with a mass of paper files, switching to a more effective legal filing system will save you time. In the short term, it will let you more easily access documents when you need them. In the long term, it will allow you to work remotely, grow your firm without worrying about physical storage space, and implement further time-saving measures like electronic signatures.

What a Template Management System is

Template management systems store templates in one place for various kinds of document types as a way to ensure consistency and maintain version control.

Why Law Firms Need Template Management

It is critically important for legal professionals to be accurate when creating documents. If names and dates are wrong, a clause is missing, or the firm’s old address is still in the footer, the results could be severe.


Why spend so much of your time trying to manage templates and format documents manually when there are better law firm productivity solutions out there to do those tasks for you?

How to organize documents in order?

One of the most useful ways to organize your documents is in chronological order, with your oldest documents on top and the newest ones on the bottom. This can be especially important for emails and critical documents, like contracts.

What to do when you find all the documents responsive to your search?

When you have found all of the documents responsive to your searches, be sure to pull them all together and create one or more backups of your search results. This will protect you against any later accusations of “spoliation,” i.e. destruction or loss of potentially relevant evidence.

What should be included in a digital repository?

This should include not only paper files, but any and all digital media, including computers, thumb drives, email accounts, cloud-based servers, and yes, even smartphones like iPhones and Android platforms. It is a good idea to create full back-ups of each of these repositories immediately.

How to give your legal team a leg up?

After you’ve pulled all of the information that appears important to your case, you can give your legal team a leg up by organizing it in logical ways. For business organizations, the simplest way to do this is usually to arrange documents as they’re commonly kept in the ordinary course of business. [If you are producing documents in response to discovery requests, you may also choose to organize them by request to which they correspond, although there is frequently overlap between categories that can confuse matters].

Is bullet point format good for a lawyer?

Lastly, it will serve your attorney well to have your thoughts on what you believe is important, organized in a chronological manner. I personally prefer tables for this (Xcel works well, as does Pages on a Mac), but bullet-point format works fine.

Can you publish information about your case on social media?

IMPORTANT: Do NOT publish any information at all about your case – ever – on social media. Statements on Facebook and similar platforms are generally discoverable and may waive attorney-client privilege. Instruct EVERYONE in your organization to maintain strict social media silence about your case.
