how to get a lawyer for traffic ticket

by Roy Willms 9 min read

  • Location. Local attorneys are familiar with your area's traffic codes, and they're more likely to understand the actions of the area's police officers and judges.
  • Experience. How long has the lawyer been practicing? ...
  • Success. ...
  • Participation.
  • As you talk with various attorneys, get a feel for how much they'll include you in the process. ...

Full Answer

When to hire a traffic ticket lawyer?

pleading not guilty and requesting a traffic court trial. The best option depends on your circumstances and the facts of your case. Your decision on whether to hire a traffic attorney might depend on which option you choose for resolving your ticket.

How much do lawyers charge for traffic tickets?

That being said, there are low-budget lawyers that charge as little as $250 per case and very experienced lawyers who charge upwards of $800 for a simple traffic ticket. Just remember that as with everything, the price you pay can determine the quality of what you get.

How much does a traffic ticket attorney make?

In these cases, most attorneys charge a flat fee that ranges from $100 to $250. Traffic lawyer cost for speeding charges, however, will go up to as high as $1,000-$2,000 or more to fight a case of speeding and can run up to $5,000 and up for a more intricate traffic case that goes to court.

Should you hire a traffic ticket attorney?

There are many reasons to hire an attorney to handle your case if you have been issued with traffic tickets. An attorney can lessen or remove your points on your license, lessen your fines and court costs, and better negotiate with prosecutors.


How do I dismiss a traffic ticket in Florida?

The best (and only) way to completely dismiss a Florida traffic ticket is to contest it in court. Doing so isn't always easy, however—and it can even be a little risky. By choosing to contest the ticket in court, you'll have to pay extra court and attorney fees, as well as assume the risk of being proven guilty.

How do I dismiss a speeding ticket in Texas?

Here are five steps to dismissing your Texas traffic ticket:You must have a non-commercial driver's license.You must admit guilt or plead no contest (nolo contendere)The citation must be for driving within 25 miles per hour of the posted limit.Your citation does not involve an infraction in a construction zone.More items...•

How much are traffic court fees in Florida?

Traffic Violation FeesViolationCivil PenaltyDriver License/Registration/Insurance expired$116.00Driver License reinstatement*$60.00Motorcycle/Moped (wheels losing contact or tag improperly affixed 1st offense)$1,166.00Moving violations other than those listed and violations of Florida Statute 316$166.0022 more rows

How much is my speeding ticket NC?

A speeding ticket in North Carolina costs at least $188 in court/administrative fees, plus the fine for the speed overage. Driving 0 to 5 mph over the limit costs $10, while 16 miles or more will reflect a $50 charge.

Can I just pay my ticket and not go to court Texas?

If you do not want to appear in court, you have the option of paying your fine by mail or by paying in person at the Justice Court as directed on your citation or summons.

How long does a ticket stay on your record in Texas?

three yearsIn Texas, a traffic ticket stays on your driver's record for three years after your conviction. Along with a record of the violation, the points associated with the ticket also remain for three years.

Can you go to jail for going 30 over the speed limit in Florida?

20 to 29 mph over the limit brings a $294 penalty. Going more than 30 mph over the speed limit means you face a mandatory court hearing. Prepare yourself for a reckless driving charge, which is a criminal misdemeanor, and a fine of at least $369. For such a hearing, it is wise to obtain legal representation.

What happens if you go over 100 mph in Florida?

Driving over 100 mph is a felony in Florida. If you go above 50 mph above the speed limit, that is already considered a felony. At 30 or more miles per hour over the posted limit, the act of speeding becomes criminal. Going 30 to 49 mph over the posted limit is a misdemeanor.

How many points can you have on your license in FL?

FL DHSMV Point System Overview If you receive 12 or more points within a 12-month period, your license will be suspended for 30 days. Drivers who accumulate 18 or more points within an 18 month period will have their licenses taken away for a period of 3 months.

How do you get a speeding ticket dismissed in North Carolina?

GO TO: to pay your ticket online. comply with the citation with NC DMV and go online to request a dismissal. GO TO: for more information regarding online dismissals.

What happens if you go 25 over the speed limit in NC?

Misdemeanor Ticket Charges If you are stopped for speeding more than 25mph over the speed limit, it is likely that you will also be charged with reckless driving, a class 2 misdemeanor which can also result probation and four insurance points.

Can you go to jail for a speeding ticket in North Carolina?

You may face penalties including up to 60 days in jail and fines of up to $1,000. Not only can speeding land you in criminal court, it can also send you to jail. A reckless driving conviction may also result in 4 points on your driver's license.

What can a traffic ticket lawyer do?

In most states traffic ticket lawyers can: Represent you in traffic court. Work with judges and prosecutors to get your charges dropped or reduced. Help you avoid high fines and other penalties associated with your ticket. Keep you from losing your driver' s license or CDL (if applicable).

How does a blemish on your driving record affect your insurance?

Blemishes in your driving record, including crashes and traffic violation convictions, can negatively affect your rates. When you successfully challenge your ticket with the help of a traffic ticket lawyer, you'll maintain your car insurance rates and avoid major premium increases.

What to do if you are charged with a misdemeanor?

If you are charge with a misdemeanor, felony or DUI, then you should seek legal representation. Also if you are facing jail time because of a serious charge, you should seek legal representation. Find the Right Criminal Lawyer. Hire the right lawyer near your location.

What is legal position?

A lawyer will listen to the facts of the situation before analyzing your legal position. The term “legal position” how the ticket can resolve in your favor. Receiving advice will help determine how to proceed with contesting the traffic ticket.

What is prepaid legal services?

Prepaid legal services give members legal fees at a reduced rate. However, the lawyer involved may know little about traffic court. Also, the reduced fee may only be to consult, not represent the driver. Never rush to hire a lawyer. Rushing may hinder a driver in finding the best lawyer.

Can a traffic ticket raise your insurance?

Traffic tickets can be expensive and they may even raise your insurance rates or affect points on your license. An experienced lawyer will be able to explain your rights, help build your case, and represent your best interests in court. Post Your Case - Get Answers from Multiple Criminal Defense Lawyers.

What does a traffic ticket lawyer do?

Even if you are facing a less serious infraction, you may still want to talk to a lawyer, especially if you've had multiple tickets in the past 3 years. Here are examples of what a lawyer can do for you if you've received a traffic ticket:

How much does a traffic lawyer cost?

There is no standard price to hire a lawyer for a traffic ticket. Some lawyers charge a flat rate to defend against certain violations, such as speeding. Others, especially those defending more complex cases, will charge an hourly rate.

Five questions to ask your traffic lawyer

Some large cities have law firms that work on nothing but traffic tickets. In some cases, this is a good place to start, since you know this is their area of expertise. If you don't know how to find a good traffic lawyer, you could ask for a referral from a friend, or check Avvo's directory for a lawyer near you.

What is the best way to resolve a traffic citation?

A common alternative option to resolve a traffic citation is the completion of a traffic diversion program. The specifics vary by jurisdiction, but diversion programs generally require the motorist to:

Where are traffic infractions prosecuted?

Traffic infractions are generally prosecuted in traffic courts , where the procedures are typically less formal than in criminal courts. A motorist charged with a traffic infraction usually has several options for resolving the citation, including:

What happens if you pay a traffic ticket in California?

Even the most minor tickets can mean increased insurance rates and points on your driving record. In California, accumulating too many points on your driving record ultimately leads to a suspended license.

Do traffic lawyers charge a lot?

Some lawyers do charge a lot, but traffic lawyers are able to handle a lot of cases in one day so their rates are much more affordable.

How many times do you have to go to court for a traffic ticket?

If you decide to fight a traffic ticket, you'll generally have to go to court at least twice. But if you hire an attorney, you typically won't have to go to court at all. In other words, your attorney can represent you in court without you being present.

Why is it difficult to represent yourself in traffic court?

One of the problems with representing yourself is the lack of experience and legal knowledge. The average person just doesn't know what the best courses of action are in a given case. Experienced traffic attorneys have the best idea of what tactics and options are available for obtaining good results. And, it's not all legal knowledge. Attorneys who spend lots of time in traffic court are familiar with the tendencies of the different judges and sometimes of the law enforcement officers who write the tickets. This local knowledge can prove valuable in deciding how to defend against a ticket.

What is the difference between a minor traffic violation and a serious traffic violation?

There are some major differences between minor traffic violations (like speeding or running a stop sign) and more serious driving-related crimes like driving under the influence (DUI) and reckless driving. In short, the consequences of a minor traffic violation conviction are generally much less severe than those for a DUI or other criminal charges. So, whereas you might be able to contest a traffic ticket without an attorney, fighting a serious charge like a DUI without legal representation typically isn't a good plan.

Is it worth hiring a traffic attorney?

In some circumstances, hiring a traffic attorney clearly isn't worth the expense. For example, if you're eligible for traffic school and don't have a reasonable chance of beating your ticket, it's probably best to forgo hiring an attorney. Generally, you can sign up for traffic school without even going to court, so there isn't much benefit of having legal representation—you can just do it yourself.

Can you contest a traffic ticket without an attorney?

So, whereas you might be able to contest a traffic ticket without an attorney, fighting a serious charge like a DUI without legal representation typically isn't a good plan.

Do traffic lawyers win at trial?

Traffic lawyers with lots of trial experience are far more likely to win at trial than the average Joe or Jane. Simply put, attorneys who have spent countless hours in a courtroom and have knowledge of the law know what to focus on at trial. For non-lawyers, it's easy to get off track.

Can you get a license suspended for a lot of tickets?

Drivers With Lots of Tickets. Getting multiple tickets within a short period of time can lead to license suspension. For drivers who are in this situation, beating a ticket could make all the difference. And to increase the chances of winning in traffic court, hiring an attorney might be the way to go. Talk to a Lawyer.

How do lawyers win a case?

Lawyers Often Have Relationships With Judges or Prosecutors. One of the best ways to win a case is to be friends with the judge and the prosecutor. Unless you’ve spent a lot of time in the courthouse, odds are you won’t have that kind of relationship with them.

What is an expert witness in traffic?

Police officers are often considered expert witnesses on the subject of traffic tickets. That means what they say is likely going to be viewed as more credible than what you say. The best way to get through that defence is to use their own words against them. That’s where an attorney comes in.

How much does speeding ticket increase insurance premiums?

Speeding tickets have been shown to increase automobile insurance premiums by around 23.2%. If you’re paying the average price for insurance, you could lose another $341 in insurance premiums this year. But that’s not the end of it. Insurance investigators can typically see up to four years of your driving record.

How many points do you get for speeding in New York?

Almost every state in the country uses some kind of point system. In New York, for example, that point system lists speeding tickets at between 3 and 11 points. Get 12 points on your license within 18 months and you’re looking at a suspension. Beat your ticket, however, and you’re looking at a point-free license.

Why do lawyers charge fixed fees?

Prices vary between law firms, but most only cost a fraction of the ticket value. Some lawyers use fixed prices to help ensure that everybody is treated fairly. Others offer prices based on the difficulty of the case and how likely they are to win.

Why is it important to get a lawyer?

That’s because, with a good lawyer, you will have a much better chance of beating the traffic charges. Getting a lawyer is important. But even more important is getting a good lawyer. Knowing what to look for in a lawyer can make or break your case. Here are a few questions you should ask when looking for a lawyer.

Do prosecutors like to represent themselves?

Hire a lawyer and that added muscle just might be what you need to convince the prosecutor to offer you a plea deal—or better. Prosecutors tend not to want to go up against other legal experts, as that tends to be much more difficult than going up against lawyerless individuals.
