how to find the right divorce lawyer

by Gabriel Morar 4 min read

What to look for in a good divorce attorney?

Aug 05, 2020 · Are they experienced in the type of divorce law you’re looking for? Do they showcase a track record of proven results? Do they appear compassionate? You can glean a lot of these things by looking at a website, which can help you in selecting the right divorce attorney. Create a List of Interview Questions

How do I find a good divorce attorney?

Sep 09, 2021 · When looking for a divorce lawyer, word-of-mouth referrals from friends, family, and other professionals are a useful place to start. Seeking out attorneys who specialize in areas such as custody...

How to know if a divorce lawyer is good?

Dec 22, 2017 · Finding the right lawyer could end up saving you time and money, and help you avoid long, drawn-out battles with your ex-spouse to be. Remember, your divorce will shape the rest of your life, so choose your lawyer wisely. Spending time to do the necessary research from the outset will truly be time well-spent. Key points to look for when searching for a good …

How to choose the best divorce lawyer?

Feb 02, 2014 · Follow these seven steps to find the divorce attorney that's the right fit for you: 1. Be realistic. First, you need to realize that divorce is a legal process with the sole purpose of dissolving your assets and resolving custody issues. Your divorce attorney's job is to represent you to the best of his or her ability in this process.


What to look for in a divorce lawyer?

Key points to look for when searching for a good divorce lawyer-. 1. Understand your lawyer’s role. The goal of using a lawyer to help in your divorce process is to move the dissolution of your marriage forward in a fair and equitable manner. The main points of discussion when meeting with a lawyer should focus on money, ...

What is the course?

If you feel disconnected or frustrated about the state of your marriage but want to avoid separation and/or divorce, the course meant for married couples is an excellent resource to help you overcome the most challenging aspects of being married.

Is it easy to divorce?

Hopefully, you will have done your research and your divorce can move along and be finalized without major hitches. It is never an easy decision to divorce, but going in with knowledge can help make this transition time less uncertain and a bit easier to get through.

Is it important to find a good divorce lawyer?

Deciding to divorce can be a long, soul-searching and emotionally-draining process. Adding to the stress is the necessity of finding a good divorce lawyer from the beginning. It is important to have top-notch legal representation, however, so do your research and find the best divorce lawyer you can afford. Finding the right lawyer could end up ...

What to do before you rush out to hire a divorce attorney?

Before you rush out to hire a divorce attorney, consider other alternatives to traditional litigation. If you aren't completely entangled with children and finances, you could hire a mediator to help you negotiate the terms of your divorce.

What is the cheapest way to get divorced?

Mediation is the fastest, cheapest way to get divorced, and you might not need to hire an attorney at all! If your negotiation is more complicated, you'll have to hire a divorce lawyer to negotiate a settlement with your spouse's attorney. Or you could consider a collaborative divorce.

What is the purpose of divorce?

First, you need to realize that divorce is a legal process with the sole purpose of dissolving your assets and resolving custody issues. Your divorce attorney's job is to represent you to the best of his or her ability in this process.

Who is Laura Miolla?

Laura Miolla is a Separation and Divorce Coach who helps people find clarity, empowerment and confidence in the difficult divorce process. Use coaching to make better decisions in your divorce, achieve better outcomes, and lower the cost.

What is collaborative divorce?

A collaborative divorce is focused on negotiation with the goal of preserving a co-parenting relationship. Your last resort is a litigated trial. Typically, these are the cases when neither side will compromise. So you need to determine what type of divorce attorney you need based on your unique circumstances.

Do attorneys tell you what you want to hear?

Unfortunately, many attorneys will tell you what you want to hear just to close the deal. While this is your life, it's a business for them. There are no guarantees in this process, so if an attorney is making promises, don't believe it.

Determine Your Goals and Budget

Finding the best divorce attorney for your situation begins with some self-reflection. Set aside some time to think about your goals for your divorce. Consider questions such as:

Ask for Referrals

With approximately half of all American marriages ending in divorce, there’s a good chance you know several people who have weathered a divorce with the help of a high-net-worth divorce attorney.

Do Your Research

With the names of several attorneys, it’s time to sit down and do some research. Look at their websites. Do they appear to have experience handling high-asset divorce cases? Do they offer consultations? You can also perform a search for their reviews. What are their clients saying about them? Did they have good results using their representation?

Schedule a Consultation

Once you narrow your list to just a couple of potential divorce attorneys, schedule a consultation. You should have the opportunity to meet with them before you hire them. A consultation gives you the chance to find out if:

Only Hire Attorneys that Have Experience with High-Asset Divorces

Even if they came with high praises, you wouldn’t see a general practitioner if you needed cancer treatment. They could be the best general doctor, but without specialized education and training as well as experience, they aren’t likely the best choice if you want to beat cancer.

The Bottom Line

You’ve worked hard and wisely managed your assets to get to where you are today. Don’t let a divorce or choosing the wrong divorce attorney tarnish your efforts and hard work. Continue to protect your assets and make wise decisions by hiring the right high-net-worth divorce attorney for your situation.

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Even though you hired an attorney, you can fire him or her at any time and for any reason. Consider firing your attorney for doing any of the following:


This article offers legal information, but it is not intended as legal advice.

About This Article

This article was co-authored by Clinton M. Sandvick, JD, PhD. Clinton M. Sandvick worked as a civil litigator in California for over 7 years. He received his JD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1998 and his PhD in American History from the University of Oregon in 2013. This article has been viewed 127,717 times.

What can an experienced divorce attorney tell you?

An experienced divorce attorney will be able to tell you how likely it is you'll get what you're seeking in the divorce. An attorney can also help you devise a strategy for your case and give a rough timeline of how long it will take.

How to hire a lawyer for a divorce?

Don't just hire the first attorney you meet as they will be the one to represent you in the eyes of the law. Schedule a consultation with at least 3 lawyers (many offer free consultations) to learn more. Look for the following when you talk to them: 1 Local. You need an attorney who's familiar with the courts and family law judges in your county to strategize appropriately. 2 Communicates well. One of the biggest complaints about lawyers is their unresponsiveness to calls or emails. Make sure your attorney will be an attentive one. 3 Realistic. You should have a good idea of what your divorce will cost you, and the settlement you'll likely receive, before you leave the attorney's office. 4 Experienced. You’ll want a seasoned attorney who primarily practices family law. 5 Professional referrals and customer testimonials. If you’ve worked with other lawyers in the past, ask them to recommend a divorce attorney. Likewise, talk to the attorney’s past clients about their experience. You can easily find reviews of lawyers online, or ask the lawyer for a list of clients you can contact.

What can a divorce lawyer do for you?

What a Divorce lawyer can do for you. Hiring an experienced divorce attorney is the best way you get peace of mind when dealing with child custody, alimony, and asset division. Having a divorce lawyer advise you helps ensure that nothing is left out of your divorce agreement, which means that costly mistakes won't come back to bite you later.

How much does it cost to hire a divorce attorney?

Hiring a divorce attorney can cost anywhere from $250 to $350 per hour which may add up to a lot of money. However, attorneys may also handle divorces for a flat fee. The fee for an uncontested divorce might range from a $600 flat fee to a $5,000 retainer, depending on circumstances.

What is contested divorce?

A contested divorce occurs when couples can't agree out of court on one or more of these issues. That means you'll have to go to court to resolve them. And a court battle is a high-stakes process that can be difficult to take on without a lawyer's help.

What happens if you don't agree to custody?

You're dealing with custody disputes: If you and your spouse can't agree on a custody arrangement, you'll need to prove that your proposal is in the best interest of your children at the end of your marriage.

What are the complaints about divorce lawyers?

One of the biggest complaints about lawyers is their unresponsiveness to calls or emails. Make sure your attorney will be an attentive one. Realistic. You should have a good idea of what your divorce will cost you, and the settlement you'll likely receive, before you leave the attorney's office. Experienced.

What is the goal of divorce?

The goal of your divorce should be to come to a fair settlement while avoiding court. Some attorneys prefer to fight things out in trial, but that method drags out the case and is much more expensive.

Why do lawyers charge more per hour?

Many people think that just because a lawyer charges more per hour that they will get better service and a better settlement. That is not necessarily the case. A higher rate may signify a more experienced attorney, or it could simply mean they primarily practice in a larger market.

Is it a good idea to talk to someone who has been through divorce?

Despite the ability of researching on the Internet, first-hand accounts are still a really good way to get quality information.

Do you need to meet with an attorney before you put down a large deposit?

It is vital that you do your homework and actually meet with several attorneys before you put down a large deposit to retain one. Trust is extremely important in the relationship you will develop with your attorney, and you need to meet them to get a feel for that initial first impression.

Can an attorney practice in different states?

Many attorneys are licensed to practice in several different states; however, laws can vary drastically, even at the local level. You want an attorney well-versed with the regulations in your area, as well as a familiar relationship with local judges and officials.

Who is Mat Camp?

Mat Camp is a former Lexicon Services Online Editor, who focused on providing a comprehensive look into all aspects of the divorce experience. On, he concentrated on issues, such as parenting time, custodial rights, mediation, the division of assets, and so much more.

Throughout a divorce, your attorney will be your advisor, spokesperson, negotiator, and trusted confidant. Finding the right one for you is essential

Now that you and your partner have made the difficult decision to get divorced, you have to set about the task of finding a lawyer. Unfortunately, it’s not something that you can resolve with just a simple Google search. Before settling on a divorce lawyer to oversee your proceedings, you have to make sure you haven’t left a single stone unturned.

Do. Your. Homework

Just like any other major decision in your life, you want to make sure that you go into the divorce process with your eyes wide open and as well-informed as possible.

Know What You Want

Before you settle on a lawyer, ask yourself what it is that you’re hoping to get from them. Are you looking for a lawyer who’s emotionally supportive? An impersonal but focused attorney? Are you looking for a team or a one-on-one personal experience?

Ask Around

If you know of friends or family members who’ve been through a divorce, definitely reach out to them and ask for advice and suggestions on who they went with and how it worked out for them.

Meet with More Than One Lawyer

Part of the research process for a good divorce lawyer should include multiple meetings with various attorneys. This will allow you to see how each lawyer will approach your divorce and what they will do to build the best possible case.

Ask the Right Questions

When meeting with an attorney, don’t waste time asking questions about their experience, as that is information you should have gathered already from your research.

Make Sure They Stay in Touch

Lawyers are busy, obviously, but that doesn’t mean that a call or email from you shouldn’t be returned as quickly as possible. Even a simple email back acknowledging that they’ve received your message and will get back to you soon can go a long way.
