how to find lost trust documents, accountant lawyer

by Claire Reynolds 4 min read

Trust account documents are private, but they can be located in several ways. Call or write your attorney. If you used legal assistance to establish your trust account, the attorney will have a record of the interactions on file. He will also have copies of any trust account documents created by his office.

Full Answer

What should I do if I Can’t Find my original trust documents?

If you’re unable to find your original documents, your best option is to find a new attorney and revise your estate plan. You can do a trust restatement in which it will be stated that the new terms of the trust supersede or replace any prior terms.

What to do if you have lost your trust deed?

Before considering steps to replace your lost trust deed, it would be good to investigate and attempt to find a copy of the original trust deed. Asking third parties if they have a copy – Third parties can include your banker, accountant, lawyer, financial adviser, deed provider or a business partner

How do I find a trust account without the name?

If you have the name of the trust account, the search is easy, but if you do not have the name, you can provide the financial institution with your own name and Social Security number, which will allow it to search for any trust account you may have with the institution.

How do I find a copy of a living trust in California?

If you can’t find original living trust documents, you can contact the California Bar Association for assistance. Trusts aren’t recorded anywhere, so you can’t go to the County Recorder’s office in the courthouse to ask to see a copy of the trust.


How do I recover a Trust document?

And you cannot go to any other California government office and ask to see the Trust. Trusts are private documents and they typically remain private even after someone dies. The only way to obtain a copy of the Trust is to demand a copy from the Trustee (or whoever has a copy of the documents, if not the Trustee).

What happens if I cant find my Trust?

If you have lost your Trust documents and can't find a copy, you will need to revoke the lost Trust. Then, you can create a new Trust to replace the old one. A Revocable Living Trust is included in Trust & Will's Trust-Based Estate Plan. Creating a Trust can be overwhelming, even if you're doing it for the second time.

How do you find the assets of a Trust?

Review the trust instrument. Some trusts contain a schedule that lists out all of the assets that were held in the trust. Determine whether your loved one left behind a financial statement that outlines his or her assets.

Why does the bank need a copy of my trust?

Once you have made copies and given one to your successor trustee, beneficiaries, or heirs, or ended up giving a copy to the bank, this will ensure that your wishes will be honored after your death. If you cannot locate your original documents, you will need to revoke the lost trust and create a new one to replace it.

Can a trust be destroyed?

If a trust is revocable, it can be canceled at any time. However, if the trust is irrevocable, its terms usually cannot be modified or terminated.

How does a trust get distributed?

To distribute real estate held by a trust to a beneficiary, the trustee will have to obtain a document known as a grant deed, which, if executed correctly and in accordance with state laws, transfers the title of the property from the trustee to the designated beneficiaries, who will become the new owners of the asset.

Who owns the property in a trust?

The trusteeThe trustee is the legal owner of the property in trust, as fiduciary for the beneficiary or beneficiaries who is/are the equitable owner(s) of the trust property. Trustees thus have a fiduciary duty to manage the trust to the benefit of the equitable owners.

Who owns the assets in a family trust?

The trusteeThe trustee can be an individual, individuals or a company and they are the legal entity who owns the assets and makes decisions on the trust's behalf. There can be more than one trustee and more than one beneficiary.

How to find a trust account?

Call, write or visit your financial institution's trust department, pressing it to provide copies of any trust account documents it may have on file. If you have the name of the trust account, the search is easy, but if you do not have the name, you can provide the financial institution with your own name and Social Security number, which will allow it to search for any trust account you may have with the institution.

What happens if you add a property to a trust account?

If the property was added to the trust account, the change will be a part of the public record and is searchable. Even if it is no longer in your name, the title will list previous owners and will reveal the name of the trust account.

What happens when you create a trust?

When you created your trust, you likely transferred ownership to your trust and the documents will reveal the name of the trust. The name of the trust account will allow you to conduct a search at a financial institution. Read More: How to Set Up a Property Trust.

What is a trust?

A trust is a legally binding document, but does not have to be filed as a public record with any government agency.

Do you have to file a trust account with a public office?

This should be the first step in the search sequence, because the trust documents do not have to be filed with any public office.

Do trust documents have to be filed with public office?

This should be the first step in the search sequence, because the trust documents do not have to be filed with any public office. The attorney has a legal obligation to retain copies of all documents created with his office for a period of time, even if the files are electronic.

Can you find a life insurance policy if you have a trust account?

Contact your life insurance company, even if you cannot locate a policy. The insurance company can use your personal identification information to locate any policies you may have had, even if the policy has been transferred to a trust account. If the life insurance policy was set up as a part of the trust account, your name will still be attached to it and should be searchable. The policy will have the name of the trust account on it.

What to do if you can't find a trust agreement?

If you still can’t find the trust agreement, you may have to petition the court to get formally appointed as personal representative, and this would require the assistance of a knowledgeable trust or probate attorney. One thing to remember is that trust agreements are not public record.

What to do if a trust is a testamentary trust?

If the trust was a testamentary trust, find out who the Executor or Administrator of the estate was and contact them. However, that could be an issue if the Executor/Administrator is now deceased.

Why is it important to retain a copy of a trust agreement?

It is also important to retain a copy of the trust agreement, in case you need to provide it in order to perform certain trust transactions. For example, bankers or brokers won’t perform the transaction (i.e. cash a check or transfer a stock) until you provided the trust agreement showing your designation as Trustee.

What do you ask when you obtain a new trust client?

One of the first things we ask for when we obtain a new trust client is “Can you provide us with a copy of the trust agreement?”

Can a beneficiary sue you for breach of fiduciary duty?

You may think that, since the beneficiaries are your family members, that they would never sue you for breach of fiduciary duty. But, it may not be the current beneficiaries that sue you, but rather, the more remote lineal descendants that the trust will continue to provide future benefits to.

Can you contact a drafting attorney if they are deceased?

If you know who the drafting attorney was, then you may be able to contact them and request another copy. But, if the attorney is deceased or retired, you may go on a wild goose hunt finding out where the files were transferred.

Can a non-professional trustee throw away a trust agreement?

The lesson to be learned, if you are a non-professional trustee, is that you must keep a copy of the trust agreement in a safe place. Never throw away a will or trust agreement!

Can an elderly relative find a trust?

An elderly relative passes away, and family members cannot find a trust. No will, no trust, no plan of estate assets distribution. No designation of estate representative. The state steps in and intestacy rules apply. For many, this is not the preferred outcome.

Is all lost in a divorce?

All is not necessarily lost. You may gather evidence that supports the identification of the beneficiaries. What did Daisy tell her likely beneficiaries?

Can a bank identify a trustee?

The bank might be able to identify the employee who reviewed the trust, and that employee might be able to identify the trustee, successor trustee, and beneficiaries of the trust . After gathering this information, you may hire an attorney to file a petition for instructions from the probate court.

Can you get a copy of a trust instrument if you know the attorney?

You get the idea. If you believe that you know who the attorney is and the attorney won’t provide you with a copy of the trust, you can file a petition to compel a copy of the instrument. California Probate Code Section 16061.5 entitles heirs and beneficiaries to receive a copy of the trust instrument once the trust becomes irrevocable. Daisy’s death makes the trust irrevocable.

What to do if you can't find your original trust documents?

If you’re unable to find your original documents, your best option is to find a new attorney and revise your estate plan. You can do a trust restatement in which it will be stated that the new terms of the trust supersede or replace any prior terms.

What recourse do you have when you don't have a copy of the trust documents?

What recourse do you have when you don’t have a copy of the trust documents? If you know the attorney that drafted the trust, you can contact them to request a copy. But, if that attorney has since retired or the attorney died, it can be difficult to find the location of the transferred files.

What happens if an attorney dies?

If an attorney dies, it’s the responsibility of their estate trustee to notify the California Bar Association if legal documents , including living trusts, have been transferred to another attorney. If you can’t find original living trust documents, you can contact the California Bar Association for assistance.

Where are trust documents kept?

In some cases, the original trust documents are kept in the drafting attorney’s safe , and the client is provided with copies of the signed documents. When the drafting attorney moves or retires, the original documents can be returned to the client or transferred to the attorney who is taking over the practice.

Do you need a copy of a trust agreement?

So, your investment adviser may be able to provide you with a copy. In addition, your tax preparers and accountants should have copies of the trust agreement along with a copy of your will in their permanent files.

Do tax preparers need a copy of a trust?

In addition, your tax preparers and accountants should have copies of the trust agreement along with a copy of your will in their permanent files. Avoiding probate and keeping the terms of the living trust private are two big reasons why people choose to create them.

What happens if you can't find the original deed of a trust?

Even if your search does not locate the original deed, evidence of the searches that you have undertaken may become relevant if you become involved in litigation in respect of the trust. If you cannot find the trust deed consider making enquiries with: Any other current and former trustees and directors; Beneficiaries of the trust;

What happens when a trust deed goes missing?

When a trust deed goes missing there is always a risk that the actions of the trustees may be open to challenge from third parties or government authorities that have dealings with the trust. In addition, the beneficiaries of the trust may challenge decisions that are made and trustees will not have the terms of the trust deed readily available to fall back on to justify their decisions.

What is a confirmation deed?

Deed of Confirmation or Restatement – If a copy of the original deed is found it may be possible to restate or confirm the terms of the original deed;

What is the most expensive option for a trustee?

Court intervention – Asking the Court to confirm the terms of the trust deed or provide directions as to how the trust should be conducted in the absence of the trust deed is generally considered the safest and least risky option for the trustee as they can reference the Court orders and consent given so as to support any decisions they make. Court intervention is also the most expensive option;

Can a trust continue to operate if the deed is lost?

Can the trust continue to operate if the deed is lost? Practically speaking continuing to operate the trust in the absence of the trust deed is a short term solution at best. However, replacing a trust deed is not as simple as creating a new deed.

Can you lose a trust deed?

Losing a trust deed is not something anyone plans to do. Not only is a lost trust deed inconvenient it can also have serious consequences.

Can you manage a self managed super fund without a trust deed?

For example, it is very difficult to effectively manage a Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) without a trust deed so you will need to act quickly to rectify the situation.
