how to find a mesothelioma lawyer for a deceased person

by Nicklaus Skiles 6 min read

Similarly, survivors of those who have died of mesothelioma are able to file wrongful death claims. Call 1-800-966-2244 to find out how we can help receive compensation for you and your family or fill out this short form to find a mesothelioma lawyer in your area.

Full Answer

How to file a mesothelioma claim after the death of a loved one?

Jul 14, 2015 · Here are some basic steps to take when you are choosing an attorney to represent you in your mesothelioma claim. Interview your attorney. If you are not feeling well enough, ask a family member or friend to do this. Request a case evaluation and a personal interview with the attorney who would be handling your case.

Where can I get a mesothelioma lawyer?

Jan 19, 2022 · How to find the best Mesothelioma Lawyer: The best Mesothelioma lawyer will have years of experience handling Asbestos-related lawsuits, have a track record of success, and have extensive knowledge on the issue. To find an experienced Mesothelioma lawyer, claimants should look for attorneys who know what to expect of Asbestos exposure and Mesothelioma …

Who is the representative of the estate in a mesothelioma case?

If a diagnosed person with mesothelioma or their family care about getting the best possible financial compensation for this rare cancer caused by asbestos exposure please call the Mesothelioma Compensation Center at 800-714-0303 before they hire a law firm for extremely honest advice about why they must be talking directly to the nation’s most experienced …

Can a deceased loved one file an asbestos claim?

Hire a Lawyer: If your loved one did not initiate a claim before they died, the estate representative may hire a mesothelioma lawyer to represent the claim. Exploratory Investigation: Your mesothelioma lawyer begins an exploratory investigation into your claim to learn about the asbestos products your loved one was exposed to and which manufacturers may be responsible.


What are The Symptoms of Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma symptoms appear once the tumors grow and press against the chest wall and/or abdominal cavity. Common symptoms include:

Consideration of Factors in Mesothelioma Cases

When a person files a Mesothelioma claim, factors that are often considered include how and where the exposure occurred, who was responsible for the exposure, and when the person was diagnosed with the disease.

How to find the best Mesothelioma Lawyer

The best Mesothelioma lawyer will have years of experience handling Asbestos-related lawsuits, have a track record of success, and have extensive knowledge on the issue.

How to file a mesothelioma claim?

Mesothelioma Wrongful Death Process 1 Hire a Lawyer: If your loved one did not initiate a claim before they died, the estate representative may hire a mesothelioma lawyer to represent the claim. 2 Exploratory Investigation: Your mesothelioma lawyer begins an exploratory investigation into your claim to learn about the asbestos products your loved one was exposed to and which manufacturers may be responsible. 3 Filing a Claim: Your attorney will file a mesothelioma claim against the manufacturers responsible for your loved one’s cancer. 4 Discovery Phase: Also known as pretrial litigation, the discovery phase involves conducting depositions, gathering testimony and collecting evidence. Lawyers on both sides will appear in court to keep the judge informed of case proceedings, negotiate a settlement or set a trial date. 5 Settlement or Trial: The vast majority of mesothelioma lawsuits end in a settlement rather than a trial. The average mesothelioma settlement is around $1.4 million and the average trial verdict award is $2.4 million.

How much is the average settlement for mesothelioma?

The average mesothelioma settlement amount ranges from $1 million to $1.4 million. This compensation for mesothelioma may be supported by trust fund claims filed on behalf of the deceased’s estate.

What is the burden of proof in a wrongful death claim?

In a wrongful death claim, the burden of proof falls on the family that lost their loved one to mesothelioma because their loved one is no longer able to provide evidence or testify. Having an experienced mesothelioma lawyer evaluate a potential case can be the difference between obtaining the compensdation that is deserved and being denied the right to recovery.

How long does it take to file a wrongful death claim?

The deadlines for filing these claims vary by state, but usually fall between one and three years after the death of the patient .

Why do lawyers appear in court?

Lawyers on both sides will appear in court to keep the judge informed of case proceedings, negotiate a settlement or set a trial date. Settlement or Trial: The vast majority of mesothelioma lawsuits end in a settlement rather than a trial.

Who is awarded compensation for asbestos wrongful death?

Compensation from an asbestos wrongful death claim — either from a mesothelioma settlement or trial verdict — is awarded to the deceased patient’s estate, not the estate representative. This may be divided among family members and anyone named in the person’s last will and testament.

Can asbestos be filed after death?

Many companies knew of the dangers of asbestos for decades but failed to properly warn their employees, putting profits over human lives. Filing asbestos claims after the death of a loved one is a complicated and time-sensitive process that is best handled by an experienced mesothelioma lawyer.

What Is A Mesothelioma Lawsuit

A mesothelioma lawsuit is a type of lawsuit brought by an individual who has suffered personal injury due to exposure to asbestos.

Why File A Lawsuit For Mesothelioma

The main objective in filing a lawsuit for mesothelioma is to seek damages from the asbestos company or employer responsible for exposing another to asbestos leading to severe personal injures or even death.

Types of Mesothelioma Lawsuits

What are the different types of lawsuits that may be filed by mesothelioma victims?

Mesothelioma Lawsuit Examples

Let’s look at a few mesothelioma lawsuit verdicts and see what the jury has historically awarded for mesothelioma personal injury lawsuits or wrongful death claims.

How to find a lawyer for mesothelioma?

These three steps will detail how to find an elite mesothelioma lawyer for your case: 1. Conduct a thorough, nationwide search. Don’t limit your options to local lawyers or law firms. Distance between you, the claimant, and your lawyer is not a concern for mesothelioma cases. The top priority should be finding the best lawyer, ...

What are the qualities of a mesothelioma lawyer?

Here are some qualities to narrow your search for a lawyer: National availability. Experience and success. Working on a contingency basis. Handling all case work. Empathy and communication.

What are the two groups of lawyers for mesothelioma?

Lawyers for mesothelioma are broken down into two groups: local and national. Instead of filing your case only where you live, national attorneys will file in a state or states most advantageous to your case. Local lawyers for mesothelioma likely won’t have this much versatility.

Does a lawyer collect mesothelioma compensation?

This means your lawyer gets a percentage of your compensation. If you don’t win your claim, then your mesothelioma lawyer doesn’t collect fees. This setup prioritizes your best interests above all else and often leads to the highest amount of mesothelioma compensation possible.

How to file a mesothelioma lawsuit?

Identify the Companies at Fault. To file a claim, your mesothelioma cancer lawyer will need to show which asbestos-containing products you were exposed to and which companies made them.

What is mesothelioma compensation?

This compensation can pay for life-extending treatment and help keep your family financially stable in the future.

What can a lawyer do for asbestos?

Lawyers for mesothelioma can help you pursue legal action and get compensation for your asbestos-related disease. A mesothelioma attorney will have experience in mesothelioma wrongful death or personal injury claims and can guide you through the legal process.

Who won the mesothelioma settlement?

Notable mesothelioma settlements won by Simmons Hanly Conroy: $250 million to a retired steelworker with mesothelioma. $30 million awarded to a mechanic in California. $13.1 million awarded to a carpenter with pleural mesothelioma. $12 million to a laborer with pleural mesothelioma.

Can you file a lawsuit against the VA for mesothelioma?

military veterans who developed mesothelioma during their service may be eligible to receive monetary and health care benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). You are still able to file a lawsuit or trust fund claim if you are receiving VA benefits.

Can you file for asbestos from more than one company?

You may be eligible for compensation from more than one company, increasing the value of your asbestos lawsuit. Further, the best mesothelioma lawyers will know when to file your claim based on your state’s statute of limitations, which is a law that places a time limit on how long you can file.

What is asbestos claim after death?

What Is an Asbestos Claim After Death? An asbestos claim after the death of a person who dies of mesothelioma or another asbestos-related disease is known as a wrongful death claim . Usually, living patients may file a personal injury claim or an asbestos trust fund claim.

How long does it take to get an asbestos claim?

Generally speaking, statutes range from 12-48 months from the date a person is diagnosed, or asbestos disease is determined to be the cause of death. The type of claim can also play a factor in the limitation period. For asbestos-related personal injury claims, the period typically begins at the time of diagnosis.

What is latency period in asbestos litigation?

In asbestos litigation, these latency periods play a large part in the statutes of limitations, or the laws that limit the amount of time claimants and their family members have to file lawsuits. These statutes vary by state law, so the amount of time you have to file usually depends on the state where you file the claim.

What are the types of wrongful death cases?

Examples of types of relationships that may permit a wrongful death suit include: 1 Spouse or life partners 2 Children, including adopted children or stepchildren 3 Parents or grandparents 4 Someone financially dependent on the deceased (this varies by state)

What is a wrongful death lawsuit?

A wrongful death lawsuit can help offset debt from medical expenses, funeral costs and loss of income. The rules and limitations of who can file a wrongful death claim can vary by state, but generally it must be someone close enough to the deceased, not an estranged family member or acquaintance.

Why are damages less in most cases?

This is because a plaintiff is still presumed to have ongoing medical bills and other expenses, along with emotional distress. But if the plaintiff dies, those parts of the claim are eliminated.

When does the period for asbestos claim start?

For asbestos-related personal injury claims, the period typically begins at the time of diagnosis. The period for wrongful death claims usually begins once an asbestos-related disease is determined to be the cause of death.

How to help a deceased person?

Ask them if they know about events in the deceased's life that would have required legal representation, like an arrest or a lawsuit. Follow up on any leads.

What documents require notarization?

Signatures on deeds, divorce settlement agreements and affidavits are examples of documents that require notarization. If the deceased's signature was notarized, that means that he signed the document before a notary public.

What to do when someone dies from mesothelioma?

One of the best things you can do for your own mental health is to be there for your loved one. Provide the support and comfort they need as they choose it. Family and loved ones can also benefit from therapy.

How to help mesothelioma patients rest?

Surgical procedures. Minor procedures, such as a thoracentesis to drain fluid from the chest cavity, may help mesothelioma patients rest more comfortably. Chemotherapy or radiation. Many patients choose to stop treatments at this stage, but they may help improve quality of life by shrinking the sizes of tumors.

What is the life expectancy of mesothelioma?

The average mesothelioma life expectancy across the board is just 15 months. [1]#N#Amin, W., Linkov, F., Landsittel, D.P., Silverstein, J.C., Bashara, W., Gaudioso, C., Feldman, M.D., Pass, H.I., Melamed, J., Friedberg, J.S., and Becich, M.J.. (2018). Factors Influencing Malignant Mesothelioma Survival: A Retrospective Review of the National Mesothelioma Virtual Bank Cohort. F1000Res. 7, 1184.#N#Retrieved from: includes all types of mesothelioma, diagnosed at any stage, and for patients of all ages. Most will face dying from mesothelioma. By stage IV, advanced metastatic cancer patients can have a larger effect on organs and likely to produce more symptoms, such as fatigue, pain, and weight loss. The symptoms of this late-stage mesothelioma include: [2]#N#Collins, D.C., Constantinidou, A., Sundar, R., Chenard-Poirier, M., Yapp, T.A., Banerji, U., De Bono, J.S., Lopez, J.S., and Tunariu, N. (2017). Patterns of Metastases in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma in the Modern Era: Redefining the Spread of an Old Disease. J. Clin. Oncol. 35 (Suppl 15).#N#Retrieved from: 1 Difficulty swallowing 2 Shortness of breath 3 Chest pains 4 Coughing with blood 5 Fever and night sweats 6 Fatigue 7 Weight loss 8 Pain at sites of metastasis 9 General discomfort and malaise

What is palliative care?

Palliative care is any treatment that helps to improve the patient’s quality of life. It should be utilized to ensure the patient’s preferences are kept in mind to determine which treatment option is bet suited. Sometimes that even includes no treatment and to focus on symptom management alone.

How to help a patient who is dying?

Loved ones can support the patient in important ways. Simply being there is often comforting. Talk to the patient, touch them, read to them, watch movies, or sit together . If they can still talk, let them express their feelings and any fears they have about dying. Don’t avoid difficult subjects.

Why is medical care important at the end of life?

Therapy and counseling and spiritual guidance bring comfort to many patients as they are dying. It is important to ask patients what type of support they want and what they do not want.

Is mesothelioma terminal or incurable?

What to Expect When Mesothelioma is Terminal. Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer that typically spreads rapidly and is mostly considered incurable. This means that for most patients, it is terminal. Some people may live with cancer for a few years, and some may even go into remission, but the general prognosis is poor. Free Mesothelioma Packet.
