how to deal with medical malpractice when a lawyer won't

by Antwan Gleichner 10 min read

Medical malpractice attorneys may choose to reject your case. However, you should not necessarily get discouraged if this happens. Malpractice lawsuits are lengthy procedures, and a lawyer may not have the time to take on your claim. If one attorney is unable to handle your case, you should consider talking to another lawyer.

Full Answer

How should I select a medical malpractice attorney?

Jan 09, 2014 · One study found that 90% of patients seeking a malpractice lawyer will not get one, singling out women, children, and the elderly. We tried a case for an older man who did not have economic damages and got a $10 million verdict. The malpractice cap cut that verdict to …

How do you become a medical malpractice attorney?

In most policies, damages that include pain and suffering is capped at $250,000 and contingency fees also have a small percentage. So if the attorney feels that they won’t be able to bring in substantial or decent income from your case then they will not take your case. Of course, there has to be valid proof that there was medical negligence.

How to become a medical malpractice attorney?

Jan 16, 2014 ¡ Because of the sophistication and difficulty of medical malpractice cases, you need an attorney with experience and knowledge to handle these types of cases. If you would like to discuss a case of potential medical malpractice resulting in serious injury or death, call the top-rated medical negligence lawyers of Passen & Powell at 312-527-4500 for a free consultation.

How do I choose the best medical malpractice lawyer?

Jan 20, 2019 · Usually, a Medical Malpractice is handled on a contingency fee, which means that you don’t pay anything until the case is settled or there is a verdict in your favor, and they are paid out of the proceeds. If they lose the case, you pay nothing, but they don’t get paid, so they have to be very careful what they take on.


How do you defend against medical malpractice?

Common Defenses Against a Medical Malpractice ClaimShow Avoidable Consequences. ... Argue the Substantial Minority Principle. ... Cite Good Samaritan Laws. ... Challenge the Evidence. ... Demonstrate Standard of Care. ... Challenge the Causal Relationship. ... Assumed Risk.Apr 21, 2021

When a doctor or lawyer fails to exercise reasonable care it is called malpractice?

Malpractice is defined as a “dereliction of professional duty or a failure to exercise an ordinary degree of professional skill or learning by one (such as a physician) rendering professional services, which results in injury, loss, or damage.”Nov 24, 2020

Why is my attorney not fighting for me?

When your lawyer is not fighting for you, you have every right to fire that attorney and get a replacement, and you may have the right to sue in the event that the attorney violated professional codes of ethics.

What is an example of medical negligence?

Examples of Medical Malpractice Failure to diagnose. Surgical errors or unnecessary surgery. Prescribing the wrong medication. Disregarding or failing to consider appropriate patient history.

What are grounds for medical negligence?

Medical negligence is substandard care that's been provided by a medical professional to a patient, which has directly caused injury or caused an existing condition to get worse. There's a number of ways that medical negligence can happen such as misdiagnosis, incorrect treatment or surgical mistakes.

What are the 4 elements that must be proved for a claim of professional negligence to be upheld?

The four basic elements of a negligence claim are:A duty of care existed between the negligent person and the claimant;The negligent person breached their duty of care responsibilities;Injury or damage was suffered due to a negligent act or failure to exercise duty of care;More items...

What should you not say to a lawyer?

9 Taboo Sayings You Should Never Tell Your LawyerI forgot I had an appointment. ... I didn't bring the documents related to my case. ... I have already done some of the work for you. ... My case will be easy money for you. ... I have already spoken with 5 other lawyers. ... Other lawyers don't have my best interests at heart.More items...•Mar 17, 2021

What is unethical for a lawyer?

Attorney misconduct may include: conflict of interest, overbilling, refusing to represent a client for political or professional motives, false or misleading statements, knowingly accepting worthless lawsuits, hiding evidence, abandoning a client, failing to disclose all relevant facts, arguing a position while ...

How often should I hear from my attorney?

You should never be afraid or feel like an intrusion to contact your attorney every three weeks or so, or more frequently if there is a lot going on with your health or other matters related to your legal case. There is of course a limit to how much you should be contacting or sharing.Jun 17, 2020

What are the 4 types of negligence?

What are the four types of negligence?Gross Negligence. Gross Negligence is the most serious form of negligence and is the term most often used in medical malpractice cases. ... Contributory Negligence. ... Comparative Negligence. ... Vicarious Negligence.

How do you prove medical negligence?

The first necessary step if you are a victim of medical negligence is to file a Complaint against the doctor with the State Medical Council. The victim can file a complaint in the state consumer court also and there can be a criminal suit filed by the patient against the hospital or the doctor himself.Jan 7, 2017

What are the most common medical malpractice claims?

What Are the Most Common Medical Malpractice Claims?Misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis.Failure to treat.Prescription drug errors.Surgical or procedural errors.Childbirth injuries.

How to file a malpractice lawsuit?

So what is the difference between a general personal injury case and a medical malpractice case? As a result of tort reform, in the medical malpractice case example, before filing the initial Complaint in the lawsuit, the lawyer must: 1 obtain all the patient’s medical records 2 have the voluminous medical records reviewed by an expert (usually a doctor) at rates that average $750/hour to $1,000/hour 3 have the expert sign an affidavit, swearing that the records show that the provider was negligent 4 prepare a notice of intent to initiate litigation, send this package to all prospective defendants, then await response 5 engage in a 90 day presuit investigatory period with discovery exchange

What percentage of medical malpractice cases are decided by a jury?

What you will not see online is how many times the hospital, doctor or nurse wins. This is called a medical malpractice defense verdict. For medical malpractice claims that are decided by a jury, 77% of verdicts are in favor of the medical provider. (Robert C. LaFountain and Cynthia G. Lee, Medical Malpractice Litigation in State Courts (April 2011) at 4. U.S. Department of Justice, supra at 4). This means that the plaintiff is awarded $0.

What is tort reform?

The answer likely lies in a little known political movement, called tort reform. Tort reform of medical malpractice litigation has made it very expensive and time consuming to pursue a medical malpractice case.

Is medical malpractice litigation expensive?

The takeaway message is that medical malpractice lawsuits are incredibly expensive. In contingent fee litigation ( no win, no fees or costs), your lawyer bears these costs initially. However, these costs will come out of any judgment or settlement you receive .

Does Texas have caps on damages?

Lastly, many states suffer under arbitrary ‘caps on damages’ in medical malpractice litigation. For example, Texas has caps on damage s for med mal lawsuits. This means, it does not matter what a jury awards you, the judge will reduce it after the verdict to comply with the caps on damages.

Is medical malpractice a personal injury?

Medical malpractice cases are not like general personal injury lawsuits. For example, if a person is hit by a car while crossing Woolbright Road, they have a viable Boynton Beach personal injury lawsuit. Even if they largely recover from the injury, most lawyers would accept their case. There are no barriers to filing the lawsuit, ...

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In some cases, you may just be wanting to sue a hospital for the negligence of one of its employees. Be aware that the law only allows lawyers to take on these types of cases within a set time frame. If you have failed to contact a lawyer for help in time, they may be legally barred from taking on your case.


If you must change lawyers in the middle of a lawsuit, be aware that your first attorney will have a right to recoup his or her expenses.

About This Article

This article was co-authored by Clinton M. Sandvick, JD, PhD. Clinton M. Sandvick worked as a civil litigator in California for over 7 years. He received his JD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1998 and his PhD in American History from the University of Oregon in 2013. This article has been viewed 34,751 times.
