how to answer biggest weakness question in interview lawyer

by Kailey Kohler 5 min read

Choose a weakness that will not prevent you from succeeding in the role. Be honest and choose a real weakness. Provide an example of how you've worked to improve upon your weakness or learn a new skill to combat the issue.

“Don't be afraid to discuss a genuine weakness that you have overcome or that you're working to overcome. … You could talk about how difficult it was to adjust to law school at first, especially the volume of reading and other work.Feb 18, 2021

Full Answer

What is a good weakness for an interview question?

  • State your weakness.
  • Provide context by using a story or example in your professional life.
  • Describe how identifying this weakness has changed your perspective.
  • If applicable, list any steps you have taken or plan to take to correct your weakness.

What weaknesses to say in an interview?

What is your biggest weakness best answer?

  • “I focus on details too much.” …
  • “I struggle to let go of a project.” …
  • “I don’t like to say ‘no’.” …
  • “I could use more experience in some areas.” …
  • “Sometimes I lack confidence.”

When asked for weakness in an interview?

When you’re asked about your weaknesses, the employer wants to know whether you are qualified to do the job. The hiring manager is also looking for indicators that show you’ve been able to learn new tasks and handle new challenges. So, this question is an opportunity to show that you’ve got the right assets for the job.

How would you describe your weakness in an interview?

List of strengths and weaknesses: What to say in your interview

  • Assessing your weaknesses. Let's get the hard part out of the way first—your weaknesses. ...
  • Assessing your strengths. When it comes time to toot your own horn, you need to be specific. ...
  • Scripting your answers. "My strength is my flexibility to handle change. ...
  • Keep on the strong side. ...

Why do you need to present your weakness during an interview?

What are some examples of weaknesses?

What is the importance of ambiguity in the workplace?

What does it mean to have good teamwork skills?

Why is it important to have a work/life balance?

Why is asking for help important?

Why do I feel unqualified to speak up?

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What are your weaknesses answer for lawyer?

Try and pick a weakness that is realistic but that would not undermine your overall job performance. For example, sometimes I find it difficult to say no and it results in me taking on too much work. Definitely talk about how you are working to improve to demonstrate that this is a flaw that you are trying to overcome.

What are your top 3 weaknesses answer?

Put your weaknesses in a positive light Here are three suggestions: Emphasize the positive, avoiding negative words like failure or inept. Talk about how you've transformed your weakness into a strength. Show how you recognize where you need to improve and take steps to better yourself.

What is your biggest weakness interview answer?

List of Weaknesses for Job InterviewLack of Patience.Lack of Organization.Trouble with Delegation.Timidity.Lack of Tactfulness.Fear of Public Speaking.Weak Data Analysis Skills.Indecisiveness.More items...•

How do I answer my weakness in an interview?

Put your weaknesses in a positive lightEmphasize the positive, avoiding negative words like failure or inept.Talk about how you've transformed your weakness into a strength.Show how you recognize where you need to improve and take steps to better yourself.

Is overthinking a weakness?

Is Overthinking a Weakness? Overthinking can be viewed as both a strength and a weakness; it is, therefore, not a strong answer to give when asked about your weaknesses at interview. In some respects, someone that overthinks can be perceived to be unsure of themselves and their decision-making.

What is your weakness and strengths?

In most job interviews, candidates will be asked to describe their strengths and weaknesses....What employers are looking for:StrengthsWeaknessesAnalytical skillsHard skills (defined by the job description)Communication skillsSoft skills (such as public speaking)Leadership skillsAbility to work in a team

What are examples of weaknesses in a person?

List of WeaknessesNot taking criticism well.Impatient.Lazy.Easily bored.Procrastinate.Persistent.Takes things personally.Strong willed.More items...•

What is your weakness best answer for fresher?

Examples: How to answer what are your weaknesses? #1) I tend to be overly critical of myself. Whenever I complete a project, I can't help but feel that I could have done more even if my work received a positive response. This often leads me to overwork myself and leaves me feeling burned out.

What is your weakness Best Answer Quora?

The best answer to such question is to describe a weakness that could also be viewed as a strength. Example-I look for perfection in work as such sometime I get tense or over criticize myself if the task executed by me is not upto the mark.

How do you handle stress?

Healthy Ways to Cope with StressTake breaks from watching, reading, or listening to news stories, including those on social media. ... Take care of yourself. ... Take care of your body. ... Make time to unwind. ... Talk to others. ... Connect with your community- or faith-based organizations.Avoid drugs and alcohol.More items...

How do you see yourself 5 years from now?

Tips for Answering 'Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years? 'Show how your professional goals and the job you're applying for align.Focus on the skills you want to learn and get better at.Don't get too specific with job titles or time frames.Never say “I want your job,” “I don't know” or “Not here!”

Why should we hire you sample answer?

For starters, I have all the skills and experience listed in the job description, and I'm confident that I can make an immediate impact on your company. It's not just my background in leading successful projects for Fortune 500 companies, but also my passion for the industry that drives me to succeed.

12 Examples of Weaknesses for Your Job Interview – CV Nation

The ultimate guide on how to answer ‘what are your weaknesses’ in a job interview, with 12 example answers and everything you need to know about the question. What are your weaknesses? Most people find this job interview question difficult. How can discuss your flaws and still show interviewers that you’re a good fit for the job? The truth is you don’t need to be overly worried about ...

40 Top Weaknesses List & Examples - Rigorous Themes

The interview process allows hiring managers and coworkers to get to know you and what you are likely to bring to the organization. One of the common ways is the classic question, “What are your strengths and weaknesses? Many people have different approaches to this question.

11 Examples of Greatest Weaknesses That Work | Interview Insider

Being impatient means that you can sometimes make hasty decisions, which is obviously a weakness. However, if you told the hiring manager in an interview that your weakness was being impatient, they are likely to actually view this as a good thing, because it tells them you will be driven in the job, and you will strive to get as much work completed as possible!

Why do you need to present your weakness during an interview?

If this is the weakness you choose to present during your interview, explain the ways you have learned to balance life and work and how you have seen your work improve as a result.

What are some examples of weaknesses?

Here are a few examples of the best weaknesses to mention in an interview: 1. I focus too much on the details. Being detail-oriented is typically a good thing, but if you’re someone who tends to spend too much time on the specifics of a project, it could also be considered a weakness.

What is the importance of ambiguity in the workplace?

Many jobs require candidates who are comfortable individually defining tasks and working towards goals. This means they should be experienced, thoughtful and responsible with ambiguity in the workplace. While it is certainly a beneficial skill to closely follow detailed instruction, it is also necessary to be able to determine what it takes to achieve the desired outcome.

What does it mean to have good teamwork skills?

Having good teamwork skills also means having a strong awareness of how you work with others and ways you can adjust your approach to better serve the organization.

Why is it important to have a work/life balance?

Finding work/life balance is important to maintain motivation in your job. While it is certainly honorable and shows a strong work ethic to spend your time and energy on work, it is also necessary to prioritize resting, going on vacation, spending time with your family and enjoying hobbies.

Why is asking for help important?

Asking for help is a necessary skill both when you are lacking expertise in a certain area and when you are feeling burned out or cannot handle your workload. Knowing when and how to ask for help shows strong self-awareness and helps the organization by getting ahead of a possible inefficiency.

Why do I feel unqualified to speak up?

While being humble when working with others can be helpful, it is also necessary to maintain a certain amount of confidence to do your job at an optimal level .

Why do you want to work here?

A law firm has an opening for an associate position. You want to be a law associate. The answer seems obvious, right? It might feel like a softball question, but your answer to “why do you want to work here” could make or break your interview right from the start. Current attorneys advise candidates to make it personal.

What makes you stand out?

Perhaps you’re not in the top 10% of your class – or perhaps you are, but hey, so is that guy. Both in-house and law firm interviewers are looking for candidates with strong academics, but it doesn’t end there. Setting yourself apart from the rest means showcasing your personality and interests while being respectful and thoughtful.

What relevant experience do you have?

Many law students don’t have a lot – or any – legal experience when they’re applying for a summer associate position, but that’s okay. There are still ways to impress your interviewers by highlighting specific skills, past professional experience, or knowledge of the industry.

Your Essential Career Toolkit

Bloomberg Law offers tips for the transition from law student to lawyer. Learn how to stand out in class, find the perfect role, and nail your job interview.

Networking Outside of the Interview

Whether it’s before or after you’ve landed an interview, networking is key to learning about opportunities and making sure you’re top of mind.

How to respond when you are coming up blank?

If you’re coming up blank, reviewing examples of weaknesses may help get your wheels turning. Be honest. It’s important that your answer be authentic and tailored to your own circumstances.

How to not come across as arrogant?

Don’t say that you’re perfect. It’s important not to come across as arrogant or dishonest by claiming that you don’t have any weaknesses. Keep it positive. You may have noticed that the term "weakness" isn't used in the sample answers. You always want to focus on the positive when interviewing .

Can you focus on a skill that isn't required for the job?

Likewise, if you’re applying for a position as a writer, you could focus on a skill that isn’t required for the job, as in the example below. Numbers have not always been my strong suit. Fortunately, as a copywriter, I can focus most of my time on the creative process of writing.

Can you mention skills that aren't critical for the job?

You can mention skills that aren't critical for the job, discuss skills you have improved on, or turn a negative into a positive. Even though the question is about weaknesses, your answer should always be framed around the positive aspects of your skills and abilities as an employee.

How to overcome weakness in interview?

Whether you look to your supervisor, the HubSpot Blog, or a mentor for help, the simple act of asking for help demonstrates self-awareness and resourcefulness — two skills that are hard to teach, but valuable to learn. Tapping into your resources shows the interviewers that you can solve problems when the answer is not yet clear. That’s a character trait that has a place on any team.

What is your greatest weakness?

(If confidence is your weakness, keep reading.) Even if you’re not the most confident person, I’m going to assume you’re at least honest with yourself. If you’ve identified an area of weakness and you’re sure about it, let that assurance shine through in your answer. There’s no need to feel embarrassed about something you’re genuinely not good at as long as you’re working to get better.

Why is perfectionism not a weakness?

The answer “perfectionism” won’t cut it when talking about your biggest weakness is simply because it’s not a real weakness. Perfectionism can never be attained — it’s a fear-based pattern that leads to short-term rewards like getting the job done early and exceeding expectations. However, in the long-term, trying to attain perfectionism leads to burnout, low-quality work, and missed deadlines. Burnout is one of the biggest contributors to decreased productivity, turnover, and low employee engagement — all of which cost a company money, time, and talent.

What are your weaknesses?

When an interviewer asks, "What is your greatest weakness?" they want to find out: 1 Whether you have a healthy level of self-awareness 2 Whether you can be open and honest, particularly about shortcomings 3 Whether you pursue self-improvement and growth opportunities to combat these issues, as opposed to letting these weaknesses hold you back

Why does weakness work?

This answer works because the weakness — the inability to be patient when working with a team — doesn't hinder your ability to perform well in the role since it’s a job that doesn't rely on teamwork to succeed.

Why do people have messy desks?

Plenty of people have messy desks. This answer works because it's a relatable and fixable weakness. You note that disorganization doesn't interfere with your ability to do your job, which is critical, but you also acknowledge it might make you less efficient.

How to overcome weakness?

Be honest and choose a real weakness. Provide an example of how you've worked to improve upon your weakness or learn a new skill to combat the issue. Demonstrate self-awareness and an ability to look to others to provide you with the resources necessary for growth. Don't be arrogant and don't underestimate yourself. 1.

General questions

These questions help a hiring partner get to know you a little more by understanding your passions, interests and how you may fit into the firm's culture:

Questions about experience and background

These questions help an interviewer understand how your education and previous experience translate to the role:

In-depth questions

An interviewer may ask these questions to get to know how you build a relationship with clients and navigate court issues. These questions also give you a chance to explain your processes and display the parts of your personality that make you the right candidate for the role.

Sample interview questions and answers

Review these sample interview questions and answers to form your own responses:

Law firm interview tips

Here are some interview tips to consider so you can present yourself well to the hiring partner:

Why do you need to present your weakness during an interview?

If this is the weakness you choose to present during your interview, explain the ways you have learned to balance life and work and how you have seen your work improve as a result.

What are some examples of weaknesses?

Here are a few examples of the best weaknesses to mention in an interview: 1. I focus too much on the details. Being detail-oriented is typically a good thing, but if you’re someone who tends to spend too much time on the specifics of a project, it could also be considered a weakness.

What is the importance of ambiguity in the workplace?

Many jobs require candidates who are comfortable individually defining tasks and working towards goals. This means they should be experienced, thoughtful and responsible with ambiguity in the workplace. While it is certainly a beneficial skill to closely follow detailed instruction, it is also necessary to be able to determine what it takes to achieve the desired outcome.

What does it mean to have good teamwork skills?

Having good teamwork skills also means having a strong awareness of how you work with others and ways you can adjust your approach to better serve the organization.

Why is it important to have a work/life balance?

Finding work/life balance is important to maintain motivation in your job. While it is certainly honorable and shows a strong work ethic to spend your time and energy on work, it is also necessary to prioritize resting, going on vacation, spending time with your family and enjoying hobbies.

Why is asking for help important?

Asking for help is a necessary skill both when you are lacking expertise in a certain area and when you are feeling burned out or cannot handle your workload. Knowing when and how to ask for help shows strong self-awareness and helps the organization by getting ahead of a possible inefficiency.

Why do I feel unqualified to speak up?

While being humble when working with others can be helpful, it is also necessary to maintain a certain amount of confidence to do your job at an optimal level .
