how long do you have to get a lawyer after an accident

by Zetta Boyer 10 min read

While this time frame differs from insurance company to insurance company, it is typically around 24 hours from your car accident. This obligation to contact your insurance company is another reason why having a personal injury attorney that you trust is essential after a car accident.

How long after an accident should you call a lawyer?

In law, it is not often there is a simple, unequivocal answer to a question, but when it comes to how long after an accident you should wait to call an attorney, there is no gray area: Find a lawyer as soon as you can. There are many reasons this is the case, including:

Should I hire a lawyer for a car accident claim?

For example, if all the damage was to a vehicle and the vehicle was a high-mileage used car with a low book value, there's not much meat on the bone for an attorney. Don't doubt there are attorneys who'll take on smaller claims in exchange for a higher percentage of the recovery.

How much recovery should I expect a lawyer to take?

Enjuris tip: If a lawyer takes one-third of your recovery, then they'll need to improve your expected results by more than 50% to justify hiring them. If a lawyer takes one-third of your recovery, then they'll need to improve your expectedresults by more than 50% to justify hiring them.

How long do car accident injuries take to show up?

Keep in mind that some car accident injuries may only display symptoms days or even weeks after an accident. For example, whiplash may take several days to manifest, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS).


Car Accident

2020 has been a difficult year for everybody. The majority of the population had to stay home to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. People drove less. This, however, did not prevent people from getting into vehicular accidents.

Consumer Fraud

If you are not satisfied with a product you purchased, you can complain to the company responsible. If they don’t comply, you can seek help from consumer organizations or your local government. Get the help of a lawyer if they are still unwilling to cooperate with you.

Work-Related Accident

Based on the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration guidelines, safety violations by work facilities often cause accidents. Sometimes, they can even lead to fatalities. According to the government agency, inadequate safety equipment, unsafe structures, and uncontrolled hazardous power are the main causes of accidents in the workplace.

Medical Malpractice

Patient safety is at risk. Did you know? Medical malpractice is the third leading cause of preventable deaths in the US. More than 200,000 lives are lost every year because of medical errors. Unfortunately, according to the New England Journal of Medicine , 78% of patients who claimed compensation for damages were not paid at all.

If You Have No Injuries

Not all accidents end in fatality nor injuries. There’ll be times when someone can get involved in a work-related accident but wasn’t hurt. Your personal belongings may have been damaged when someone bumped into you, but you’re fine. Your car may have collided at low speed with another, but no one was injured.

What happens if you delay investigating a case?

Any delay in investigating your case may result in the loss or destruction of critical evidence.

Can you recover compensation if you wait to file a personal injury claim in Missouri?

Personal injury claims are subject to a strict statute of limitations in both Missouri and Illinois, meaning that waiting to start your claim could mean you cannot recover compensation.

When do you need a lawyer for an accident?

How soon should I hire an attorney? When do I need an attorney? If the accident involved a serious injury that required ambulance transport, you should consult with a lawyer as soon as possible to discuss your options. An attorney can also help you in cases that result in wrongful death. Additionally, if the police report places blame on you, the victim, or if your insurance company is uncooperative in paying you a fair amount, you should hire a lawyer. Long story short, if you were in an accident that was caused by the negligence of another, it’s in your best interest to contact an attorney as soon as possible to discuss your options for filing a personal injury claim.

What should I do after an accident?

It is likely that you are in a state of shock following an auto accident, but it is imperative that you try to calm yourself down and think logically. To avoid becoming fined, your first task should be calling local authorities to report the accident.

How long does it take to file a claim in Nevada?

Depending on the background of your injury, Nevada typically provides up to two years following an accident injury to file a claim. If you file past the two-year deadline, you will not be able to file a claim to recover compensation. Although two years may seem like plenty of time, it passes quickly, especially when you are recovering from a serious injury. Even more importantly, your actions within this two-year timeframe will hold significant weight on your recovery options. The sooner you get in touch with a lawyer, the sooner you can recover, and the better chances you have of recovering a maximum payout.

How to seek compensation for a car accident?

Filing an Insurance Claim. When you experience a motor vehicle accident, the first step in seeking compensation is to file a claim with either your own insurance provider or the other driver’s insurance company. In some states, comparative negligence laws apply, ...

How long does it take for whiplash to show up after an accident?

Keep in mind that some car accident injuries may only display symptoms days or even weeks after an accident. For example, whiplash may take several days to manifest, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS).

Why do people seek legal representation for car accidents?

Some victims of car accidents choose to seek legal counsel and representation so that they can focus on their health and recovery while also pursuing legal action. You have the right to hire legal representation at any time throughout the process of making an insurance claim or pursuing a personal injury lawsuit.

Can a lawyer help you in a car accident?

While obtaining a lawyer does not guarantee you a specific outcome for your case, they can help investigate the crash, gather evidence to demonstrate the other driver’s negligence, and take care of negotiations with insurers on your behalf.

Can you seek insurance for a car accident if you are uninsured?

If the other driver’s policy cannot cover the costs of your losses, you may be able to seek them through your own policy if you carry uninsured motorist coverage. You can hire an attorney immediately after a car accident to help you assess your losses and explore the options available to you through your own insurance policy.

Insurance companies are not on your side

All motorists in North Carolina are required by law to have the following minimum insurance coverages on their vehicle:

A car accident lawyer knows the law and how to protect your claim

Talking to a lawyer immediately after a car accident ensures prompt attention to those things that could jeopardize your claim for damages. For example, waiting too long before seeking medical treatment for your injuries may be used by a defense lawyer and insurance company to show that your injuries were not as serious as you claim.

A lawyer knows how to prove negligence and damages

An experienced car accident lawyer knows what evidence is needed to prove negligent behavior of the other motorist as the cause of the accident and the injuries that you suffered. The lawyer also knows how to prove the damages that you should recover, including:

Schedule a free consultation

Instead of typing “car accident lawyer near me” into a search engine, get a skilled and compassionate car accident lawyer by contacting the Law Firm. The consultation and car accident case review are free, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

How much do lawyers need to improve their recovery?

If a lawyer takes one-third of your recovery, then they'll need to improve your expectedresults by more than 50% to justify hiring them.

What to do if insurance company is not playing nice?

If the insurance company is not playing nice or refusing to acknowledge the full extent of your claim, you would definitely want to talk to an attorney.

Do attorneys take on smaller claims?

Don't doubt there are attorneys who'll take on smaller claims in exchange for a higher percentage of the recovery.

Do injury lawyers offer free consultations?

Most injury and accident law firms offer free initial consultations, so feel free to ask around and get some advice before going forward with your claim .

Can you file a personal injury claim if you have no injuries?

Generally, if no people were hurt, or there was no damage ( no broken bones or potentially lingering injuries that cause you to miss more than a couple days of work), then it may not be worthwhile pursuing a personal injury claim. Just be careful making this judgment of “no injuries” yourself.

Do you have to have counsel in small claims court?

You're certainly entitled to have counsel present to protect your rights in small claims court . The law firm, however, is likely going to expect a fee for their services rather than working on contingency, since the expected recovery would be very small. It depends on the situation.

Do insurance companies do their jobs?

In a lot of instances, insurance companies do in fact do their jobs as expected. There are definitely situations where you'd want an attorney to be involved, but there are also times when obtaining counsel is simply overkill. Let's take a look at some of the cases where you may NOT need to hire an attorney after an accident.

1. When should you hire a lawyer for a car accident? – JD Supra

May 21, 2021 — When should you hire a lawyer for a car accident? · If you have any injuries, expenses, or damage, you may be entitled to compensation. · Most (1) …

2. When Should I Get An Attorney After A Car Accident?

You should get an attorney after a car accident if it resulted in serious personal injury or wrongful death. It’s also critically important to remember that (4) …

4. Should I Hire a Lawyer after a Car Accident in Georgia?

If you’ve decided to hire a car accident lawyer, it is usually best to act fast. Contacting a lawyer on the day of the collision, or within a few days afterward (9) …

5. When You Should Hire a Lawyer After a Car Accident

Yes you do. Even after a serious accident, many people don’t think they need an attorney. They believe that because they are going through an insurance company, (14) …

8. When to Hire a Car Accident Lawyer

In terms of when one should obtain legal representation, the general rule of thumb is the earlier the better. By hiring a lawyer soon after an accident, you can Rating: 5 · ‎28,529 votes (24) …

9. Do I Need a Personal Injury Attorney? – National Law Review

Aug 17, 2020 — If you suffered serious injuries in your accident, you should contact an attorney as soon after the accident as possible. Severe injuries often (27) …

10. California Car Accident Attorney – How to Get Max Settlement

Some people don’t think they need a lawyer after an injury wreck. However, make sure you understand what is at stake before accepting the insurance company’s (29) …

What questions do you ask a lawyer after a car accident?

The first three questions people usually ask a lawyer after a car accident are “who pays my medical bills?” “ how do I get reimbursed for lost wages? (32) …

How long does it take to lose valuable evidence?

While that may seem like a lot of time, valuable evidence can be lost or destroyed in just a few weeks. That’s why injured accident victims should call an (4) …

Do you need an attorney after an accident?

Yes you do. Even after a serious accident, many people don’t think they need an attorney. They believe that because they are going through an insurance company, (11) …

Is there a deadline for getting a lawyer after an accident?

There is no time limit or deadline for getting a lawyer after an accident. Just because you don’t get a lawyer to handle your accident case right away, you can (17) …
