how do you call a major for a lawyer?

by Dustin Jacobs PhD 3 min read

Each lawyer degree name indicates a different kind of expertise. These degree levels, from basic to most advanced, include: Juris Doctor (J.D.) Master of Laws (L.L.M.) Doctor of Juridical Science (S.J.D.) The J.D. is predominantly used by those practicing as lawyers.

Juris Doctor

Full Answer

What should I major in to become a lawyer?

Nov 18, 2020 · The Master of Laws (L.L.M.) degree can be pursued by those holding a J.D. who wish to develop further specializations in a particular area of law, or occasionally by those with law degrees from schools outside the US who wish to practice within the US, resulting in what is known as a comparative law degree. L.L.M. programs generally take around a year to complete …

What is a law degree called?

Jan 03, 2022 · These majors are popular choices for those interested in law because of the foundational knowledge gained of crime and law. Be sure to stand out with a specialized focus or electives in the hard sciences. Common classes: criminal justice, criminal law, methods of research, statistics, U.S. court systems, and victimology.

What post-bachelor's degree do you need to practice law?

There actually are no prerequisite courses needed to apply to law school. The general criteria include earning a bachelor’s degree from an accredited school, passing the Law School Admission Test (LSAT ®) and fulfilling requirements specific to each law school you are applying to. Some colleges may offer a concentration of pre-law classes you could take in addition to …

What is the most popular major in law school?

Jun 20, 2016 · 1. Bachelor's Degree . Anyone who wants to pursue a law degree must first complete a bachelor's degree program (or its equivalent). The type of undergraduate degree is less important, but often reflects the practice area considered. For example, someone who wants to go into patent law might first pursue a bachelor's degree in engineering.


What is the LSAT test?

The LSAT tests for critical thinking skills rather than subject matter expertise. Law schools look for candidates with abstract thinking skills, the ability to interpret written texts, and high reading comprehension. They want candidates that have fine reasoning abilities, the ability to think logically. Notice how all majors have students that ...

Is criminal justice a good fit for law school?

Criminal justice is a natural fit for law school since coursework focuses on criminal justice topics. These programs often include courses on court proceedings, the correction systems, and many other aspects of the legal system. Criminal justice degrees emphasize strong research, analysis, and writing skills which are a necessity in law school. Yet despite this being a natural fit for law, many law schools prefer specializations in other areas of study. In fact, some schools scrutinize academic records far harder in the criminal justice major than any other major.

What is political science?

Political science is the study of government systems, political behavior, and how the judicial system works. This is where a political science degree shows its advantage in law school. Students in this field often have a better understanding of how laws are created and executed as well as the history behind them.

Is philosophy a good major?

The granddaddy of all mind-stretching mental exercises, philosophy is a fantastic major that builds a student’s ability to think critically and argue. Law is heavily based on philosophical elements like ethics, and human nature—subjects that are commonly taught in a philosophy major. Philosophy is a difficult major. It requires students to think analytically and form logical arguments. It also examines moral, political, and legal issues with no clear right or wrong while asking students to render judgment. Because of the difficulty level, some law schools may look more favorably at a degree in philosophy than a degree in a field like Criminal Justice.

What are the skills required for an English major?

In this light, the critical thinking skills required of English majors mirror the skills required by law students.

What is legal studies?

Legal studies focus on topics that are rooted in economic analysis—torts, contracts, property rights, antitrust, business organizations, and regulations. In short, a study of economics is a study in the financial impact of the law. Because of this, economics is a great area of specialization for many potential law students because it remains ...

What majors are challenging?

An ecology major might take up residence in environmental law. Science majors are challenging and require students to learn complex subject matter, analyze data, and arrive at provable conclusions.

What does a lawyer do in court?

Got it! Lawyers work in the legal system to represent their clients. For criminal justice cases, the lawyer may be prosecuting the case or defending a client in the courtroom. Meanwhile, civil cases can involve anything from property disputes to class action settlements.

How long does it take to become a lawyer?

To become a lawyer, individuals need to spend seven years in school. Initially, students get their bachelor’s degree from a college or a university. Afterward, they must take the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). The student’s university grades and LSAT score will determine whether they get into the law school of their choice.

Can I take the bar exam without a law degree?

Even when a state allows students to take the bar exam without a law degree, there are potential problems that students should watch out for. In the state of Washington, students can technically study and work for a lawyer for a set amount of time instead of going to law school. Then, they are allowed to take the bar exam.

What is the test to become a lawyer?

Every person who wants to become a lawyer must take a test known as the bar exam. If the student passes this test, people say that they have been admitted to the bar. The exact rules for getting a license from the bar vary from state to state.

What is character and fitness review?

Character and Fitness Review. Since the practice of law is such a high stakes endeavor, involving the finances and in some cases the freedom of clients, each state bar requires applicants to undergo moral character and fitness reviews.

How long is the bar exam?

Most bar exams take roughly 18 hours and are spread over three days, and are administered twice a year. The exam includes standardized questions and essays on a variety of areas of law used to assess an individual's understanding of the law and capacity for logical thought. 4. Character and Fitness Review.

What is the legal oath required for a lawyer?

Prospective attorneys must take a legally binding oath that they will uphold the codes and the Constitution of the United States, as well as the laws and constitution of the licensing state.

What is a law degree?

A law degree is an academic degree conferred for studies in law. Such degrees are generally preparation for legal careers. But while their curricula may be reviewed by legal authority, they do not confer a license themselves. A legal license is granted by examination, and exercised locally. The law degree can have local, international, and world-wide aspects, such as in England and Wales, where the Legal Practice Course is required to become a solicitor or the Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC) to become a barrister.

What is a legal license?

A legal license is granted by examination, and exercised locally. The law degree can have local, international, and world-wide aspects, such as in England and Wales, where the Legal Practice Course is required to become a solicitor or the Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC) to become a barrister.

What was the first degree in Europe?

History. The first academic degrees were law degrees , and the first law degrees were doctorates. The foundations of the first universities in Europe were the glossators of the 11th century, which were schools of law. The first European university, Bologna, was founded by four legal scholars in the 12th century.

What is Magister Iuris?

Magister iuris (Mag. iur.) ("Master of Law") in Austria. It is a master's level degree and the first academic title within both systems. After three years of practice, students can take the "AnwaltsprĂĽfung," an equivalent of the bar exam.

What is a Bacharel em Direito?

It is an undergraduate degree. To be a lawyer and be admitted at the Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (Brazilian Bar Association), the Bachelor must be approved at the Brazilian Bar Exam. If the Selection and Registration Committee accept the new member, they will be considered an Advogado (Attorney at Law/Advocate).

What is the legal system in Canada?

Canada's legal system is composed of both common law and civil law elements. As of 2019, the professional degree required to become a common law lawyer is a Juris Doctor (J.D.). Formerly, this degree was called a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B., Legum Baccalaureatus in Latin), but the name was phased out. LL.B. holders were often given the chance to convert their degrees to the new designation. Despite having the word " Doctor " in the name, the J.D. remains a second-entry undergraduate programme, requiring some years of undergraduate study before applicants are eligible. For Quebec, where provincial law is a hybrid of French-heritage civil law for civil matters and common law for public, criminal, and federal law matters, the professional degree is often called the Bachelor of Civil Law (B.C.L.) in English, and has other designations at various institutions in Quebec. Prior to getting called to the bar in one of Canada's provinces or territories, degree-holders must complete bar exams and articling terms (professional apprenticeships with practising lawyers) or the equivalent thereof.

What is a B.C.L. in Quebec?

For Quebec, where provincial law is a hybrid of French-heritage civil law for civil matters and common law for public, criminal, and federal law matters, the professional degree is often called the Bachelor of Civil Law (B.C.L.) in English, and has other designations at various institutions in Quebec.

What is a corporate lawyer?

A corporate lawyer is an attorney who represents the company they work for. It's common for a larger business, and small companies too, to hire corporate attorneys to make sure it's in compliance for its industry and following all rules and regulations.

Corporate lawyer salary

The national average salary for a corporate lawyer in the United States is $130,857 per year, although your years of experience, education, skill set and geographical location can affect your salary.

Skills for a corporate lawyer

Here are some skills that corporate attorneys possess that help them find success in their career:

Jobs for a corporate lawyer

If working in the law field is something you're passionate about, there are many jobs to consider. Here are 10 jobs similar to a corporate lawyer:



  • Having a strong command of written and verbal skills will take you far as an attorney whether you're writing, researching or speaking in court. Analyzing great works of literature and historical texts from various cultures and time periods is great practice for the hours you'll spend in the la…
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  • Philosophy majors delve deep into the study of logic, ethics, and morality—areas of thought that also happen to be the cornerstones of law. You'll debate with classmates, present arguments and do a lot of research to support your case, which is not all that different from what lawyers do to prepare for court.
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Political Science

  • Of all majors, this may be the closest to a "law school" curriculum as you can get. In this major, you'll study political systems, public policy, international relations and the relationship between government, the law, and individual rights, among other things. You're required to analyze various written documents and data sets (think ancient texts to social media posts) and will learn to thin…
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  • Not only are economics majors trained to think logically and analytically, but economic policies and procedures, as well as how resources are distributed and managed, are topics closely connected to the legal issues you'll encounter as a lawyer. Any major that has you summarizing qualitative and quantitative data to solve problems is good training for your brain to seek out evi…
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  • General business knowledge can be applied in almost any industry, and that holds true for aspiring attorneys as well. A business major is a good option for those who plan to go into corporate law. That said, be sure to supplement business fundamentals with humanities and liberal arts electives so you can train your analytical and critical thinking muscles, as well as pra…
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General Tips

  1. Consider majoring in a discipline that is related to the type of law you want to practice. Since you don't have to declare a specialty during law school, building a background as an undergraduate i...
  2. Choose a major or take electives that are heavy on research and writing. As mentioned earlier, those are the critical skills that will help you most in law school.
  1. Consider majoring in a discipline that is related to the type of law you want to practice. Since you don't have to declare a specialty during law school, building a background as an undergraduate i...
  2. Choose a major or take electives that are heavy on research and writing. As mentioned earlier, those are the critical skills that will help you most in law school.
  3. Whichever academic route you take, maintaining a strong GPA is essential if you aim to attend a selective law school program.

Political Science

Average LSAT Score: 153.8 Average GPA: 3.39 The most popular major of law school candidates is political science. There’s a reason why many successful politicians are lawyers—the link between law and political theory is very strong. Political science is the study of government systems, political behavior, and how t…
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  • Average LSAT Score: 152.59 Average GPA: 3.35 Want to understand why people think, believe, and act the way they do? Psychology is the study of human behavior and the mental processes that fuel how people interact with each other and the world around them. Since the law is a system designed to govern human behavior, psychology can help lawmakers understand what ki…
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Criminal Justice

  • Average LSAT Score: 145.90 Average GPA: 3.22 Criminal justice is a natural fit for law school since coursework focuses on criminal justice topics. These programs often include courses on court proceedings, the correction systems, and many other aspects of the legal system. Criminal justice degrees emphasize strong research, analysis, and writing skills which are a necessity in l…
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  • Average LSAT Score: 155.25 Average GPA: 3.42 The English major is a very popular major for law school because of its immediately obvious benefits: advanced reading comprehension and persuasive writing skills. Students of the English major study dense and complex literature and are then required to process the information, make connections and create organized analytical …
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  • Average LSAT Score: 156.22 Average GPA: 3.45 A significant part of being a lawyer is understanding past precedent on different legal cases in the past. Is it any surprise then that history is a great major for law students? History studentsnot only study the events of the past, but also study the way different legal systems have evolved, court rulings, treaties, and other leg…
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  • Average LSAT Score: 158.93 Average GPA: 3.47 Economics is a topic that has drastically altered the shape of the law. This is because many laws are enacted to adjust and correct economic behavior by businesses and individuals in the marketplace. Legal studies focus on topics that are rooted in economic analysis—torts, contracts, property rights, antitrust, business organizations, …
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  • Average LSAT Score: 157.53 Average GPA: 3.43 The granddaddy of all mind-stretching mental exercises, philosophy is a fantastic major that builds a student’s ability to think critically and argue. Law is heavily based on philosophical elements like ethics, and human nature—subjects that are commonly taught in a philosophy major. Philosophy is a difficult major. It requires stude…
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  • Average LSAT Score: 150.71 Average GPA: 3.29 Sociology is a great major for potential law students because it studies the big picture of society. It looks at the social issues we face in our society like poverty, economic justice, racial discrimination, and LGBT rights. Sociology looks at the way the law can help, and how to develop solutions to fight inequality. In this light, sociology …
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  • Average LSAT Score: 151.2 Average GPA: 3.32 Students with a passion for writing, public speaking, or negotiation often gravitate to the communications major. This major focuses on team building, organizational communication, and conflict management as well as developing critical thinking skills. These are all transferable skills when it comes to transitioning into law stu…
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  • Average LSAT Score: 148.4 Average GPA: 3.21 When it comes to college admissions, the name of the game is usually to stand out from among your peers. There is no better way to stand out from the pack of law school applicants than with a science degree. While the degree may seem completely irrelevant to law, different areas of scientific study lend themselves well to specialize…
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What Degree Does A Lawyer Need?

To become a lawyer, individuals need to spend seven years in school. Initially, students get their bachelor’s degree from a college or a university. Afterward, they must take the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). The student’s university grades and LSAT score will determine whether they get into the top law schoolof their ch…
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What Happens After Law School?

  • Once the student successfully graduates from law school, their work is still not done. Every person who wants to become a lawyer must take a test known as the bar exam. If the student passes this test, people say that they have been admitted to the bar. The exact rules for getting a license from the bar vary from state to state. In general, most states require students to have n…
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What Kind of Bachelor’s Degree Should Students get?

  • Technically, students can get into law school with any kind of bachelor’s degree. While there is no required major, it will be easier for students to get accepted into law school if they take courses like public speaking, history, mathematics, English, government and economics. Some schools have a pre-law program that helps to prepare students for going to law school after they graduat…
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Is Law School Required?

  • While some states offer alternative ways to become a lawyer, law school is required in most states. Even when a state allows students to take the bar exam without a law degree, there are potential problems that students should watch out for. In the state of Washington, students can technically study and work for a lawyer for a set amount of time instead of going to law school. …
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