what to do if im a successful lawyer

by Rozella Kiehn V 8 min read

  • Learn every day. You may have already absorbed more knowledge than you ever thought you could handle in law school, but even after you earn your JD, a legal career ...
  • Organize your time. There are only so many hours in a day, and only so many of them can be billable to your clients. ...
  • Build and maintain a network. You can’t go it alone if you want to establish a fruitful and fulfilling career as a lawyer. ...
  • Stay persistent and learn from your mistakes. Nearly every lawyer will experience burnout or suffer from a disappointing outcome at least once in their career.
  • Take advantage of technology. The legal industry is always dynamic, but there’s no denying that many parts of it can feel tedious.
  • Think creatively and stay innovative. All too often, the law can feel like a by-the-books business – and of course, part of that comes with the job.
  • Keep your mental health in mind. It’s one thing to be productive, but productivity won’t mean much if you cannot enjoy the results due to stress, anxiety, or depression.

Full Answer

How to be a successful attorney?

That applies to learning how to be successful, too. Here are a few basic keys to becoming a successful attorney. Establish a Professional and Personal Network. It is important to cultivate relationships both professional and personal relationships.

How do you deal with the court as an attorney?

In dealing with the court, attorneys should be able to effectively and concisely argue their clients’ positions without any disrespect to opposing counsel or to the court, who may not always embrace their clients’ positions. Familiarize yourself with the courts in which you regularly practice.

Are you cut out for being a lawyer?

It’s not an easy job, and not everyone is cut out for it. The American Bar Foundation (ABF) found that approximately a quarter of lawyers leave the profession within the first seven years. A legal degree can also be applied to a multitude of professional environments and careers.

What skills do you need to be a lawyer?

They must be able to articulate a client’s position to the court, effectively question a witness, argue to a jury, and convince clients to hire them. With respect to clients, a lawyer must be able to obtain all information from a client that is necessary to represent him or her with sensitivity and tact.


How to maintain a law license?

Attend continuing legal education (CLE) seminars. Not only are you required to earn a certain number of CLE hours each year in order to maintain your law license, but you gain valuable legal knowledge at these seminars. You often will hear from experts in their respective areas of the law at these seminars and have the change to ask questions that you may have. Additionally, attending CLE seminars gives you a chance to network and exchange information with other attorneys in your area of practice.

What is the role of a lawyer in a client?

With respect to clients, a lawyer must be able to obtain all information from a client that is necessary to represent him or her with sensitivity and tact. Lawyers must be able to convince a potential client that they are the right attorney to represent him or her.

Why don't clients volunteer?

Clients often will not volunteer information because they don’t know what is important and what is not. Ask the questions that are necessary to find out the information that you need.

What is the responsibility of a lawyer?

Lawyers have a responsibility to guide their clients through the legal system with both skill and tact. A good lawyer can make all the difference in a client’s case. There are a number of different attributes that it takes to be a successful lawyer.

How many testimonials does wikihow have?

wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article received 23 testimonials and 95% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status.

What is the key to success as a lawyer?

Still others consider non-profit or public interest work to be the key to success in their lives. In the end, a successful career as a lawyer is what you consider it to be, not others. Manage stress. Attorneys often work long hours and deal with stressful situations on a daily basis.

What are the skills of a lawyer?

All successful lawyers have excellent communication skills , whether speaking to the court, other lawyers, a jury, or their clients. They must be able to articulate a client’s position to the court, effectively question a witness, argue to a jury, and convince clients to hire them.

Who is a Successful Lawyer?

There are many definitions of success. We however refer to success as the achievement of a desired aim, fame, wealth, or social position.

What skills do lawyers need to be successful?

Successful lawyers and law firms therefore should not only focus on ‘lawyering’ skills. Marketing skills, networking skills, verbal skills, legal writing skills, relationship building, are also important.

What are the skills required to become a lawyer?

Besides being a good lawyer, it is imperative that lawyers learn some basic business, technological, and technical skills. Successful lawyers are those lawyers who transcend the advocacy skills in traditional practice of the law profession. One way of becoming a successful lawyer is to focus and specialize and become an expert in ...

Why do lawyers struggle?

One reason many law firms and lawyers struggle is the overreliance on school grades and certificates. While hiring lawyers with good degrees is important, it shouldn’t be the only criteria. For any modern lawyer or law firm to thrive, the lawyer and firm must have good marketing strategies. Like all businesses, law practice must have a way ...

Do all lawyers know the law?

All lawyers know the law or where to find them, but not all lawyers are successful. Successful lawyers, besides having law-based skills, have additional social, technological, and networking skills. Another very important factor that distinguishes successful lawyers from others is their ability to transform their law practice to include ...

Is it hard to live decently as a lawyer?

While it is correct, any lawyer who finds it hard to live decently is unsuccessful. While you do not need tons of money to be considered a success, a successful lawyer should be able to afford decent clothing, house, and vehicle.

What makes a lawyer successful?

To determine what makes a lawyer/law firm successful, you must first define success.Success may be defined several ways. According to Merriam Webster success is a favorable or desired outcome. Winning a case is always the desired outcome, especially if you are the winner.

How to be a lawyer?

Lawyers need excellent verbal and written skills. You not only need to communicate concisely but to actively listen during conversations, and avoid multitasking. Maintain Your Integrity at all Times. Integrity is the foundation of your character.

What is the difference between a successful person and a really successful person?

Warren Buffett believes “the difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.”. As a young attorney, it is important that you attend CLE and legal workshops within your area of practice. Never stop learning. That applies to learning how to be successful, too.

How to set yourself apart from other attorneys?

Easily one of the best ways to set yourself apart from your fellow attorneys is to focus on your total wellbeing. Ensure that your mental and physical health is always in the right place, even if that means skipping a late-night call or not working on a project over the weekend.

Why is persistence important in a lawyer?

Nearly every lawyer will experience burnout or suffer from a disappointing outcome at least once in their career. However, persistence is what separates successful lawyers from the rest. When you do make a mistake or when a project doesn’t yield the results you’d wanted, don’t let it deter you; instead, use it as an opportunity to learn, grow, and improve for the next project.

How to strive for the best possible outcomes?

Instead, you can strive for the best possible outcomes by thinking creatively and seeking innovative ways to address each particular project.

Is the legal industry dynamic?

The legal industry is always dynamic, but there’s no denying that many parts of it can feel tedious. Not many lawyers’ hearts jump at the thought of creating invoices or managing cases, for example. Thankfully, many companies have seen the need for law firm management software and have developed solutions to streamline many of the rote tasks involved with running a firm.

Is law a business?

All too often, the law can feel like a by-the-books business – and of course, part of that comes with the job. However, there are many times where you can earn the best results by thinking outside the judiciary box. Whether you’re arguing a case or developing a contract, it often pays off to be creative in legal projects.

Can you connect with law school classmates?

Almost anyone you meet can be a possible connection. From your law school classmates to your former clients, every professional you interact with can potentially provide insights, resources, and opportunities that could make a substantial difference in your career.

Is it important to be productive?

It’s one thing to be productive, but productivity won’t mean much if you cannot enjoy the results due to stress, anxiety, or depression. Although satisfying your clients and chasing favorable outcomes is always important, your mental wellbeing should constantly be your top priority.

How do lawyers persevere?

Finally, successful lawyers know how to persevere. The law is a tough field. There is no reason to sugar coat it; practicing law can be one of the most rewarding and meaningful careers out there, but it’s also a lot of work. As is true with any profession, success requires effort. There will be difficult days. You may be stuck dealing with a client who is making your life unnecessarily hard, an opposing counsel who is being rude for no reason, or a judge who rules the wrong way on a key procedural matter. You may simply be frustrated because you spilled hot coffee on your shirt that morning. It happens. What sets successful attorneys apart from ordinary attorneys is that they know how to persevere through the challenging times to get to the rewarding and meaningful moments that make it all worth it.

How creative are lawyers?

When you think about the job of an attorney, creativity may not be the first trait that comes to your mind. However, contrary to the popular conceptions of most people, successful attorneys are often highly creative people. The law is not purely a science. There is an art to effective legal practice. Remember, each client that an attorney deals with will have their own unique set of goals, objectives, and concerns. In some cases, ‘outside-the-box’ thinking can help craft a solution that the client may never even realize was possible. Successful lawyers know how to tailor their creativity to suit every situation. All cases should be approached with an open mind.

What does an attorney do after an accident?

Whether it’s by helping them through a difficult family law matter, protect ing them against false charges , or securing fair financial compensation after an accident, attorneys advocate for people during some of the most challenging times in their life. Lawyers matter.

Why is it important to have a good attorney?

Whether it’s by helping them through a difficult family law matter, protecting them against false charges, or securing fair financial compensation after an accident, attorneys advocate for people during some of the most challenging times in their life. Lawyers matter.

What is the most underrated trait of an attorney?

Willingness to Listen. One of the most underrated traits shared by almost every successful attorney is a strong ability and willingness to listen. Although strong listening is a part of overall communication skills, it’s important to highlight listening as its own professional trait.

How do lawyers communicate?

A great lawyer knows how to get important ideas across in formal legal writing, in informal emails, in phone conversations, through discussions in official legal settings, and in private conversations.

What are the skills of an attorney?

On a fundamental level, attorneys are communicators. They communicate with their clients, they communicate with other parties to the case, and they communicate with the court. Beyond that, lawyers communicate in a wide range of different ways.

What skills do lawyers need to be successful?

In addition, good listening skills are found in a successful lawyer. Every client has their own version of their situation.

What are the skills required to be a lawyer?

1. Strong Communication Skills. Lawyers must have strong oral communication skills and written communication skills to accurately relay critical legal information. As well, a significant portion of a lawyer’s job is to create strong and convincing arguments which are presented in the courtroom.

What are the communications lawyers must ensure?

Lawyers must ensure all their communications, such as email, letters, lawyer websites and legal documents, are always perfect for giving them to a client. Small mistakes can lead to a bad impression on a client and a bad experience for a lawyer.

Why are lawyers in constant contact with people?

Lawyers are in constant contact with people with is why people skills are required. The entire system of law has engagement with people. Judges, clerks, senior partners, barristers, and other legal workers are just some of the people lawyers will encounter on a daily basis.

What do lawyers spend their time on?

Research skills include the ability to read large amounts of information in short time, understanding facts, figures, and charts, and analyzing matter in a way that can be used later are vital features of a lawyer.

Why is being creative important in a lawyer?

Being creative is a skill needed by successful lawyers because it allows for flexibility and a wide range of possible solutions when working on a case.

What is time management in law?

Time management is the core of a lawyer’s work ethics. Lawyers who prioritize their work and stay ahead of their tasks can lead to more time to enjoy extracurriculars or taking on more cases.

Why is it important to learn more about your lawyer?

Without learning and reading in your area, it is straightforward to fall behind, and as a result, you fail your clients. Learning more also helps new lawyers learn more about their cases, thus building a strong defense. For example, a lawyer whose area of specialization is family law needs to be updated on issues revolving around divorce, children, families, and custody. Therefore, it is beneficial for the lawyer to be updated to learn more about the law’s problems.

Why is creativity important in legal arguments?

Lawyers must practice creativity to build their arguments in court. It is essential to look at both sides in a legal issue to develop the best solution. Therefore, proper analysis and creativity will help identify the legal case and create a sound legal argument.

Why is creativity important in law?

Creativity helps them solve problems and think about the best ways to maneuver through cases, thus winning them . It is also essential for law students to be creative when handling law exams as those exams mainly focus on the creativity part of the analysis.

Why do lawyers seek their services?

This also makes clients seek their services due to the higher chances of winning the case. The lawyer is supposed to obtain all the client’s required information to establish a strong defense in court.

Why is confidence important in a lawyer?

Confidence is required to enhance persuasive language , which is aimed at improving the arguments in a case. The lawyer needs to read and to enhance communication skills that help him or her convince the judge. All successful lawyers have excellent communication skills, and they can articulate the client’s position in court.

What is the importance of passing a law exam?

As a law student, it is essential to note that passing exams are the central aspect of becoming a good lawyer and utilizing the knowledge learned to argue your cases in court. There are a few tips to note to become a successful lawyer; these include:

Why is it important for a lawyer to be updated?

Therefore, it is beneficial for the lawyer to be updated to learn more about the law’s problems.

What makes a good lawyer?

One of the qualities of a good lawyer is diligence. Diligence is the combination of hard work and consistency. To become a successful lawyer, you must not lack this quality because it takes time for a young lawyer to be noticed.

How to stay updated as a lawyer?

To stay updated as a lawyer, you are required to read court Judgements daily and political and legal news in your country. This will widen your knowledge on the things you already know and the things that are applicable in your jurisdiction of practice.

Why are lawyers called practicing lawyers?

Lifelong learning: Have you ever wondered why lawyers are called practicing lawyers? The rationale behind this is that, there is no stage at which a lawyer will be said to have reached the apex of learning in his profession. Law is dynamic.

Why is law so competitive?

No doubt, this has contributed to the reason why law is very competitive in collage now. More so, because of the large number of students who graduate as lawyers these days, becoming successful in the profession is very difficult. It takes only a person who knows the secrets, qualities and skills required of a good lawyer to become successful.

Why are lawyers respected?

Suffice it to say that lawyers are respected not because they are lawyers, but because of their hard work and integrity.

Why do lawyers lose cases?

One of the reasons why most lawyers lose their cases in the court is not because their position is absolutely wrong but because, even the judge is unable to understand their line of argument. As a lawyer, your ability of think laterally and quickly will go a long way to determine your success in the profession.

What does it mean when someone comes to you as a lawyer?

When someone comes to you as a lawyer, what that person wants from you is the truth. By coming to you, people believe that you know the law and you can tell them whether the law is on their side or not.
