how do i find free lawyer help to get child support in mccracken co.

by Candido Reynolds 9 min read

How do I find a good child support attorney in my area?

Gathering information about child support attorneys in your area starts easily enough. You begin by asking questions. Ask the people you trust and respect for leads to lawyers, or leads to other people who may have attorney recommendations.

How can I get help with my child support case?

If you are in need of help or advice for your child support situation, having your particular child support case evaluated free online through us can help you get the answers and help you are seeking about how much your child support payments should be.

What questions should I ask my child support lawyer?

It can be tough to know exactly what questions to ask an attorney about your child support situation. Here are some of the questions that you might want to ask a lawyer during your initial consultation: How does a change in a parent's income affect child support?

How do I get help with child support in Oklahoma?

Use this form to apply for help from Oklahoma Child Support Services (a division of the Oklahoma Department of Human Services). OCSS can help locate a parent or help get child support that has been court ordered. Read More Link to the FAQ Section of OK Child Support Services website.

What is pro bono legal services?

Attorneys provide 24 hours per year of free legal advice to members of the public who qualify for this in terms of a means test.

How much back child support is a felony in Kentucky?

Under current state law, parents who are more than $1,000 or six months behind in child support payments may be charged with felony nonsupport of the child. A felony conviction could mean time in jail where the missed payments will continue to accrue.

Who qualifies for a public defender in Kentucky?

To qualify for a public defender you must show that you are a person who is unable to afford an attorney on your own.

How do I file a motion in Kentucky?

Contact your local Kentucky district clerk of court to obtain motion forms. The clerk will provide you with a general form that you must complete. Ask for the “general motion form for use by pro se litigants in civil cases.” Insert the caption on the motion form.

What is the new child support law in Kentucky?

The new law removed a 1.5 multiplier, which is often called the “Shared Parenting Penalty Multiplier,” that randomly inflated shared parenting child support. Other changes included adding a self-support reserve, which assures low-income parents enough resources for themselves.

What is the minimum child support in KY?

Child Support Obligation The minimum amount of child support is $60 per month. The court can use its judicial discretion to determine child support obligations if the parents' gross income exceed the uppermost levels of the guideline table.

Are public defenders free?

The Constitution guarantees free legal help for people who are charged with a crime which might lead to imprisonment and who cannot afford a lawyer. If you find yourself in this situation, request the appointment of a public defender when you first appear in court.

Can I represent myself in court?

Do I have to have a lawyer or can I represent myself? You have a right to represent yourself in court in a civil case. If you choose to represent yourself, the court will hold you to the same standards as if you were a lawyer. Some cases are simple and straightforward.

What is the Department of Public Advocacy in Kentucky?

Kentucky Department of Public Advocacy Our agency's mission is to provide high quality, client-centered legal representation to indigent persons of all ages, accused of crimes or facing a deprivation of liberty throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Is there a statute of limitations on child support in Kentucky?

Is there a statute of limitations on child support in Kentucky? Kentucky's back child support statute of limitations is 15 years from the expiration of the order. Additionally, under Kentucky child care laws, the state does not charge interest on missed payments or retroactive support.

How do I write a motion for court?

How to Write a Kick-Ass MotionMake an Outline. ... Keep Your Motion Simple. ... Maintain Credibility. ... Mind Your Citations. ... Focus on Facts. ... Keep Your Intro Short. ... Respect the Opposition. ... Write in English, Not Legalese.More items...•

How do I get full custody of my child in Kentucky?

Kentucky Family Law Child Custody In order for a parent to obtain sole custody of a child—which means sole decision making—that parent will generally have to overcome the presumption of joint custody and show by a preponderance of the evidence that sole custody is in a child's best interest.

Child Support Help Is Here!

This is where we come in—expert attorneys in the child support arena that will step in and fight for your rights—and offering a 100% free consultat...

How Much Child Support Is Supposed to Be Paid?

In many instances, child support breaks down into a simple formula that will be determined by statute. Depending on how many children you have, for...

How to Get Help With Child Support

Following a divorce or separation, parents are required to provide child support to their children. This obligation stands whether or not parents w...