factors to consider when hiring a dui lawyer

by Lenora VonRueden 8 min read

Top 4 Factors to Consider Before Hiring DUI

  1. How Are Their Rates? One of the most important factors to consider when looking for a DUI lawyer is how much they charge for their services. ...
  2. How Accessible Are They? It’s important for you to be able to get in touch with your lawyer while your case is ongoing. ...
  3. What Level of Experience Do They Have? ...
  4. Do They Offer Free Consultations?

5 Things to Consider When Hiring a DUI Attorney
  • Do they have local area experience in OVI cases? ...
  • Do they offer a free consultation? ...
  • Do you get to work directly with the attorney assigned to your case? ...
  • Can you afford the rates they charge on the payment plan they offer? ...
  • Do you trust them?
Mar 3, 2016

Full Answer

Is driving under the influence a crime?

Can a lawyer convince you to plead guilty to a DUI?

Do large law firms hire paralegals?

Do DUI cases go to court?


What to do after being arrested for DUI?

Defendants often need to act quickly to protect their rights. In addition to representing you, an attorney can tell you what to do in the short term.

Can you evaluate a DUI attorney?

There’s no precise formula for evaluating DUI attorneys, but asking certain types of questions can help you make a decision. (Also, find out what survey participants reported about whether hiring a DUI attorney leads to better results .)

Why do you need a DUI lawyer?

Hiring a DUI lawyer might also help in having your sentence reduced, should you plead or be found guilty. For example, your attorney can set up a deal in which you'd agree to plead guilty, only because your punishment for the DUI would be reduced. Some situations in which this would be a good route to take include:

How to hire a lawyer for a DWI?

Consider hiring a DUI lawyer when: 1 This is NOT your first DWI arrest. 2 Someone is injured or killed as a result of your DUI. 3 You believe that you're not guilty. 4 You think you can reduce your charges from DWI to reckless driving. 5 You're a commercial driver (e.g. truck driver, delivery person, bus driver, etc.).

What happens if your BAC is close to the legal limit?

If your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) reads close to the legal limit, your DUI attorney might be able to argue that there's a possibility the Breathalyzer was incorrect and your DUI charges could be reduced to “reckless driving" .

What can an experienced DUI attorney do?

An experienced DUI attorney can analyze your case, and determine whether or not you can pursue having the charges against you dropped.

What happens if you get harmed by a DWI?

In the cases listed above, you will most likely serve some form of jail time, have your license suspended, and/or have to pay a hefty fine.

Can you be put on probation for a DUI?

Lengthy DUI program attendance. You will most likely be put on probation to compensate for the wet reckless charge. Despite the reduced punishments, your car insurance company will still see a wet reckless as a DUI/DWI arrest and adjust your premium accordingly.

Why is experience important when choosing a lawyer?

While experience, reviews, and affordability are all important when considering a lawyer, you may find yourself more comfortable with some professionals than you are with others. This could be a personality issue, or it could be your instinct telling you the right thing to do.

Who handles paperwork in a case?

In some cases, for example, your paperwork will be handled by paralegals or associates.

Can a DUI lawyer help you?

However, the right DUI defense lawyer can give you the confidence that you’ll get the best outcome possible. If you do your homework, you can find a great attorney that will help you put this chapter in your life behind you.

Is driving under the influence a crime?

Driving under the influence is a crime in every state, but not all cases end in a conviction. Hiring a DUI lawyer is your first step toward avoiding jail time and exorbitant fines, and having a DUI on your permanent record.

Can a lawyer convince you to plead guilty to a DUI?

They also don't have relationships with the prosecutor or judge. This could lead them to convince you to plead guilty when your DUI case isn't open and shut.

Do large law firms hire paralegals?

Large law firms hire many paralegals, assistants, and other staff members to ease their heavy caseload. In other words, the DUI lawyer you meet with and hire may not be the same attorney who handles your case.

Do DUI cases go to court?

There are many lawyers that have a lot of experience preparing for DUI cases but they've never been to court. If you're facing a felony, you want an attorney who has presented cases in court.
