would a lawyer tell you to remove money when going through a divorce

by Carole Murray III 4 min read

The lawyer must ask the court for permission to withdraw as your attorney. This does not happen automatically. When the motion is filed you will have to be notified by certified mail. Object to the motion by sending a letter to the court specifying your payment to the attorney.

Full Answer

What happens to your money when you divorce your spouse?

From the moment one party decides to end their marriage to the point at which a judge signs off on its dissolution, money can be difficult to come by. That’s particularly true in cases where only one spouse works. The other spouse may lose access to their shared bank accounts, leaving him or her in dire financial straits.

Can you withdraw money after a divorce petition is filed?

As such, they believe they have a right to withdraw them at any time, including after a divorce petition has been filed. The problem is, they may not have that right. And even when there is a legal right to withdraw the funds, it may be a bad idea to do so.

What are some secrets your divorce lawyer might not want you to know?

One of the secrets that your divorce lawyer might not want you to know is that divorce proceedings are not used punitively. Sometimes, parties want to stick it to their soon to be ex-spouse as recompense for something they did.

Can a divorce lawyer give financial advice?

These attorneys can provide advice on divorce-related issues, but they are not therapists or certified financial planners.


What happens if I spend money during a divorce?

Dissipation and Spending Money Before Getting a Divorce Under the law, when a party in a divorce case takes money and spends it, it can be considered dissipation.

Should you hide money during a divorce?

Unless you start looking for signs of hidden assets, you may never suspect your spouse is doing anything wrong. The purpose of hiding assets in a divorce is specifically to keep the other spouse in the dark in an attempt to reduce alimony payments or property distribution.

How do you hide money during a divorce?

California is a community property state, which means each spouse is entitled to half of the couple's community property....Here are the seven most common ways that spouses hide assets:Hiding Cash. ... Buying New Possessions. ... Paying Off a Family Loan. ... Not Reporting Cash Income. ... Delaying Bonuses or Promotions.More items...

What happens when a spouse hides money during a divorce?

If there are hidden assets, the judge cannot make a valid decision. Because each party is required to divulge all assets, hiding assets during a divorce amounts to contempt of court. A judge may issue sanctions and require the spouse who is found to have hidden assets to pay the other's legal fees.

Is my wife entitled to half my savings?

If you decide to get a divorce from your spouse, you can claim up to half of their 401(k) savings. Similarly, your spouse can also get half of your 401(k) savings if you divorce. Usually, you can get half of your spouse's 401(k) assets regardless of the duration of your marriage.

Is it legal to hide money from your spouse?

If you lie during discovery or your deposition in order to hide assets, you've committed perjury (a punishable crime). If your lies are discovered by your spouse, your spouse's attorney, or a judge, you may face severe sanctions (monetary fines) or a perjury charge.

How can I legally hide money?

Let us take a look at five of the most popular ways to legally hide and protect your money.Offshore Asset Protection Trusts. ... Limited Liability Companies. ... Offshore Bank Accounts. ... Retirement Accounts. ... Transfer of Assets.

How can I find out if my ex is hiding money?

One of the best places to get proof of hidden marital assets is the courthouse. If your spouse ever borrowed money for a mortgage company or from the bank, the records will be filed there. The loan application will also contain a list of assets they own as an estimation of their value.

Can my ex wife claim money after divorce?

Money you earn after your divorce is generally yours, but your ex-wife can still get her hands on it in some cases. You might realize that every dollar you earn during marriage is only half yours, but you may not be as sure about the money you earn after you and your wife split.

Can I hide a bank account during a divorce?

Legally speaking, there is nothing wrong with having a separate bank account. You aren't required to keep joint accounts or file joint tax returns. You aren't even required to legally tell your spouse about your secret account, that is, until divorce proceedings start.

Can my ex sue me for money after divorce?

A judge may order your ex to pay you money or give you property. If your ex does not follow the court order, you have options.

What happens if you file for divorce?

From the moment one party decides to end their marriage to the point at which a judge signs off on its dissolution, money can be difficult to come by. That’s particularly true in cases where only one spouse works. The other spouse may lose access to their shared bank accounts, leaving him or her in dire financial straits.

What is the best way to lock down a joint bank account?

Filing an ATRO is the most effective way to “lock down” a joint bank account and prevent it from being drained by either spouse. Having said that, doing so may be unnecessary if you and your spouse get along and are committed to filing an uncontested divorce.

Can you withdraw money from joint accounts after divorce?

Many people seeking a divorce assume they are entitled to half of the funds held in their joint accounts. As such, they believe they have a right to withdraw them at any time, including after a divorce petition has been filed. The problem is, they may not have that right.

Can a divorce be vindictive?

The action may seem vindictive or underhanded, which can complicate the couple’s settlement negotiations. If one party can demonstrate that he or she needs the money in the couple’s joint account in order to survive, the divorce proceedings are likely to progress more smoothly.

Can you drain your bank account if you file a petition?

First, it’s important to note that some states automatically prohibit such withdrawals from the moment the petition is filed. Both parties are essentially locked out of their joint accounts. It may be possible for them to drain the accounts, but doing so could have legal consequences.

Is every divorce case unique?

The takeaway is that every divorce case is unique. Each one is affected by the unique circumstances that surround it. Some individuals should do everything in their power to protect themselves financially. For them, there is a high likelihood that their spouses will drain their accounts, leaving them with little money to pay their living expenses. Others will be better served by talking openly with their spouses regarding how their assets should be divided. For them, an uncontested divorce, one in which both parties remain amicable and agreeable, is a viable option.

David Blair Frumm

If you truly feel your children would be better served with a different outcome than the settlement option and you have exhausted all borrowing options, (equity, bank, credit) Consider making your appeal through a pro bono agency. http://www.dcba.org/?page=ProBonoOptions this link is offered by the DuPage County Bar Association If your argument is a strong one you may still have an option available to you.

Joseph Pierce O'Brien

That's too bad, I am sorry to hear that. You can definitely represent yourself but I don' think that is a good idea. The best option is to hire an attorney and pay him or her whatever you can to get the case done. If you can't settle it just get it set for trial and see if an attorney will work with you on payment to get the case finished. More

Stephen Kenji Le Brocq

You could either borrow money, represent yourself, or seek pro bono representation. You can contact the DuPage County Bar association and they should be able to help you. It's never advisable to proceed pro se, and this divorce you are in will have lasting consequences.

Peggy M. Raddatz

Asking for legal fees from your husband shoukd be an option for you and your lawyer. Why not? Your only other option is to borrow funds. If you cannot do either it is time to settle or represent yourself. I do not advise representing yourself. If you have family this is the time to talk to them.

Tony Anthony

Mr. Schiffman has provided you excellent counsel and advice. You may always seek out assistance from your local legal aid society.

Michael Scott Schiffman

Of course, you can represent yourself - although this is not advisable in any but the simplest of cases. You can also petition the Court to request that your spouse be required to contribute to your attorneys' fees and costs.

What should a divorce lawyer not tell you?

Here are seven secrets your divorce lawyer won't tell you (but should). 1. You Might Not Get Your Day in Court... A divorce is a lawsuit, and we usually think of lawsuits as ending in a trial. However, many, if not most lawsuits end in a settlement. This is especially true of divorce, where upwards of 90% of cases settle—and some reports place ...

What do you need to do if you are divorced in California?

One thing you can do is gather financial documents your attorney will need in your case. In almost every California divorce, property division is an issue, and if you have children, child support will be an issue, as well as possibly spousal support.

Do aggressive divorce attorneys go to trial?

Remember the first secret above: most divorce cases don't go to trial. An aggressive attorney can actually get in the way of a productive settlement, extending the case and billing more hours by stirring up hostility and "churning" the file.

Can an aggressive lawyer force you into a trial?

At worst, an aggressive attorney can force you into an expensive trial you didn't need. Most of the time extended conflict enriches the lawyers, not their clients. What's more, when your case is done, your lawyer doesn't have to deal with the ongoing hostility he or she has helped to stoke between you and your ex—but you will.

Do divorce cases go to trial?

Remember the first secret above: most divorce cases don't go to trial. An aggressive attorney can actually get in the way of a productive settlement, extending the case and billing more hours by stirring up hostility and "churning" the file.

Is divorce expensive?

Even if you do everything possible to keep your legal bill down, there are no two ways around it: divorce is expensive. Your attorney probably won't be able to tell you exactly how expensive, because that will depend on how your case unfolds.

Can attorney fees be expensive?

Yes, attorney fees can be costly, and add up quickly. But your attorney may not tell you what you can do to keep them down unless you ask. You should ask, because there are some simple things you can do to reduce your attorney's workload, and more importantly, save yourself some money.

What happens if you lie to your spouse?

If your lies are discovered by your spouse, your spouse's attorney, or a judge, you may face severe sanctions (monetary fines) or a perjury charge. Likewise, if you simply fail to report assets or provide financial information to your spouse during a divorce, a court can order you to do so.

Why shouldn't you hide assets?

Why You Shouldn't Hide Assets – It Can Amount to a Crime and You'll Probably Get Caught. There's a chance you'll get away with hiding assets to prevent them from being included in the community property or equitable distribution settlement. However, by hiding assets, you are taking a huge risk.

Can you hide your assets from your spouse?

If you have a significant amount of cash or assets, it can be very tempting to try and hide those assets from your spouse, especially if you're angry at your spouse or if you believe you worked for the assets and are entitled to keep them all.

How much does a divorce attorney charge?

Divorce attorneys generally charge $200- $300 per hour , and partners in well-known New York City, Los Angeles, and San Francisco family law firms typically charge $450 per hour. These attorneys can provide advice on divorce-related issues, but they are not therapists or certified financial planners.

How to minimize taxes after divorce?

Work together with a divorce financial planner or tax accountant to minimize the total taxes you and your spouse will pay during separation and after divorce; you can share the money you save. Don't forget that both spouses are liable for taxes due as a result of audits on joint returns, so it's usually in your best interest to work together and minimize possible liabilities. If you're facing complicated tax issues in your divorce, it's best to consult with an experienced family law attorney and an accountant.

What is the biggest mistake a divorced spouse can make?

The biggest mistake divorcing spouses can make is being in the dark about finances. If your spouse has always handled all of the financial decisions in your household and you don't have any information about you and your spouse's income and assets, your spouse will have an unfair advantage over you when it comes time to settle the financial issues in your divorce.

How does mediation help in divorce?

The mediation process involves a neutral third-party mediator (an experienced family law attorney trained in mediation) that meets with the divorcing couple and helps them reach an agreement on the issues in their divorce. Mediation is completely voluntary; the mediator will not act as a judge, or insist on any particular outcome or agreement.

How to know if you are getting a fair deal after divorce?

Sounds good, right? The only way to know if you're getting a fair deal is to determine the value of the investments on an after-tax basis, then decide if you like the deal. Again, you should speak with a tax professional about the impact of any proposed property division before you agree to it.

What to do if you suspect your spouse is planning a divorce?

If you suspect your spouse is planning a divorce, get as much information as you can now. Make copies of important financial records such as account statements (eg., savings, brokerage, and retirement) and all other data that relates to your marital lifestyle (eg., checking accounts, charge card statements, tax returns).

What is a divorce computer model?

There are specialized divorce computer models that produce comprehensive and realistic analyses of your post-divorce lifestyle. You should speak with a local divorce attorney or financial planner that specializes in divorce for help analyzing any proposed financial settlement.

How much does a divorce cost?

It's no secret that divorce can be expensive. In fact, according to Narris, the average cost of legal fees in a divorce is an astounding $15,000! One way to cut down on these expenses is to use a mediator.

Why is divorce so stressful?

Some people even see divorce as a way to seek revenge on a spouse by seizing money and assets. Although divorce can bail you out of an unhappy marriage, it can also milk you for all you are worth if you don't know your rights.

How long does it take to get divorced in Arkansas?

Arkansas takes the longest amount of time at 540 days. If you live in one of these states, you and your spouse might want to consider relocating to expedite the divorce process.

How many people manage finances in a household?

Normally, one person in a household manages the finances. However, this arrangement can create a "power imbalance when it comes time to negotiate settlements," according to Narris. So what can you do to protect yourself?

What is a DOS in divorce?

Typically, the court uses a formal date of separation (DOS) to determine property division and the value of certain assets. "If you are expecting a large increase in the value of a major asset upon a certain occasion, be mindful of that when you decide to initiate the divorce," said Narris. 23.

Which states have the most lenient divorce laws?

Some States Are Better for Getting a Divorce. According to the government research site InsideGov, the five states with the easiest and most lenient divorce laws are Alaska, South Dakota, Wyoming, Iowa and Washington.

Do you have to have a brokerage account before filing for divorce?

According to Luna, it's important to make sure you have the current statement for your spouse's brokerage account before announcing and filing for the divorce. After all, a deceitful spouse could very easily liquidate the account with no paper trail by neglecting to cash checks until later.

What if your big worry is that you won't be able to pay your bills during the divorce?

What if your big worry is that you won’t be able to pay your bills during the divorce? For a lot of stay-at-home parents, and people who earn much less than their spouse, this is a real and legitimate concern. Don’t be embarrassed to talk to your divorce attorney about this issue. Your attorney is familiar with the problem of divorcing spouses who struggle with finances, and she can help you get relief.

What happens when you divorce?

There’s no question about it: divorce disrupts almost everything about your life, including your finances. And while you’re trying to figure out what the “new normal” is, much of life goes on as usual—including the arrival of bills in the mail, and the need to pay them.

What to tell a divorce judge?

That being said, here are five things your divorce judge wants to tell you, but doesn't: 1. Don't be disrespectful to your spouse, me or my staff. A courtroom is a formal place. When you're in court, you need to be mindful of that at all times. Even when you don't think the judge is paying attention to you, he/she is.

What to do if you are not an attorney?

4. Don't insult my intelligence. If you are representing yourself in your divorce, you may be an accomplished, intelligent person. You may not be.

What happens if you don't think the judge is paying attention to you?

If the judge feels you are being disrespectful to anyone, you will feel the negative impact from that. Whatever you do, don't interrupt the judge when he/she is speaking. 2. How you dress determines what I think about you.

What is contested divorce?

Many contested divorces involve sensitive issues and high emotions on both sides. If children are involved, that takes it up another level. Judges want the parties to negotiate and settle the issues between themselves. Judges don't want to decide how you live your life for you.

Do judges want to decide how you live your life?

Judges don't want to decide how you live your life for you. But, you have to be reasonable. If one party files a motion for relief, whether for financial support or primary custody, if the judge feels that you are being unreasonable, you will not get the results you want.

Does every state have its own divorce laws?

Every state has its own divorce laws, but one thing stays consistent no matter where you get divorced. Your case and the outcome of your divorce is governed by one person and one person alone... the judge. Advertisement. As a divorce attorney, I have experienced the power that judges hold in a divorce case, and have seen the good, ...

Do judges have to be neutral?

Yes, they are supposed to be neutral and abide the law when making decisions about your life, but judges are not machines. Maybe they should be... If your judge forms a negative opinion about you early in your divorce, you could be in for a long, stressful and dissatisfied ride. Advertisement. That being said, here are five things your divorce ...

What to do when a divorced couple has a large amount of assets?

Don’t forget to consult an attorney. A lawyer can make sure that you both review and understand anything before you sign or agree. An experienced family law attorney is often a good idea for situations where the divorcing couple has a large amount of assets, property or other complicated financial matters.

What to do in a contentious divorce?

In more contentious divorces, an attorney can make sure that your interests are represented in court. Even in a “friendly” divorce you are often better off hiring a lawyer to help file paperwork and guide you through the court system. 2. Don’t neglect your finances.

How to prepare for divorce?

If you’re thinking about divorce, you need to immediately begin to set aside money for the all the expenses involved. Make copies of all your financial documents and legal records before your divorce proceedings begin.

Is it normal to want to tell someone about divorce?

Emotions are running high, it’s perfectly normal to want to let others know what’s going on in your life. You may desperately want support, you may not want to suffer in silence, or you may just want to punish your partner and embarrass them. This doesn’t mean that you have to keep your a divorce secret from everyone, you just need to decide who you tell and why.

Do family and friends have good intentions when divorced?

Your family and friends may have good intentions, but their divorce experience is based on the facts and circumstances that are unique to them and may not apply in your situation.

Can you use your kids to manipulate your spouse?

This should go without saying, but unfortunately, it still happens, even unintentionally. Check your own behavior and don’t use your kids to punish or manipulate your spouse. In the end, this will cause resentment and have a negative impact on the relationship you have with your children.

Can you have a relationship outside of marriage during divorce?

Even if you and your spouse no longer live together, in some states a relationship outside of marriage can become an issue during the divorce process. With all of the changes going on in your life, avoiding any type of romantic relationship is often the best thing to do for your emotionally. 8.
