why would a cop need a lawyer

by Mr. Braden Schuppe PhD 10 min read

If the police want to talk to you, they need to go through your lawyer first. This is crucial because police prey on suspects when they’re at their weakest, cajoling them into giving incriminating statements that help police build their case.

Full Answer

Do I need a lawyer to talk to the police?

First, by hiring a lawyer, you’re building a wall between you and the police. If the police want to talk to you, they need to go through your lawyer first. This is crucial because police prey on suspects when they’re at their weakest, cajoling them into giving incriminating statements that help police build their case.

Why hire a lawyer for a police investigation?

Oct 15, 2021 · A law enforcement officer cannot utilize evidence in an individual’s criminal case if they violate one or more of these constitutional rights. A criminal defense lawyer will be able to argue that a law enforcement officer violated their constitutional rights and may be able to prevent evidence from being used in court.

Why hire a lawyer for a criminal defense attorney?

If there is any chance that the police are investigating whether you broke the law, should always speak to a lawyer before you say anything to the police. A lawyer can explain the risks and benefits of speaking with the police, and give you advice about how you should proceed.

Should you hire a lawyer for police brutality?

Mar 16, 2022 · 3. Law Suits. If you are being sued and the consequences of a loss may result in the loss of a good deal of money or property, you need a lawyer. Again, the other side has a lawyer, so you need to get one too. Most of these things are settled out of court, but you want an experienced negotiator on your side. 4. A DUI


Why you should never talk to cops without a lawyer?

You should never talk to the police without first consulting an attorney. Police officers are trained to obtain confessions, admissions and inconsistencies. If you are innocent, they will use inconsistencies in your statements as evidence of guilt.

Is it suspicious to ask for a lawyer?

A: Yes. You have the constitutional right to talk to a lawyer before answering questions, whether or not the police tell you about that right. The lawyer's job is to protect your rights.

Does getting a lawyer make you look guilty?

Hiring a lawyer does not make you look guilty; it makes you look serious about your innocence, reputation, and future. You cannot be arrested or convicted for looking guilty. You can be charged and convicted if there is sufficient evidence against you.May 30, 2019

Should you never talk to the police?

In general, you do not have to talk to law enforcement officers (or anyone else), even if you do not feel free to walk away from the officer, you are arrested, or you are in jail. You cannot be punished for refusing to answer a question. It is a good idea to talk to a lawyer before agreeing to answer questions.

Why are cops afraid of lawyers?

Policemen are not cowed down; so if they are assaulted, they are likely to retaliate, but usually they are not the ones who began the incident. The reason why policemen are scared of lawyers is that lawyers have a weapon called Istagaasha or criminal complaint, of which policemen are dreadfully afraid of.Nov 6, 2019

Do I have to talk to the police if they call me?

Remember, you are never obligated to talk to the police. But they may keep calling if they want to question you, for whatever reason. They can come to your home, or your work and the continuous requests and contacts they make can be quite threatening and intimidating.Jul 21, 2014

Does asking for a lawyer incriminate you?

You Have a Right to a Lawyer Whenever You Speak to Police If the police do not cease questioning after you have asked for a lawyer, then any information they receive will not be admissible in court.Oct 4, 2016

Do I have to answer police questions?

You do not have to answer any police questions. But if you are suspected of committing a crime, this may give the police grounds to arrest you. The police cannot search you or your property unless they have a valid search warrant.May 14, 2021

Do police have to tell you why they pulled you over before asking for ID?

Generally speaking, no. Police do not have to tell you why they are stopping you before asking for ID in a traffic stop, though it may be a standard practice in many areas. The officer must have a reason—i.e., probable cause—for the stop, but they are not legally required to tell you.

When do you hire a criminal defense lawyer?

Criminal defense lawyers are usually hired after someone has been arrested and charged with a crime. But if you’ve been contacted by the police because they “just want to talk” hiring a lawyer may be one of the best decisions you can make. Criminal defense lawyers are usually hired after someone has been arrested and charged with a crime.

What is the job of a police officer?

The police officer’s job is to gather evidence to help them make an arrest. Police officers can and will say anything - including lying - to get you to admit to something. There is no law saying that they cannot lie to get you to admit to something. So they do.

Why do police not want to talk to you?

When police contact someone, they don’t really “just want to talk.” More likely it’s because they already have some evidence and want to validate their suspicions. Maybe they think you were a witness, but it could also mean that they believe you’re a suspect.

What is probable cause?

Probable cause could be something as simple as conflicting answers to their questions. Police officers are masters at getting people to admit things, and at spotting lies or inconsistencies. They will ask the same question, over and over again, in different ways, then point out small differences in your answers.

What happens if you have probable cause to believe you committed a crime?

If the police think they have probable cause to believe you committed a crime, they’re going to arrest you whether you have a lawyer with you or not. Having a lawyer with you when you meet with the police doesn’t make you look guilty - it makes you look smart and careful.

What to do if you are a witness to a crime?

If you were a witness to a crime, want to help, and you contact the police to provide information - talk to the police. Things get murky when you might have been involved in a crime. If there is any possible way you were involved in something criminal - even slightly - do not talk to the police. Talk to a lawyer first.

What to do if you are not under arrest?

If you are not under arrest and are free to go, leave. If you have been placed under arrest, be quiet, polite, and follow the police officer’s instructions. Once you have been placed under arrest, you need to affirmatively tell the police officer that you are invoking your Fifth Amendment right to remain silent and that you want to speak ...

Why do police officers work hard?

Police officers work hard to ensure people are following the rules, but they need to follow the rules as well . One of the main functions of a police officer is to get information and gather evidence. Police must follow the United States Constitution when performing their duties as peace officers.

Which amendment gives you the right to a jury trial?

The 6th Amendment gives you the right to a jury trial, a speedy trial, and other court procedural rules. It also prevents police from questioning you without an attorney present once charges have been filed.

What are the rights of the 5th amendment?

Many people know about the 5th Amendment through popular legal and police dramas. The 5th Amendment involves Miranda rights and concerns the following: 1 You have the right to remain silent 2 Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law 3 You have the right to speak to an attorney 4 If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. 5 Do you understand these rights as they have been read to you?

What is the right to refuse a search?

Everybody has a constitutional right to be free from unlawful searches or seizures under the 4th Amendment. But, most people don’t understand how to exercise this right or that you can refuse a police officer’s request. A police officer does not have to inform you of your constitutional right to refuse a search and it is up to you to exercise your rights.

Do police have to inform you of your rights?

A police officer does not have to inform you of your constitutional right to refuse a search and it is up to you to exercise your rights. Everybody has a 4th Amendment right to be free from unlawful searches and seizures. But there are some exceptions, which include the following:

What is the Traffic Safety Act?

If you are the driver or registered owner a motor vehicle, the Traffic Safety Act requires that you provide information to the police in certain circumstances. For example, the driver of a vehicle involved in an accident is required by law to complete collision statement. If you are participating in a regulated activity (for example, ...

Can a lawyer make the police think you are guilty?

It is important to remember that, if you are charged with an offence, the prosecutor cannot argue that it is more likely you are guilty because you spoke with a lawyer.

Can you lie to the police?

No. While you have the right to remain silent, you do not have the right to lie to the police. Lying to a police officer who is investigating an offence may constitute “obstructing a peace officer” or “obstruction of justice.” These are serious criminal offences in themselves. If you are charged with an offence, lying to police will also hurt your ability to defend yourself in court.

Do you have to give police information?

If you are participating in a regulated activity (for example, if you are a commercial truck driver or are a hunter) the laws and regulations that govern the regulated activity may require you to provide certain information to the investigators or regulators. In general, though, you do not need to give the police any information or assist ...

Who handles the prosecution of a crime?

The prosecution is handled by lawyers employed by the governmental entity, and the defense is handled by either a publicly appointed defender or a private defense attorney whom the defendant pays. In criminal law, there are misdemeanors (small offenses) and felonies (more serious crimes).

What is civil law?

Civil law also covers legal agreements, real estate transactions, divorces, child custody, and other matters where legal paperwork is necessary to protect all parties involved. Criminal Law: This area of law relates to offenses that break the laws of a local, state, or federal governments.

What are the two legal categories?

Two Legal Categories – A Short Explanation 1 Civil Law: This area of law covers all legal issues that do not involve criminal activity or breaking the law. Generally, one party sues another because they have been “wronged” in some way and want some type of compensation for that “wrong.” Civil law also covers legal agreements, real estate transactions, divorces, child custody, and other matters where legal paperwork is necessary to protect all parties involved. 2 Criminal Law: This area of law relates to offenses that break the laws of a local, state, or federal governments. The prosecution is handled by lawyers employed by the governmental entity, and the defense is handled by either a publicly appointed defender or a private defense attorney whom the defendant pays. In criminal law, there are misdemeanors (small offenses) and felonies (more serious crimes).

What is a complex divorce?

1. A Complex or Nasty Divorce. When couples mutually agree on all of the details of a split, there is no real need for a lawyer. When, however, there are issues of property, investments, savings, support, debt, and child custody arrangements, only a fool neglects getting legal representation.

What happens if you are sued?

Law Suits. If you are being sued and the consequences of a loss may result in the loss of a good deal of money or property, you need a lawyer. Again, the other side has a lawyer, so you need to get one too. Most of these things are settled out of court, but you want an experienced negotiator on your side. 4.

Can you go to court for DUI?

A good lawyer can meet with the prosecutor and get the charges reduced, especially if this is your first offense. Never go to court on a DUI charge without a lawyer — unless you are willing to accept the maximum penalty.

Is a public defender better than a private attorney?

Defendants who have personally hired attorneys always fare better than those who do not or those who take a public defender. Remember, a public defender is on case overload, and will usually recommend a plea bargain that will be worse than what a private attorney could get you. If you qualify financially for a public defender, still try to find a friend or relative willing to pony up the money for a lawyer.

Why do police lie to suspects?

It is common to find the police lying to suspects to convince them to waive their right to remain silent. They can even attempt to convince you that you do not need a lawyer. You should always remember that it is not safe to talk to the police when your attorney is not present. 3. You Are Not Familiar with the Law.

When the police approach you as a suspect, should you not feel the urge to talk your way out of it?

When the police approach you as a suspect, you should not feel the urge to talk your way out of it. They may use lies or threats to convince you to answer their questions or provide your account of events of a crime. You should only speak to the police when your lawyer is present.

What happens when you get a warrant of arrest?

When there is a warrant of arrest issued against you, the police read the Miranda rights to you. It is more like a warning to let you know, as a suspect, that you should remain silent. In case you are caught up in a police investigation, do not hesitate to let them know to contact your attorney. Most law experts agree you should never talk to ...

How to stay afloat when thrown in the deep end?

When thrown in the deep end, the only way you can stay afloat is by having an expert pull you out of the situation. Therefore, you should hire an expert lawyer and wait for them when the police arrest and interrogate you. If you are guilty, you should not outrightly accept the charges against you or accept responsibility of the offense.

Who has authority to make grants, deals, immunity or negotiate please arrangements?

The only entity that has authority to make grants, deals, immunity or negotiate please arrangements is the U.S. Attorney in federal court and State Attorney in state courts. The police do not have such authority. They may try to get you to give a statement and promise to offer you a deal but this will be bluff.

What does it mean when the police arrest you?

When the police arrest you, you are the one who has the right to remain silent. The police have no right to demand answers from you.

Can police lie to you?

The Police Can Lie to You. You should know your rights well. Ensure you only speak in the presence of your lawyer. This is because the system does not work to the benefit of suspects since there must be a convicted criminal in each case of crime.



  • It is absolutely possible to sue the police, because they are not themselves above the law. While it is difficult, it is definitely not impossible to succeed in a lawsuit against the police. Lawsuits against law enforcement typically involve some form of police misconduct. Police misconduct occurs when a police officer violates someone elses constitutional rights.
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  • There are several examples of police misconduct, including false arrest and imprisonment, perjury, police brutality and corruption, racial profiling, and the falsification and spoliation of evidence, among others. The most common of these misconduct claims are:
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  • Suing a police officer for emotional distress is also possible. However, it is on the victim to prove that the police officer acted intentionally or recklessly to cause the emotional injury, or that the police officer acted so negligently that their actions caused emotional distress.
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  • Before a citizen can proceed with suing a police officer, they must first go through the appropriate administrative channels. Most states actually require this prior to filing a lawsuit. Administrative law governs the activities of governmental agencies, and could include reporting the incident to the police departments division of internal affairs or the Department of Justice.
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  • Victims may sue the individual police officers involved in their case, the supervisor of those officers involved, as well as the government that has employed and regulates them. Most commonly, in misconduct claims, it is the individual police officer themselves being sued. Governmental immunity plays a large role when suing the offending municipality.
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  • Because of how difficult the governmental immunity doctrine makes suing a municipality, suing a police officer supervisor is generally only feasible if they were directly involved with the incident in question. Typically, courts will not find a supervisor vicariously liable, or responsible for the actions of another person, such as a person they hired.
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  • The chances of success when suing a police officer depends greatly on the type of claim being made against the officer. Cases against abuse of power that have legal backing, such as civil forfeiture (or the legal confiscation of personal property without a warrant), are typically much more difficult to win.
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  • Property owners are at risk of losing their property without being convicted, or even charged with an offense, and the law is unfortunately stacked against those who have lost property to the police. Conversely, some see civil forfeiture as a tool utilized by the police to discourage organized crime involved in illegal drug trade, or other similar criminal organizations.
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  • Easier-to-prove lawsuits could include negligence, excessive force, or intent. For instance, if an officer fatally wounds an innocent bystander, but the officers body camera was not recording the incident, the question of intent would come into play. Wrongful death lawsuits, as well as homicide charges, are not uncommon as the law is less likely to protect police officers involved i…
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