why seek a lawyer minor car accident

by Ms. Neva Grimes 9 min read

If you are certain that your minor car accident caused a psychological injury to develop, and you have subsequently incurred financial expenses for things like counseling or therapy, hiring a personal injury attorney is the best method for ensuring a damages award is recovered that offsets those costs.

Even in minor car accidents, you should have a personal injury attorney look at your case before agreeing to any settlement! They can help you get the most compensation possible for your case. That way you will not have to come out of pocket for your car and medical bills.Nov 9, 2021

Full Answer

Minor Car Accidents: Do I Really Need a Lawyer?

Car crashes happen in the Antelope Valley every day. As we know, these accidents can be very serious, causing great personal injury and suffering to those involved. However, many car accidents are minor, resulting in minimal car damage and little to no injuries.

1. Gathering and Reporting Information

Calling the police after a minor car accident might not even cross your mind, especially if no one is injured. However, calling the police is almost always a good idea: when they arrive, they create and file an accident report, detailing how the accident happened.

2. Getting Medical Treatment

Major car accidents with extensive vehicle damage are more likely to cause injuries that call for comprehensive medical care. Still, even minor injuries require medical attention, and some injuries may not present on the day of the accident.

3. Dealing with Insurance Companies

Sometimes, a fender bender causes nothing more than a little vehicle damage. For example, let’s say someone hits your rear bumper at nearly idle speeds while approaching a stop sign. This might startle you and cause a few dents and cracks in your car, but it most likely won’t cause you any physical harm.

5. Keeping Documentation

Another reason you should call a lawyer: you’ll need guidance from an advocate you can trust about how to best pursue your claim. Our first tip? Keep everything. Every police document, if you get any. Every doctor’s note and prescription. Every receipt from a repair shop.

6. Time Constraints

Every state provides a window of time for a person to sue another person or company after an accident. In California, that time is two years.

Partner with an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer

After a minor car accident, you may just want to get home, shake it off, and forget it ever happened. But you may be staring down a legal battle that could result in increased costs to you. Speaking with a car accident lawyer right away is the best way to protect your rights.

Can a minor car accident cause a concussion?

Minor car accidents don’t always lead to physical injuries like whiplash or a mild concussion (MTBI). However, fender benders, hit and runs, sideswipes at low speeds, and various other classifications of ‘minor’ car accidents often lead to psychological injuries such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, fear of driving, and more. Just like the common misperception that a car accident is always the fault of one individual, many minor car accident victims are often unaware that they’ve sustained a psychological injury. We all experience stress, difficulty concentrating, depression, etc. But linking those issues to a recent minor car accident is frequently overlooked as we go about our busy daily lives.

Should I hire a personal injury attorney for a car accident?

If you have unlimited finances and are of the opinion that pursuing a claim which could potentially award you substantial compensation is not important, perhaps hiring a personal injury attorney for your car accident claim is not a major priority. If, after experiencing a minor car accident that only causes moderate damage to your vehicle (and maybe a sore neck or joints) you and are of the opinion that the incident was “nothing to worry about,” and you have more important matters to focus on, hiring an attorney may also not be an appropriate option. The legal process will certainly take up some of your time as well as the attorney’s time, as he or she will have to pursue the at-fault driver (which can be a time consuming endeavor).

Can you sue someone for a car accident?

If you suffered an injury that led to further consequences such as a strain or broken bone, medical bills, property damage, time away from work and lost wages, psychological distress, or any number of other issues, you are likely eligible to file a civil lawsuit seeking to recover financial compensation. Simply put, if you suffered physically or financially after a car accident, you may be eligible to recover financial compensation.

What is a Minor Car Accident?

While there is not a technical definition of a “minor car accident”, there are a few factors to consider when determining the seriousness of the accident.

Signs You Need a Lawyer for a Minor Car Accident

If you, a passenger, other driver or pedestrian was injured in a vehicle accident, its in your best interest to discuss your case with a car accident lawyer. You may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and other financial awards for intangible losses, like pain and suffering.

Contact the Car Accident Lawyers at Brandon J. Broderick, Attorney at Law

It can be hard to determine if you have a case and what your options are without the help of an attorney. Most car accident lawyers, like the attorney team at Brandon J. Broderick, offer a free consultation.

How to find an attorney in your area?

One of the best ways to find an attorney in your area is through your local bar association. State and local bar associations often have referral services to connect clients with attorneys. To make things easier, the American Bar Association maintains a directory of all state bar association referral pages.

Why is it important to delay a settlement?

The second purpose of delaying a settlement is to inch closer to the statute of limitations. Statutes of limitations set a time limit on how long after an incident you have to file a legal claim in court.

Should I consult with a car accident attorney?

Even when a car accident and its accompanying damages are relatively minor, consulting with one or two car accident attorneys is a smart move. Experienced car accident attorneys have seen it all before, including situations where their services are not necessary.
