why is a lawyer needed of necessary

by Laverne Cremin 6 min read

That’s why we need lawyers. Lawyers are a fundamental component of society. Their role is to protect you when harmed and defend you when accused. Hiring a lawyer for a rainy day will save you a lot of trouble that could arise unexpectedly. You will feel more secure hiring a lawyer, knowing the law has your back.

Lawyer is the person who defends a person or entity in various court proceedings and assists the client in any situation where the law is being discussed. The main reason for the importance of the lawyer is that all human beings are equal and every human being deserves the same chance to obtain legal justice.May 19, 2020

Full Answer

Why should you should become a lawyer?

May 19, 2020 · Lawyer is the person who defends a person or entity in various court proceedings and assists the client in any situation where the law is being discussed. The main reason for the importance of the lawyer is that all human beings are equal and every human being deserves the same chance to obtain legal justice.

What are the pros and cons of being an attorney?

Jun 13, 2020 · That’s why we need lawyers. Lawyers are a fundamental component of society. Their role is to protect you when harmed and defend you when accused. Hiring a lawyer for a rainy day will save you a lot of trouble that could arise unexpectedly. You will feel more secure hiring a lawyer, knowing the law has your back. Category: General

Why you should hire a lawyer?

Sep 14, 2011 · Utilizing lawyers under appropriate circumstances is not only an option, sometimes it’s a requirement. Utilizing the law to right wrongs and to ensure safety is paramount to the upkeep of a civil society. You’d see an athlete if you want to get in better shape. You’d see a dentist if your tooth is hurting you.

What are the benefits of becoming a lawyer?

Apr 05, 2022 · By K2 Employment Law. If you believe your employer violated your rights at work, you need an employment lawyer to help you take them on. Employment law attorneys are professionally trained advocates who choose to focus their legal skills on helping people like you in situations similar to yours. Their efforts can result in successful lawsuits ...


Why should I hire an attorney?

Below are the top ten reasons to hire an attorney. 1. The Law is Complicated. If you're not a lawyer you probably have no business acting like one in certain instances. Even experienced lawyers typically do not represent themselves in court. Also, attorneys tend to specialize in one or more legal practice areas, such as criminal defense or tax law.

What do attorneys depend on?

Attorneys depend on an extended network of professionals to help their clients ' cases. Most non-attorneys don't personally know the types of professionals who can help with discovery or challenge evidence or testimony by the opposing party.

What is at stake in a civil case?

What's at stake? A criminal case may determine whether or not you spend time behind bars, while a civil case could hurt you financially. Besides, there are many civil attorneys who don't actually collect a dime from you unless they win your case. Also, you may be able to claim legal fees as a plaintiff in a civil case, so hiring a lawyer can actually save or make you money.

What is the disadvantage of being a non-adversarial?

Non-attorneys are generally at a disadvantage when squaring off against opposing counsel or doing business with another party that has legal counsel. As explained above, the law is complicated and an attorney representing your adversary (or even a non-adversarial party entering into a legal agreement with you) will take advantage of this inequity.

What happens if you don't have an attorney?

If you're not an attorney, you may struggle with the deadlines and protocol for properly filling out and filing certain legal documents. One late or incorrect filing could derail your case, delay a given legal procedure or worse - have the case thrown out altogether (and not in your favor).

Can a solid case unravel without a lawyer?

A solid case can quickly unravel without the help of a trained and emotionally detached attorney. Similarly, failing to hire a lawyer when starting a business, reviewing a contract, or embarking on other endeavors with potential legal ramifications can result in otherwise avoidable pitfalls. 2.

Do I need an attorney for a speeding ticket?

Not every legal matter requires the use of an attorney. Fighting a speeding ticket and going to small claims courts are two examples. However, in many other situations involving a legal dispute, challenge, or deal, you may not wish to chance the risks of going it alone without the advice of an experienced lawyer who can help you out. In fact, while good legal representation may not be cheap, it can help get you out of a number of sticky situations, such as a bad divorce, lost job, or DUI violation.

What is the law?

At its most basic, the law is about mitigating conflict. When creating laws, societies reckon with what drives conflict. Some things – like murder and theft- are obvious and have been included in laws stretching back to ancient times. However, as time goes on and societies change, what’s considered acceptable changes, too. Legal systems adapt so they can provide clarity and context for unacceptable actions. They also offer guidelines for appropriate consequences.

What are the laws that protect people?

Many laws are specifically designed to protect certain groups of people. Laws like the Civil Rights Act (the United States) and the Sex Discrimination Act (Australia) make it illegal to discriminate. These types of laws protect what’s known as “negative rights,” which is the right to be free from something, like discrimination. Anyone can be discriminated against, but as history shows, certain people are more at risk. Laws designed to prevent discrimination based on race, sex, gender, religion, and more protect these groups and give them better access to justice.

How do fines affect people?

Fines, which are meant to encourage people to follow laws, can add up to the point of putting people in debt and criminalizing poverty. The war on drugs is another key example of how laws can hurt people. Instead of treating drug addiction as a public health issue, laws have turned it into a criminal one.

Why do laws prevent people from getting fired?

Laws prevent people from getting fired from their jobs because of who they marry or because of a disability. The concept of law as a mechanism for social change is complicated because if the majority of a community doesn’t agree with the law, it’s likely that the law won’t be enforced.

How many people have had explicit photos shared without consent?

According to one study, around 10 million Americans have had explicit photos shared without consent. While there are state laws, there is no federal law. In Australia, an electronic petition called upon the A.C.T. Legislative Assembly to criminalize revenge porn. The Assembly listened.

What are the basic rights of a person?

This includes the right to life, the right to marry, the right to be free from discrimination, and more. These are listed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but that document is not legally binding. To make human rights a reality, they have to be protected through laws. Without law, human rights would be an abstract concept.

What did the American food industry do in the 18th and 19th centuries?

In the 18th and 19th centuries, American food producers went to extreme measures in their quest for profit. They watered down milk and stirred in materials like chalk for color. They mixed dirt into coffee, tea, and spices and added lead to beer and wine.

How much does lasagna cost?

If you were looking for a healthy lasagna, you’ve just found it. At under $5 per serving, you can fill yourself up right away without putting on the extra calories.

What to do if you are injured in a car accident that is not your fault?

If you have been injured in an accident that was not your fault, the other guy’s insurance company will be all over you to settle your claim as quickly as possible. Don’t do it. In fact, never talk to an insurance company representative until you have first consulted a personal injury attorney. You may not be familiar with the laws or the normal compensation rates, but seasoned attorneys are. If you are injured in car accident, don’t talk to anyone except to answer cursory questions from the police on the scene.

How to save your family after you die?

Save your family from disputes and legal issues after you die. Set up your will or trust with a reputable attorney well in advance. Your first will should be set up as soon as you have a child and should be changed periodically throughout your life as circumstances change.

What is civil law?

Civil law also covers legal agreements, real estate transactions, divorces, child custody, and other matters where legal paperwork is necessary to protect all parties involved. Criminal Law: This area of law relates to offenses that break the laws of a local, state, or federal governments.

What happens if you are sued?

Law Suits. If you are being sued and the consequences of a loss may result in the loss of a good deal of money or property, you need a lawyer. Again, the other side has a lawyer, so you need to get one too. Most of these things are settled out of court, but you want an experienced negotiator on your side. 4.

What is a complex divorce?

1. A Complex or Nasty Divorce. When couples mutually agree on all of the details of a split, there is no real need for a lawyer. When, however, there are issues of property, investments, savings, support, debt, and child custody arrangements, only a fool neglects getting legal representation.

Can you go to court for DUI?

A good lawyer can meet with the prosecutor and get the charges reduced, especially if this is your first offense. Never go to court on a DUI charge without a lawyer — unless you are willing to accept the maximum penalty.
