why does someone get a lawyer for a simple car accident.

by Roselyn Kris 10 min read

The only reason you need a lawyer after a car accident is if you are being sued or decide to sue the other driver. If you are unsure as to whether you should hire a lawyer, reach out for a consultation. Many personal injury lawyers offer free consultations in which they can review your case and give you legal advice on how to proceed.

While you do not need to seek legal counsel, a car accident lawyer may help you file a claim or lawsuit against a negligent party. Getting into a car accident due to another party's negligence typically results in stress, frustration, and injuries.

Full Answer

Why do I need a lawyer after a car accident?

Hiring a California car accident lawyer can maximize your compensation. An attorney can ensure that you receive fair compensation by taking on several actions, including: Arranging assessments with medical experts Researching case law regarding your injuries Determining your financial losses such as lost income

Do I need a car accident lawyer in New York?

You’re worried you can’t pay for treatment. Car accident injuries carry financial stress. If you are worried about how you’ll pay for treatment, this is a sure sign the insurance company is not offering you enough. Your lawyer can help you get treatment now and not have to pay for it until the insurance money comes through.

What should I look for when hiring a car accident lawyer?

The primary reason to hire an attorney after a car accident is to protect yourself and your legal rights. Perhaps everything goes smoothly, the other driver’s insurer pays up, and everyone goes on about their business. Assuming this will be the case, though, is dangerous.

How does a judge determine a settlement for a car accident?

Jan 03, 2020 · You are not legally obligated to hire a lawyer after a car accident. The only reason you need a lawyer after a car accident is if you are being sued …


What is the most complicated part of a car accident claim?

Often one of the most complicated parts of a car accident injury claim is proving that another’s negligence caused your injuries. This is an important part of every car accident claim, as individuals harmed by another’s actions have the right to compensation.

What does an attorney do for insurance?

Your attorney will: Negotiate with the insurance adjuster. Handle all details of your claim for you. Help prepare a written or verbal statement that is carefully crafted to your benefit.

What to do after a car accident?

Although it is always in your best interest to contact a lawyer after a car accident, there are some situations when it is highly recommended, including if: 1 You suffered injuries in the collision 2 Your injuries are permanent or long-lasting 3 Liability is contested 4 The insurance company refuses to pay 5 You have been asked to provide medical records or a statement

What are the benefits of hiring a lawyer?

1. Handle the Insurance Company for You. Insurance companies are in the business of making money.

What is an insurance adjuster?

Insurance adjusters spend their days negotiating insurance settlements. They are skilled negotiators who vigorously fight for their best interests. So too are auto accident lawyers. We regularly negotiate with insurance companies and other attorneys. However, the significant difference is that we are solely focused on the best interests of our clients.

What is contested liability?

Liability is contested. The insurance company refuses to pay. You have been asked to provide medical records or a statement. The insurance company has offered a low settlement that does not cover your full expenses related to the accident.

How to find an attorney for a car accident?

If you are still undecided about finding an attorney for a car accident claim, here are five signs you need to hire one: 1 You sustained severe injuries in the accident; 2 You have concerns you cannot pay for your treatment costs; 3 The insurance company has denied liability and won’t pay for any of your treatment; 4 You missed time off work; or 5 You have been seeking medical treatment, but you’re not improving at all.

What to expect when meeting with an attorney?

When you meet with an attorney, they will review the facts of your accident, your injuries, time off work, etc., and tell you what your case is potentially worth. Having this information is vital because it’s hard to remain objective when you are personally involved.

Where is Gayle Gayle?

Born and raised in Evansville, Gayle is a respected, experienced lawyer and a valued community leader. She graduated near the top of her class at Indiana University’s prestigious Maurer School of Law. She’s practiced law with one of the largest firms in Indianapolis as well as one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. And that means she knows how big law firms and big companies think and how they operate – and she will put that knowledge to work for you.

What is the goal of an adjuster?

Their goal is to gain information from you that they can use against you to reduce your claim’s value or deny it outright. The adjuster may offer you a small amount early on in the case in hopes you will settle. That way, they can close their file before you have additional treatment.

Does insurance pay for medical treatment?

The insurance company has denied liability and won’t pay for any of your treatment; You have been seeking medical treatment, but you’re not improving at all. Any time you have serious injuries or have been treating for several months without improvement, you need to contact an attorney.

What happens if your insurance company denies your claim?

When the insurance company denies your claim, your only recourse is to file a lawsuit. Your attorney will continue to push settlement through the discovery process. If the other driver’s insurance company keeps denying liability, your attorney will prepare your case for trial.

Can a case go to trial?

If your case proceeds into litigation, you need an attorney who has the necessary experience to take your case all the way to trial. Many cases won’t ever go to trial, but there is always the chance.

What does "let bygones be bygones" mean?

A fender bender accident occurs, the drivers get out, calmly speak to each other, wave goodbye, and go on their way. If you weren’t injured in the accident or had little to no property damage, this is a reasonably easy attitude to take. You may even take on that attitude if you have minor injuries. However, if your injuries are substantial and causing you ongoing problems, you need to take a different attitude, or you will be left covering the expenses on your own. If you genuinely believe that the accident and damages are no big deal, don’t waste your time or an attorney’s time seeking compensation from the at-fault driver.

Should I get a lawyer for a car accident?

Should I get a lawyer for a car accident that was my fault? If the car accident was your fault, you likely do not need a personal injury attorney. If you caused the accident and suffered injuries, your claim will not be against anyone else. In this case, your insurance company is responsible for providing you with an attorney and defending you. You will not be charged for this service as it is a benefit of carrying insurance. However, it is common for your carrier to raise your rates after a claim.

Do all personal injury law firms have the same marketing?

Take note that not all personal injury law firms are the same. Sometimes firms with the most aggressively advertising campaigns are nothing more than settlement mills. These firms rely mostly on advertising and are only willing to take a disproportionate amount of their cases to trial. There is a mill mentality when handling their claims, and their clients suffer because of it. With no referrals from previous customers, they turn to extensive marketing efforts to gain clients.

Why do I need an attorney after a car accident?

Why Do I Need a Lawyer After a Car Accident? The primary reason to hire an attorney after a car accident is to protect yourself and your legal rights. Perhaps everything goes smoothly, the other driver’s insurer pays up, and everyone goes on about their business. Assuming this will be the case, though, is dangerous.

What does a lawyer do for a claim?

A lawyer will fully investigate your case and build a solid claim to seek the full damages you’re entitled to for all the losses you’ve suffered. You may not get anything. Insurance companies are massive organizations with significant resources at their disposal.

What happens if you don't hire a lawyer?

Here are a few things that can happen if you don’t hire a lawyer after your accident: 1 The insurer delays paying your claim. If you’ve been seriously hurt in a car accident, you need money quickly to cover medical bills, lost income due to missing work, and other losses. The at-fault driver’s insurer can drag their feet on a claim for months or years if you don’t have an attorney to force them to pay out more quickly. 2 You get less than what you deserve. Insurers can use all sorts of tricks to avoid paying you what you deserve. A lawyer will fully investigate your case and build a solid claim to seek the full damages you’re entitled to for all the losses you’ve suffered. 3 You may not get anything. Insurance companies are massive organizations with significant resources at their disposal. They can and will use any means available to them to avoid paying a claim. To make sure you aren’t left with nothing after going through an accident, you need a skilled lawyer on your side.

What happens if you get hurt in a car accident?

If you’ve been seriously hurt in a car accident, you need money quickly to cover medical bills, lost income due to missing work, and other losses. The at-fault driver’s insurer can drag their feet on a claim for months or years if you don’t have an attorney to force them to pay out more quickly.

Is insurance a for profit company?

Insurance companies are for-profit businesses. While the people who work at insurance companies may be very personable and friendly, it’s in their interest and the company’s interest to pay out as few claims and as little money as possible.

Find out whether it would be worth hiring a car accident attorney to review your case

In many cases, you do not need to file a lawsuit after a car accident. If one driver was clearly at fault and nobody has been injured, it is likely that the at-fault insurance company will give compensation without the need to go to court. So, when do you need a lawyer after a car accident?

When Do You Need A Lawyer After A Car Accident?

If you are at fault for an accident and the other driver decides to sue you, you will need a lawyer to defend you.

When Don't You Need A Lawyer After A Car Accident?

If you are at fault for an accident and nobody is suing you, there is no reason to hire a lawyer.

Conclusion: Do You Need A Lawyer After A Car Accident?

You are not legally obligated to hire a lawyer after a car accident. The only reason you need a lawyer after a car accident is if you are being sued or decide to sue the other driver.

What can a car accident lawyer do?

Working with a car accident lawyer can help you receive reasonable compensation that may exceed the amount that the insurance company would offer you on your own. An automobile injury attorney will help you present every detail about your case to the insurance company or a judge.

What happens if you get involved in a car accident?

If you have been involved in a car accident, you’re probably dealing with medical bills, insurance payments and emotional distress. Auto wrecks always seem to happen at the wrong time, and they can leave you hassling with issues that you never thought you would have to deal with. A car accident settlement can reimburse you for the money ...

How long do you have to file a lawsuit?

You typically have one or two years from the date of the accident to file a lawsuit. A minor can file a lawsuit any time before their 18 th birthday. Working with a personal injury lawyer can help you go through the process with minimal distress.

What is a car accident settlement?

A car accident settlement can reimburse you for the money that you’ve paid out. It can also make up for lost wages, physical or psychological trauma, and the cost of replacing your car.

Can you sue for whiplash?

You don’t always have to file a lawsuit to get a settlement payout for whiplash or another auto injury. The insurance company and your attorney may reach a suitable agreement. If they don’t, you may need to take the matter to court. A car wreck attorney can answer your questions about suing after a car accident.

What does an insurance adjuster do?

A lawyer will help you take the measures that are necessary to protect yourself if you’ve been injured in an auto wreck. You’ll need to document everything related to the accident.

Does insurance pay for a car that was damaged?

If you have collision coverage on your own vehicle and the crash was your fault, the insurance company will pay a certain amount to fix your car. If the cost to repair the damages is more than the value of your vehicle, the insurance company may consider your car totaled and give you a lump sum based on how much it’s worth.
