why does jem want to be a lawyer?

by Mr. Titus Gorczany DVM 3 min read

His father asks, "You want to be a lawyer don't you"(Lee 83). This quote shows that Jem wanted to be a lawyer and this fits with the diamond because lawyers need a sharp mind to be able to figure out how to win. Lawyers also try to leave no loose ends, and circles have no ends.

Why does Jem think I wanna be a lawyer?

I thought I wanted to be a lawyer but I ain't so sure now! Jem shouts this line after he is sure that Atticus won't be able to hear him. He is mad that Atticus got him to admit guilt using a lawyer's trickery.

Why does Jem say he doesn't want to be a lawyer anymore?

Why doesn't Jem want to be a lawyer anymore? Jem doesn't want to be a lawyer anymore because Atticus questioned him and he fell in his trick. Therefore, he got mad and told him he no longer wanted to be a lawyer.

What are Jem Finch goals?

Jem wants to be like Atticus, his father. He has made it clear he is going to study the law. He admires his father for his actions and his beliefs. He would rather do anything than disappoint Atticus.

Will Jem become a lawyer?

Scout's planning to visit Jem, her brother who stayed in Maycomb to help his father before he died of bone cancer. He never left; he lives in the same house when he and his sister were growing up. Without a doubt Jem followed in his father's footsteps and became a lawyer.

What page does Jem say I thought I wanted to be a lawyer but I ain't so sure now?

“I thought I wanted to be a lawyer but I ain't so sure now!” To Kill a Mockingbird, Chapter 5. Jem shouts this when he knows Atticus can't hear him. He is angry that Atticus got him to admit his guilt about making fun of Boo Radley by using a lawyer's tricks.

How does Jem react to the verdict?

Jem is convinced that the jury will acquit Tom Robinson after the evidence Atticus presented. After the verdict, Jem leaves the courtroom stunned, angry, and crying.

How did Jem lose his innocence?

For instance, before Atticus accepts Tom Robinson's trial, the reader's experience Jem losing a piece of his innocence with the realization that Boo is trapped inside the house like a prisoner.

What are Jems interests?

Like a lot of 10-year-old boys, Jem loves sports and wants to play football.

How does Jem change after the trial?

Jem matures as the novel progresses Jem begins to grow away from Scout and prefers to spend time on his own. He becomes moody and feels Scout should also start to mature and behave less like a tomboy and more like a young lady.

Why does Jem want to go back to get his pants?

Why is it important to Jem to go back and get his pants before morning, even though the mission is dangerous? He does not want Atticus to find out what he, Scout, and Dill were up to. More importantly, he does not want to lose his father's respect. He tells Scout, "Atticus ain't ever whipped me since I can remember.

Why is it so important to Jem to risk his safety?

Why was Jem willing to risk danger and ignore Scout's warning in order to retrieve his pants? Jem said he had never been whipped or punished by Atticus before. He thought that if Atticus caught him in the lie about his pants, he would be whipped for sure. He didn't want that.

What does the quote lawyers I suppose were children once mean?

There's a time-honored tradition of making fun of lawyers as not quite human (even Shakespeare got in on that fun). By reminding us that lawyers were children, too, Lamb (and Lee) is telling us that lawyers—like Boo, and like Tom Robinson—are human, just like the rest of us.

Why does Jem tell Atticus he doesn't want to be a lawyer?

This is probably not true, but Jem says it to demonstrate his frustration with Atticus' involvement in the kids' efforts to discover Boo Radley.

Why does Jem stop saying "to his father's face"?

So, he stops short of saying this to his father's face because he runs the risk of actually hurting his father's feelings, which Jem does not really want to do. He is just angry at the moment and this sentiment comes out as a result.

Who is the main influence on Jem?

Atticus is the main male influence on Jem so of course he looks up to him as a role model, and may want to follow his fathers practice, not unlike a lot of people in the age.

What does Jem mean by "to be like your parents"?

This refers to the idea of children wanting to be like their parents. In that age, children were so influenced by their parents, they had do to obey, help and give gratitude to them. This speech said by Jem mocks the relationship between him and Atticus, as he is joking but one day, he may become a lawyer just like his father.

What lesson does Jem learn from Atticus?

In this moment Jem recognizes a lesson that Atticus hoped to teach him. Jem realizes that there is value and meaning in fighting for something good even if losing the fight is inevitable.

Why does Jem shout this line?

Jem shouts this line after he is sure that Atticus won’t be able to hear him. He is mad that Atticus got him to admit guilt using a lawyer’s trickery. While Jem’s grudging acceptance that Atticus got the best of him is funny, the line also foreshadows Jem’s development over the course of the novel. Jem will ultimately realize ...

What happens to Jem in Tom Robinson's trial?

Especially as Tom Robinson’s trial approaches, Jem becomes both moodier and more of an adult. He insists on outing Dill, who ran away and came to the Finches’ home, to Atticus, and when he finds Atticus surrounded by a mob of angry men the night before the trial, he disobeys Atticus and refuses to leave.

Who does Jem find at recess?

At recess, Jem finds Scout, and Scout explains her predicament. Jem assures her that Miss Caroline is introducing... (full context)

What does Jem assure Scout?

Jem assures Scout that school gets better, especially in sixth grade. In October, they find white... (full context) Jem isn’t able to fix the watch but asks Scout if they should write a letter... (full context) Chapter 8.

Why does Jem steal Calpurnia's scissors?

Jem steals Calpurnia’s scissors daily so he can mime stabbing Dill in the leg, and the... (full context) Chapter 5. Scout nags Jem about their game and they stop playing it so much, though Jem does decide that... (full context) ...her bridgework (fake teeth), a gesture that makes them friends.

What does Scout argue with Jem about?

Scout... (full context) Scout runs on wobbly legs back to Jem and Dill and then argues with Jem about who should get the tire.

Who said "Mister Jem, we're mighty glad to have you all here"?

It was Zeebo , the garbage collector. “Mister Jem,” he said, “we're mighty glad to have you all here. Don't pay no 'tention to Lula, she's contentious because Reverend Sykes threatened to church her. She's a troublemaker from way back, got fancy ideas an' haughty ways—we're mighty glad to have you all.”.

Who broke Jem's arm in the movie?

He’s rightfully terrified when Mr. Ewell, the father of the plaintiff in Robinson’s case, begins terrorizing Atticus and others, which results in Jem breaking his arm on Halloween as he tries to fight off Mr. Ewell and protect Scout from harm.

Why is Jem mad?

Jem is mad because he was fooled by his father and his response was that he is not sure that he wants to be a lawyer but he was joking around.

What did Atticus say to Jem?

He waited a respectful distance from the front steps, watched Atticus leave the house and walk toward town. When Atticus was out of earshot Jem yelled after him" 'I thought I wanted to be a lawyer but I aint't so sure now!'" pg. 55

What grade is Jem in?

Jem is in the seventh grade in this chapter.

Where are Dill and Jem swimming?

Dill and Jem are swimming at Barker's Eddy.

Who led the discussion on Mrunas?

The Mrunas -- with the discussion led by Mrs. Merriweather.

Who helps Tom's little girls down the steps?

Atticus helps one of Tom's little girls down the steps.
