why does hale suggest that john needs a lawyer

by Cassandre Runolfsson 3 min read

Why do you think Hale wants Proctor to have a lawyer? He sees that the court can twist evidence and fears what will become of Proctor as he presents evidence that is counter to the court's beliefs. 24.

Why is hale so insistent that lawyers are brought into argue Proctor's case?

Why do you think Hale is so insistent that lawyers be brought in to argue Proctor's case? He wants to be absolutely sure that Mary Warren is telling the truth and that is can be proven in court without a doubt. He is the one who signs death warrants.

Why does Hale want John to lie?

His goal is to persuade the condemned prisoners to sign their names to false confessions. Hale has managed to convince himself that lying is a lesser evil than throwing away one's life for the sake of maintaining a spotless record of integrity.

What does Hale want John to do?

Hale thinks John should testify in court.

Why doesn't the court believe that Proctor needs a lawyer?

Danforth feels Hale is attacking his personal judgment and doesn't believe Proctor needs a lawyer if he is honest. What is contained in Mary Warren's deposition? Why are the other children who have cried out brought in? Mary Warren claims the girls are lying/pretending.

What does Hale want Proctor to confess?

why does hale want proctor to confess to witchcraft? to save proctor from execution.

Why does Reverend Hale want John to confess to witchcraft?

Why does Reverend Hale want Proctor to confess? Hale wants John Proctor to save John Proctor's life. You just studied 10 terms!

What does Hale ask John to do and why does he want him to do this?

They ask Elizabeth to speak with John and get him to confess to witchcraft. They want him to do this so they will not have to hang him (he will just stay in jail).

Who does Reverend Hale accuse?

Sadly, Mr. Hale's first actions in Salem do belie the taint of pride. When Abigail accuses Tituba (Reverend Parris's servant) of witchcraft, Mr. Hail at once regards the accusation as truth.

What does John Proctor say to Reverend Hale?

Proctor tells Hale that Abigail admitted to him that witchcraft was not responsible for the children's ailments. Hale asks Proctor to testify in court that Abigail is a fraud.

What does Hale suggest after the deposition is read?

The deposition states that she never saw the Devil and that the other girls are lying. Hale states that a lawyer should present Proctor's important claim. Hale and Danforth argue over this. After reading the deposition, Parris demands that the court allow him to question Mary Warren.

Why is Danforth insulted when Hale suggests that a lawyer should present Mary Warren's deposition?

Why is Danforth insulted when Hale suggests that a lawyer should present Mary Warren's deposition? Danforth is very confident that he can distinguish (or identify) fact (true) from fiction (not true). He's been doing this for 32 years. Danforth repeatedly says that the innocent have nothing to fear in a court of law.

How has Reverend Hale changed in Act 3?

How Does Hale Change In The Crucible. He accepts that the witch trials are not true. He wants to save everyone that is still alive and accused. Since he no longer believes in the witch trials, he tries to get the accused to lie.