why does danforth deny proctor the use of a lawyer?

by Clarissa Gaylord 8 min read

Why does Danforth not allow Proctor to obtain a lawyer? Answers 1. Proctor is told that his wife claims she is pregnant. 2. The court first assumed that Elizabeth was lying about pregnancy to avoid hanging. 3. Proctor tells Danforth that Elizabeth is incapable of telling a lie.

Why does Danforth not allow Proctor to obtain a lawyer? The evidence is invisible, and the lawyer would only bring in irrelevant evidence.

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Why does Danforth not allow Proctor to obtain a lawyer?

Oct 21, 2021 · Danforth is skeptical of the proof that Proctor and the others current to the courtroom as a result of it is not straightforward for him to understand. He thinks that nobody would falsely accuse one other. The one proof he wants is an accusation as a result of he consider witchcraft is an ‘invisible crime.

Should Proctor return to the court with a lawyer?

Apr 26, 2020 · Danforth is skeptical of the evidence that Proctor and the others present to the court because it isn't easy for him to comprehend. He thinks that no one would falsely accuse another. The only evidence he needs is an accusation …

Why does Hale suggest Proctor should get a lawyer?

Why does Danforth deny proctor the use of a lawyer? Why does Danforth not allow Proctor to obtain a lawyer? The evidence is invisible, and the lawyer would only bring in irrelevant evidence. How many people has Danforth sentenced to hang? And how many condemned to hang? (87) Near to 400 are in jail, and 72 condemned to hang.

Why do Danforth and Hathorne need legal protection from the court?

Why does Danforth not allow Proctor to obtain a lawyer? Answers 1. Proctor is told that his wife claims she is pregnant. 2. The court first assumed that …


What reason does Danforth give for not allowing John to be represented by a lawyer?

Hale advises Proctor to return to court with a lawyer to present such serious evidence. Why does Danforth not allow Proctor to obtain a lawyer to defend himself from Mary Warren's deposition? Danforth claims that the evidence against those accused is invisible and that a lawyer would only call extraneous witnesses.

What explanation does Danforth give for not needing lawyers at the trials?

Danforth does not want to have Proctor obtain a lawyer because the evidence is invisible (as there is only the victim and witch to listen to), and the lawyer would only bring in faulty evidence.

What does Danforth want Proctor to do and why won't he just agree to it?

Danforth wants John to sign a written confession that will be hung on the courthouse door. John refuses to do this because his names is everything to John. His name is important to the townspeople.

Why does Rev Hale insist that Danforth let Proctor and the others get lawyers?

Why do you think Hale wants Proctor to have a lawyer? He sees that the court can twist evidence and fears what will become of Proctor as he presents evidence that is counter to the court's beliefs.

What does Danforth tell Proctor to try to persuade him to drop his charges against the court and the girls?

Danforth and Hathorne are attempting to get Proctor to drop the charge that Mary Warren has lied by telling Proctor his wife is pregnant. ... They want him to drop the charge because if what Mary Warren is saying is true, then these reputable judges will look like absolute fools.

Why does Judge Danforth say that defense for the accused is unnecessary?

Danforth says witchcraft is an invisible crime, so the witch and the victim are the only real witnesses. That means only the victim is left for reliable testimony in court (since obviously the witch can't be trusted), so lawyers are unnecessary.Jun 3, 2016

Why doesn't Danforth want to pardon any of the accused?

Why won't Danforth pardon his prisoners? Because 12 others have already died for this reason and the village expects to see them. It was show a faltering in his law and authority to postpone the hangings. Why does Hale cry out "there is blood on my head!"

What deal does Danforth make with Proctor?

What deal does Danforth try to make with Proctor? Elizabeth is pregnant. Danforth says he will let Elizabeth live at least until the child is born if John will drop the charges. John refuses to do this.

Why does Proctor confess why will he not name names Why will he not let Danforth have his signed paper?

Why will he not let Danforth have his signed paper? Proctor confesses because he thinks it is the right thing to do. He will not name names because he does not want to implicate anyone else. He will not let Danforth have his signed paper because he wants to keep his good name.

Why does Danforth put so much faith in Elizabeth's testimony?

Danforth puts so much faith in Elizabeth's testimony because Elizabeth is known for not lying. There have been multiple occasions since the beginning of the play where someone has brought up the fact that Elizabeth never lies. Why would she lie now, when her husband's good name is on the line, as is her good name?

How does Judge Danforth describe the crime of witchcraft and how it is proven?

Danforth says that witchcraft is an invisible crime and that he can only off from the people accused and the victim. Giles brings to light Putnam's scheme to gather more land.

What does Danforth say about the crime of witchcraft?

Danforth tells Hale in Act III, Scene 2 that witchcraft is "an invisible crime," one without witnesses. As a result, once an individual stands accused of witchcraft, he or she is guilty.