why does a lawyer representing you for a car accident, have to know your education?

by Loy Farrell 10 min read

Why do I need a lawyer after a car accident?

During this consultation, the attorney will learn more about your car accident and your injuries and determine if they are willing to represent you. They want to know if you have a claim worth pursuing before committing to providing you their services. If you do have a claim, they can give you an estimate of what they think might be worth it.

How do insurance companies evaluate my injuries after a car accident?

Mar 20, 2021 · Accident Investigation. One of the key reasons you should hire an accident attorney is to investigate your accident. Have an Expert Handle Your Case. While you may feel that you know enough about the law to proceed on your own after an accident,a lawyer will know much ; An Attorney Can Represent You in Court. Hire a Car Accident Attorney Today.

What happens if the other driver is at fault in an accident?

Law Firm Website: https://www.warnkenlaw.com. Call (443) 921-1100. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Byron B. Warnken. Byron Warnken is a personal injury attorney in Maryland and the author of the website AccidentValues. His practice includes motor vehicle accidents, workers' compensation, and other serious injury matters.

What can a personal injury attorney do for me?


What does "let bygones be bygones" mean?

A fender bender accident occurs, the drivers get out, calmly speak to each other, wave goodbye, and go on their way. If you weren’t injured in the accident or had little to no property damage, this is a reasonably easy attitude to take. You may even take on that attitude if you have minor injuries. However, if your injuries are substantial and causing you ongoing problems, you need to take a different attitude, or you will be left covering the expenses on your own. If you genuinely believe that the accident and damages are no big deal, don’t waste your time or an attorney’s time seeking compensation from the at-fault driver.

Should I get a lawyer for a car accident?

Should I get a lawyer for a car accident that was my fault? If the car accident was your fault, you likely do not need a personal injury attorney. If you caused the accident and suffered injuries, your claim will not be against anyone else. In this case, your insurance company is responsible for providing you with an attorney and defending you. You will not be charged for this service as it is a benefit of carrying insurance. However, it is common for your carrier to raise your rates after a claim.

Do all personal injury law firms have the same marketing?

Take note that not all personal injury law firms are the same. Sometimes firms with the most aggressively advertising campaigns are nothing more than settlement mills. These firms rely mostly on advertising and are only willing to take a disproportionate amount of their cases to trial. There is a mill mentality when handling their claims, and their clients suffer because of it. With no referrals from previous customers, they turn to extensive marketing efforts to gain clients.

1. There is a Need to Collect Evidence to Prove Liability in the Crash

Collecting evidence about what happened in an accident is crucial to determining if a driver may have been negligent and who is therefore liable for the crash.

2. You Need Someone Skilled at Evaluating Damages and Determining the True Value of Your Injury

Once evidence is collected, it must be evaluated. Attorneys generally have many resources to build a case that the average person does not have. They include hiring medical experts to validate the seriousness of injuries and having accident reconstruction specialists to recreate the accident scene.

3. You Need Someone Who Can Dispute an At-Fault Driver Who Claims They are Not Responsible for the Accident

Sometimes a driver who is at fault in an accident will try to shift the blame and assert that it was not their negligence that caused the crash. A Slater & Zurz attorney will go over the evidence to determine exactly who was at fault. They will build a strong case on your behalf.

4. You Need Someone Knowledgeable About Ohio Law and How Insurance Policies Work

Slater & Zurz attorneys are familiar with Ohio personal injury law, Ohio insurance law and the defenses to negligence that are often presented. They know how to best mitigate these defenses and will file a lawsuit for you if necessary.

5. You Need Someone Knowledgeable about the Settlement Process

Insurance adjusters negotiate insurance settlements on a full-time basis. They fight for the best interests of the insurance company. Your Slater & Zurz attorney has considerable experience as a negotiator so you can obtain the compensation you deserve.

6. You Need Someone Who Can Offer You a Contingency Plan

Many times a personal injury victim has a big fight ahead and that fight will cost a considerable amount of money. Slater & Zurz accident lawyers have the necessary resources to fight your fight for you and they will offer you a “contingency plan” for payment of your legal bills.
