why do some lawyer cost more than others

by Jovani Runte 4 min read

Lawyers charge a lot of money because they can and people/businesses will pay. That said, not all lawyers charge a lot of money. Some practice poverty law or are young or for whatever reason keep their fees lower.

In general, you are going to get what you pay for. For someone that is in a high demand there is usually a reason for that. That person is recognized as having a good reputation, skilled at their craft and is going to command a higher price. That doesn't mean that someone who is charging a low rate is a bad lawyer.May 26, 2020

Full Answer

Why is it that lawyers get such a bad reputation?

Three main causes for the bad reputation of lawyers emerged from the 47 responses: 1) lawyers “cost shiploads” and “come across as leeches feeding off human suffering”; 2) ignorance of the law and legal ethics generates unfair stereotypes; and 3) lawyers are “smart arses” with “egos the size of Texas”.

Why do lawyers charge so much?

Why do lawyers cost so much? Attorneys can easily demand thousands of dollars and charge $200 or $300 per hour to take your case. Some charge upto 40% off the top of any settlement or verdict you get. So if you are injured in an accident, your lawyer may get almost half of everything you are entitled to.

Why are attorneys paid so low?

  • Medical malpractice, with an average salary of $267,000 .
  • Personal injury, with an average of $254,000.
  • Workers compensation with an average of $226,000.
  • Intellectual property, with an average of $224,000.
  • Business, with an average salary of $218,000 .

Why do you 'love' lawyers so much?

  • College & law school culture. ...
  • Law school itself is reasonably high stressed given the emphasis placed on finals and the implications for long term wages.
  • Perceived stress and work environment. ...
  • They can economically afford to in the short run.
  • Low emphasis and awareness of the mental health issues effecting lawyers. ...


Why do some lawyers charge so much?

There are several reasons why hourly rates for attorneys are so expensive: The educational expenses involved in becoming an attorney are enormous. Attorneys have to undergo a minimum of three additional years of post-graduate schooling after college in order to practice law. Law school is expensive.

What are most lawyer fees?

Throughout the United States, typical attorney fees usually range from about $100 an hour to $400 an hour. These hourly rates will increase with experience and practice area specialization.

What should you not say to a lawyer?

Five things not to say to a lawyer (if you want them to take you..."The Judge is biased against me" Is it possible that the Judge is "biased" against you? ... "Everyone is out to get me" ... "It's the principle that counts" ... "I don't have the money to pay you" ... Waiting until after the fact.

Can a lawyer ask for more money?

Despite this, lawyers often tell their clients they are entitled to a “bonus” over the agreed-upon fee because the matter has become more difficult than expected or because of an unexpectedly favorable result. It is common for such a lawyer to “negotiate” the increased fee in the middle of an engagement.

What's the difference between attorney and lawyer?

Attorney vs Lawyer: Comparing Definitions Lawyers are people who have gone to law school and often may have taken and passed the bar exam. Attorney has French origins, and stems from a word meaning to act on the behalf of others. The term attorney is an abbreviated form of the formal title 'attorney at law'.

Will a lawyer take a losing case?

If your case isn't winnable, no lawyer will want to waste your time, or the court's time, pursuing legal action. However, if you have a case where the facts and evidence are in question, but the damages you could recover are high, an attorney with extensive experience in cases like yours might take the case.

How do you know a bad lawyer?

Signs of a Bad LawyerBad Communicators. Communication is normal to have questions about your case. ... Not Upfront and Honest About Billing. Your attorney needs to make money, and billing for their services is how they earn a living. ... Not Confident. ... Unprofessional. ... Not Empathetic or Compassionate to Your Needs. ... Disrespectful.

How do I know if my lawyer is good?

So if you're curious, use these five quick ways to research whether your lawyer is legit:State Bar Profile. Every lawyer who is licensed to practice law in your home state must be listed in your state bar association's directory. ... Google / Search Engines. ... Yelp. ... The Attorney's Own Website. ... Third-Party Rating Groups.

Can lawyers lie to their clients?

In California, the Rules of Professional Conduct govern a lawyer's ethical duties. The law prohibits lawyers from engaging in dishonesty. Cal.

Why do lawyers often try to negotiate?

Information is Power — So Get It! Self-described “expert” lawyer-negotiators often enter negotiations with arguments intended to persuade the other side of the legitimacy of their positions. Unknowingly, they're giving up power from the first time they open their mouths.

How do you negotiate with a lawyer?

How to Negotiate With an AttorneyResearch First. Start by getting a basic understanding of the different ways that lawyers can charge you. ... Consider a Flat Fee. ... Consider an Hourly Fee. ... Consider a Contingency Fee. ... Ask for Fees in Writing. ... Cut the Extras. ... Look Outside Your Area. ... Explore Your Options and Find a Cheaper Attorney.More items...•

Why do lawyers ignore you?

If your attorney is not experienced or efficient, they may have missed a deadline or made another mistake and aren't willing to confess their error. There could also be some bad news that is entirely outside of the attorney's control.

Why do lawyers charge so much?

Lawyers charge a lot of money because they can and people/businesses will pay. That said, not all lawyers charge a lot of money. Some practice poverty law or are young or for whatever reason keep their fees lower. It’s unfair to say all lawyers charge a lot because not all of them do.

How much do lawyers charge per hour?

They often are really high. Legal work can take a lot of hours and some lawyers charge a lot per hour. It’s not unheard of for senior attorneys to charge $500 or more per hour these days. For most people, that seems like an astronomical amount of money.

Why do lawyers go to post secondary school?

Those reasons are set out below. 1. Need lots of education. In Canada and the USA, lawyers need to go to post-secondary school for years. It’s a long haul. Many go longer. Generally, the more education, the higher paying the job. That’s a big reason people get advanced jobs (not always, but some).

How long does it take to become a lawyer?

Law school is just the start. Practicing law requires learning an incredible amount of skills and knowledge. It takes approximately 10 years to become a skilled lawyer. Most lawyers continually hone their trade their entire career.

What does it mean to lose a criminal defence trial?

Helping people and businesses with legal issues can have serious outcomes. It’s a big stakes vocation. Losing a criminal defence trial means someone could go to jail. Corporate work involves billions of dollars. Divorces impact the lives of kids. Personal injury cases can make or break a victim’s future.

Is it cheap to run a law firm?

This is one thing they don’t tell you in law school and that is the business of practicing law. Running a law firm isn’t cheap. You have monthly overhead that must be paid every month. It’s expensive. Here are the minimal expenses most lawyers who run their own firms need to pay each month.

Why are lawyers so expensive?

Put simply, lawyers are so expensive because the financial and other costs of practicing law are enormous. Many of these costs are due to the onerous regulation of the profession. The costs of legal practice inevitably must be passed onto the legal consumer, ie the client.

Why are legal fees so high?

The main reason legal fees are so high is because it costs a lot of money to lawfully run and operate a law firm. Law firms incur all of the costs normally associated with operating an office (rent, wages, photocopy leases, furniture, power, stationary, paper, ink, tax etc). Inner city law firms pay massive amounts of rent and of course this cost gets passed onto you. Additionally, there are extra costs that law firms have to pay, mainly because the legal profession is so highly regulated.

What is the most demanding job?

Being a lawyer is one of the most demanding occupations. Lawyers have to negotiate competing demands placed on them by their clients, the courts, their employers, disciplinary bodies and their families. Some clients are difficult or have unrealistic expectations, and this ensures that they walk away unhappy with their lawyer, even when their lawyer has done an OK job.

How Much Does a Lawyer Cost?

If you're facing a legal issue, hiring a lawyer can be invaluable. Having an experienced attorney on your team can significantly impact the outcome of your case. The reality, however, is that hiring a lawyer can be expensive.

Typical Lawyer Cost Structures

There are four main lawyer cost structures that you may encounter when hiring an attorney. It is important to fully understand these fee arrangements to know precisely what you are expected to pay.

Factors that Impact Lawyer Costs

Several factors impact how much a lawyer will cost. The three most important factors are the type of legal work, the attorney's experience level, and the amount of work that the case will require.

What are Typical Attorney Fees

Throughout the United States, typical attorney fees usually range from about $100 an hour to $400 an hour. These hourly rates will increase with experience and practice area specialization.

How Much Does It Cost to Talk to A Lawyer?

The cost of talking to a lawyer varies and depends on how the individual lawyer chooses to bill their clients. Before hiring an attorney to take on your case, you will have a consultation.

Is Hiring a Lawyer Expensive?

Hiring a lawyer can be expensive. Lawyer costs will depend on the type and complexity of the legal issue at hand. When deciding whether to hire an attorney for your legal matter, you must weigh the importance of having an experienced attorney with the potential cost of that attorney.

Get Help with Hiring an Attorney

Do you need help with hiring an attorney for a project? If so, post a project in ContractsCounsel's marketplace to receive flat fee bids from experienced lawyers to handle your project. Our team vets all lawyers on the ContractsCounsel's platform to ensure you are provided with top-tier service.

Why is it important to understand the cost of a lawyer?

Understanding the cost of a lawyer before you enter into an agreement can help prevent unpleasant surprises or costs that you cannot afford. Some people might start working with an attorney, only to find that the fees are mounting dramatically.

What does it mean when a lawyer is not willing to discuss the costs with you?

If the lawyer is not willing to discuss the costs with you, it's a sign of poor client service.

What percentage of contingency fees are negotiable?

Courts may limit contingency fee percentages. The average ranges from 25 to 40 percent . Contingency fees may be negotiable. Referral fees: if a lawyer doesn't have a lot of experience with cases like yours, he or she may refer to you another lawyer who does.

What is flat fee lawyer?

Flat fee: a lawyer may offer a flat fee for a specific, simple, and well-defined legal case. Examples of cases eligible for flat fee billing include uncontested divorces, bankruptcy filings, immigration, trademarks , patents, and wills. Before agreeing to a flat fee, make sure you understand what is covered in the agreement.

Why do criminal cases require contingency fees?

Because a criminal case is often more intricate, pricing with contingency fees doesn't really make sense. Serious criminal cases often require multiple legal proceedings, such as the preliminary hearing, jury selection, trial, writs and appeals, and sentencing, so the process can take months.

What factors affect the hourly rate of a criminal lawyer?

A criminal lawyer's hourly rate will depend on multiple factors, which may include: The reputation of the lawyer and/or firm. The complexity of your criminal charges. The lawyer's level of experience. The location (hourly rates are typically higher in large cities)

What to do if you don't include attorney fees in estimate?

If these aren't included on the written estimate, make sure to ask. You might end up with a separate bill, unless your attorney absorbs the extra fees into the total bill. It's also important to make sure that the cost of the lawyer is worth the overall cost of the case and what you could recoup.

Why do lawyers get paid so much?

Lawyers are paid “so much” because demand exists for the valuable services they can perform, and the supply of services is limited. You should consider the value of legal services varies over a huge range. So, for example, attorneys at blue blood Wall Street firms who can enable clients to offer stock to the public, and highly skilled trial attorneys who can prepare cases and convincingly argue why their clients deserve compensation for injuries and damages suffered because of wrongdoing or negligence by large companies, and do so despite opposition from attorneys representing the same compani

Why do lawyers charge a lot?

Some lawyers are able to charge a lot for their services because they have specialized experience and don’t face a lot of competition, and a lot of money is at stake.

Why don't doctors give free care?

Other professions are the same way: doctors, for example, don’t give you free care and supplies if it turns out that your health doesn’t improve after a visit or procedure, nor do people expect this, because the doctor is expending time, effort, and resources in attempting to assist you. Lawyers are no different.

Do personal injury lawyers make bank?

Most personal injury attorneys are not making bank, but landing the right case and working on contingency can result in a massive pay day for a few. Furthermore, lawyers usually only get involved in disputes when the amount in controversy is sufficiently large to justify paying attorneys’ fees.

Do lawyers get paid when they lose?

Not all lawyers get paid when they lose—many take cases on a contingency fee basis, and so do not recover unless the client wins. This approach allows people of limited means the ability to pursue litigation they otherwise would not be able to, which is a “contribution to society” in most cases.

Do attorneys get paid?

Not all attorneys do get paid a lot of money. Attorneys go through years of schooling, bar exams, clerkships, internships and may have years of experience. You are paying for the knowledge of the court system, the law, and for the attorney’s judgment.

Do lawyers work for government?

Lots of lawyers work for government agencies for pay that is much lower than what doctors make and on a par with what engineers are paid. And with the job climate as it is (see below), those jobs are in great demand. It’s been an open secret for some years now that job prospects for law school grads is not good.

Why is it important to have more money as a lawyer?

Having more money can be wonderful, but there is more to life than just money. It is important to strike a balance between the competing interests while practicing or you won’t be able to enjoy the money you are earning.

How much does a lawyer make in 2019?

Like so many questions in the law, the answer is: It depends. The national average lawyer’s salary in 2019 was $144,230 per year. Obviously, there many attorneys who are making significantly more and many making significantly less.

Do attorneys make more money?

The Truth About Attorney Salaries. There is a perception that all attorneys are wealthy and make more money than they can possibly need. As a family law attorney, working at a small firm, I can tell you that I would love to make more money; however, the cost of higher pay is not worth it to me, and I love my firm.

What do you do when your spouse is a lawyer?

communicating with your spouse’s attorney (or directly with your self-represented spouse) and anyone else involved in the case. reviewing documents and performing research. discovery (such as requesting documents or other information and conducting depositions) drafting settlement agreements.

How long does it take for an attorney to bill you?

Attorneys generally bill you (usually increments of six to 15 minutes ) for everything they do in connection with your case, including: every communication you have with them (whether by phone, text, or email), from quick status phone calls to dealing with your email about who gets the Instapot.

Why does divorce take so long?

There are several reasons divorces can take a long time, including the number and type of contested issues, combative spouses (or attorneys), the amount of time needed to gather evidence about things like complex finances or custody issues, and whether you go to trial.

Do divorce attorneys charge by the hour?

Divorce attorneys almost always charge by the hour, rather than a flat fee, because every divorce case is unique. Even if your situation looks similar on the surface to another couple’s (a two-income household with two kids and a home owned together), it doesn’t mean your case will turn out the same way.

Can an attorney predict how much work will take?

Because of this, attorneys can’t predict how much work your case will take. However, our survey results on total costs (discussed below) can give you a general idea of what other people paid their lawyers overall, and how certain factors affected those fees.

Can a divorce judge order a spouse to pay for attorney fees?

Sharing Legal Fees in Divorces. In most states, family law judges may order one spouse to pay for part of the other spouse’s attorneys’ fees, especially when there’s a big difference in their incomes and one spouse needs the help in order to have an equal playing field.
