"why do i need a workers comp lawyer ?"

by Issac Hammes 4 min read

Four Reasons to Hire a Portland Oregon Workers Comp Lawyer

  • A Workers Comp Lawyer Will Protect Your Claim. Before I became a workers comp lawyer I thought workers compensation was straight forward and simple.
  • Offer expert advice and anticipate potential pitfalls. ...
  • Maximize Your Workers Compensation Benefits. ...
  • No Financial Risk Hiring A Workers Comp Lawyer. ...

Full Answer

Why do I need a workers'comp attorney?

A workers comp lawyer will protect your claim by offering expert advice. Also, the lawyer will often recognize problems before they happen. Workers compensation lawyers are experts. They know the laws. They know the pitfalls and traps. They have experience with hundreds of claims.

Should I hire a workers'compensation attorney after an injury?

Jan 09, 2018 · Why Do I Need a Workers’ Comp Lawyer? Your employer is obligated by law to provide free medical care if you were injured at work, plus weekly wage benefits until you can return to your job. So why should you seek legal counsel for a workplace accident or a …

Do I need an attorney for a workplace injury without an attorney?

If you were injured while working in D.C., Northern Virginia, or Maryland, you should contact an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer to help you protect your rights and beat the system that is working against you.

What is the purpose of workers'comp?

Nov 13, 2009 · An Attorney can advise you through the investigation process. Before the insurance companies pay workers' compensation benefits, they will want to make sure that your injury actually happened at work. For you to be entitled to benefits; the injury must have been one "by accident" and it must have occurred "in the course and scope of employment".


What is a workers comp attorney?

A knowledgeable workers' comp attorney is essential in cases involving permanent injuries or illness. You receive or plan to apply for Social Security disability benefits.

What to do if you can't agree on a settlement?

If you can't agree on a good settlement, an attorney can prepare for and represent you at the hearing or trial. Learn more about what a good workers' comp lawyer should do and what to look for in a workers' comp attorney.

Can you sue someone for work related injuries?

You were injured because of a third party's actions or your employer's serious misconduct conduct. The workers' comp system was designed to prevent civil lawsuits for work-related injuries. However, you are permitted to sue outside workers' comp in certain situations, including when someone other than your employer contributed to your injury ...

Can you represent yourself without an attorney?

When You Can Probably Represent Yourself. As a general rule, you may be able to get by without an attorney if all of the following statements are true: You suffered a minor workplace injury, such as a twisted ankle or a cut requiring a few stitches. Your employer admits that the injury happened at work.

Can an employer deny workers comp?

Your employer denies your claim or doesn't pay your benefits promptly. Employers and workers' comp insurers routinely reject bona fide workers' comp claims, confident that many workers will fail to appeal. Unfortunately, they're usually correct.

Why do you need an attorney for workers comp?

With that in mind, these are the top reasons for hiring an attorney. 1. Hire a Workers’ Comp Attorney to Evaluate the Claim .

What does a workers compensation attorney do?

An experienced workers’ compensation attorney will work to protect your rights. They are on your side, which means they are focused on what course of action is in your best interest. Employers want to protect themselves, and the insurance company wants to spend as little money as possible.

How to file a workers compensation claim?

A lawyer will do the following to help you get started with your claim: 1 Collect details of the incident and document everything 2 Ensure you see a medical care provider 3 Notify the employer 4 Help you navigate the required Independent Medical Examination (IME) to eliminate the possibility of your employer disputing your claim. 5 Respond to the employer or workers’ compensation insurance adjuster with requests for more information 6 Ensure all actions take place in a timely manner

Why is my workers comp claim denied?

One reason for denial is if you have a pre-existing condition in the area of the injury. A workers’ comp doctor may say all your pain is from the other condition and not from the injury , so the claim is denied. 6. An Attorney Can Negotiate a Settlement Offer.

Can you file a claim against a third party?

However, there is one situation where they may be able to file a claim against a third party . This situation occurs when someone other than the employer is at fault for the injury which occurred at work. You will most often see this situation when multiple vendors or contractors are working on the same job site.

Can you have a pre-existing condition?

You don’t have a pre-existing condition which can complicate matters. Although one or more of these scenarios might describe your situation, you may want to contact an attorney for a free evaluation. They can offer legal advice to warn you of possible complications that would require their services.

What to do if you get injured on the job?

If you’re injured on the job, your employer should get you medical attention immediately. Then, they should give you a comp form to complete. Your boss should send a claim to his or her insurance company.

How do adjusters work?

Adjusters work on behalf of the insurance companies, and their job is to save money on behalf of their employers. Adjusters will use the following tactics against you: 1 Close the case as soon as possible before you contact an attorney 2 Close the case before you realize the seriousness of your injuries 3 Put on a friendly face to lure you into a false sense of security 4 Lock you into an official statement 5 Pressure you into accepting the lowest settlement available

Can you go to trial for comp?

Your comp case could go to a civil trial, in which case an attorney will be invaluable. At trial, you must present your case to a jury to get the compensation you deserve.
