why do i need a lawyer to help fight my traffic ticket

by Penelope Bashirian 5 min read

Drivers With Lots of Tickets
Getting multiple tickets within a short period of time can lead to license suspension. For drivers who are in this situation, beating a ticket could make all the difference. And to increase the chances of winning in traffic court, hiring an attorney might be the way to go.

They Know How to Get Out of It

When you get a traffic ticket, your first instinct isn’t likely how to find a mistake on the ticket or how to prove that you didn’t do whatever the...

Traffic Lawyers Can Get Your Ticket Reduced

Let’s say that there are no mistakes on your traffic ticket, and it turns out that there is no way for you to get out of your traffic ticket. Hopef...

Traffic Attorneys Fight For Your Rights

You most likely don’t know what rights you have as a driver in the state of Virginia. However, your lawyer knows just about everything there is to...

It’S Probably Less Expensive Than You Think

When most people hear the word “lawyer”, they usually think of something that’s way too expensive for them to even consider. While this may be true...

Prosecutors Are More Intimidated by Experienced Traffic Lawyers

People who represent themselves likely aren’t going to scare the prosecutors. It’s pretty understandable, considering that most people aren’t going...

It Can Change The Judge’S View of You

It makes sense that people who are innocent are likely to be innocent. Most people who know they have done what the tickets says they did are eithe...

Fighting A Ticket

  • In some states, you might get the option of fighting a ticket in writing. For example, California has a procedure called “trail by writing declaration,” which is the following procedure. Vehicle Code section 40902 allows a defendant to challenge traffic infraction citations in writing, without having to appear in person at court. Trails by written declaration are only available in cases involving br…
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Great News?

  • Another great news is that in some states, you can skip the part where you have to go to court for a moving violation by paying a citation within a certain period of time. Usually, that certain period of time is between 21 or 30 days. But as life taught us, everything that sounds amazing at first has its drawbacks. If you pay a ticket without going to court, you will be admitting being guilty of the …
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First, Comes The Arraignment

  • Continuing on with the traffic ticket process, suppose you made a decision of handling your ticket in court. The first day in court is called an arraignment. At the arraignment, you usually have two choices: admit to the traffic violation or plead “not guilty.” By admitting fault, you may get a reduction on the fine of your traffic ticket. You admi...
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Then, Comes The Trial

  • If you proceed to the trial, here is what happens. As you know, in most criminal cases, you have the right to a state-appointed attorney if you can’t afford to hire your own lawyer. But it is not the same here. You don’t get fancy privileges in the traffic ticket process. You have two choices: represent yourself or hire a private attorney. Then it is the time for the standard of proof. At trial, …
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