why did the lawyer cross the road

by Ms. Marielle Zulauf IV 4 min read

Why did the lawyer cross the road? A. To chase the ambulance on the other side.

Full Answer

Why did the chicken cross the road?

When we cross the road to federal court, there is no such exemption for any of the persons listed in the Tennessee statute. In an unreported 2006 case, the Western District of Tennessee stated, “The court is unaware of any authority that holds that [T.C.A. § 24-9-101] prohibits a party from issuing a trial subpoena to a physician under the

What did the boy cross the road to say?

Mar 02, 2012 · As website RollOnFriday reported, the Morning Post said “Mr Justice Li cited the case of a client who asked his lawyer for a breakdown of his bill. The itemised account included a charge for ‘recognising you in the street and crossing the busy road to talk to you to discuss your affairs, and recrossing the road after discovering it was not you’.”

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Jun 08, 2007 · Mr Justice Li cited the case of a client who asked his lawyer for a breakdown of his bill. The itemised account included a charge for …

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Why did the lawyer cross the road? By GWS Law on Oct 21, 2011 | 0 comments. I’m grateful to Kerry Underwood for the, possibly, apocryphal story of the solicitor’s bill that contained the following entry: ... “To crossing the road to say ‘Hello’ to you and to crossing back again when I realised that it was not you.” ...


John Schedler

It was so cold last winter that I saw a lawyer with his hands in his own pockets.

Tim Clark

Every profession has individuals that earn the public’s dislike. Many professions have earned it much more so than lawyers. Insurance industry, Wall Street, venture capitalists all come to mind. I like the push back on lawyer jokes and think it is about time.

Why did the chicken cross the road?

There are numerous funny jokes about why did the chicken cross the road. I decided to complete list of funny answers and jokes on this topic around the internet. I’m sure you’ll have some great fun reading it. Here’s a funny video to answer the question.

User submitted funny answers

Here are some of the interesting funny answers submitted by users in comments to why chicken crossed the road.
