why becoming a lawyer

by Owen Bins 10 min read

  1. The Ability to Help Others. Many lawyers join the legal profession because they want the chance to help make the world a better place.
  2. Flexibility. One of the best perks of being a lawyer is the flexibility it affords, in many different areas. ...
  3. Transferable Skills. Although the costs, in both time and money, of going to law school are high, once you receive your legal qualifications you will always have that knowledge.
  4. Earning Potential. If you’re looking for a well-paid and solid career choice, joining the legal industry might be the right choice.
  5. The Intellectual Challenge. Anyone wanting a career that will continually see them stretching themselves intellectually should consider becoming a lawyer.

Why does it take so long to become a lawyer?

This will take a number of months, depending on how clean your background is. So generally, you’ll take 7 to 8 years to become a lawyer in the USA. 8 years, if you add the additional months for practicing for the bar exams and passing your State’s Bar Association’s character and fitness review.

Why do I have chosen to become a lawyer?

  • Opportunity to Help Others. Furtherance of public good and ensuring justice and fair treatment to all and sundry in the society by duly helping individuals, groups and organizations with their ...
  • Knowledge of the law. ...
  • Command over speech. ...

What to know before becoming a lawyer?

The woman told Arthur she had uterine cancer. Before long, they were discussing what her funeral could look like, the family she'd leave behind, and all the things she wanted to do before she died.

Why did you decide to become a lawyer?

One of the most interesting incentives to pursue a career in law is the experience of networking since the student age for diverse range of work and research and thereby expanding horizon by leaps and bounds. Lawyers meet people from diverse backgrounds, from almost every field of life.


What are good reasons to want to be a lawyer?

The Top 8 Reasons to Become a LawyerEarning Potential. ... The Prestige. ... An Opportunity to Help Others. ... The Intellectual Challenge. ... Diverse Practice Areas. ... Work Environments and Perks. ... Transferable Skills. ... Global Influence.

Why am I becoming a lawyer?

I will help people. Becoming a lawyer means learning how to negotiate with and manage people. The Carnegie Institute says that while 13% of financial success relates to technical skills, 87% is based on three factors: (1) personality, (2) ability to negotiate, (3) ability to manage people.

Why did you choose law as a career answer?

The work that you do will be personally satisfying and intellectually stimulating, besides being financially rewarding. You need not just work for others or any company, but could set up your own practice. In Law, over the years, you develop marketable skills.

1. Professional fulfillment

Due to the nature of their careers, lawyers have the unique opportunity to help others and make a difference in their lives. Even more, through their day-to-day role of offering legal services in a diverse array of environments, lawyers can typically challenge themselves intellectually.

2. Salary potential

Lawyers have the potential to earn high rates of compensation by offering their expertise and services. The national average salary for a lawyer is $73,998 per year, and these professionals commonly earn employer-sponsored benefits like health, dental and vision insurance, paid time off (PTO), retirement plan options and parental leave.

3. Specialization options

There are many specialization options available to lawyers. These professionals can pursue broad fields of law or concentrate their work in a niche area. For example, lawyers may work in specialty areas such as criminal or civil law, employment and labor law, family law, entertainment law or corporate law.

4. Advancement options

The legal field can offer professionals various opportunities for advancement throughout their careers. Not only are there many options for advancement within particular law firms—such as the move from associate to partner—but lawyers can pursue other types of work as they grow as professionals.

5. Job outlook

Lawyers generally enjoy positive employment prospects, as these professionals are typically in-demand and can work in a variety of environments. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the employment of lawyers may increase by 9% between 2020 and 2030, resulting in the addition of approximately 71,500 jobs in this field.

6. Work environment and accommodations

Lawyers have the option to work in many environments depending on their professional interests and needs. Lawyers can typically find roles at law firms, government agencies, companies and nonprofit organizations, but may also find unique roles at other organizations seeking legal services.

7. Prestige and influence

Working as a lawyer can offer professionals a distinct level of prestige and status in their communities. This prestige can earn lawyers professional recognition and afford them a certain amount of influence.

How to answer why you want to become a lawyer?

You can answer this question by following the steps below to highlight your strengths and make a great impression on the interviewer: 1. Focus on your strengths and skills. Give examples of your strongest skills that make you successful as a lawyer. For instance, your ability to communicate ...

What are some examples of skills that make you successful as a lawyer?

For instance, your ability to communicate persuasively, your attention to detail and your compassion towards your clients are strengths that you can have as a lawyer that make you successful at doing your job. Your pride in your skills and expertise can show the interviewer how motivated you are to succeed in the career.

What do you want to know about practicing law?

The interviewer will likely want to see that your core values and philosophy about practicing law connects with the job responsibilities and their firm's mission and values. Describe the character traits you feel you have developed as a lawyer and how these traits helped shape the values you have today. Then, relate these values to what you know about the company and the clients it serves.

What does it mean to interview for a lawyer?

Interviewing for a position as a lawyer means you'll likely encounter several different types of questions that will help the interviewer get to know you, assess your skills and compare your qualifications with what they're looking for.

What does a lawyer do?

Lawyers solve people's problems for them. For example, a client may say that they want to buy a particular business but are unsure what steps they need to take. We help them achieve that goal by working out the best way to buy that business and then help them do it.

What does it mean to work in law?

Working in the law means that you will deal with people. It is a client-facing industry and you will have to liaise with clients on the telephone, in meetings, via email and at events. This may not appeal to everyone but a good firm will make sure that you are comfortable.

How do lawyers affect society?

Lawyers are always in a position different from others, to affect the society in terms of great impact by being thought leaders and agents of change. They can make or break the society, bring about huge changes and hold influential positions in the ruling body of a state, i.e. the Government. Accordingly, lawyers are able to influence ...

What is the topmost incentive to become a lawyer?

Thus it can be considered to be the topmost incentive to become a lawyer. Prestige. Law as a career has proved to be a seal of prestige and reputation over generations and time immemorial. Impressive and highly qualified degrees obtained at the end of the courses; a general notion of authority over the others have brought lawyers under ...

Why is it important to fulfill work and satisfaction of the same?

Fulfilment of work and satisfaction of the same is something that makes law as a career starkly different and better than other career options. Additionally, variety of work experience and field to work on is another important incentive that plays an essential role. Each day is filled with something new and interesting.

Is law a career?

Law as a career is nothing short of an extraordinary and exciting endeavour. It is no doubt that successfully becoming a lawyer requires enormous time commitment and financial investment. Adding to that, dealing with long working hours and cranky clients become common daily activities and a part of life.

What do lawyers learn?

Through working on cases, you'll research past cases, learn about obscure laws and get to know the intricacies of you specialization.

What do lawyers specialize in?

Most lawyers choose to specialize in one area of law. Your options range from personal injury to real estate law, and whatever specialization you choose, you'll have the chance to learn a lot about that industry. Even within a single specialty, your day-to-day tasks will vary significantly, which keeps your life at work interesting.

How much do lawyers make in 2016?

2016 Salary Information for Lawyers. Lawyers earned a median annual salary of $118,160 in 2016, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. On the low end, lawyers earned a 25th percentile salary of $77,580, meaning 75 percent earned more than this amount. The 75th percentile salary is $176,580, meaning 25 percent earn more.

What happens when you work with clients?

As you work with clients, you'll start to network, which not only expands your business, but also leads to perks in other parts of your life. If you need a reliable contractor, a client can recommend one, for example, or your client may be a foodie who tips you off to a great place to eat in your neighborhood.

What does it mean to work for yourself?

When you work for yourself, you get to play by your rules, and although being a business owner is a lot of work, it is rewarding to know that you're putting money into your own pocket, not the pockets of those who own the law firm where you work.

What is the job growth rate in the legal industry?

Job growth in the legal industry is expected to be at about 13 percent between 2008 and 2018, which is average when considering job growth across all industries. When working for a law firm, your job is very secure as long as you're a good employee, which is not something that can be said for many markets, especially when the economy is bad. People will always need lawyers, and job growth will be even faster than average in some legal areas, such as health care and environmental law.

Can a lawyer be concentrated in one area?

Mobility. Lawyers are not concentrated in one area of the United States. They're also not concentrated only in cities; rural lawyers are needed, too. This means that you can pick and choose where you want to live as a lawyer.

What do you like about being an attorney?

You might enjoy being an attorney if you like logic puzzles, research, and critical thinking. If logical reasoning doesn't come naturally, you can still develop those skills over time. You might take classes in logic or pick up logic puzzles to hone your skills.

What are the skills required to practice law?

Logical reasoning and critical-thinking skills are essential to the practice of law. Analytical skills are necessary for all practice areas, whether you're structuring a multi-million-dollar deal or developing a trial strategy. You might enjoy being an attorney if you like logic puzzles, research, and critical thinking.

How many hours do lawyers work?

This isn't a requirement for all lawyers, but some value-conscious clients might expect you to be accessible around the clock. Most lawyers work full time, and many work more than 40 hours per week. 9  Lawyers who work in public interest venues and academia might have more forgiving schedules, but they often trade high salaries for a better work-life balance.

What professions can you choose after your name?

You can choose from a variety of specialties, including corporate law, tax law, entertainment law, and criminal law.
