who was married to taiwan lawyer

by Mr. Shad Toy Sr. 10 min read

What is the marriage law in Taiwan?

Marriage & Divorce in Taiwan. Taiwan law regarding marriage is very simple. Effective May 23, 2008, registration of a marriage at the Household Registration Bureau Office (HHR) constitutes a performed marriage. The date of the registration at this office is the effective date of the marriage. The HHR Office’s printed record of the marriage ...

Is Taiwan the first country in Asia to perform same-sex marriage?

Section 1. Betrothal. Article 972 An agreement to marry shall be made by the male and the female parties in their own [con]cord. Article 973 A male who has not reached his seventeenth year of age and a female her fifteenth [ma]y not make an agreement to marry. Article 974 Where a minor makes an agreement to marry, he shall obtain the consent of ...

How do I get married in Taiwan from the US?

Jul 05, 2019 · When Taiwan passed a law allowing same-sex couples to marry, crowds in Taipei erupted into cheers, chanting: “First in Asia”. For those watching from …

Did two Buddhist brides wed in Taiwan?

Getting married in Taiwan is relatively straightforward, unless you are British—applying for residency based on marriage to a local is also not difficult. It is easy for two foreign nationals or a foreign national and a Taiwanese national to get married in …


When is the remainder of a marriage counted?

Article 1030-4 The value of the remainder of the property by the husband or the wife acquired in marriage shall be counted at the termination of the relationship over the statutory regime; however if the relationship is terminated by a juridical decree of divorce, it shall be count at the commencement of the action.

Who is jointly liable for debts incurred by the expenses of the preceding paragraph?

The husband and the wife will be jointly liable for debts incurred by the expenses of the preceding paragraph. Article 1004The husband and the wife may, before or after getting married, adopt by contract one of the contractual regimes provided by this Code as their matrimonial property regime.

What is Article 999-1?

Article 999-1 The provisions in Article 1057 and Article 1058 shall be applicable mutatis mutandis to invalid marriage. The provisions in Article 1055, Article 1055-1, Article 1055-2, Article 1057 and Article 1058 shall be applicable mutatis mutandis to annulled marriage. Section 3. Efficacy of Marriage.

What is common property?

The common property was caused during the continuance of the community of property regime, each of the husband and the wife acquires a half of the property, unless otherwise provided for by contract. Article 1041 The husband and the wife may agree by contract that the common property shall consist only of labor income.

What is the meaning of Article 980?

Article 980 A man who has not completed his eighteenth year of age and a woman her sixteenth may not conclude a marriage. Article 981 A minor must have the consent of his statutory agent for concluding a marriage. Article 982 A marriage must be celebrated by open ceremony and in the presence of two or more witnesses.

Can a guardian marry a ward?

Article 984 A guardian may not marry his ward during the continuance of guardianship, unless consent of the ward's parents has been obtained. Article 985 A person who has a spouse may not contract another marriage. A person shall not marry with two or more persons simultaneously. Article 986 (Repealed)

Can you marry two people at once?

A person shall not marry with two or more persons simultaneously. Article 986 (Repealed) Article 987 (Repealed) Article 988 A marriage is void in any of the following cases: (1) Where it dose not conform to the form provided by Article 982.

What is the first stage of marriage in Taiwan?

The first stage, the official marriage itself, is relatively straightforward, and essentially follows the same requirements outlined above for marriage between two foreign nationals. The second stage is that of obtaining residency based on your new status as the spouse of a Taiwanese national, a process that is a little more involved.

What is a copy of a marriage certificate?

A copy of the spouse’s Household Registration (an official document that records births, deaths, marriages, divorces, and adoptions within one household) A copy of the marriage certificate. A health check certificate issued by an authorised hospital or clinic.

What is JFRV in immigration?

Once you are officially married, you will need to provide a number of documents in order to obtain the Joining Family Resident Visa (JFRV), a document that entitles you to apply for an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) and undertake paid employment in the country.

Where can I get a criminal record check?

The criminal record check can be obtained from law enforcement authorities in your home country , so US citizens will need one from the FBI. Previously state police certificates would be accepted in Taiwan, but a recent change means that only FBI certificates are allowed.

Can a foreigner marry a Taiwanese?

It is easy for two foreign nationals or a foreign national and a Taiwanese national to get married in Taiwan. Just a few simple steps must be followed. Regardless of nationality, both parties have to prove that they are legally free to marry and have at least two witnesses over twenty years of age present when the marriage is performed in an open ...

Can UK citizens get married in Taiwan?

Because of the Certificate of No Impediment required to proceed (see next section ), UK citizens may find it difficult to get married in Taiwan. This is down to the hassle of obtaining such confirmation from the UK Registry Office while overseas.

Can a US citizen get a sworn statement of single status in Taiwan?

The Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs must then authenticate this document. (Since there is no federal marriage office in the US to verify status, Taiwan authorities will accept a sworn statement of single status from US citizens.) A couple can take these documents and their passports to the Bureau of Consular Affairs.

When did Taiwan legalize same sex marriage?

In July 2016, several Taiwanese legislators announced that they would introduce a same-sex marriage bill in Parliament by the end of 2016. On 25 October 2016, about a dozen legislators submitted a bill to legalize same-sex marriage in Taiwan.

How many Taiwanese support same sex marriage?

A survey by the Department of Gender Equity of the Executive Yuan conducted in May 2021 showed that 60.4% of Taiwanese people supported same-sex marriage. 67.2% supported same-sex couples having the right to adopt children, and 72.2% believed gay couples can be as good parents as straight couples.

Why was the same sex marriage bill not passed?

In 2003, the Executive Yuan proposed legislation granting marriages to same-sex couples, but the bill was rejected in 2006 and was not passed into law because of majority opposition from legislators, which included both members of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and the Kuomintang (KMT).

When did Taipei start accepting same sex couples?

New Taipei opened registration for same-sex couples on 1 February 2016. On 23 February 2016, Mayor Twu Shiing-jer announced that Chiayi City would be following suit on 1 March 2016. Chiayi City became the first of the three provincial cities of Taiwan to recognize same-sex couples.

How many signatures are needed for same sex marriage?

In February 2018, a group opposed to same-sex marriage, the Alliance for Next Generation's Happiness, proposed holding a referendum on the issue of same-sex marriage, which required collecting about 280,000 signatures (1.5% of eligible voters) for the initiative to be presented to the voters.

What percentage of Taiwanese believe homosexuality is acceptable?

A poll of 6,439 Taiwanese adults released in April 2006 by the National Union of Taiwan Women's Association /Constitutional Reform Alliance found that 75% believed that homosexual relationships were acceptable, while 25% thought they were unacceptable.

When was the marriage bill moved to second reading?

On 5 March, the bill was moved to the second reading in a 59–24 vote. On 14 March, the Legislative Yuan voted to send a draft bill that would limit the use of the words "marriage" and "spouse" to heterosexual couples to a second reading, where the bill would be reviewed together with same-sex marriage bill.

When did the Taipei couple get married?

After a third divorce, on May 11, they got married for the fourth time, on May 12. It was all a plot to take advantage of the self-governing island’s time-off policy for couples who get married — eight days of leave — the man’s employer, a bank in Taipei, said in public records. The bank refused to approve the man’s application for paid time ...

When did marriage leave start in Taiwan?

Marriage leave was introduced in Taiwan as part of other employment benefits, such as public holidays and paid time off for illness and bereavement, when the island’s labor laws were established in 1984, according to Chiou Jiunn-yann, a professor specializing in labor law at the Chinese Culture University in Taiwan.

How many days of parental leave do you get in Taiwan?

In comparison to the marriage leave, workers get five days of parental leave. “The worker is entitled to leave if he remarries,” said Chen Kun-Hung, the chief labor standards official in the Taipei City government.

Why do people take marriage leave in Taiwan?

Marriage leave was introduced in Taiwan as part of other employment benefits, such as public holidays and paid time off for illness and bereavement.

How many working days does Malta have?

Malta provides two working days. Vietnam allows three days for one’s own marriage and one day for the wedding of a child. In China, the duration of leave varies by region; most offer at least three days, but Shanxi Province allows 30 days.

When did the bank employee wed his partner?

Credit... In Taiwan, one of the few places in the world to offer marriage leave to couples heading to the altar, a bank employee wed his partner on April 6, 2020. They got divorced days later, on April 16. Then they remarried the following day.

Who called on public servants not to lose sight of common sense?

In a statement, Ms. Chen, the labor official, called on public servants not to lose sight of common sense. “Even though my colleagues had seriously studied the labor laws, they had not reached a breakthrough as to whether the bank employee abused his rights.”.


The Taipei District Court ruled on Tuesday (2006) that Emily Juan, a two-and-half-year-old girl at the center of a custody battle, cannot leave Taiwan until the case is retried in a local court, after her mother Juan Mei-fen requested a preliminary injunction to stop Emily's American biological father from taking her back to the United States. Juan said that she was also planning to file other lawsuits against Emily's father, Cary Sartin, for "falsely accusing" Juan of seizing their daughter's Republic of China passport.


In 1996, Taiwan adopted the best interests of the child standard to substitute for the presumption of paternal custody. It appears that cultural and social circumstances may significantly influence judges' explanations of what is best for the child.

When did Taiwan become a martial law state?

Martial Law State, 1949–1987. The KMT-headed ROC central government moved to Taiwan in December 1949 followed by a large number of Chinese immigrants who eventually accounted for about 13 percent of Taiwan's entire population.

What is the modern meaning of the court in Taiwan?

This law was applied to Taiwan. During Japanese rule, the court in the modern sense, which means the judicial power is independent from the administrative power , was created for the first time in Taiwanese history.

What are the Articles of the Constitution of the Republic of China?

Articles 35–52 of the Constitution of the Republic of China and Article 2 of the Additional Articles of the Constitution of the Republic of China state that the President shall be directly elected by the entire populace of the free area of the Republic of China, and may hold office for no more than two consecutive four-year terms (Article 2 of the Additional Articles). The President represents the country in its foreign relations (Article 35). The President also has command of the armed forces (Article 36); promulgates laws and mandates (Article 37); may make a declaration of martial law with the approval of, or subject to confirmation by, the Legislative Yuan (Article 39); may appoint and remove civil servants and military officers (Article 41); may confer honors and decorations (Article 42); may grant amnesties and pardons, remission of sentences, and restitution of civil rights (Article 40); as well as conclude treaties and declarations of war and cease-fire (Article 38). According to the Additional Articles of the Constitution of the Republic of China, the President may issue emergency orders and take all necessary measures to avert imminent danger affecting the security of the State or of the people or to cope with any serious financial or economic crisis. The President may declare the dissolution of the Legislative Yuan after consulting with its president.

How many grand justices are there in the Yuan?

The Judicial Yuan shall have 15 grand justices (Additional Article 5). The 15 grand justices, including a president and a vice president of the Judicial Yuan to be selected from amongst them, shall be nominated and, with the consent of the Legislative Yuan, appointed by the President of the Republic.

How many high courts are there in China?

There are two High Courts in the Republic of China, the Taiwan High Court (臺灣高等法院) and the Fuchien High Court (福建高等法院). The Taiwan High Court has four branches in Taichung, Tainan, Kaohsiung, and Hualien.

What were the laws of China?

After the Kuomintang consolidated its rule over China in Northern Expedition, the Nationalist government succeeded in codifying all the major civil, criminal, and commercial laws of China: the Criminal Code (1928), the Code of Criminal Procedure (1928), the Civil Code (1929), the Code of Civil Procedure (1929), the Insurance Law (1929), the Company Law (1929), the Maritime Law (1929), the Negotiable Instruments Law (1929), Bankruptcy Law (1935), and the Trademark Law (1936) . The laws enacted by the KMT were largely based on drafts formed during the late Qing dynasty. At the end of Qing Dynasty, the government has recruited some Japanese law experts to draft the law for China. Tokyo High Court judge Yoshimasa Matsuoka (松岡義正) (1870-1939) has drafted the first 3 Chapters (General Provision, Law of Obligation Law of Real Property) of the Civil Code, as well as the Code for Civil Procedure, for the Qing Empire. Professor Koutarou Shida (志田 鉀太郎) (1868-1951) drafted the Commercial Law. However, before these draft bills being enacted, the Qing Empire was overthrown, with China descending into warlordism for the ensuring decade.

What amendments did Taiwan use?

In the area of constitutional law, the Taiwan uses the 2005 Additional Articles which amend the original 1947 Constitution. Significant changes have been made to take into account the fact that the Government of the Republic of China only controls Taiwan and surrounding islands since the 1950s.
